



/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j, p;

  for ( i=0; i<m; i++ ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
    for ( j=0; j<n; j++ ){        /* Loop over the columns of C */
      for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){        /* Update C( i,j ) with the inner
				       product of the ith row of A and
				       the jth column of B */
	C( i,j ) = C( i,j ) +  A( i,p ) * B( p,j );



/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot( int, double *, int, double *, double * );

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=1 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=1 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update the C( i,j ) with the inner product of the ith row of A
	 and the jth column of B */

      AddDot( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), &C( i,j ) );

/* Create macro to let X( i ) equal the ith element of x */

#define X(i) x[ (i)*incx ]

void AddDot( int k, double *x, int incx,  double *y, double *gamma )
  /* compute gamma := x' * y + gamma with vectors x and y of length n.

     Here x starts at location x with increment (stride) incx and y starts at location y and has (implicit) stride of 1.
  int p;

  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    *gamma += X( p ) * y[ p ];   





/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot( int, double *, int, double *, double * );

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=4 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C, unrolled by 4 */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=1 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update the C( i,j ) with the inner product of the ith row of A
	 and the jth column of B */

      AddDot( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), &C( i,j ) );

      /* Update the C( i,j+1 ) with the inner product of the ith row of A
	 and the (j+1)th column of B */

      AddDot( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j+1 ), &C( i,j+1 ) );

      /* Update the C( i,j+2 ) with the inner product of the ith row of A
	 and the (j+2)th column of B */

      AddDot( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j+2 ), &C( i,j+2 ) );

      /* Update the C( i,j+3 ) with the inner product of the ith row of A
	 and the (j+1)th column of B */

      AddDot( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j+3 ), &C( i,j+3 ) );

/* Create macro to let X( i ) equal the ith element of x */

#define X(i) x[ (i)*incx ]

void AddDot( int k, double *x, int incx,  double *y, double *gamma )
  /* compute gamma := x' * y + gamma with vectors x and y of length n.

     Here x starts at location x with increment (stride) incx and y starts at location y and has (implicit) stride of 1.
  int p;

  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    *gamma += X( p ) * y[ p ];   

这里做了循环展开,B的jth列unroll 4。



/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot( int, double *, int, double *, double * );
void AddDot1x4( int, double *, int,  double *, int, double *, int )

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=4 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C, unrolled by 4 */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=1 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update C( i,j ), C( i,j+1 ), C( i,j+2 ), and C( i,j+3 ) in
	 one routine (four inner products) */

      AddDot1x4( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), ldb, &C( i,j ), ldc );

void AddDot1x4( int k, double *a, int lda,  double *b, int ldb, double *c, int ldc )
  /* So, this routine computes four elements of C: 

           C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ).  

     Notice that this routine is called with c = C( i, j ) in the
     previous routine, so these are actually the elements 

           C( i, j ), C( i, j+1 ), C( i, j+2 ), C( i, j+3 ) 
     in the original matrix C */ 

  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 0 ), &C( 0, 0 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 1 ), &C( 0, 1 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 2 ), &C( 0, 2 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 3 ), &C( 0, 3 ) );

/* Create macro to let X( i ) equal the ith element of x */

#define X(i) x[ (i)*incx ]

void AddDot( int k, double *x, int incx,  double *y, double *gamma )
  /* compute gamma := x' * y + gamma with vectors x and y of length n.

     Here x starts at location x with increment (stride) incx and y starts at location y and has (implicit) stride of 1.
  int p;

  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    *gamma += X( p ) * y[ p ];   

仍然是jth列unroll 4



/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot1x4( int, double *, int,  double *, int, double *, int )

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=4 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C, unrolled by 4 */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=1 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update C( i,j ), C( i,j+1 ), C( i,j+2 ), and C( i,j+3 ) in
	 one routine (four inner products) */

      AddDot1x4( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), ldb, &C( i,j ), ldc );

void AddDot1x4( int k, double *a, int lda,  double *b, int ldb, double *c, int ldc )
  /* So, this routine computes four elements of C: 

           C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ).  

     Notice that this routine is called with c = C( i, j ) in the
     previous routine, so these are actually the elements 

           C( i, j ), C( i, j+1 ), C( i, j+2 ), C( i, j+3 ) 
     in the original matrix C.

     In this version, we "inline" AddDot */ 

  int p;

  //  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 0 ), &C( 0, 0 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 0, 0 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 0 );   

  //  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 1 ), &C( 0, 1 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 0, 1 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 1 );   

  //  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 2 ), &C( 0, 2 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 0, 2 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 2 );   

  //  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 3 ), &C( 0, 3 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 0, 3 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 3 );   




/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot1x4( int, double *, int,  double *, int, double *, int )

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=4 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C, unrolled by 4 */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=1 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update C( i,j ), C( i,j+1 ), C( i,j+2 ), and C( i,j+3 ) in
	 one routine (four inner products) */

      AddDot1x4( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), ldb, &C( i,j ), ldc );

void AddDot1x4( int k, double *a, int lda,  double *b, int ldb, double *c, int ldc )
  /* So, this routine computes four elements of C: 

           C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ).  

     Notice that this routine is called with c = C( i, j ) in the
     previous routine, so these are actually the elements 

           C( i, j ), C( i, j+1 ), C( i, j+2 ), C( i, j+3 ) 
     in the original matrix C.

     In this version, we merge the four loops, computing four inner
     products simultaneously. */

  int p;

  //  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 0 ), &C( 0, 0 ) );
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 1 ), &C( 0, 1 ) );
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 2 ), &C( 0, 2 ) );
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 3 ), &C( 0, 3 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 0, 0 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 0 );   
    C( 0, 1 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 1 );   
    C( 0, 2 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 2 );   
    C( 0, 3 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 3 );   





/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot1x4( int, double *, int,  double *, int, double *, int )

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=4 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C, unrolled by 4 */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=1 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update C( i,j ), C( i,j+1 ), C( i,j+2 ), and C( i,j+3 ) in
	 one routine (four inner products) */

      AddDot1x4( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), ldb, &C( i,j ), ldc );

void AddDot1x4( int k, double *a, int lda,  double *b, int ldb, double *c, int ldc )
  /* So, this routine computes four elements of C: 

           C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ).  

     Notice that this routine is called with c = C( i, j ) in the
     previous routine, so these are actually the elements 

           C( i, j ), C( i, j+1 ), C( i, j+2 ), C( i, j+3 ) 
     in the original matrix C.

     In this version, we accumulate in registers and put A( 0, p ) in a register */

  int p;
  register double 
    /* hold contributions to
       C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ) */
       c_00_reg,   c_01_reg,   c_02_reg,   c_03_reg,  
    /* holds A( 0, p ) */
  c_00_reg = 0.0; 
  c_01_reg = 0.0; 
  c_02_reg = 0.0; 
  c_03_reg = 0.0;
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    a_0p_reg = A( 0, p );

    c_00_reg += a_0p_reg * B( p, 0 );   
    c_01_reg += a_0p_reg * B( p, 1 );   
    c_02_reg += a_0p_reg * B( p, 2 );   
    c_03_reg += a_0p_reg * B( p, 3 );   

  C( 0, 0 ) += c_00_reg; 
  C( 0, 1 ) += c_01_reg; 
  C( 0, 2 ) += c_02_reg; 
  C( 0, 3 ) += c_03_reg;


for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
C( 0, 0 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 0 );
C( 0, 1 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 1 );
C( 0, 2 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 2 );
C( 0, 3 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 3 );






/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot1x4( int, double *, int,  double *, int, double *, int )

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=4 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C, unrolled by 4 */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=1 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update C( i,j ), C( i,j+1 ), C( i,j+2 ), and C( i,j+3 ) in
	 one routine (four inner products) */

      AddDot1x4( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), ldb, &C( i,j ), ldc );

void AddDot1x4( int k, double *a, int lda,  double *b, int ldb, double *c, int ldc )
  /* So, this routine computes four elements of C: 

           C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ).  

     Notice that this routine is called with c = C( i, j ) in the
     previous routine, so these are actually the elements 

           C( i, j ), C( i, j+1 ), C( i, j+2 ), C( i, j+3 ) 
     in the original matrix C.

     In this version, we use pointer to track where in four columns of B we are */

  int p;
  register double 
    /* hold contributions to
       C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ) */
       c_00_reg,   c_01_reg,   c_02_reg,   c_03_reg,  
    /* holds A( 0, p ) */
    /* Point to the current elements in the four columns of B */
    *bp0_pntr, *bp1_pntr, *bp2_pntr, *bp3_pntr; 
  bp0_pntr = &B( 0, 0 );
  bp1_pntr = &B( 0, 1 );
  bp2_pntr = &B( 0, 2 );
  bp3_pntr = &B( 0, 3 );

  c_00_reg = 0.0; 
  c_01_reg = 0.0; 
  c_02_reg = 0.0; 
  c_03_reg = 0.0;
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    a_0p_reg = A( 0, p );

    c_00_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp0_pntr++;
    c_01_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp1_pntr++;
    c_02_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp2_pntr++;
    c_03_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp3_pntr++;

  C( 0, 0 ) += c_00_reg; 
  C( 0, 1 ) += c_01_reg; 
  C( 0, 2 ) += c_02_reg; 
  C( 0, 3 ) += c_03_reg;







  1. 提高计算与内存访问的重叠 :在许多处理器架构中,可以同时进行计算和内存访问。通过减少对索引计算的开销,可以在数据到达之前或之后更快地完成更多的计算工作。这意味着在等待内存数据时,处理器可以完成更多其他不依赖于这些特定内存数据的计算任务。
  2. 提高计算密集度 :通过减少索引计算的开销,程序可以更多地专注于实际的数值计算,从而提高程序的计算密集度。这有助于在数据到达后立即利用这些数据进行计算,减少处理器空闲时间。
  3. 优化内存访问模式 :优化内存访问模式(例如,通过使用指针访问连续的内存位置)可以改善缓存的利用率,从而减少未来内存访问的延迟。虽然这不会减少当前正在等待的内存访问的延迟,但它可以减少后续内存访问的潜在延迟,从而在整体上提高程序的执行效率。



/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot1x4( int, double *, int,  double *, int, double *, int )

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=4 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C, unrolled by 4 */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=1 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update C( i,j ), C( i,j+1 ), C( i,j+2 ), and C( i,j+3 ) in
	 one routine (four inner products) */

      AddDot1x4( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), ldb, &C( i,j ), ldc );

void AddDot1x4( int k, double *a, int lda,  double *b, int ldb, double *c, int ldc )
  /* So, this routine computes four elements of C: 

           C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ).  

     Notice that this routine is called with c = C( i, j ) in the
     previous routine, so these are actually the elements 

           C( i, j ), C( i, j+1 ), C( i, j+2 ), C( i, j+3 ) 
     in the original matrix C.

     We now unroll the loop */

  int p;
  register double 
    /* hold contributions to
       C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ) */
       c_00_reg,   c_01_reg,   c_02_reg,   c_03_reg,  
    /* holds A( 0, p ) */
    /* Point to the current elements in the four columns of B */
    *bp0_pntr, *bp1_pntr, *bp2_pntr, *bp3_pntr; 
  bp0_pntr = &B( 0, 0 );
  bp1_pntr = &B( 0, 1 );
  bp2_pntr = &B( 0, 2 );
  bp3_pntr = &B( 0, 3 );

  c_00_reg = 0.0; 
  c_01_reg = 0.0; 
  c_02_reg = 0.0; 
  c_03_reg = 0.0;
  for ( p=0; p<k; p+=4 ){
    a_0p_reg = A( 0, p );

    c_00_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp0_pntr++;
    c_01_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp1_pntr++;
    c_02_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp2_pntr++;
    c_03_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp3_pntr++;

    a_0p_reg = A( 0, p+1 );

    c_00_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp0_pntr++;
    c_01_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp1_pntr++;
    c_02_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp2_pntr++;
    c_03_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp3_pntr++;

    a_0p_reg = A( 0, p+2 );

    c_00_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp0_pntr++;
    c_01_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp1_pntr++;
    c_02_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp2_pntr++;
    c_03_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp3_pntr++;

    a_0p_reg = A( 0, p+3 );

    c_00_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp0_pntr++;
    c_01_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp1_pntr++;
    c_02_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp2_pntr++;
    c_03_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp3_pntr++;

  C( 0, 0 ) += c_00_reg; 
  C( 0, 1 ) += c_01_reg; 
  C( 0, 2 ) += c_02_reg; 
  C( 0, 3 ) += c_03_reg;

A也unroll 4,逻辑上仍然是代数matmul



/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot1x4( int, double *, int,  double *, int, double *, int )

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=4 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C, unrolled by 4 */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=1 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update C( i,j ), C( i,j+1 ), C( i,j+2 ), and C( i,j+3 ) in
	 one routine (four inner products) */

      AddDot1x4( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), ldb, &C( i,j ), ldc );

void AddDot1x4( int k, double *a, int lda,  double *b, int ldb, double *c, int ldc )
  /* So, this routine computes four elements of C: 

           C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ).  

     Notice that this routine is called with c = C( i, j ) in the
     previous routine, so these are actually the elements 

           C( i, j ), C( i, j+1 ), C( i, j+2 ), C( i, j+3 ) 
     in the original matrix C.

     We next use indirect addressing */

  int p;
  register double 
    /* hold contributions to
       C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ) */
       c_00_reg,   c_01_reg,   c_02_reg,   c_03_reg,  
    /* holds A( 0, p ) */
    /* Point to the current elements in the four columns of B */
    *bp0_pntr, *bp1_pntr, *bp2_pntr, *bp3_pntr; 
  bp0_pntr = &B( 0, 0 );
  bp1_pntr = &B( 0, 1 );
  bp2_pntr = &B( 0, 2 );
  bp3_pntr = &B( 0, 3 );

  c_00_reg = 0.0; 
  c_01_reg = 0.0; 
  c_02_reg = 0.0; 
  c_03_reg = 0.0;
  for ( p=0; p<k; p+=4 ){
    a_0p_reg = A( 0, p );

    c_00_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp0_pntr;
    c_01_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp1_pntr;
    c_02_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp2_pntr;
    c_03_reg += a_0p_reg * *bp3_pntr;

    a_0p_reg = A( 0, p+1 );

    c_00_reg += a_0p_reg * *(bp0_pntr+1);
    c_01_reg += a_0p_reg * *(bp1_pntr+1);
    c_02_reg += a_0p_reg * *(bp2_pntr+1);
    c_03_reg += a_0p_reg * *(bp3_pntr+1);

    a_0p_reg = A( 0, p+2 );

    c_00_reg += a_0p_reg * *(bp0_pntr+2);
    c_01_reg += a_0p_reg * *(bp1_pntr+2);
    c_02_reg += a_0p_reg * *(bp2_pntr+2);
    c_03_reg += a_0p_reg * *(bp3_pntr+2);

    a_0p_reg = A( 0, p+3 );

    c_00_reg += a_0p_reg * *(bp0_pntr+3);
    c_01_reg += a_0p_reg * *(bp1_pntr+3);
    c_02_reg += a_0p_reg * *(bp2_pntr+3);
    c_03_reg += a_0p_reg * *(bp3_pntr+3);


  C( 0, 0 ) += c_00_reg; 
  C( 0, 1 ) += c_01_reg; 
  C( 0, 2 ) += c_02_reg; 
  C( 0, 3 ) += c_03_reg;






/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot( int, double *, int, double *, double * );

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=4 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C, unrolled by 4 */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=4 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update C( i,j ), C( i,j+1 ), C( i,j+2 ), and C( i,j+3 ) in
	 one routine (four inner products) */

      AddDot4x4( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), ldb, &C( i,j ), ldc );

void AddDot4x4( int k, double *a, int lda,  double *b, int ldb, double *c, int ldc )
  /* So, this routine computes a 4x4 block of matrix A

           C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ).  
           C( 1, 0 ), C( 1, 1 ), C( 1, 2 ), C( 1, 3 ).  
           C( 2, 0 ), C( 2, 1 ), C( 2, 2 ), C( 2, 3 ).  
           C( 3, 0 ), C( 3, 1 ), C( 3, 2 ), C( 3, 3 ).  

     Notice that this routine is called with c = C( i, j ) in the
     previous routine, so these are actually the elements 

           C( i  , j ), C( i  , j+1 ), C( i  , j+2 ), C( i  , j+3 ) 
           C( i+1, j ), C( i+1, j+1 ), C( i+1, j+2 ), C( i+1, j+3 ) 
           C( i+2, j ), C( i+2, j+1 ), C( i+2, j+2 ), C( i+2, j+3 ) 
           C( i+3, j ), C( i+3, j+1 ), C( i+3, j+2 ), C( i+3, j+3 ) 
     in the original matrix C */ 

  /* First row */
  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 0 ), &C( 0, 0 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 1 ), &C( 0, 1 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 2 ), &C( 0, 2 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 3 ), &C( 0, 3 ) );

  /* Second row */
  AddDot( k, &A( 1, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 0 ), &C( 1, 0 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 1, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 1 ), &C( 1, 1 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 1, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 2 ), &C( 1, 2 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 1, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 3 ), &C( 1, 3 ) );

  /* Third row */
  AddDot( k, &A( 2, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 0 ), &C( 2, 0 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 2, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 1 ), &C( 2, 1 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 2, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 2 ), &C( 2, 2 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 2, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 3 ), &C( 2, 3 ) );

  /* Four row */
  AddDot( k, &A( 3, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 0 ), &C( 3, 0 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 3, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 1 ), &C( 3, 1 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 3, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 2 ), &C( 3, 2 ) );
  AddDot( k, &A( 3, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 3 ), &C( 3, 3 ) );

/* Create macro to let X( i ) equal the ith element of x */

#define X(i) x[ (i)*incx ]

void AddDot( int k, double *x, int incx,  double *y, double *gamma )
  /* compute gamma := x' * y + gamma with vectors x and y of length n.

     Here x starts at location x with increment (stride) incx and y starts at location y and has (implicit) stride of 1.
  int p;

  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    *gamma += X( p ) * y[ p ];   



/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot4x4( int, double *, int, double *, int, double *, int );
void AddDot( int, double *, int, double *, double * );

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=4 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C, unrolled by 4 */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=4 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update C( i,j ), C( i,j+1 ), C( i,j+2 ), and C( i,j+3 ) in
	 one routine (four inner products) */

      AddDot4x4( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), ldb, &C( i,j ), ldc );

void AddDot4x4( int k, double *a, int lda,  double *b, int ldb, double *c, int ldc )
  /* So, this routine computes a 4x4 block of matrix A

           C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ).  
           C( 1, 0 ), C( 1, 1 ), C( 1, 2 ), C( 1, 3 ).  
           C( 2, 0 ), C( 2, 1 ), C( 2, 2 ), C( 2, 3 ).  
           C( 3, 0 ), C( 3, 1 ), C( 3, 2 ), C( 3, 3 ).  

     Notice that this routine is called with c = C( i, j ) in the
     previous routine, so these are actually the elements 

           C( i  , j ), C( i  , j+1 ), C( i  , j+2 ), C( i  , j+3 ) 
           C( i+1, j ), C( i+1, j+1 ), C( i+1, j+2 ), C( i+1, j+3 ) 
           C( i+2, j ), C( i+2, j+1 ), C( i+2, j+2 ), C( i+2, j+3 ) 
           C( i+3, j ), C( i+3, j+1 ), C( i+3, j+2 ), C( i+3, j+3 ) 
     in the original matrix C 

     In this version, we "inline" AddDot */ 

  int p;

  /* First row */
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 0 ), &C( 0, 0 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 0, 0 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 0 );   
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 1 ), &C( 0, 1 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 0, 1 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 1 );   
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 2 ), &C( 0, 2 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 0, 2 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 2 );   
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 0, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 3 ), &C( 0, 3 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 0, 3 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 3 );   

  /* Second row */
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 1, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 0 ), &C( 1, 0 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 1, 0 ) += A( 1, p ) * B( p, 0 );   
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 1, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 1 ), &C( 1, 1 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 1, 1 ) += A( 1, p ) * B( p, 1 );   
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 1, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 2 ), &C( 1, 2 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 1, 2 ) += A( 1, p ) * B( p, 2 );   
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 1, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 3 ), &C( 1, 3 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 1, 3 ) += A( 1, p ) * B( p, 3 );   

  /* Third row */
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 2, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 0 ), &C( 2, 0 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 2, 0 ) += A( 2, p ) * B( p, 0 );   
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 2, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 1 ), &C( 2, 1 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 2, 1 ) += A( 2, p ) * B( p, 1 );   
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 2, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 2 ), &C( 2, 2 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 2, 2 ) += A( 2, p ) * B( p, 2 );   
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 2, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 3 ), &C( 2, 3 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 2, 3 ) += A( 2, p ) * B( p, 3 );   

  /* Four row */
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 3, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 0 ), &C( 3, 0 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 3, 0 ) += A( 3, p ) * B( p, 0 );   
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 3, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 1 ), &C( 3, 1 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 3, 1 ) += A( 3, p ) * B( p, 1 );   
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 3, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 2 ), &C( 3, 2 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 3, 2 ) += A( 3, p ) * B( p, 2 );   
  //  AddDot( k, &A( 3, 0 ), lda, &B( 0, 3 ), &C( 3, 3 ) );
  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    C( 3, 3 ) += A( 3, p ) * B( p, 3 );   



/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot4x4( int, double *, int, double *, int, double *, int );
void AddDot( int, double *, int, double *, double * );

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=4 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C, unrolled by 4 */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=4 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update C( i,j ), C( i,j+1 ), C( i,j+2 ), and C( i,j+3 ) in
	 one routine (four inner products) */

      AddDot4x4( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), ldb, &C( i,j ), ldc );

void AddDot4x4( int k, double *a, int lda,  double *b, int ldb, double *c, int ldc )
  /* So, this routine computes a 4x4 block of matrix A

           C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ).  
           C( 1, 0 ), C( 1, 1 ), C( 1, 2 ), C( 1, 3 ).  
           C( 2, 0 ), C( 2, 1 ), C( 2, 2 ), C( 2, 3 ).  
           C( 3, 0 ), C( 3, 1 ), C( 3, 2 ), C( 3, 3 ).  

     Notice that this routine is called with c = C( i, j ) in the
     previous routine, so these are actually the elements 

           C( i  , j ), C( i  , j+1 ), C( i  , j+2 ), C( i  , j+3 ) 
           C( i+1, j ), C( i+1, j+1 ), C( i+1, j+2 ), C( i+1, j+3 ) 
           C( i+2, j ), C( i+2, j+1 ), C( i+2, j+2 ), C( i+2, j+3 ) 
           C( i+3, j ), C( i+3, j+1 ), C( i+3, j+2 ), C( i+3, j+3 ) 
     in the original matrix C 

     In this version, we merge each set of four loops, computing four
     inner products simultaneously. */

  int p;

  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    /* First row */
    C( 0, 0 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 0 );   
    C( 0, 1 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 1 );   
    C( 0, 2 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 2 );   
    C( 0, 3 ) += A( 0, p ) * B( p, 3 );   

    /* Second row */
    C( 1, 0 ) += A( 1, p ) * B( p, 0 );   
    C( 1, 1 ) += A( 1, p ) * B( p, 1 );   
    C( 1, 2 ) += A( 1, p ) * B( p, 2 );   
    C( 1, 3 ) += A( 1, p ) * B( p, 3 );   

    /* Third row */
    C( 2, 0 ) += A( 2, p ) * B( p, 0 );   
    C( 2, 1 ) += A( 2, p ) * B( p, 1 );   
    C( 2, 2 ) += A( 2, p ) * B( p, 2 );   
    C( 2, 3 ) += A( 2, p ) * B( p, 3 );   

    /* Fourth row */
    C( 3, 0 ) += A( 3, p ) * B( p, 0 );   
    C( 3, 1 ) += A( 3, p ) * B( p, 1 );   
    C( 3, 2 ) += A( 3, p ) * B( p, 2 );   
    C( 3, 3 ) += A( 3, p ) * B( p, 3 );   

在1x4的优化中,分析了这是如何减少访存的,参考 opt5





/* Create macros so that the matrices are stored in column-major order */

#define A(i,j) a[ (j)*lda + (i) ]
#define B(i,j) b[ (j)*ldb + (i) ]
#define C(i,j) c[ (j)*ldc + (i) ]

/* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */

void AddDot4x4( int, double *, int, double *, int, double *, int );

void MY_MMult( int m, int n, int k, double *a, int lda, 
                                    double *b, int ldb,
                                    double *c, int ldc )
  int i, j;

  for ( j=0; j<n; j+=4 ){        /* Loop over the columns of C, unrolled by 4 */
    for ( i=0; i<m; i+=4 ){        /* Loop over the rows of C */
      /* Update C( i,j ), C( i,j+1 ), C( i,j+2 ), and C( i,j+3 ) in
	 one routine (four inner products) */

      AddDot4x4( k, &A( i,0 ), lda, &B( 0,j ), ldb, &C( i,j ), ldc );

void AddDot4x4( int k, double *a, int lda,  double *b, int ldb, double *c, int ldc )
  /* So, this routine computes a 4x4 block of matrix A

           C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ).  
           C( 1, 0 ), C( 1, 1 ), C( 1, 2 ), C( 1, 3 ).  
           C( 2, 0 ), C( 2, 1 ), C( 2, 2 ), C( 2, 3 ).  
           C( 3, 0 ), C( 3, 1 ), C( 3, 2 ), C( 3, 3 ).  

     Notice that this routine is called with c = C( i, j ) in the
     previous routine, so these are actually the elements 

           C( i  , j ), C( i  , j+1 ), C( i  , j+2 ), C( i  , j+3 ) 
           C( i+1, j ), C( i+1, j+1 ), C( i+1, j+2 ), C( i+1, j+3 ) 
           C( i+2, j ), C( i+2, j+1 ), C( i+2, j+2 ), C( i+2, j+3 ) 
           C( i+3, j ), C( i+3, j+1 ), C( i+3, j+2 ), C( i+3, j+3 ) 
     in the original matrix C 

     In this version, we accumulate in registers and put A( 0, p ) in a register */

  int p;
  register double 
    /* hold contributions to
       C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ), C( 0, 2 ), C( 0, 3 ) 
       C( 1, 0 ), C( 1, 1 ), C( 1, 2 ), C( 1, 3 ) 
       C( 2, 0 ), C( 2, 1 ), C( 2, 2 ), C( 2, 3 ) 
       C( 3, 0 ), C( 3, 1 ), C( 3, 2 ), C( 3, 3 )   */
       c_00_reg,   c_01_reg,   c_02_reg,   c_03_reg,  
       c_10_reg,   c_11_reg,   c_12_reg,   c_13_reg,  
       c_20_reg,   c_21_reg,   c_22_reg,   c_23_reg,  
       c_30_reg,   c_31_reg,   c_32_reg,   c_33_reg,
    /* hold 
       A( 0, p ) 
       A( 1, p ) 
       A( 2, p ) 
       A( 3, p ) */

  c_00_reg = 0.0;   c_01_reg = 0.0;   c_02_reg = 0.0;   c_03_reg = 0.0;
  c_10_reg = 0.0;   c_11_reg = 0.0;   c_12_reg = 0.0;   c_13_reg = 0.0;
  c_20_reg = 0.0;   c_21_reg = 0.0;   c_22_reg = 0.0;   c_23_reg = 0.0;
  c_30_reg = 0.0;   c_31_reg = 0.0;   c_32_reg = 0.0;   c_33_reg = 0.0;

  for ( p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    a_0p_reg = A( 0, p );
    a_1p_reg = A( 1, p );
    a_2p_reg = A( 2, p );
    a_3p_reg = A( 3, p );

    /* First row */
    c_00_reg += a_0p_reg * B( p, 0 );   
    c_01_reg += a_0p_reg * B( p, 1 );   
    c_02_reg += a_0p_reg * B( p, 2 );   
    c_03_reg += a_0p_reg * B( p, 3 );   

    /* Second row */
    c_10_reg += a_1p_reg * B( p, 0 );   
    c_11_reg += a_1p_reg * B( p, 1 );   
    c_12_reg += a_1p_reg * B( p, 2 );   
    c_13_reg += a_1p_reg * B( p, 3 );   

    /* Third row */
    c_20_reg += a_2p_reg * B( p, 0 );   
    c_21_reg += a_2p_reg * B( p, 1 );   
    c_22_reg += a_2p_reg * B( p, 2 );   
    c_23_reg += a_2p_reg * B( p, 3 );   

    /* Four row */
    c_30_reg += a_3p_reg * B( p, 0 );   
    c_31_reg += a_3p_reg * B( p, 1 );   
    c_32_reg += a_3p_reg * B( p, 2 );   
    c_33_reg += a_3p_reg * B( p, 3 );   

  C( 0, 0 ) += c_00_reg;   C( 0, 1 ) += c_01_reg;   C( 0, 2 ) += c_02_reg;   C( 0, 3 ) += c_03_reg;
  C( 1, 0 ) += c_10_reg;   C( 1, 1 ) += c_11_reg;   C( 1, 2 ) += c_12_reg;   C( 1, 3 ) += c_13_reg;
  C( 2, 0 ) += c_20_reg;   C( 2, 1 ) += c_21_reg;   C( 2, 2 ) += c_22_reg;   C( 2, 3 ) += c_23_reg;
  C( 3, 0 ) += c_30_reg;   C( 3, 1 ) += c_31_reg;   C( 3, 2 ) += c_32_reg;   C( 3, 3 ) += c_33_reg;



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