Kotlin Coroutine 原理详解(2)-- 协程间的互动




协程的上下文,可以看作是一个 map,在协程执行过程中充当设置项集合的角色;


重载运算符方法,根据 key 获取相应的 element;

fold(initial, operation)

initialelement 合并并返回 initial,不同实现类对 operation 操作不同;


将两个 CortouineContext 合并,并返回一个新的 CoroutineContext,此处提供了一个默认实现;

public operator fun plus(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext =
        if (context === EmptyCoroutineContext) this else // fast path -- avoid lambda creation
            context.fold(this) { acc, element ->
                val removed = acc.minusKey(element.key)
                if (removed === EmptyCoroutineContext) element else {
                    // make sure interceptor is always last in the context (and thus is fast to get when present)
                    val interceptor = removed[ContinuationInterceptor]
                    if (interceptor == null) CombinedContext(removed, element) else {
                        val left = removed.minusKey(ContinuationInterceptor)
                        if (left === EmptyCoroutineContext) CombinedContext(element, interceptor) else
                            CombinedContext(CombinedContext(left, element), interceptor)

为表述方便,将当前 CoroutineContext 称为 left,将传入的 CoroutineContext 称为 right;

  1. 如果 right 不是 EmptyCoroutineContext,则返回 left;
  2. 如果 right 不是 EmptyCoroutineContext,则 right 调用 fold 方法,传入 leftoperation;


返回一个不包含指定 keyCoroutineContext;


操作 CoroutineContext 所使用到的键,定义如下:

public interface Key<E : Element>


操作 CoroutineContext 所返回的值,继承了 CoroutineContext 但是缩小了对 ContextContext 的使用范围;

public interface Element : CoroutineContext {
         * A key of this coroutine context element.
        public val key: Key<*>

        public override operator fun <E : Element> get(key: Key<E>): E? =
            if (this.key == key) this as E else null

        public override fun <R> fold(initial: R, operation: (R, Element) -> R): R =
            operation(initial, this)

        public override fun minusKey(key: Key<*>): CoroutineContext =
            if (this.key == key) EmptyCoroutineContext else this

接下来来看 CoroutineContext 的两个常见的实现类;


可以看作一个空的CoroutineContext,不存在任何元素;这是 CoroutineContext 的默认实现;

public object EmptyCoroutineContext : CoroutineContext, Serializable {
    private const val serialVersionUID: Long = 0
    private fun readResolve(): Any = EmptyCoroutineContext
    // 没有任何元素,直接返回 null; 下面的重载函数也是相似的实现;
    public override fun <E : Element> get(key: Key<E>): E? = null
    public override fun <R> fold(initial: R, operation: (R, Element) -> R): R = initial
    public override fun plus(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext = context
    public override fun minusKey(key: Key<*>): CoroutineContext = this
    public override fun hashCode(): Int = 0
    public override fun toString(): String = "EmptyCoroutineContext"


// 构造函数接收两个参数
internal class CombinedContext(
    private val left: CoroutineContext,
    private val element: Element
) : CoroutineContext, Serializable {

    // 先查 element,再递归查询 left;
    override fun <E : Element> get(key: Key<E>): E? {
        var cur = this
        while (true) {
            cur.element[key]?.let { return it }
            val next = cur.left
            if (next is CombinedContext) {
                cur = next
            } else {
                return next[key]

    // left 先和 initial 进行递归合并得到 newLeft,然后 newLeft 和 element 进行合并;
    public override fun <R> fold(initial: R, operation: (R, Element) -> R): R =
        operation(left.fold(initial, operation), element)

    // 如果 element 包含 key,则直接返回 left;
    // 如果 left 不包含 key,返回当前 CombinedContext;
    // 如果 left 只包含了 key ,则返回 element;
    // 如果 left 不止包含了 key,则返回 新的 CombinedContext;
    public override fun minusKey(key: Key<*>): CoroutineContext {
        element[key]?.let { return left }
        val newLeft = left.minusKey(key)
        return when {
            newLeft === left -> this
            newLeft === EmptyCoroutineContext -> element
            else -> CombinedContext(newLeft, element)

从实现来看,CombinedContext 有点像链表;


为了方便在协程执行过程中访问 CoroutineContext 而创建的接口;

public interface CoroutineScope {
    // 只有一个接口方法,来提供 `CoroutineContext`
    public val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext



  1. 取消父协程会递归地取消子协程;
  2. 子协程异常失败会取消父协程及其他的子协程;SupervisorJob可以自定义这一行为;
  3. 父协程会等待所有的子协程完成。
// 继承了 Element 接口,是 CoroutineContext 所存储的对象
public interface Job : CoroutineContext.Element {
    // Job 具有以下三种状态
    public val isActive: Boolean
    public val isCompleted: Boolean
    public val isCancelled: Boolean
    // 开始执行协程,如果执行成功返回 true,如果已经执行或者执行过了返回 false
    public fun start(): Boolean
    // 取消协程
    public fun cancel(cause: CancellationException? = null)
    // 保存子协程
    public val children: Sequence<Job>
    // 与子协程建立关系,返回 ChildHanlde 以取消与父协程的关系
    public fun attachChild(child: ChildJob): ChildHandle
    // 阻塞当前父协程,直到当前子协程执行完
    public suspend fun join()
    // 注册当前协程执行完成的回调;如果已经执行完则立即回调,如果没有执行完则等待状态变更后回调;
    public fun invokeOnCompletion(handler: CompletionHandler): DisposableHandle

下面是 Job 状态变更的流程图:


从上述接口的分析可以看出,Job 有一些父协程的特征但又不完全有,完全没有子协程的特征;Kotlin 又派生了两个接口来实现这些特征;


// 子协程接口
public interface ChildJob : Job {
    // 父协程取消子协程
    public fun parentCancelled(parentJob: ParentJob)


public interface ParentJob : Job {
    // 这个接口提供取消子协程的原因
    public fun getChildJobCancellationCause(): CancellationException



public interface DisposableHandle {
    public fun dispose()



public interface ChildHandle : DisposableHandle {

    // 父协程的引用
    public val parent: Job?

    // 子协程调用这个方法向父协程通知异常
    // 这个方法会被子协程调用两次,第一次子协程为尽快取消父协程和其他兄弟协程,报告根本原因;
    // 第二次子协程确定原因后,再次调用。
    public fun childCancelled(cause: Throwable): Boolean


所有的协程都会具有JobParentJobChildJob的特性,但是又不可能每个协程类都去单独实现,因此就使用 JobSupport 这个类来集中实现上述特性;

       === Internal states ===

       name       state class              public state  description
       ------     ------------             ------------  -----------
       EMPTY_N    EmptyNew               : New           no listeners
       EMPTY_A    EmptyActive            : Active        no listeners
       SINGLE     JobNode                : Active        a single listener
       SINGLE+    JobNode                : Active        a single listener + NodeList added as its next
       LIST_N     InactiveNodeList       : New           a list of listeners (promoted once, does not got back to EmptyNew)
       LIST_A     NodeList               : Active        a list of listeners (promoted once, does not got back to JobNode/EmptyActive)
       COMPLETING Finishing              : Completing    has a list of listeners (promoted once from LIST_*)
       CANCELLING Finishing              : Cancelling    -- " --
       FINAL_C    Cancelled              : Cancelled     Cancelled (final state)
       FINAL_R    <any>                  : Completed     produced some result

        === Transitions ===

           New states      Active states       Inactive states

          +---------+       +---------+                          }
          | EMPTY_N | ----> | EMPTY_A | ----+                    } Empty states
          +---------+       +---------+     |                    }
               |  |           |     ^       |    +----------+
               |  |           |     |       +--> |  FINAL_* |
               |  |           V     |       |    +----------+
               |  |         +---------+     |                    }
               |  |         | SINGLE  | ----+                    } JobNode states
               |  |         +---------+     |                    }
               |  |              |          |                    }
               |  |              V          |                    }
               |  |         +---------+     |                    }
               |  +-------> | SINGLE+ | ----+                    }
               |            +---------+     |                    }
               |                 |          |
               V                 V          |
          +---------+       +---------+     |                    }
          | LIST_N  | ----> | LIST_A  | ----+                    } [Inactive]NodeList states
          +---------+       +---------+     |                    }
             |   |             |   |        |
             |   |    +--------+   |        |
             |   |    |            V        |
             |   |    |    +------------+   |   +------------+   }
             |   +-------> | COMPLETING | --+-- | CANCELLING |   } Finishing states
             |        |    +------------+       +------------+   }
             |        |         |                    ^
             |        |         |                    |

Empty_New 和 Empty_Active

Empty_NewEmpty_Active 都是 JobSupport 的最初状态,根据构造函数的传参不同来赋予最初的状态;

根据 active 进行赋值,atomic 方法请看 https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.atomicfu
private val _state = atomic<Any?>(if (active) EMPTY_ACTIVE else EMPTY_NEW)

上述两种状态指向的是同一个类: Empty,只有 isActive 字段不同;

private class Empty(override val isActive: Boolean) : Incomplete {
    override val list: NodeList? get() = null
    override fun toString(): String = "Empty{${if (isActive) "Active" else "New" }}"

很多状态都实现了 InComplete 接口,用于标记当前协程还未结束;

internal interface Incomplete {
    // 标记当前协程是否可用
    val isActive: Boolean
    // 似乎是一个线程安全的不可删除节点的链表,没有细究;
    val list: NodeList? // is null only for Empty and JobNode incomplete state objects


当前协程处于Empty_Active 状态时,子协程调用 attachChild 方法,最后调用到 invokeOnCompletion 方法;

val node: JobNode = makeNode(handler, onCancelling)
when (state) {
                is Empty -> { // EMPTY_X state -- no completion handlers
                    if (state.isActive) {
                        // 处于`Empty_Active` 状态,直接将`_state`设置为 `JobNode`,称之为 `Single` 状态;
                        if (_state.compareAndSet(state, node)) return node
                    } else


当前协程处于 Empty_New 状态时,子协程调用 attachChild 方法,最后调用到 invokeOnCompletion 方法;

val node: JobNode = makeNode(handler, onCancelling)
when (state) {
                is Empty -> { 
                    // Empty_New 状态,isActive 为 false
                    if (state.isActive) {
                    } else
                        promoteEmptyToNodeList(state) // that way we can add listener for non-active coroutine

private fun promoteEmptyToNodeList(state: Empty) {
        // try to promote it to LIST state with the corresponding state
        val list = NodeList()
        // 此处 isActive 必为 false,将 `_state` 设置为 `InactiveNodeList`
        val update = if (state.isActive) list else InactiveNodeList(list)
        _state.compareAndSet(state, update)


当协程处于 Empty_Active 状态,子协程调用 attachChild 方法,最后调用到 invokeOnCompletion 方法;

val node: JobNode = makeNode(handler, onCancelling)
loopOnState { state ->
    when (state) {
        is Empty -> { // EMPTY_X state -- no completion handlers
            if (state.isActive) {
        is Incomplete -> {
            val list = state.list
            if (list == null) { // SINGLE/SINGLE+
                promoteSingleToNodeList(state as JobNode)

private fun promoteSingleToNodeList(state: JobNode) {
    // try to promote it to list (SINGLE+ state)
    // it must be in SINGLE+ state or state has changed (node could have need removed from state)
    val list = state.nextNode // either our NodeList or somebody else won the race, updated state
    // just attempt converting it to list if state is still the same, then we'll continue lock-free loop
    _state.compareAndSet(state, list)

_state 设置为 NodeList;


当前协程处于 List_NSingle+ 时,子协程调用 attachChild 方法,最后调用到 invokeOnCompletion 方法;

val node: JobNode = makeNode(handler, onCancelling)
loopOnState { state ->
    when (state) {
        is Empty -> { // EMPTY_X state -- no completion handlers
        is Incomplete -> {
            val list = state.list
            if (list == null) {
            } else {
                var rootCause: Throwable? = null
                var handle: DisposableHandle = NonDisposableHandle
                if (rootCause != null) {
                } else {
                    if (addLastAtomic(state, list, node)) return node

// 如果两个 state 引用相同,则把 node 添加到 list 的最后
private fun addLastAtomic(expect: Any, list: NodeList, node: JobNode) =
    list.addLastIf(node) { this.state === expect }


Job 主动调用 cancel 方法,或者子协程发生异常取消当前协程,或者父协程取消当前协程;这三种情况都会调用 cancelImpl 方法;

internal fun cancelImpl(cause: Any?): Boolean {
    var finalState: Any? = COMPLETING_ALREADY
    // 默认为 false,在 JobImpl 中重载为 true
    if (onCancelComplete) {
        // make sure it is completing, if cancelMakeCompleting returns state it means it had make it
        // completing and had recorded exception
        finalState = cancelMakeCompleting(cause)
        if (finalState === COMPLETING_WAITING_CHILDREN) return true
    if (finalState === COMPLETING_ALREADY) {
        finalState = makeCancelling(cause)
    return when {
        finalState === COMPLETING_ALREADY -> true
        finalState === COMPLETING_WAITING_CHILDREN -> true
        finalState === TOO_LATE_TO_CANCEL -> false
        else -> {

private fun cancelMakeCompleting(cause: Any?): Any? {
    loopOnState { state ->
        if (state !is Incomplete || state is Finishing && state.isCompleting) {
            // 如果当前协程已经结束,直接返回状态
            return COMPLETING_ALREADY
        // 包装异常
        val proposedUpdate = CompletedExceptionally(createCauseException(cause))
        // 等待解决子协程
        val finalState = tryMakeCompleting(state, proposedUpdate)
        if (finalState !== COMPLETING_RETRY) return finalState


tryMakeCompletingSlowPathstate 被置为 Finishing




父协程通过children 字段保留了所有的子协程,通过ChildJob 接口中的 parentCancelled 方法来取消子协程;


子协程通过ChildHandle 接口中childCancelled 方法来把消息传递给父协程;


通过invokeOnCompletion 方法注册执行完成的回调,来感知子协程的执行情况;

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