35岁,成就寥寥,为时已晚?(I am 35 and I haven't achieved much in life. Is it too late?)


I am 35 and I haven't achieved much in life. Is it too late?


For certain achievements, yes, it is too late.  Your chances of becoming an Olympic basketball player, a popular child actor, and a contortionist are nearly nonexistent.  Your chances of creating a new branch of mathematics, seeing your great-great-great-grandchildren get married, win the World Sudoku Championship, play in the Super Bowl, learn 50 languages, or have a birthday party with 30 friends of the same age at Chuck E. Cheese's is greatly diminished.

But there are plenty of fine achievements you can still do.  You have plenty of time to become a millionaire.  You're still able to win a Nobel Prize.  It's not too late to watch every single James Bond film, or become a world-class painter, or walk across the Golden Gate Bridge.

大意:对于某些特定的成就来说,是的,太晚了。成为一个奥林匹克的篮球手、一个流行的儿童演员,或者是一个柔体演员的机会已经几乎不存在了。对于创造一门数学的分支、看到你的重重重重孙结婚、赢得世界数独冠军、在超级碗比赛、学习50种语言,或是和30多个朋友在Chuck E. Cheese's举行一个生日派对(Chuck E. Cheese's是美国的一个儿童游乐餐厅,显然35岁的生日派对不太适合在。。。)的机会也近乎不可能了。




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