[2021 Spring] CS61A 学习笔记 lecture 25 Scheme Examples
Translate to Scheme
将python program转换成Scheme version。
# python版本
def count(predicate, L):
if L is Link.empty:
return 0
elif predicate(L.first):
return 1 + count(predicate, L.rest)
return count(predicate, L.rest)
# scheme版本
(define (count predicate L)
(cond ((null? L) 0)
; ; (null? L) same as (eqv? L '()) or (eq? L '())
((predicate (car L))
(+ 1 (count predicate (cdr L)))) ; Not a tail call
(else (count predicate (cdr L)))) ; in cond, else == #t
(count odd? '(1 12 13 19 4 6 9))
(count odd? '())
Review of Iteration via Tail Recursion
Tail-Recursive Version of count
# python
def count(predicate, L):
def count1(L, s):
if L is Link.empty:
return s
elif predicate(L.first):
return count1(L.rest, s + 1)
return count1(L.rest, s)
return count1(L, 0)
# scheme
(define (count predicate L)
(define (count1 L s)
(cond ((null? L) s)
((predicate (car L)) (count1 (cdr L) (+ s 1)))
(#t (count1 (cdr L) s))))
(count1 L 0)
Another Higher-Order Function Example: Map
# python
def map(fn, L):
if L is Link.empty:
return Link.empty
return Link(fn(L.first), map(fn, L.rest))
# scheme
(define (map fn L)
(if (null? L) '()
(cons (fn (car L)) (map fn (cdr L))))