虽然这个不一定有人看到, 但是还要写一下。博客转移至更自由的独立博客http://imluxin.com博客会记录自己的生活和工作学习中的点滴欢迎大家前来路过 阅读全文
You can disable specific dates with the jQuery Datepicker using the beforeShowDay event.var unavailableDates = ["9-5-2011","14-5-2011","15-5-2011"]; function unavailable(date) { dmy = date.getDate() + "-" + (date.getMonth()+1) + "-" + date.getFullYea 阅读全文
Custom 400 page:In config/settings.yml,all:.actions: error_404_module: error error_404_action: 404Then when a page is not found, it will forward to "<your_domain>/error/404".Custom 500 page:1. Create "error" folder under "config"2. create "error.html.php" 阅读全文
Most of my web application have some kind of hierarchical structure in their models. It gives my users the ability to categorize their data in a pleasant way. The only problem is that its hard to create a user interface for editing these hierarchies. I made a prototype which adds nested set support 阅读全文
From:http://css-tricks.com/perfect-full-page-background-image/Image above credited tothis site.This post was originally published on August 21, 2009 and is now being being republished as it has beenentirely revised. Both original methods are removed and now replaced by four new methods.The goal here 阅读全文
In looking at the "Web Forms : input placeholder" section ofHTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills, one I saw wasjQuery-html5-placeholder.I tried thedemoout with IE9, and it looks like it wraps your<input>with a span and overlays a label with the placeholder text.<label>Text: <spanst 阅读全文
<?php$order_item = Array ( 0 => Array ( 'order_id' => 1111 ,'item_id' => 1, 'pro_id' => 1, 'pro_name' => 1111 ,'buy_num' => 5), 1 => Array ( 'order_id' => 1111 ,'item_id' => 2 ,'pro_id' => 2 ,'pro_na 阅读全文
From:http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/linking/linking_famsupp_72.htmlWe'll begin the tutorial by creating a basic popup window. The technique described here addresses all the major issues in popups. The popup always comes to the front. Different links can target the same popup. The code is simple 阅读全文
From:http://www.mathachew.com/sandbox/jquery-autotab/Autotab: jQuery auto-tabbing and filter pluginAutotab is a jQuery plugin that provides auto-tabbing and filtering on text fields in a form. Once the maximum number of characters has been reached within a defined text fields, the focus is automatic 阅读全文
$mailFrom = GrapheConfig::get('app_admin_email'); $mailTo = $request->getParameter('email'); $mailSubject = 'Merci pour votre pré-inscription!'; /*$view = new sfPartialView($this->getContext(), $this->getModuleName(), $this->getActionName(), 'confi... 阅读全文
We've updated our popular Date Range Picker plugin to use jQuery UI 1.7 and the new jQuery UI CSS Framework. This plugin wraps the jQuery UI datepicker into an interactive component specifically designed for choosing date ranges. It is an update from aprevious versionwe wrote for jQuery UI 1.5.3 阅读全文
[Note: Have you already pre-ordered your copy of ourPrinted Smashing Book #3? The book is a professional guide on how to redesign websites and it also introduces a whole new mindset for progressive Web design, written by experts for you.]1. What are Regular ExpressionsThe main purpose of regular exp 阅读全文
<?phppublicfunctioncountryArray(){returnarray('AF'=>'Afghanistan','AL'=>'Albania','DZ'=>'Algeria','AS'=>'AmericanSamoa','AD'=>'Andorra','AO'=>'Angola','AI'=>'Anguilla 阅读全文
Such jQuery call won’t work:12 $('#formId').reset(); // error: $("#formId").reset() is not a functionAs thetutorial shows(yes, I never read manuals before I get into troubles as well, but always google answers before think, lol), we can have the following:12345function resetForm(id 阅读全文
I’ll show you 3 functions that download a particular file (ex: image,video,zip,pdf,doc,xls,etc) from a remote resource (via a valid URL) then save to your server.Depending on your current php.ini settings, some functions may not work; therefore, let try which function is best for you.Note:please ens 阅读全文