Bootstrap Timepicker

Bootstrap Timepicker:一个简单的时间选择插件




NameOptions / DefaultsDescription
template 'dropdown' (default)
Show picker in a dropdown
Show picker in a modal
Don't show a widget
maxHours 24 Specify a maximum number of hours the TimePicker can handle. showMeridian must be set to false
snapToStep false If true, setting the time will snap it to the closest "step", either minute or second, depending on which unit is currently highlighted. If the number would otherwise snap to 60 higher, the unit "overflows" to 0.
minuteStep 15 Specify a step for the minute field.
showSeconds false Show the seconds field.
secondStep 15 Specify a step for the second field.
defaultTime 'current' (default)
'11:45 AM'
Set to the current time.
Set to a specific time.
Do not set a default time
showMeridian true (default)
12hr mode
24hr mode
showInputs true (default)
Shows the text inputs in the widget.
Hide the text inputs in the widget
disableFocus false Disables the input from focusing. This is useful for touch screen devices that display a keyboard on input focus.
disableMousewheel false Disables the input from changing on mousewheel events
modalBackdrop false Show modal backdrop.
appendWidgetTo body Allow for custom placing of the widget
explicitMode false When true, user can type "123" to set time to "1:23" or "12345" to set time to "1:23:45".

    up: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up',
    down: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down'
An object with keys 'up' and 'down' representing CSS class names to be used for the widget's icon classes.
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