
ResultSet is a interface
More gnerally,ResultSet is a class involves a table returned by executeQuery cluase from jdbc,which includes the whole information we wanna get from our query,however if we want to retrive these info in java applet ,jdbc provides us a cursor.Let's see how Java API explain it
After reading this explanation , we can understand the meaning of whlie (rs.next()) {...}
In the while loop,we use cursor to access each row,but here comes the problem:how could we convert the underlying data in the set pointed by cursor to Java type?Here are the explanation from Java API:
We must provide a parameter to getter methods we invoke,which stands for the column that we wanna get information from.As for the parameter,API also give us some details about it.Let's take a look at it:
The last thing I think that our attention should be paid to is that the lifecycle of the ResultSet
posted @ 2016-04-10 20:53  Miller_S  阅读(367)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报