[2021 Spring] CS61A 学习笔记 索引
Github: https://github.com/ikventure/cs61a-sp21
Project 1: The Game of Hog (Phase 1)
Project 1: The Game of Hog (Phase 2)
Project 1: The Game of Hog (Phase 3)
Project 2: CATS (CS 61A Autocorrected Typing Software)
Project 3: Ants Vs. SomeBees (Phase 1)
Project 3: Ants Vs. SomeBees (Phase 2)
Project 3: Ants Vs. SomeBees (Phase 3)
Project 3: Ants Vs. SomeBees (Phase 4)
Project 3: Ants Vs. SomeBees 效果展示
Project 4: Scheme Interpreter
Lab 1: Variables & Functions, Control
Lab 2: Higher-Order Functions, Lambda Expressions
Lab 3: Recursion, Tree Recursion
Lab 5: Python Lists, Data Abstraction, Trees
Lab 6: Nonlocal, Mutability, Iterators and Generators
Lab 7: Object-Oriented Programming, Linked Lists, Mutable Trees
Lab 8: Midterm Review
Lab 10: Scheme
Lab 11: Interpreters
Lab 12: Tail Recursion, Scheme
Lab 13: Regular Expressions, BNF
Homework 2: Higher Order Functions
Homework 3: Recursion
Homework 4: Trees, Data Abstraction
Homework 5: Object-Oriented Programming, Linked Lists, Iterators and Generators
Homework 6: Scheme
Homework 7: Scheme Lists
Homework 8: More Scheme
Homework 9: Regular Expressions, BNF, Macros
Lecture 1 introduce
Lecture 2 function
Lecture 3 Control
Lecture 4 Higher-Order Functions
Lecture 5 Environments
Lecture 6 recursion
Lecture 7 tree recursion
Lecture 8 More on functions
Lecture 9 Function Examples
Lecture 10 containers and sequences
Lecture 11 Sequences (II) and Data Abstraction
Lecture 14 List mutation + Identity + Nonlocal
Lecture 15 Iterators + Generators
Lecture 16 Objects + Classes
Lecture 17 Inheritance + Composition
Lecture 24 scheme
Lecture 25 Scheme Examples
Discussion 1: Environment Diagrams, Control
Discussion 2: Higher-Order Functions, Self Reference, Lambda Expressions
Discussion 3: Recursion, Tree Recursion
Discussion 5: Python Lists, Trees, Mutability
Discussion 6: Object-Oriented Programming, Iterators and Generators
Discussion 7: String Representation, Efficiency, Linked Lists, Mutable Trees
Discussion 10: Scheme, Scheme Lists
Discussion 11: Interpreters