Android Service
Native Service and Android Service
- Native Service:In every main() method of NativeService, which is called by init process through parseing init.rc, the globale object of ProcessState will be created by calling ProcessState::self(),and then startThreadPool and created main thread by calling IPCThreadPool.self()->joinThreadPool().
- Android Service:All Android Service is created by SystemServer and running with the same parent process which is system server.
Init Process starts
- init.rc
1 import init.usb.rc 2 import init.xlog.rc 3 4 on early-init 5 # Set init and its forked children's oom_adj. 6 write /proc/1/oom_adj -16 7 start ueventd 8 9 # create mountpoints 10 mkdir /mnt 0775 root system 11 mkdir /mnt/sdcard 0000 system system 12 mkdir /mnt/sdcard2 0000 system system 13 14 on 15 write /proc/bootprof "INIT: user build setting" 16 17 on 18 write /proc/bootprof "INIT: eng build setting" 19 20 on init 21 22 sysclktz 0 23 24 loglevel 5 25 write /proc/bootprof "INIT: on init start" 26 27 # setup the global environment 28 export PATH /sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin 29 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /vendor/lib:/system/lib 30 export ANDROID_BOOTLOGO 1 31 export ANDROID_ROOT /system 32 export ANDROID_ASSETS /system/app 33 export ANDROID_DATA /data 34 export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /mnt/sdcard 35 export ASEC_MOUNTPOINT /mnt/asec 36 export LOOP_MOUNTPOINT /mnt/obb 37 export BOOTCLASSPATH /system/framework/core.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/android.policy.jar:/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/apache-xml.jar:/system/framework/filterfw.jar:/system/framework/mediatek-framework.jar:/system/framework/secondary_framework.jar 38 39 # Backward compatibility 40 symlink /system/etc /etc 41 symlink /sys/kernel/debug /d 42 43 # Right now vendor lives on the same filesystem as system, 44 # but someday that may change. 45 symlink /system/vendor /vendor 46 47 # Create cgroup mount point for cpu accounting 48 mkdir /acct 49 mount cgroup none /acct cpuacct 50 mkdir /acct/uid 51 52 # Backwards Compat - XXX: Going away in G* 53 symlink /mnt/sdcard /sdcard 54 55 mkdir /system 56 mkdir /data 0771 system system 57 mkdir /cache 0770 system cache 58 mkdir /config 0500 root root 59 60 # Directory for putting things only root should see. 61 mkdir /mnt/secure 0700 root root 62 63 # Directory for staging bindmounts 64 mkdir /mnt/secure/staging 0700 root root 65 66 # Directory-target for where the secure container 67 # imagefile directory will be bind-mounted 68 mkdir /mnt/secure/asec 0700 root root 69 70 # Secure container public mount points. 71 mkdir /mnt/asec 0700 root system 72 mount tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/asec mode=0755,gid=1000 73 74 # Filesystem image public mount points. 75 mkdir /mnt/obb 0700 root system 76 mount tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/obb mode=0755,gid=1000 77 78 write /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops 1 79 write /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs 0 80 write /proc/cpu/alignment 4 81 write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_latency_ns 10000000 82 write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_wakeup_granularity_ns 2000000 83 write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_compat_yield 1 84 write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_child_runs_first 0 85 write /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space 2 86 87 # Create cgroup mount points for process groups 88 mkdir /dev/cpuctl 89 mount cgroup none /dev/cpuctl cpu 90 chown system system /dev/cpuctl 91 chown system system /dev/cpuctl/tasks 92 chmod 0777 /dev/cpuctl/tasks 93 write /dev/cpuctl/cpu.shares 1024 94 95 mkdir /dev/cpuctl/fg_boost 96 chown system system /dev/cpuctl/fg_boost/tasks 97 chmod 0777 /dev/cpuctl/fg_boost/tasks 98 write /dev/cpuctl/fg_boost/cpu.shares 1024 99 100 mkdir /dev/cpuctl/bg_non_interactive 101 chown system system /dev/cpuctl/bg_non_interactive/tasks 102 chmod 0777 /dev/cpuctl/bg_non_interactive/tasks 103 # 5.0 % 104 write /dev/cpuctl/bg_non_interactive/cpu.shares 52 105 106 # Allow everybody to read the xt_qtaguid resource tracking misc dev. 107 # This is needed by any process that uses socket tagging. 108 chmod 0644 /dev/xt_qtaguid 109 110 on fs 111 # mount mtd partitions 112 # Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint 113 write /proc/bootprof "INIT:NAND:Mount_START" 114 mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system 115 mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system ro remount 116 mount yaffs2 mtd@userdata /data nosuid nodev 117 mount yaffs2 mtd@cache /cache nosuid nodev 118 write /proc/bootprof "INIT:NAND:Mount_END" 119 # mount mtd partitions 120 write /proc/bootprof "INIT:eMMC:Mount_START" 121 exec /sbin/e2fsck -p /emmc@android 122 # Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint 123 #mount ext4 emmc@android /system commit=1,data=journal,noauto_da_alloc 124 mount ext4 /emmc@android /system commit=1,noauto_da_alloc 125 mkdir /system/secro 0600 system system 126 # RIL need to do this before the folder /system changed to read only 127 chown radio system /system/etc/ril 128 chmod 0770 /system/etc/ril 129 chmod 0444 /system/etc/ril/oper.lis 130 mount ext4 /emmc@android /system noatime ro remount 131 exec /sbin/e2fsck -pfD /emmc@usrdata 132 exec /sbin/tune2fs -O has_journal /emmc@usrdata 133 mount ext4 /emmc@usrdata /data noatime nosuid nodev noauto_da_alloc 134 exec /sbin/e2fsck -p /emmc@cache 135 exec /sbin/tune2fs -O has_journal /emmc@cache 136 mount ext4 /emmc@cache /cache noatime nosuid nodev noauto_da_alloc 137 write /proc/bootprof "INIT:eMMC:Mount_END" 138 139 on post-fs 140 # once everything is setup, no need to modify / 141 mount rootfs rootfs / ro remount 142 143 # Add by Mtk 144 mount ext4 /emmc@sec_ro /system/secro ro remount 145 146 # We chown/chmod /cache again so because mount is run as root + defaults 147 chown system cache /cache 148 chmod 0770 /cache 149 150 # This may have been created by the recovery system with odd permissions 151 chown system cache /cache/recovery 152 chmod 0770 /cache/recovery 153 154 #change permissions on vmallocinfo so we can grab it from bugreports 155 chown root log /proc/vmallocinfo 156 chmod 0440 /proc/vmallocinfo 157 158 #change permissions on kmsg & sysrq-trigger so bugreports can grab kthread stacks 159 chown root system /proc/kmsg 160 chmod 0440 /proc/kmsg 161 chown root system /proc/sysrq-trigger 162 chmod 0220 /proc/sysrq-trigger 163 164 # create the lost+found directories, so as to enforce our permissions 165 mkdir /cache/lost+found 0770 root root 166 167 # Add by Mtk 168 mount yaffs2 mtd@secstatic /system/secro ro remount 169 170 on post-fs-data 171 # We chown/chmod /data again so because mount is run as root + defaults 172 chown system system /data 173 chmod 0771 /data 174 175 # Create dump dir and collect dumps. 176 # Do this before we mount cache so eventually we can use cache for 177 # storing dumps on platforms which do not have a dedicated dump partition. 178 mkdir /data/dontpanic 0750 root log 179 180 # Collect apanic data, free resources and re-arm trigger 181 copy /proc/apanic_console /data/dontpanic/apanic_console 182 chown root log /data/dontpanic/apanic_console 183 chmod 0640 /data/dontpanic/apanic_console 184 185 copy /proc/apanic_threads /data/dontpanic/apanic_threads 186 chown root log /data/dontpanic/apanic_threads 187 chmod 0640 /data/dontpanic/apanic_threads 188 189 write /proc/apanic_console 1 190 191 # create basic filesystem structure 192 mkdir /data/nvram 0770 root nvram 193 mkdir /data/misc 01771 system misc 194 mkdir /data/misc/bluetoothd 0770 bluetooth bluetooth 195 mkdir /data/misc/bluetooth 0770 system system 196 mkdir /data/misc/keystore 0700 keystore keystore 197 mkdir /data/misc/keychain 0771 system system 198 mkdir /data/misc/vpn 0770 system vpn 199 mkdir /data/misc/systemkeys 0700 system system 200 # give system access to wpa_supplicant.conf for backup and restore 201 mkdir /data/misc/wifi 0770 wifi wifi 202 chmod 0660 /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf 203 chmod 0660 /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf 204 mkdir /data/local 0751 root root 205 mkdir /data/local/tmp 0771 shell shell 206 mkdir /data/data 0771 system system 207 mkdir /data/app-private 0771 system system 208 mkdir /data/app 0771 system system 209 mkdir /data/property 0700 root root 210 211 #give system access to rfkill device node 212 chmod 0660 /dev/rfkill 213 214 # create dalvik-cache, so as to enforce our permissions 215 mkdir /data/dalvik-cache 0771 system system 216 217 # create resource-cache and double-check the perms 218 mkdir /data/resource-cache 0771 system system 219 chown system system /data/resource-cache 220 chmod 0771 /data/resource-cache 221 222 # create the lost+found directories, so as to enforce our permissions 223 mkdir /data/lost+found 0770 root root 224 225 # create directory for DRM plug-ins 226 mkdir /data/drm 0774 drm drm 227 228 # If there is no fs-post-data action in the init.<device>.rc file, you 229 # must uncomment this line, otherwise encrypted filesystems 230 # won't work. 231 # Set indication (checked by vold) that we have finished this action 232 #setprop vold.post_fs_data_done 1 233 234 # ----------------------- 235 # Add by MTK 236 237 # hwe 238 insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_hwe.ko 239 240 # alps core 241 # insmod /system/lib/modules/alps_core.ko 242 243 # dhcp server 244 mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp 245 chown dhcp dhcp /data/misc/dhcp 246 247 # SGX 248 insmod /system/lib/modules/pvrsrvkm.ko 249 insmod /system/lib/modules/mtklfb.ko 250 251 # Permissions for System Server and daemons. 252 chown root radio /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness 253 chown root radio /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/duty 254 chown root radio /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/div 255 256 # Touch Panel 257 chmod 0664 /dev/touch 258 chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_calmat 259 chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_em_debounce_time 260 chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_mode 261 chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_em_debounce_time0 262 chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_em_debounce_time1 263 chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_em_spl_num 264 chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_em_pressure_threshold 265 chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_em_auto_time_interval 266 chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_em_sample_cnt 267 chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_em_asamp 268 chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_debug/parameters/tpd_em_log 269 chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_debug/parameters/tpd_em_log_to_fs 270 271 chmod 0666 /dev/pmem_multimedia 272 # load driver base driver 273 insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_drvb_77.ko 274 mknod /dev/drvb c 176 0 275 chmod 0666 /dev/drvb 276 277 # watch dog kicker 278 write /proc/wdk "0 20 30" 279 280 281 282 # RTC 283 mkdir /data/misc/rtc 0770 system system 284 285 # Modem related device nodes 286 mkdir /data/nvram/md 0700 root root 287 288 insmod /system/lib/modules/ccci_plat.ko 289 insmod /system/lib/modules/ccci.ko 290 insmod /system/lib/modules/ccmni.ko 291 292 mknod /dev/ccci c 184 0 293 mknod /dev/ccci_fs c 178 0 294 mknod /dev/ccci_sys_rx c 184 2 295 mknod /dev/ccci_sys_tx c 184 3 296 mknod /dev/ccci_pcm_rx c 184 4 297 mknod /dev/ccci_pcm_tx c 184 5 298 mknod /dev/ccci_uart1_rx c 184 6 299 mknod /dev/ccci_uart1_rx_ack c 184 7 300 301 mknod /dev/ccci_uem_rx c 184 18 302 mknod /dev/ccci_uem_tx c 184 19 303 chmod 0666 /dev/ccci_uem_rx 304 chmod 0666 /dev/ccci_uem_tx 305 306 mknod /dev/ccci_md_log_rx c 184 42 307 mknod /dev/ccci_md_log_tx c 184 43 308 chmod 0666 /dev/ccci_md_log_rx 309 chmod 0666 /dev/ccci_md_log_tx 310 311 chmod 0666 /dev/ccci 312 chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_fs 313 chmod 0666 /dev/ccci_pcm_rx 314 chmod 0666 /dev/ccci_pcm_tx 315 chmod 0600 /dev/ccci_sys_rx 316 chmod 0600 /dev/ccci_sys_tx 317 chmod 0600 /dev/ccci_uart1_rx 318 chmod 0600 /dev/ccci_uart1_rx_ack 319 chmod 0660 /dev/ttyC0 320 321 # M4U 322 insmod /system/lib/modules/m4u.ko 323 mknod /dev/M4U_device c 188 0 324 chmod 0666 /dev/M4U_device 325 326 # Sensor 327 chmod 0666 /dev/hwmsensor 328 chmod 0666 /dev/msensor 329 chmod 0666 /dev/gsensor 330 chmod 0666 /dev/alsps 331 332 #VideoCodec 333 insmod /system/lib/modules/vcodec_kernel_driver.ko 334 mknod /dev/Vcodec c 160 0 335 chmod 0666 /dev/Vcodec 336 337 338 339 mkdir /data/amit/ 340 mkdir /data/misc/sensors 0777 system system 341 mkdir /data/misc/akmd 0777 compass compass 342 chown system /sys/class/input/input4/enable 343 chown system /sys/class/input/input4/delay 344 chown system /sys/class/input/input4/wake 345 chown system /sys/class/input/input2/enable 346 chown system /sys/class/input/input2/wake 347 chown compass /sys/class/input/input3/offsets 348 349 # GPIO 350 chmod 0666 /dev/mtgpio 351 352 #EM eint 353 chown root diag /sys/bus/platform/drivers/eint/current_eint 354 355 # change MTKFB permission for Settings App JNI functions to set TVOut related status 356 chmod 0666 /dev/graphics/fb0 357 358 # EM baseband file 359 chown root diag /system/bin/baseband_regdump 360 chmod 4750 /system/bin/baseband_regdump 361 362 #pmu 363 chown root radio /sys/devices/platform/mt-pmic/pmic_access_bank0 364 chown root radio /sys/devices/platform/mt-pmic/pmic_access_bank1 365 chmod 0664 /sys/devices/platform/mt-pmic/pmic_access_bank0 366 chmod 0664 /sys/devices/platform/mt-pmic/pmic_access_bank1 367 368 369 #EM eint 370 chown root diag /sys/bus/platform/drivers/eint/current_eint 371 372 # for ppp options file 373 mkdir /data/misc/ppp 374 chmod 0777 /data/misc/ppp 375 376 # Android SEC related device nodes 377 insmod /system/lib/modules/sec.ko 378 mknod /dev/sec c 182 0 379 chmod 0660 /dev/sec 380 381 # device apc settings 382 insmod /system/lib/modules/devapc.ko 383 384 # device info /proc interface 385 insmod /system/lib/modules/devinfo.ko 386 387 # bluetooth 388 mkdir /data/@btmtk 0770 bluetooth net_bt 389 chown bluetooth bluetooth /dev/hid-keyboard 390 chmod 0660 /dev/hid-keyboard 391 chown bluetooth bluetooth /dev/btn 392 chmod 0660 /dev/btn 393 #Use uinput's default permission 394 chown system net_bt_admin /dev/uinput 395 396 #TV-out 397 chmod 0666 /dev/TV-out 398 399 #HDMI 400 chmod 0666 /dev/hdmitx 401 402 # JPEG 403 chmod 0666 /dev/mtk_jpeg 404 405 #SYSRAM 406 chmod 0666 /dev/camera-sysram 407 408 #ISP 409 chmod 0666 /dev/camera-isp 410 411 #ResMar 412 chmod 0666 /dev/camera-resmgr 413 414 # otg_test 415 chmod 0777 /dev/mt_otg_test 416 417 # MDP 418 chmod 0666 /dev/mt6575-MDP 419 420 # End of adding by MTK drivers 421 # ----------------------- 422 423 on boot 424 425 # xlog 426 chmod 0666 /dev/xLog 427 start xlogboot 428 429 # basic network init 430 ifup lo 431 hostname localhost 432 domainname localdomain 433 434 # set RLIMIT_NICE to allow priorities from 19 to -20 435 setrlimit 13 40 40 436 437 # Memory management. Basic kernel parameters, and allow the high 438 # level system server to be able to adjust the kernel OOM driver 439 # paramters to match how it is managing things. 440 write /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory 1 441 write /proc/sys/vm/min_free_order_shift 4 442 chown root system /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj 443 chmod 0664 /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj 444 chown root system /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree 445 chmod 0664 /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree 446 447 # Tweak background writeout 448 write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs 100 449 write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs 300 450 write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio 5 451 452 # Permissions for System Server and daemons. 453 chown radio system /sys/android_power/state 454 chown radio system /sys/android_power/request_state 455 chown radio system /sys/android_power/acquire_full_wake_lock 456 chown radio system /sys/android_power/acquire_partial_wake_lock 457 chown radio system /sys/android_power/release_wake_lock 458 chown radio system /sys/power/state 459 chown radio system /sys/power/wake_lock 460 chown radio system /sys/power/wake_unlock 461 chmod 0660 /sys/power/state 462 chmod 0660 /sys/power/wake_lock 463 chmod 0660 /sys/power/wake_unlock 464 chmod 0664 /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness 465 chown system system /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable 466 chown system system /sys/class/leds/keyboard-backlight/brightness 467 chown system radio /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness 468 chown system system /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/brightness 469 chown system system /sys/class/leds/jogball-backlight/brightness 470 chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/brightness 471 chown system system /sys/class/leds/green/brightness 472 chown system system /sys/class/leds/blue/brightness 473 chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/device/grpfreq 474 chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/device/grppwm 475 chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/device/blink 476 chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/brightness 477 chown system system /sys/class/leds/green/brightness 478 chown system system /sys/class/leds/blue/brightness 479 chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/device/grpfreq 480 chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/device/grppwm 481 chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/device/blink 482 chown system system /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable 483 chown system system /sys/module/sco/parameters/disable_esco 484 chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_wmem_min 485 chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_wmem_def 486 chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_wmem_max 487 chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_rmem_min 488 chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_rmem_def 489 chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_rmem_max 490 chown root radio /proc/cmdline 491 492 chown root radio /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/duty 493 chown root radio /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/div 494 chown system system /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/trigger 495 chown system system /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/trigger 496 chown system system /sys/class/leds/keyboard-backlight/trigger 497 chown system system /sys/class/leds/jogball-backlight/trigger 498 chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/trigger 499 chown system system /sys/class/leds/green/trigger 500 chown system system /sys/class/leds/blue/trigger 501 # AGPS 502 chmod 0777 /system/bin/mtk_agpsd 503 504 ## Thermal 505 #change permissions on thermal devices 506 chown root system /proc/mtktscpu/mtktscpu 507 chmod 0660 /proc/mtktscpu/mtktscpu 508 chown root system /proc/mtktsabb/mtktsabb 509 chmod 0660 /proc/mtktsabb/mtktsabb 510 chown root system /proc/mtktsbattery/mtktsbattery 511 chmod 0660 /proc/mtktsbattery/mtktsbattery 512 chown root system /proc/mtktspa/mtktspa 513 chmod 0660 /proc/mtktspa/mtktspa 514 chown root system /proc/mtktspmic/mtktspmic 515 chmod 0660 /proc/mtktspmic/mtktspmic 516 chown root system /proc/wmt_tm/wmt_tm 517 chmod 0660 /proc/wmt_tm/wmt_tm 518 chown root system /proc/driver/mtk_thermal_monitor 519 chmod 0660 /proc/driver/mtk_thermal_monitor 520 521 # Define TCP buffer sizes for various networks 522 # ReadMin, ReadInitial, ReadMax, WriteMin, WriteInitial, WriteMax, 523 setprop net.tcp.buffersize.default 4096,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208 524 setprop net.tcp.buffersize.wifi 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576 525 setprop net.tcp.buffersize.lte 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576 526 setprop net.tcp.buffersize.umts 4094,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208 527 setprop net.tcp.buffersize.hspa 4094,87380,262144,4096,16384,262144 528 setprop net.tcp.buffersize.edge 4093,26280,35040,4096,16384,35040 529 setprop net.tcp.buffersize.gprs 4092,8760,11680,4096,8760,11680 530 531 # Set this property so surfaceflinger is not started by system_init 532 setprop system_init.startsurfaceflinger 0 533 534 class_start core 535 class_start main 536 class_start default 537 538 on nonencrypted 539 class_start late_start 540 541 on charger 542 class_start charger 543 544 on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_reset_main 545 class_reset main 546 547 on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_load_persist_props 548 load_persist_props 549 550 on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_post_fs_data 551 trigger post-fs-data 552 553 on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_restart_min_framework 554 class_start main 555 556 on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_restart_framework 557 class_start main 558 class_start late_start 559 560 on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_shutdown_framework 561 class_reset late_start 562 class_reset main 563 564 on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_stop_modem_and_default 565 stop gsm0710muxd 566 stop rild 567 stop ccci_fsd 568 stop ccci_mdinit 569 class_reset default 570 571 ## Daemon processes to be run by init. 572 ## 573 574 # Update the second boot logo 575 service bootlogoupdater /system/bin/boot_logo_updater 576 oneshot 577 578 service ueventd /sbin/ueventd 579 class core 580 critical 581 582 service console /system/bin/sh 583 class core 584 console 585 disabled 586 user root 587 group log 588 589 on property:ro.debuggable=1 590 start console 591 592 # adbd is controlled via property triggers in init.<platform>.usb.rc 593 service adbd /sbin/adbd 594 class core 595 disabled 596 597 # adbd on at boot in emulator 598 on property:ro.kernel.qemu=1 599 start adbd 600 601 service debuggerd /system/bin/debuggerd 602 class main 603 604 service mobile_log_d /system/bin/mobile_log_d 605 class main 606 607 # SGX init 608 service pvrsrvinit /system/vendor/bin/pvrsrvinit 609 class main 610 user root 611 group root 612 oneshot 613 614 service servicemanager /system/bin/servicemanager 615 class core 616 user system 617 group system 618 critical 619 onrestart restart zygote 620 onrestart restart media 621 onrestart restart surfaceflinger 622 onrestart restart drm 623 624 service vold /system/bin/vold 625 class core 626 socket vold stream 0660 root mount 627 ioprio be 2 628 629 service netd /system/bin/netd 630 class main 631 socket netd stream 0660 root system 632 socket dnsproxyd stream 0660 root inet 633 634 service netdiag /system/bin/netdiag 635 class main 636 socket netdiag stream 0666 root system 637 638 639 service nvram_daemon /system/bin/nvram_daemon 640 class main 641 user root 642 group nvram 643 oneshot 644 service gsm0710muxd /system/bin/gsm0710muxd -s /dev/ttyC0 -f 512 -n 8 -m basic 645 class core 646 user root 647 group radio cache inet misc 648 disabled 649 650 service muxreport-daemon /system/bin/muxreport 651 class core 652 user root 653 group radio cache inet misc 654 disabled 655 oneshot 656 657 service ril-daemon /system/bin/rild 658 class core 659 socket rild stream 660 root radio 660 socket rild2 stream 660 root radio 661 socket rild-debug stream 666 radio system 662 socket rild-mtk-ut stream 660 radio net_bt 663 socket rild-mtk-ut-2 stream 660 radio net_bt 664 socket rild-mtk-modem stream 660 radio system 665 socket rild-atci stream 660 root radio 666 user root 667 group radio cache inet misc audio sdcard_rw log 668 disabled 669 670 service atci_service /system/bin/atci_service 671 socket atci-service stream 660 radio system 672 socket atci-service-framework stream 660 radio system 673 user root 674 group radio system 675 676 677 service atcid-daemon /system/bin/atcid 678 user root 679 group radio system 680 681 service audio-daemon /system/bin/audiocmdservice_atci 682 class main 683 socket atci-audio stream 660 root system 684 user root 685 disabled 686 oneshot 687 688 service md_minilog_util /system/bin/md_minilog_util 689 user root 690 disabled 691 oneshot 692 693 service surfaceflinger /system/bin/surfaceflinger 694 class main 695 # user system 696 group graphics 697 onrestart restart zygote 698 699 service zygote /system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote --start-system-server 700 class main 701 socket zygote stream 660 root system 702 onrestart write /sys/android_power/request_state wake 703 onrestart write /sys/power/state on 704 onrestart restart media 705 onrestart restart netd 706 707 # 708 # MT6620 related services (Begin) 709 # 710 711 service hald /system/bin/hald 712 class main 713 socket hald stream 0660 root system 714 715 service wpa_supplicant /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/wpa_supplicant 716 group wifi 717 disabled 718 oneshot 719 720 service p2p_supplicant /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/p2p_supplicant 721 group wifi 722 disabled 723 oneshot 724 725 # 726 # MT6620 related services (End) 727 # 728 729 service dhcpcd_wlan0 /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/dhcpcd -A -BK -dd 730 class main 731 disabled 732 oneshot 733 734 service dhcpcd_p2p /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/dhcpcd -A -BK -dd 735 class main 736 disabled 737 oneshot 738 739 service iprenew_wlan0 /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/dhcpcd -n 740 class main 741 disabled 742 oneshot 743 744 service DMAgent /system/bin/dm_agent_binder 745 user root 746 747 service drm /system/bin/drmserver 748 class main 749 user drm 750 group system audio sdcard_rw net_raw inet drmrpc 751 752 service media /system/bin/mediaserver 753 class main 754 user root 755 group audio camera graphics inet net_bt net_bt_admin net_bw_acct drmrpc 756 ioprio rt 4 757 758 service mtkGD /system/bin/mtkGD 759 class main 760 user system 761 group system 762 763 service bootanim /system/bin/bootanimation 764 class main 765 user graphics 766 group graphics 767 disabled 768 oneshot 769 770 service dbus /system/bin/dbus-daemon --system --nofork 771 class main 772 socket dbus stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth 773 user bluetooth 774 group bluetooth net_bt_admin 775 776 service bluetoothd /system/bin/bluetoothd -n 777 class main 778 socket bluetooth stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth 779 socket dbus_bluetooth stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth 780 # init.rc does not yet support applying capabilities, so run as root and 781 # let bluetoothd drop uid to bluetooth with the right linux capabilities 782 group bluetooth net_bt_admin misc 783 disabled 784 785 service mtkbt /system/bin/mtkbt 786 socket dgram 660 bluetooth net_bt 787 socket dgram 660 bluetooth net_bt 788 user bluetooth 789 group net_bt bluetooth net_bt_admin sdcard_rw inet net_admin nvram net_raw 790 oneshot 791 792 793 service mdpd /system/bin/mdpd 794 user system 795 group system 796 797 798 # 799 # Modem related services (Begin) 800 # 801 802 service ccci_fsd /system/bin/ccci_fsd 803 user root 804 class core 805 oneshot 806 807 service ccci_mdinit /system/bin/ccci_mdinit 808 user root 809 class core 810 oneshot 811 812 813 service pppd_gprs /system/etc/init.gprs-pppd file /etc/ppp/ppp_options 814 user root 815 group radio cache inet misc 816 disabled 817 oneshot 818 819 #Add by T.Zh for ppp daemon 820 service pppd /system/bin/pppd file /data/misc/ppp/ppp_options 821 user root 822 disabled 823 oneshot 824 825 # 826 # 827 # Modem related services (End) 828 # 829 830 831 service installd /system/bin/installd 832 class main 833 socket installd stream 600 system system 834 835 service flash_recovery /system/etc/ 836 class main 837 oneshot 838 839 service sbchk /system/bin/sbchk 840 oneshot 841 842 service racoon /system/bin/racoon 843 class main 844 socket racoon stream 600 system system 845 # IKE uses UDP port 500. Racoon will setuid to vpn after binding the port. 846 group vpn net_admin inet 847 disabled 848 oneshot 849 850 service mtpd /system/bin/mtpd 851 class main 852 socket mtpd stream 600 system system 853 user vpn 854 group vpn net_admin inet net_raw 855 disabled 856 oneshot 857 858 service keystore /system/bin/keystore /data/misc/keystore 859 class main 860 user keystore 861 group keystore 862 socket keystore stream 666 863 864 service dumpstate /system/bin/dumpstate -s 865 class main 866 socket dumpstate stream 0660 shell log 867 disabled 868 oneshot 869 870 service agpsd /system/bin/mtk_agpsd 871 class main 872 socket agpsd stream 666 system system 873 874 service mnld /system/xbin/mnld 875 socket mnld stream 666 system system 876 disabled 877 878 service ipod /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/ipod 879 user root 880 group root 881 disabled 882 883 service GoogleOtaAgent /system/bin/GoogleOtaBinder 884 user root 885 886 service SDCardUpdateA /system/bin/SDCardUpdateBinder 887 user root 888 889 service mdlogger /system/bin/mdlogger 890 class main 891 disabled 892 oneshot 893 894 # 895 #sensor service (begin) 896 # 897 898 service msensord /system/bin/msensord 899 oneshot 900 901 service ami304d /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/ami304d 902 disabled 903 oneshot 904 905 service memsicd /system/bin/memsicd 906 disabled 907 oneshot 908 909 service akmd8975 /system/bin/akmd8975 910 disabled 911 user compass 912 group compass 913 914 service orientationd /system/bin/orientationd 915 disabled 916 user compass 917 group input 918 919 service geomagneticd /system/bin/geomagneticd 920 disabled 921 user compass 922 group system input 923 # 924 #sensor service (end) 925 # 926 927 # 928 #emsvr service (start) 929 # 930 service emsvr /system/bin/em_svr 931 user root 932 933 service afmsvr /system/bin/afm_server 934 user root 935 936 # 937 #emsvr service (end) 938 # 939 940 service shutdown /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/shutdown 941 user root 942 group root 943 disabled 944 945 service NvRAMAgent /system/bin/nvram_agent_binder 946 user root 947 948 service thermal_manager /system/bin/thermal_manager 949 user root 950 oneshot 951 952 #service init.thermal /system/etc/ 953 # user root 954 # oneshot 955 956 # 957 # MMProfile service 958 # 959 service mmp /system/bin/mmp read_config 960 user root 961 oneshot 962 963 service sysctl /system/xbin/sysctld 964 user root 965 socket sysctl stream 0666 root root 966 disabled
- Many Services are started in init.rc
607 # SGX init 608 service pvrsrvinit /system/vendor/bin/pvrsrvinit 609 class main 610 user root 611 group root 612 oneshot 613 614 service servicemanager /system/bin/servicemanager 615 class core 616 user system 617 group system 618 critical 619 onrestart restart zygote 620 onrestart restart media 621 onrestart restart surfaceflinger 622 onrestart restart drm 623 624 service vold /system/bin/vold 625 class core 626 socket vold stream 0660 root mount 627 ioprio be 2 628 629 service netd /system/bin/netd 630 class main 631 socket netd stream 0660 root system 632 socket dnsproxyd stream 0660 root inet 633 634 service netdiag /system/bin/netdiag 635 class main 636 socket netdiag stream 0666 root system 637 638 639 service nvram_daemon /system/bin/nvram_daemon 640 class main 641 user root 642 group nvram 643 oneshot
- install usb driver
1 import init.usb.rc 2 import init.xlog.rc
- setup the global environment
1 export PATH /sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin 2 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /vendor/lib:/system/lib 3 export ANDROID_BOOTLOGO 1 4 export ANDROID_ROOT /system 5 export ANDROID_ASSETS /system/app 6 export ANDROID_DATA /data 7 export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /mnt/sdcard 8 export ASEC_MOUNTPOINT /mnt/asec 9 export LOOP_MOUNTPOINT /mnt/obb 10 export BOOTCLASSPATH /system/framework/core.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/android.policy.jar:/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/apache-xml.jar:/system/framework/filterfw.jar:/system/framework/mediatek-framework.jar:/system/framework/secondary_framework.jar
- make directory and write device
1 # Directory-target for where the secure container 2 # imagefile directory will be bind-mounted 3 mkdir /mnt/secure/asec 0700 root root 4 5 # Secure container public mount points. 6 mkdir /mnt/asec 0700 root system 7 mount tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/asec mode=0755,gid=1000 8 9 # Filesystem image public mount points. 10 mkdir /mnt/obb 0700 root system 11 mount tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/obb mode=0755,gid=1000 12 13 write /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops 1 14 write /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs 0 15 write /proc/cpu/alignment 4
1 # Set this property so surfaceflinger is not started by system_init 2 setprop system_init.startsurfaceflinger 0 3 class_start core 4 class_start main 5 class_start default 6 7 on nonencrypted 8 class_start late_start 9 10 on charger 11 class_start charger 12 13 on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_reset_main 14 class_reset main
1 # Update the second boot logo 2 service bootlogoupdater /system/bin/boot_logo_updater 3 oneshot 4 5 service ueventd /sbin/ueventd 6 class core 7 critical 8 9 service console /system/bin/sh 10 class core 11 console 12 disabled 13 user root 14 group log 15 16 on property:ro.debuggable=1 17 start console 18 19 # adbd is controlled via property triggers in init.<platform>.usb.rc 20 service adbd /sbin/adbd 21 class core 22 disabled
- service_manager.c
1 /** Copyright 2008 The Android Open Source Project 2 */ 3 4 #include <stdio.h> 5 #include <stdlib.h> 6 #include <errno.h> 7 #include <fcntl.h> 8 9 #include <private/android_filesystem_config.h> 10 11 #include "binder.h" 12 13 #if 0 14 #define LOGI(x...) fprintf(stderr, "svcmgr: " x) 15 #define LOGE(x...) fprintf(stderr, "svcmgr: " x) 16 #else 17 #define LOG_TAG "ServiceManager" 18 #include <cutils/log.h> 19 #endif 20 21 /** TODO: 22 * These should come from a config file or perhaps be 23 * based on some namespace rules of some sort (media 24 * uid can register media.*, etc) 25 */ 26 static struct { 27 unsigned uid; 28 const char *name; 29 } allowed[] = { 30 #ifdef LVMX 31 { AID_MEDIA, "" }, 32 #endif 33 { AID_MEDIA, "media.audio_flinger" }, 34 { AID_MEDIA, "media.player" }, 35 { AID_MEDIA, "" }, 36 { AID_MEDIA, "media.audio_policy" }, 37 { AID_DRM, "drm.drmManager" }, 38 { AID_NFC, "nfc" }, 39 { AID_RADIO, "" }, 40 { AID_RADIO, "radio.sms" }, 41 { AID_RADIO, "radio.phonesubinfo" }, 42 { AID_RADIO, "radio.simphonebook" }, 43 /** TODO: remove after phone services are updated: */ 44 { AID_RADIO, "phone" }, 45 { AID_RADIO, "sip" }, 46 { AID_RADIO, "isms" }, 47 { AID_RADIO, "iphonesubinfo" }, 48 { AID_RADIO, "simphonebook" }, 49 }; 50 51 void *svcmgr_handle; 52 53 const char *str8(uint16_t *x) 54 { 55 static char buf[128]; 56 unsigned max = 127; 57 char *p = buf; 58 59 if (x) { 60 while (*x && max--) { 61 *p++ = *x++; 62 } 63 } 64 *p++ = 0; 65 return buf; 66 } 67 68 int str16eq(uint16_t *a, const char *b) 69 { 70 while (*a && *b) 71 if (*a++ != *b++) return 0; 72 if (*a || *b) 73 return 0; 74 return 1; 75 } 76 77 int svc_can_register(unsigned uid, uint16_t *name) 78 { 79 unsigned n; 80 81 if ((uid == 0) || (uid == AID_SYSTEM)) 82 return 1; 83 84 for (n = 0; n < sizeof(allowed) / sizeof(allowed[0]); n++) 85 if ((uid == allowed[n].uid) && str16eq(name, allowed[n].name)) 86 return 1; 87 88 return 0; 89 } 90 91 struct svcinfo 92 { 93 struct svcinfo *next; 94 void *ptr; 95 struct binder_death death; 96 unsigned len; 97 uint16_t name[0]; 98 }; 99 100 struct svcinfo *svclist = 0; 101 102 struct svcinfo *find_svc(uint16_t *s16, unsigned len) 103 { 104 struct svcinfo *si; 105 106 for (si = svclist; si; si = si->next) { 107 if ((len == si->len) && 108 !memcmp(s16, si->name, len * sizeof(uint16_t))) { 109 return si; 110 } 111 } 112 return 0; 113 } 114 115 void svcinfo_death(struct binder_state *bs, void *ptr) 116 { 117 struct svcinfo *si = ptr; 118 LOGI("service '%s' died\n", str8(si->name)); 119 if (si->ptr) { 120 binder_release(bs, si->ptr); 121 si->ptr = 0; 122 } 123 } 124 125 uint16_t svcmgr_id[] = { 126 'a','n','d','r','o','i','d','.','o','s','.', 127 'I','S','e','r','v','i','c','e','M','a','n','a','g','e','r' 128 }; 129 130 131 void *do_find_service(struct binder_state *bs, uint16_t *s, unsigned len) 132 { 133 struct svcinfo *si; 134 si = find_svc(s, len); 135 136 // LOGI("check_service('%s') ptr = %p\n", str8(s), si ? si->ptr : 0); 137 if (si && si->ptr) { 138 return si->ptr; 139 } else { 140 return 0; 141 } 142 } 143 144 int do_add_service(struct binder_state *bs, 145 uint16_t *s, unsigned len, 146 void *ptr, unsigned uid) 147 { 148 struct svcinfo *si; 149 // LOGI("add_service('%s',%p) uid=%d\n", str8(s), ptr, uid); 150 151 if (!ptr || (len == 0) || (len > 127)) 152 return -1; 153 154 if (!svc_can_register(uid, s)) { 155 LOGE("add_service('%s',%p) uid=%d - PERMISSION DENIED\n", 156 str8(s), ptr, uid); 157 return -1; 158 } 159 160 si = find_svc(s, len); 161 if (si) { 162 if (si->ptr) { 163 LOGE("add_service('%s',%p) uid=%d - ALREADY REGISTERED, OVERRIDE\n", 164 str8(s), ptr, uid); 165 svcinfo_death(bs, si); 166 } 167 si->ptr = ptr; 168 } else { 169 si = malloc(sizeof(*si) + (len + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t)); 170 if (!si) { 171 LOGE("add_service('%s',%p) uid=%d - OUT OF MEMORY\n", 172 str8(s), ptr, uid); 173 return -1; 174 } 175 si->ptr = ptr; 176 si->len = len; 177 memcpy(si->name, s, (len + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t)); 178 si->name[len] = '\0'; 179 si->death.func = svcinfo_death; 180 si->death.ptr = si; 181 si->next = svclist; 182 svclist = si; 183 } 184 185 binder_acquire(bs, ptr); 186 binder_link_to_death(bs, ptr, &si->death); 187 return 0; 188 } 189 190 int svcmgr_handler(struct binder_state *bs, 191 struct binder_txn *txn, 192 struct binder_io *msg, 193 struct binder_io *reply) 194 { 195 struct svcinfo *si; 196 uint16_t *s; 197 unsigned len; 198 void *ptr; 199 uint32_t strict_policy; 200 201 // LOGI("target=%p code=%d pid=%d uid=%d\n", 202 // txn->target, txn->code, txn->sender_pid, txn->sender_euid); 203 204 if (txn->target != svcmgr_handle) 205 return -1; 206 207 // Equivalent to Parcel::enforceInterface(), reading the RPC 208 // header with the strict mode policy mask and the interface name. 209 // Note that we ignore the strict_policy and don't propagate it 210 // further (since we do no outbound RPCs anyway). 211 strict_policy = bio_get_uint32(msg); 212 s = bio_get_string16(msg, &len); 213 if ((len != (sizeof(svcmgr_id) / 2)) || 214 memcmp(svcmgr_id, s, sizeof(svcmgr_id))) { 215 fprintf(stderr,"invalid id %s\n", str8(s)); 216 return -1; 217 } 218 219 switch(txn->code) { 220 case SVC_MGR_GET_SERVICE: 221 case SVC_MGR_CHECK_SERVICE: 222 s = bio_get_string16(msg, &len); 223 ptr = do_find_service(bs, s, len); 224 if (!ptr) 225 break; 226 bio_put_ref(reply, ptr); 227 return 0; 228 229 case SVC_MGR_ADD_SERVICE: 230 s = bio_get_string16(msg, &len); 231 ptr = bio_get_ref(msg); 232 if (do_add_service(bs, s, len, ptr, txn->sender_euid)) 233 return -1; 234 break; 235 236 case SVC_MGR_LIST_SERVICES: { 237 unsigned n = bio_get_uint32(msg); 238 239 si = svclist; 240 while ((n-- > 0) && si) 241 si = si->next; 242 if (si) { 243 bio_put_string16(reply, si->name); 244 return 0; 245 } 246 return -1; 247 } 248 default: 249 LOGE("unknown code %d\n", txn->code); 250 return -1; 251 } 252 253 bio_put_uint32(reply, 0); 254 return 0; 255 } 256 257 int main(int argc, char **argv) 258 { 259 struct binder_state *bs; 260 void *svcmgr = BINDER_SERVICE_MANAGER; 261 262 bs = binder_open(128*1024); 263 264 if (binder_become_context_manager(bs)) { 265 LOGE("cannot become context manager (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); 266 return -1; 267 } 268 269 svcmgr_handle = svcmgr; 270 binder_loop(bs, svcmgr_handler); 271 return 0; 272 }
- service in init.rc
1 service servicemanager /system/bin/servicemanager 2 class core 3 user system 4 group system 5 critical 6 onrestart restart zygote 7 onrestart restart media 8 onrestart restart surfaceflinger 9 onrestart restart drm
- main() in service_manager
1 int main(int argc, char **argv) 2 { 3 struct binder_state *bs; 4 void *svcmgr = BINDER_SERVICE_MANAGER;//#define BINDER_SERVICE_MANAGER ((void*) 0),magic object 5 6 bs = binder_open(128*1024); 7 8 if (binder_become_context_manager(bs)) { 9 LOGE("cannot become context manager (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); 10 return -1; 11 } 12 13 svcmgr_handle = svcmgr; 14 binder_loop(bs, svcmgr_handler);//handler to handle with adding or finding service 15 return 0; 16 }
- struct svcinfo in service manager
1 struct svcinfo 2 { 3 struct svcinfo *next; 4 void *ptr; 5 struct binder_death death; 6 unsigned len; 7 uint16_t name[0]; 8 };
add service in service_manager
1 int do_add_service(struct binder_state *bs,uint16_t *s, unsigned len,void *ptr, unsigned uid) 2 { 3 struct svcinfo *si; 4 if (!ptr || (len == 0) || (len > 127)) 5 return -1; 6 if (!svc_can_register(uid, s)) { 7 LOGE("add_service('%s',%p) uid=%d - PERMISSION DENIED\n", 8 str8(s), ptr, uid); 9 return -1; 10 } 11 si = find_svc(s, len); 12 if (si) { 13 if (si->ptr) { 14 LOGE("add_service('%s',%p) uid=%d - ALREADY REGISTERED, OVERRIDE\n", 15 str8(s), ptr, uid); 16 svcinfo_death(bs, si); 17 } 18 si->ptr = ptr; 19 } else { 20 si = malloc(sizeof(*si) + (len + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t)); 21 if (!si) { 22 LOGE("add_service('%s',%p) uid=%d - OUT OF MEMORY\n", 23 str8(s), ptr, uid); 24 return -1; 25 } 26 si->ptr = ptr; 27 si->len = len; 28 memcpy(si->name, s, (len + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t)); 29 si->name[len] = '\0'; 30 si->death.func = svcinfo_death; 31 si->death.ptr = si; 32 si->next = svclist; 33 svclist = si; 34 } 35 binder_acquire(bs, ptr); 36 binder_link_to_death(bs, ptr, &si->death); 37 return 0; 38 }
1 int svcmgr_handler(struct binder_state *bs, 2 struct binder_txn *txn, 3 struct binder_io *msg, 4 struct binder_io *reply) 5 { 6 struct svcinfo *si; 7 uint16_t *s; 8 unsigned len; 9 void *ptr; 10 uint32_t strict_policy; 11 if (txn->target != svcmgr_handle) 12 return -1; 13 strict_policy = bio_get_uint32(msg); 14 s = bio_get_string16(msg, &len); 15 if ((len != (sizeof(svcmgr_id) / 2)) || 16 memcmp(svcmgr_id, s, sizeof(svcmgr_id))) { 17 fprintf(stderr,"invalid id %s\n", str8(s)); 18 return -1; 19 } 20 switch(txn->code) { 21 case SVC_MGR_GET_SERVICE: 22 case SVC_MGR_CHECK_SERVICE: 23 s = bio_get_string16(msg, &len); 24 ptr = do_find_service(bs, s, len); 25 if (!ptr) break; 26 bio_put_ref(reply, ptr); 27 return 0; 28 case SVC_MGR_ADD_SERVICE: 29 s = bio_get_string16(msg, &len); 30 ptr = bio_get_ref(msg); 31 if (do_add_service(bs, s, len, ptr, txn->sender_euid)) 32 return -1; 33 break; 34 case SVC_MGR_LIST_SERVICES: { 35 unsigned n = bio_get_uint32(msg); 36 si = svclist; 37 while ((n-- > 0) && si) 38 si = si->next; 39 if (si) { 40 bio_put_string16(reply, si->name); 41 return 0; 42 } 43 return -1; 44 } 45 default: 46 LOGE("unknown code %d\n", txn->code); 47 return -1; 48 } 49 bio_put_uint32(reply, 0); 50 return 0; 51 }
1 /** Copyright 2008 The Android Open Source Project 2 */ 3 4 #ifndef _BINDER_H_ 5 #define _BINDER_H_ 6 7 #include <sys/ioctl.h> 8 #include <linux/binder.h> 9 10 struct binder_state; 11 12 struct binder_object 13 { 14 uint32_t type; 15 uint32_t flags; 16 void *pointer; 17 void *cookie; 18 }; 19 20 struct binder_txn 21 { 22 void *target; 23 void *cookie; 24 uint32_t code; 25 uint32_t flags; 26 27 uint32_t sender_pid; 28 uint32_t sender_euid; 29 30 uint32_t data_size; 31 uint32_t offs_size; 32 void *data; 33 void *offs; 34 }; 35 36 struct binder_io 37 { 38 char *data; /** pointer to read/write from */ 39 uint32_t *offs; /** array of offsets */ 40 uint32_t data_avail; /** bytes available in data buffer */ 41 uint32_t offs_avail; /** entries available in offsets array */ 42 43 char *data0; /** start of data buffer */ 44 uint32_t *offs0; /** start of offsets buffer */ 45 uint32_t flags; 46 uint32_t unused; 47 }; 48 49 struct binder_death { 50 void (*func)(struct binder_state *bs, void *ptr); 51 void *ptr; 52 }; 53 54 /** the one magic object */ 55 #define BINDER_SERVICE_MANAGER ((void*) 0) 56 57 #define SVC_MGR_NAME "android.os.IServiceManager" 58 59 enum { 60 SVC_MGR_GET_SERVICE = 1, 61 SVC_MGR_CHECK_SERVICE, 62 SVC_MGR_ADD_SERVICE, 63 SVC_MGR_LIST_SERVICES, 64 }; 65 66 typedef int (*binder_handler)(struct binder_state *bs, 67 struct binder_txn *txn, 68 struct binder_io *msg, 69 struct binder_io *reply); 70 71 struct binder_state *binder_open(unsigned mapsize); 72 void binder_close(struct binder_state *bs); 73 74 /** initiate a blocking binder call 75 * - returns zero on success 76 */ 77 int binder_call(struct binder_state *bs, 78 struct binder_io *msg, struct binder_io *reply, 79 void *target, uint32_t code); 80 81 /** release any state associate with the binder_io 82 * - call once any necessary data has been extracted from the 83 * binder_io after binder_call() returns 84 * - can safely be called even if binder_call() fails 85 */ 86 void binder_done(struct binder_state *bs, 87 struct binder_io *msg, struct binder_io *reply); 88 89 /** manipulate strong references */ 90 void binder_acquire(struct binder_state *bs, void *ptr); 91 void binder_release(struct binder_state *bs, void *ptr); 92 93 void binder_link_to_death(struct binder_state *bs, void *ptr, struct binder_death *death); 94 95 void binder_loop(struct binder_state *bs, binder_handler func); 96 97 int binder_become_context_manager(struct binder_state *bs); 98 99 /** allocate a binder_io, providing a stack-allocated working 100 * buffer, size of the working buffer, and how many object 101 * offset entries to reserve from the buffer 102 */ 103 void bio_init(struct binder_io *bio, void *data, 104 uint32_t maxdata, uint32_t maxobjects); 105 106 void bio_destroy(struct binder_io *bio); 107 108 void bio_put_obj(struct binder_io *bio, void *ptr); 109 void bio_put_ref(struct binder_io *bio, void *ptr); 110 void bio_put_uint32(struct binder_io *bio, uint32_t n); 111 void bio_put_string16(struct binder_io *bio, const uint16_t *str); 112 void bio_put_string16_x(struct binder_io *bio, const char *_str); 113 114 uint32_t bio_get_uint32(struct binder_io *bio); 115 uint16_t *bio_get_string16(struct binder_io *bio, uint32_t *sz); 116 void *bio_get_obj(struct binder_io *bio); 117 void *bio_get_ref(struct binder_io *bio); 118 119 #endif
struct of bind
1 struct binder_state 2 { 3 int fd; 4 void *mapped; 5 unsigned mapsize; 6 }; 7 struct binder_object 8 { 9 uint32_t type; 10 uint32_t flags; 11 void *pointer; 12 void *cookie; 13 }; 14 struct binder_io 15 { 16 char *data; /** pointer to read/write from */ 17 uint32_t *offs; /** array of offsets */ 18 uint32_t data_avail; /** bytes available in data buffer */ 19 uint32_t offs_avail; /** entries available in offsets array */ 20 char *data0; /** start of data buffer */ 21 uint32_t *offs0; /** start of offsets buffer */ 22 uint32_t flags; 23 uint32_t unused; 24 }; 25 struct binder_death { 26 void (*func)(struct binder_state *bs, void *ptr); 27 void *ptr; 28 };
- bind.c
1 /** Copyright 2008 The Android Open Source Project 2 */ 3 4 #include <stdio.h> 5 #include <stdlib.h> 6 #include <errno.h> 7 #include <unistd.h> 8 #include <fcntl.h> 9 #include <sys/mman.h> 10 11 #include "binder.h" 12 13 #define MAX_BIO_SIZE (1 << 30) 14 15 #define TRACE 0 16 17 #define LOG_TAG "Binder" 18 #include <cutils/log.h> 19 20 void bio_init_from_txn(struct binder_io *io, struct binder_txn *txn); 21 22 #if TRACE 23 void hexdump(void *_data, unsigned len) 24 { 25 unsigned char *data = _data; 26 unsigned count; 27 28 for (count = 0; count < len; count++) { 29 if ((count & 15) == 0) 30 fprintf(stderr,"%04x:", count); 31 fprintf(stderr," %02x %c", *data, 32 (*data < 32) || (*data > 126) ? '.' : *data); 33 data++; 34 if ((count & 15) == 15) 35 fprintf(stderr,"\n"); 36 } 37 if ((count & 15) != 0) 38 fprintf(stderr,"\n"); 39 } 40 41 void binder_dump_txn(struct binder_txn *txn) 42 { 43 struct binder_object *obj; 44 unsigned *offs = txn->offs; 45 unsigned count = txn->offs_size / 4; 46 47 fprintf(stderr," target %p cookie %p code %08x flags %08x\n", 48 txn->target, txn->cookie, txn->code, txn->flags); 49 fprintf(stderr," pid %8d uid %8d data %8d offs %8d\n", 50 txn->sender_pid, txn->sender_euid, txn->data_size, txn->offs_size); 51 hexdump(txn->data, txn->data_size); 52 while (count--) { 53 obj = (void*) (((char*) txn->data) + *offs++); 54 fprintf(stderr," - type %08x flags %08x ptr %p cookie %p\n", 55 obj->type, obj->flags, obj->pointer, obj->cookie); 56 } 57 } 58 59 #define NAME(n) case n: return #n 60 const char *cmd_name(uint32_t cmd) 61 { 62 switch(cmd) { 63 NAME(BR_NOOP); 64 NAME(BR_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE); 65 NAME(BR_INCREFS); 66 NAME(BR_ACQUIRE); 67 NAME(BR_RELEASE); 68 NAME(BR_DECREFS); 69 NAME(BR_TRANSACTION); 70 NAME(BR_REPLY); 71 NAME(BR_FAILED_REPLY); 72 NAME(BR_DEAD_REPLY); 73 NAME(BR_DEAD_BINDER); 74 default: return "???"; 75 } 76 } 77 #else 78 #define hexdump(a,b) do{} while (0) 79 #define binder_dump_txn(txn) do{} while (0) 80 #endif 81 82 #define BIO_F_SHARED 0x01 /** needs to be buffer freed */ 83 #define BIO_F_OVERFLOW 0x02 /** ran out of space */ 84 #define BIO_F_IOERROR 0x04 85 #define BIO_F_MALLOCED 0x08 /** needs to be free()'d */ 86 87 struct binder_state 88 { 89 int fd; 90 void *mapped; 91 unsigned mapsize; 92 }; 93 94 struct binder_state *binder_open(unsigned mapsize) 95 { 96 struct binder_state *bs; 97 98 bs = malloc(sizeof(*bs)); 99 if (!bs) { 100 errno = ENOMEM; 101 return 0; 102 } 103 104 bs->fd = open("/dev/binder", O_RDWR); 105 if (bs->fd < 0) { 106 fprintf(stderr,"binder: cannot open device (%s)\n", 107 strerror(errno)); 108 goto fail_open; 109 } 110 111 bs->mapsize = mapsize; 112 bs->mapped = mmap(NULL, mapsize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, bs->fd, 0); 113 if (bs->mapped == MAP_FAILED) { 114 fprintf(stderr,"binder: cannot map device (%s)\n", 115 strerror(errno)); 116 goto fail_map; 117 } 118 119 /** TODO: check version */ 120 121 return bs; 122 123 fail_map: 124 close(bs->fd); 125 fail_open: 126 free(bs); 127 return 0; 128 } 129 130 void binder_close(struct binder_state *bs) 131 { 132 munmap(bs->mapped, bs->mapsize); 133 close(bs->fd); 134 free(bs); 135 } 136 137 int binder_become_context_manager(struct binder_state *bs) 138 { 139 return ioctl(bs->fd, BINDER_SET_CONTEXT_MGR, 0); 140 } 141 142 int binder_write(struct binder_state *bs, void *data, unsigned len) 143 { 144 struct binder_write_read bwr; 145 int res; 146 bwr.write_size = len; 147 bwr.write_consumed = 0; 148 bwr.write_buffer = (unsigned) data; 149 bwr.read_size = 0; 150 bwr.read_consumed = 0; 151 bwr.read_buffer = 0; 152 res = ioctl(bs->fd, BINDER_WRITE_READ, &bwr); 153 if (res < 0) { 154 fprintf(stderr,"binder_write: ioctl failed (%s)\n", 155 strerror(errno)); 156 } 157 return res; 158 } 159 160 void binder_send_reply(struct binder_state *bs, 161 struct binder_io *reply, 162 void *buffer_to_free, 163 int status) 164 { 165 struct { 166 uint32_t cmd_free; 167 void *buffer; 168 uint32_t cmd_reply; 169 struct binder_txn txn; 170 } __attribute__((packed)) data; 171 172 data.cmd_free = BC_FREE_BUFFER; 173 data.buffer = buffer_to_free; 174 data.cmd_reply = BC_REPLY; 175 = 0; 176 data.txn.cookie = 0; 177 data.txn.code = 0; 178 if (status) { 179 data.txn.flags = TF_STATUS_CODE; 180 data.txn.data_size = sizeof(int); 181 data.txn.offs_size = 0; 182 = &status; 183 data.txn.offs = 0; 184 } else { 185 data.txn.flags = 0; 186 data.txn.data_size = reply->data - reply->data0; 187 data.txn.offs_size = ((char*) reply->offs) - ((char*) reply->offs0); 188 = reply->data0; 189 data.txn.offs = reply->offs0; 190 } 191 binder_write(bs, &data, sizeof(data)); 192 } 193 194 int binder_parse(struct binder_state *bs, struct binder_io *bio, 195 uint32_t *ptr, uint32_t size, binder_handler func) 196 { 197 int r = 1; 198 uint32_t *end = ptr + (size / 4); 199 200 while (ptr < end) { 201 uint32_t cmd = *ptr++; 202 #if TRACE 203 fprintf(stderr,"%s:\n", cmd_name(cmd)); 204 #endif 205 switch(cmd) { 206 case BR_NOOP: 207 break; 208 case BR_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE: 209 break; 210 case BR_INCREFS: 211 case BR_ACQUIRE: 212 case BR_RELEASE: 213 case BR_DECREFS: 214 #if TRACE 215 fprintf(stderr," %08x %08x\n", ptr[0], ptr[1]); 216 #endif 217 ptr += 2; 218 break; 219 case BR_TRANSACTION: { 220 struct binder_txn *txn = (void *) ptr; 221 if ((end - ptr) * sizeof(uint32_t) < sizeof(struct binder_txn)) { 222 LOGE("parse: txn too small!\n"); 223 return -1; 224 } 225 binder_dump_txn(txn); 226 if (func) { 227 unsigned rdata[256/4]; 228 struct binder_io msg; 229 struct binder_io reply; 230 int res; 231 232 bio_init(&reply, rdata, sizeof(rdata), 4); 233 bio_init_from_txn(&msg, txn); 234 res = func(bs, txn, &msg, &reply); 235 binder_send_reply(bs, &reply, txn->data, res); 236 } 237 ptr += sizeof(*txn) / sizeof(uint32_t); 238 break; 239 } 240 case BR_REPLY: { 241 struct binder_txn *txn = (void*) ptr; 242 if ((end - ptr) * sizeof(uint32_t) < sizeof(struct binder_txn)) { 243 LOGE("parse: reply too small!\n"); 244 return -1; 245 } 246 binder_dump_txn(txn); 247 if (bio) { 248 bio_init_from_txn(bio, txn); 249 bio = 0; 250 } else { 251 /** todo FREE BUFFER */ 252 } 253 ptr += (sizeof(*txn) / sizeof(uint32_t)); 254 r = 0; 255 break; 256 } 257 case BR_DEAD_BINDER: { 258 struct binder_death *death = (void*) *ptr++; 259 death->func(bs, death->ptr); 260 break; 261 } 262 case BR_FAILED_REPLY: 263 r = -1; 264 break; 265 case BR_DEAD_REPLY: 266 r = -1; 267 break; 268 default: 269 LOGE("parse: OOPS %d\n", cmd); 270 return -1; 271 } 272 } 273 274 return r; 275 } 276 277 void binder_acquire(struct binder_state *bs, void *ptr) 278 { 279 uint32_t cmd[2]; 280 cmd[0] = BC_ACQUIRE; 281 cmd[1] = (uint32_t) ptr; 282 binder_write(bs, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); 283 } 284 285 void binder_release(struct binder_state *bs, void *ptr) 286 { 287 uint32_t cmd[2]; 288 cmd[0] = BC_RELEASE; 289 cmd[1] = (uint32_t) ptr; 290 binder_write(bs, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); 291 } 292 293 void binder_link_to_death(struct binder_state *bs, void *ptr, struct binder_death *death) 294 { 295 uint32_t cmd[3]; 296 cmd[0] = BC_REQUEST_DEATH_NOTIFICATION; 297 cmd[1] = (uint32_t) ptr; 298 cmd[2] = (uint32_t) death; 299 binder_write(bs, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); 300 } 301 302 303 int binder_call(struct binder_state *bs, 304 struct binder_io *msg, struct binder_io *reply, 305 void *target, uint32_t code) 306 { 307 int res; 308 struct binder_write_read bwr; 309 struct { 310 uint32_t cmd; 311 struct binder_txn txn; 312 } writebuf; 313 unsigned readbuf[32]; 314 315 if (msg->flags & BIO_F_OVERFLOW) { 316 fprintf(stderr,"binder: txn buffer overflow\n"); 317 goto fail; 318 } 319 320 writebuf.cmd = BC_TRANSACTION; 321 = target; 322 writebuf.txn.code = code; 323 writebuf.txn.flags = 0; 324 writebuf.txn.data_size = msg->data - msg->data0; 325 writebuf.txn.offs_size = ((char*) msg->offs) - ((char*) msg->offs0); 326 = msg->data0; 327 writebuf.txn.offs = msg->offs0; 328 329 bwr.write_size = sizeof(writebuf); 330 bwr.write_consumed = 0; 331 bwr.write_buffer = (unsigned) &writebuf; 332 333 hexdump(msg->data0, msg->data - msg->data0); 334 for (;;) { 335 bwr.read_size = sizeof(readbuf); 336 bwr.read_consumed = 0; 337 bwr.read_buffer = (unsigned) readbuf; 338 339 res = ioctl(bs->fd, BINDER_WRITE_READ, &bwr); 340 341 if (res < 0) { 342 fprintf(stderr,"binder: ioctl failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); 343 goto fail; 344 } 345 346 res = binder_parse(bs, reply, readbuf, bwr.read_consumed, 0); 347 if (res == 0) return 0; 348 if (res < 0) goto fail; 349 } 350 351 fail: 352 memset(reply, 0, sizeof(*reply)); 353 reply->flags |= BIO_F_IOERROR; 354 return -1; 355 } 356 357 void binder_loop(struct binder_state *bs, binder_handler func) 358 { 359 int res; 360 struct binder_write_read bwr; 361 unsigned readbuf[32]; 362 363 bwr.write_size = 0; 364 bwr.write_consumed = 0; 365 bwr.write_buffer = 0; 366 367 readbuf[0] = BC_ENTER_LOOPER; 368 binder_write(bs, readbuf, sizeof(unsigned)); 369 370 for (;;) { 371 bwr.read_size = sizeof(readbuf); 372 bwr.read_consumed = 0; 373 bwr.read_buffer = (unsigned) readbuf; 374 375 res = ioctl(bs->fd, BINDER_WRITE_READ, &bwr); 376 377 if (res < 0) { 378 LOGE("binder_loop: ioctl failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); 379 break; 380 } 381 382 res = binder_parse(bs, 0, readbuf, bwr.read_consumed, func); 383 if (res == 0) { 384 LOGE("binder_loop: unexpected reply?!\n"); 385 break; 386 } 387 if (res < 0) { 388 LOGE("binder_loop: io error %d %s\n", res, strerror(errno)); 389 break; 390 } 391 } 392 } 393 394 void bio_init_from_txn(struct binder_io *bio, struct binder_txn *txn) 395 { 396 bio->data = bio->data0 = txn->data; 397 bio->offs = bio->offs0 = txn->offs; 398 bio->data_avail = txn->data_size; 399 bio->offs_avail = txn->offs_size / 4; 400 bio->flags = BIO_F_SHARED; 401 } 402 403 void bio_init(struct binder_io *bio, void *data, 404 uint32_t maxdata, uint32_t maxoffs) 405 { 406 uint32_t n = maxoffs * sizeof(uint32_t); 407 408 if (n > maxdata) { 409 bio->flags = BIO_F_OVERFLOW; 410 bio->data_avail = 0; 411 bio->offs_avail = 0; 412 return; 413 } 414 415 bio->data = bio->data0 = data + n; 416 bio->offs = bio->offs0 = data; 417 bio->data_avail = maxdata - n; 418 bio->offs_avail = maxoffs; 419 bio->flags = 0; 420 } 421 422 static void *bio_alloc(struct binder_io *bio, uint32_t size) 423 { 424 size = (size + 3) & (~3); 425 if (size > bio->data_avail) { 426 bio->flags |= BIO_F_OVERFLOW; 427 return 0; 428 } else { 429 void *ptr = bio->data; 430 bio->data += size; 431 bio->data_avail -= size; 432 return ptr; 433 } 434 } 435 436 void binder_done(struct binder_state *bs, 437 struct binder_io *msg, 438 struct binder_io *reply) 439 { 440 if (reply->flags & BIO_F_SHARED) { 441 uint32_t cmd[2]; 442 cmd[0] = BC_FREE_BUFFER; 443 cmd[1] = (uint32_t) reply->data0; 444 binder_write(bs, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); 445 reply->flags = 0; 446 } 447 } 448 449 static struct binder_object *bio_alloc_obj(struct binder_io *bio) 450 { 451 struct binder_object *obj; 452 453 obj = bio_alloc(bio, sizeof(*obj)); 454 455 if (obj && bio->offs_avail) { 456 bio->offs_avail--; 457 *bio->offs++ = ((char*) obj) - ((char*) bio->data0); 458 return obj; 459 } 460 461 bio->flags |= BIO_F_OVERFLOW; 462 return 0; 463 } 464 465 void bio_put_uint32(struct binder_io *bio, uint32_t n) 466 { 467 uint32_t *ptr = bio_alloc(bio, sizeof(n)); 468 if (ptr) 469 *ptr = n; 470 } 471 472 void bio_put_obj(struct binder_io *bio, void *ptr) 473 { 474 struct binder_object *obj; 475 476 obj = bio_alloc_obj(bio); 477 if (!obj) 478 return; 479 480 obj->flags = 0x7f | FLAT_BINDER_FLAG_ACCEPTS_FDS; 481 obj->type = BINDER_TYPE_BINDER; 482 obj->pointer = ptr; 483 obj->cookie = 0; 484 } 485 486 void bio_put_ref(struct binder_io *bio, void *ptr) 487 { 488 struct binder_object *obj; 489 490 if (ptr) 491 obj = bio_alloc_obj(bio); 492 else 493 obj = bio_alloc(bio, sizeof(*obj)); 494 495 if (!obj) 496 return; 497 498 obj->flags = 0x7f | FLAT_BINDER_FLAG_ACCEPTS_FDS; 499 obj->type = BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE; 500 obj->pointer = ptr; 501 obj->cookie = 0; 502 } 503 504 void bio_put_string16(struct binder_io *bio, const uint16_t *str) 505 { 506 uint32_t len; 507 uint16_t *ptr; 508 509 if (!str) { 510 bio_put_uint32(bio, 0xffffffff); 511 return; 512 } 513 514 len = 0; 515 while (str[len]) len++; 516 517 if (len >= (MAX_BIO_SIZE / sizeof(uint16_t))) { 518 bio_put_uint32(bio, 0xffffffff); 519 return; 520 } 521 522 bio_put_uint32(bio, len); 523 len = (len + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t); 524 ptr = bio_alloc(bio, len); 525 if (ptr) 526 memcpy(ptr, str, len); 527 } 528 529 void bio_put_string16_x(struct binder_io *bio, const char *_str) 530 { 531 unsigned char *str = (unsigned char*) _str; 532 uint32_t len; 533 uint16_t *ptr; 534 535 if (!str) { 536 bio_put_uint32(bio, 0xffffffff); 537 return; 538 } 539 540 len = strlen(_str); 541 542 if (len >= (MAX_BIO_SIZE / sizeof(uint16_t))) { 543 bio_put_uint32(bio, 0xffffffff); 544 return; 545 } 546 547 bio_put_uint32(bio, len); 548 ptr = bio_alloc(bio, (len + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t)); 549 if (!ptr) 550 return; 551 552 while (*str) 553 *ptr++ = *str++; 554 *ptr++ = 0; 555 } 556 557 static void *bio_get(struct binder_io *bio, uint32_t size) 558 { 559 size = (size + 3) & (~3); 560 561 if (bio->data_avail < size){ 562 bio->data_avail = 0; 563 bio->flags |= BIO_F_OVERFLOW; 564 return 0; 565 } else { 566 void *ptr = bio->data; 567 bio->data += size; 568 bio->data_avail -= size; 569 return ptr; 570 } 571 } 572 573 uint32_t bio_get_uint32(struct binder_io *bio) 574 { 575 uint32_t *ptr = bio_get(bio, sizeof(*ptr)); 576 return ptr ? *ptr : 0; 577 } 578 579 uint16_t *bio_get_string16(struct binder_io *bio, unsigned *sz) 580 { 581 unsigned len; 582 len = bio_get_uint32(bio); 583 if (sz) 584 *sz = len; 585 return bio_get(bio, (len + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t)); 586 } 587 588 static struct binder_object *_bio_get_obj(struct binder_io *bio) 589 { 590 unsigned n; 591 unsigned off = bio->data - bio->data0; 592 593 /** TODO: be smarter about this? */ 594 for (n = 0; n < bio->offs_avail; n++) { 595 if (bio->offs[n] == off) 596 return bio_get(bio, sizeof(struct binder_object)); 597 } 598 599 bio->data_avail = 0; 600 bio->flags |= BIO_F_OVERFLOW; 601 return 0; 602 } 603 604 void *bio_get_ref(struct binder_io *bio) 605 { 606 struct binder_object *obj; 607 608 obj = _bio_get_obj(bio); 609 if (!obj) 610 return 0; 611 612 if (obj->type == BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE) 613 return obj->pointer; 614 615 return 0; 616 }
bind_loop in bind.c
1 void binder_loop(struct binder_state *bs, binder_handler func) 2 { 3 int res; 4 struct binder_write_read bwr; 5 unsigned readbuf[32]; 6 bwr.write_size = 0; 7 bwr.write_consumed = 0; 8 bwr.write_buffer = 0; 9 readbuf[0] = BC_ENTER_LOOPER; 10 binder_write(bs, readbuf, sizeof(unsigned)); 11 for (;;) { 12 bwr.read_size = sizeof(readbuf); 13 bwr.read_consumed = 0; 14 bwr.read_buffer = (unsigned) readbuf; 15 res = ioctl(bs->fd, BINDER_WRITE_READ, &bwr); 16 if (res < 0) { 17 LOGE("binder_loop: ioctl failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); 18 break; 19 } 20 res = binder_parse(bs, 0, readbuf, bwr.read_consumed, func); 21 if (res == 0) { 22 LOGE("binder_loop: unexpected reply?!\n"); 23 break; 24 } 25 if (res < 0) { 26 LOGE("binder_loop: io error %d %s\n", res, strerror(errno)); 27 break; 28 } 29 } 30 }
- parse
1 int binder_parse(struct binder_state *bs, struct binder_io *bio, 2 uint32_t *ptr, uint32_t size, binder_handler func) 3 { 4 int r = 1; 5 uint32_t *end = ptr + (size / 4); 6 while (ptr < end) { 7 uint32_t cmd = *ptr++; 8 #if TRACE 9 fprintf(stderr,"%s:\n", cmd_name(cmd)); 10 #endif 11 switch(cmd) { 12 case BR_NOOP: 13 break; 14 case BR_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE: 15 break; 16 case BR_INCREFS: 17 case BR_ACQUIRE: 18 case BR_RELEASE: 19 case BR_DECREFS: 20 #if TRACE 21 fprintf(stderr," %08x %08x\n", ptr[0], ptr[1]); 22 #endif 23 ptr += 2; 24 break; 25 case BR_TRANSACTION: { 26 struct binder_txn *txn = (void *) ptr; 27 if ((end - ptr) * sizeof(uint32_t) < sizeof(struct binder_txn)) { 28 LOGE("parse: txn too small!\n"); 29 return -1; 30 } 31 binder_dump_txn(txn); 32 if (func) { 33 unsigned rdata[256/4]; 34 struct binder_io msg; 35 struct binder_io reply; 36 int res; 37 bio_init(&reply, rdata, sizeof(rdata), 4); 38 bio_init_from_txn(&msg, txn); 39 res = func(bs, txn, &msg, &reply); 40 binder_send_reply(bs, &reply, txn->data, res); 41 } 42 ptr += sizeof(*txn) / sizeof(uint32_t); 43 break; 44 } 45 case BR_REPLY: { 46 struct binder_txn *txn = (void*) ptr; 47 if ((end - ptr) * sizeof(uint32_t) < sizeof(struct binder_txn)) { 48 LOGE("parse: reply too small!\n"); 49 return -1; 50 } 51 binder_dump_txn(txn); 52 if (bio) { 53 bio_init_from_txn(bio, txn); 54 bio = 0; 55 } else { 56 /** todo FREE BUFFER */ 57 } 58 ptr += (sizeof(*txn) / sizeof(uint32_t)); 59 r = 0; 60 break; 61 } 62 case BR_DEAD_BINDER: { 63 struct binder_death *death = (void*) *ptr++; 64 death->func(bs, death->ptr); 65 break; 66 } 67 case BR_FAILED_REPLY: 68 r = -1; 69 break; 70 case BR_DEAD_REPLY: 71 r = -1; 72 break; 73 default: 74 LOGE("parse: OOPS %d\n", cmd); 75 return -1; 76 } 77 } 78 return r; 79 }
- open and close
1 struct binder_state *binder_open(unsigned mapsize) 2 { 3 struct binder_state *bs; 4 bs = malloc(sizeof(*bs)); 5 if (!bs) { 6 errno = ENOMEM; 7 return 0; 8 } 9 bs->fd = open("/dev/binder", O_RDWR);//open device 10 if (bs->fd < 0) { 11 fprintf(stderr,"binder: cannot open device (%s)\n", 12 strerror(errno)); 13 goto fail_open; 14 } 15 bs->mapsize = mapsize; 16 bs->mapped = mmap(NULL, mapsize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, bs->fd, 0);//memory map 17 if (bs->mapped == MAP_FAILED) { 18 fprintf(stderr,"binder: cannot map device (%s)\n", 19 strerror(errno)); 20 goto fail_map; 21 } 22 return bs; 23 fail_map: 24 close(bs->fd); 25 fail_open: 26 free(bs); 27 return 0; 28 } 29 void binder_close(struct binder_state *bs) 30 { 31 munmap(bs->mapped, bs->mapsize); 32 close(bs->fd); 33 free(bs); 34 } 35 int binder_become_context_manager(struct binder_state *bs) 36 { 37 return ioctl(bs->fd, BINDER_SET_CONTEXT_MGR, 0);//as manager 38 }
Service Zygote
- start service in init.rc
1 service zygote /system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote --start-system-server 2 class main 3 socket zygote stream 660 root system 4 onrestart write /sys/android_power/request_state wake 5 onrestart write /sys/power/state on 6 onrestart restart media 7 onrestart restart netd
- app_main.cpp
1 /** 2 * Main entry of app process. 3 * 4 * Starts the interpreted runtime, then starts up the application. 5 * 6 */ 7 8 #define LOG_TAG "appproc" 9 10 #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h> 11 #include <binder/ProcessState.h> 12 #include <utils/Log.h> 13 #include <cutils/process_name.h> 14 #include <cutils/memory.h> 15 #include <android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.h> 16 17 #include <stdio.h> 18 #include <unistd.h> 19 20 namespace android { 21 22 void app_usage() 23 { 24 fprintf(stderr, 25 "Usage: app_process [java-options] cmd-dir start-class-name [options]\n"); 26 } 27 28 class AppRuntime : public AndroidRuntime 29 { 30 public: 31 AppRuntime() 32 : mParentDir(NULL) 33 , mClassName(NULL) 34 , mClass(NULL) 35 , mArgC(0) 36 , mArgV(NULL) 37 { 38 } 39 40 #if 0 41 // this appears to be unused 42 const char* getParentDir() const 43 { 44 return mParentDir; 45 } 46 #endif 47 48 const char* getClassName() const 49 { 50 return mClassName; 51 } 52 53 virtual void onVmCreated(JNIEnv* env) 54 { 55 if (mClassName == NULL) { 56 return; // Zygote. Nothing to do here. 57 } 58 59 /** 60 * This is a little awkward because the JNI FindClass call uses the 61 * class loader associated with the native method we're executing in. 62 * If called in onStarted (from RuntimeInit.finishInit because we're 63 * launching "am", for example), FindClass would see that we're calling 64 * from a boot class' native method, and so wouldn't look for the class 65 * we're trying to look up in CLASSPATH. Unfortunately it needs to, 66 * because the "am" classes are not boot classes. 67 * 68 * The easiest fix is to call FindClass here, early on before we start 69 * executing boot class Java code and thereby deny ourselves access to 70 * non-boot classes. 71 */ 72 char* slashClassName = toSlashClassName(mClassName); 73 mClass = env->FindClass(slashClassName); 74 if (mClass == NULL) { 75 LOGE("ERROR: could not find class '%s'\n", mClassName); 76 } 77 free(slashClassName); 78 79 mClass = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(mClass)); 80 } 81 82 virtual void onStarted() 83 { 84 sp<ProcessState> proc = ProcessState::self(); 85 LOGV("App process: starting thread pool.\n"); 86 proc->startThreadPool(); 87 88 AndroidRuntime* ar = AndroidRuntime::getRuntime(); 89 ar->callMain(mClassName, mClass, mArgC, mArgV); 90 91 IPCThreadState::self()->stopProcess(); 92 } 93 94 virtual void onZygoteInit() 95 { 96 sp<ProcessState> proc = ProcessState::self(); 97 LOGV("App process: starting thread pool.\n"); 98 proc->startThreadPool(); 99 } 100 101 virtual void onExit(int code) 102 { 103 if (mClassName == NULL) { 104 // if zygote 105 IPCThreadState::self()->stopProcess(); 106 } 107 108 AndroidRuntime::onExit(code); 109 } 110 111 112 const char* mParentDir; 113 const char* mClassName; 114 jclass mClass; 115 int mArgC; 116 const char* const* mArgV; 117 }; 118 119 } 120 121 using namespace android; 122 123 /** 124 * sets argv0 to as much of newArgv0 as will fit 125 */ 126 static void setArgv0(const char *argv0, const char *newArgv0) 127 { 128 strlcpy(const_cast<char *>(argv0), newArgv0, strlen(argv0)); 129 } 130 131 int main(int argc, const char* const argv[]) 132 { 133 // These are global variables in ProcessState.cpp 134 mArgC = argc; 135 mArgV = argv; 136 137 mArgLen = 0; 138 for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) { 139 mArgLen += strlen(argv[i]) + 1; 140 } 141 mArgLen--; 142 143 AppRuntime runtime; 144 const char* argv0 = argv[0]; 145 146 // Process command line arguments 147 // ignore argv[0] 148 argc--; 149 argv++; 150 151 // Everything up to '--' or first non '-' arg goes to the vm 152 153 int i = runtime.addVmArguments(argc, argv); 154 155 // Parse runtime arguments. Stop at first unrecognized option. 156 bool zygote = false; 157 bool startSystemServer = false; 158 bool application = false; 159 const char* parentDir = NULL; 160 const char* niceName = NULL; 161 const char* className = NULL; 162 while (i < argc) { 163 const char* arg = argv[i++]; 164 if (!parentDir) { 165 parentDir = arg; 166 } else if (strcmp(arg, "--zygote") == 0) { 167 zygote = true; 168 niceName = "zygote"; 169 } else if (strcmp(arg, "--start-system-server") == 0) { 170 startSystemServer = true; 171 } else if (strcmp(arg, "--application") == 0) { 172 application = true; 173 } else if (strncmp(arg, "--nice-name=", 12) == 0) { 174 niceName = arg + 12; 175 } else { 176 className = arg; 177 break; 178 } 179 } 180 181 if (niceName && *niceName) { 182 setArgv0(argv0, niceName); 183 set_process_name(niceName); 184 } 185 186 runtime.mParentDir = parentDir; 187 188 if (zygote) { 189 runtime.start("", 190 startSystemServer ? "start-system-server" : ""); 191 } else if (className) { 192 // Remainder of args get passed to startup class main() 193 runtime.mClassName = className; 194 runtime.mArgC = argc - i; 195 runtime.mArgV = argv + i; 196 runtime.start("", 197 application ? "application" : "tool"); 198 } else { 199 fprintf(stderr, "Error: no class name or --zygote supplied.\n"); 200 app_usage(); 201 LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("app_process: no class name or --zygote supplied."); 202 return 10; 203 } 204 }
1 int main(int argc, const char* const argv[]) 2 { 3 // These are global variables in ProcessState.cpp 4 mArgC = argc; 5 mArgV = argv; 6 mArgLen = 0; 7 for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) { 8 mArgLen += strlen(argv[i]) + 1; 9 } 10 mArgLen--; 11 AppRuntime runtime; 12 const char* argv0 = argv[0]; 13 argc--; 14 argv++; 15 int i = runtime.addVmArguments(argc, argv); 16 bool zygote = false; 17 bool startSystemServer = false; 18 bool application = false; 19 const char* parentDir = NULL; 20 const char* niceName = NULL; 21 const char* className = NULL; 22 while (i < argc) { 23 const char* arg = argv[i++]; 24 if (!parentDir) { 25 parentDir = arg; 26 } else if (strcmp(arg, "--zygote") == 0) { 27 zygote = true; 28 niceName = "zygote"; 29 } else if (strcmp(arg, "--start-system-server") == 0) { 30 startSystemServer = true; 31 } else if (strcmp(arg, "--application") == 0) { 32 application = true; 33 } else if (strncmp(arg, "--nice-name=", 12) == 0) { 34 niceName = arg + 12; 35 } else { 36 className = arg; 37 break; 38 } 39 } 40 if (niceName && *niceName) { 41 setArgv0(argv0, niceName); 42 set_process_name(niceName); 43 } 44 runtime.mParentDir = parentDir; 45 if (zygote) { 46runtime.start("", 47 startSystemServer ? "start-system-server" : ""); 48 } else if (className) { 49 // Remainder of args get passed to startup class main() 50 runtime.mClassName = className; 51 runtime.mArgC = argc - i; 52 runtime.mArgV = argv + i; 53runtime.start("", 54 application ? "application" : "tool"); 55 } else { 56 fprintf(stderr, "Error: no class name or --zygote supplied.\n"); 57 app_usage(); 58 LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("app_process: no class name or --zygote supplied."); 59 return 10; 60 } 61 }
- AndroidRuntime.h
1 /** 2 * Copyright (C) 2005 The Android Open Source Project 3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 * limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 // 18 19 #ifndef _RUNTIME_ANDROID_RUNTIME_H 20 #define _RUNTIME_ANDROID_RUNTIME_H 21 22 #include <utils/Errors.h> 23 #include <binder/IBinder.h> 24 #include <utils/String8.h> 25 #include <utils/String16.h> 26 #include <utils/Vector.h> 27 #include <utils/threads.h> 28 #include <pthread.h> 29 #include <nativehelper/jni.h> 30 31 32 namespace android { 33 34 class AndroidRuntime 35 { 36 public: 37 AndroidRuntime(); 38 virtual ~AndroidRuntime(); 39 40 enum StartMode { 41 Zygote, 42 SystemServer, 43 Application, 44 Tool, 45 }; 46 47 /*** 48 * Register a set of methods in the specified class. 49 */ 50 static int registerNativeMethods(JNIEnv* env, 51 const char* className, const JNINativeMethod* gMethods, int numMethods); 52 53 /*** 54 * Call a class's static main method with the given arguments, 55 */ 56 status_t callMain(const char* className, jclass clazz, int argc, 57 const char* const argv[]); 58 59 /*** 60 * Find a class, with the input either of the form 61 * "package/class" or "package.class". 62 */ 63 static jclass findClass(JNIEnv* env, const char* className); 64 65 int addVmArguments(int argc, const char* const argv[]); 66 67 void start(const char *classname, const char* options); 68 69 static AndroidRuntime* getRuntime(); 70 71 /*** 72 * This gets called after the VM has been created, but before we 73 * run any code. Override it to make any FindClass calls that need 74 * to use CLASSPATH. 75 */ 76 virtual void onVmCreated(JNIEnv* env); 77 78 /*** 79 * This gets called after the JavaVM has initialized. Override it 80 * with the system's native entry point. 81 */ 82 virtual void onStarted() = 0; 83 84 /*** 85 * This gets called after the JavaVM has initialized after a Zygote 86 * fork. Override it to initialize threads, etc. Upon return, the 87 * correct static main will be invoked. 88 */ 89 virtual void onZygoteInit() {}; 90 91 92 /*** 93 * Called when the Java application exits. The default 94 * implementation calls exit(code). 95 */ 96 virtual void onExit(int code); 97 98 /*** create a new thread that is visible from Java */ 99 static android_thread_id_t createJavaThread(const char* name, void (*start)(void *), 100 void* arg); 101 102 /*** return a pointer to the VM running in this process */ 103 static JavaVM* getJavaVM() { return mJavaVM; } 104 105 /*** return a pointer to the JNIEnv pointer for this thread */ 106 static JNIEnv* getJNIEnv(); 107 108 /*** return a new string corresponding to 'className' with all '.'s replaced by '/'s. */ 109 static char* toSlashClassName(const char* className); 110 111 private: 112 static int startReg(JNIEnv* env); 113 void parseExtraOpts(char* extraOptsBuf); 114 int startVm(JavaVM** pJavaVM, JNIEnv** pEnv); 115 116 Vector<JavaVMOption> mOptions; 117 118 /** JNI JavaVM pointer */ 119 static JavaVM* mJavaVM; 120 121 /** 122 * Thread creation helpers. 123 */ 124 static int javaCreateThreadEtc( 125 android_thread_func_t entryFunction, 126 void* userData, 127 const char* threadName, 128 int32_t threadPriority, 129 size_t threadStackSize, 130 android_thread_id_t* threadId); 131 static int javaThreadShell(void* args); 132 }; 133 134 } 135 136 #endif
- AndroidRuntime.cpp
1 /* //device/libs/android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.cpp 2 ** 3 ** Copyright 2006, The Android Open Source Project 4 ** 5 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 6 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 7 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at 8 ** 9 ** 10 ** 11 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 12 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 13 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 14 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 15 ** limitations under the License. 16 */ 17 18 #define LOG_TAG "AndroidRuntime" 19 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 20 21 #include <android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.h> 22 #include <utils/IBinder.h> 23 #include <utils/IServiceManager.h> 24 #include <utils/Log.h> 25 #include <utils/misc.h> 26 #include <utils/Parcel.h> 27 #include <utils/string_array.h> 28 #include <utils/threads.h> 29 #include <cutils/properties.h> 30 31 #include <SkGraphics.h> 32 #include <SkImageDecoder.h> 33 #include <SkImageRef_GlobalPool.h> 34 35 #include "jni.h" 36 #include "JNIHelp.h" 37 #include "android_util_Binder.h" 38 39 #include <stdio.h> 40 #include <signal.h> 41 #include <sys/stat.h> 42 #include <sys/types.h> 43 #include <signal.h> 44 #include <dirent.h> 45 #include <assert.h> 46 47 48 using namespace android; 49 50 extern void register_BindTest(); 51 52 extern int register_android_os_Binder(JNIEnv* env); 53 extern int register_android_os_Process(JNIEnv* env); 54 extern int register_android_graphics_Bitmap(JNIEnv*); 55 extern int register_android_graphics_BitmapFactory(JNIEnv*); 56 extern int register_android_graphics_Camera(JNIEnv* env); 57 extern int register_android_graphics_Graphics(JNIEnv* env); 58 extern int register_android_graphics_Interpolator(JNIEnv* env); 59 extern int register_android_graphics_LayerRasterizer(JNIEnv*); 60 extern int register_android_graphics_MaskFilter(JNIEnv* env); 61 extern int register_android_graphics_Movie(JNIEnv* env); 62 extern int register_android_graphics_NinePatch(JNIEnv*); 63 extern int register_android_graphics_PathEffect(JNIEnv* env); 64 extern int register_android_graphics_Region(JNIEnv* env); 65 extern int register_android_graphics_Shader(JNIEnv* env); 66 extern int register_android_graphics_Typeface(JNIEnv* env); 67 68 extern int register_com_google_android_gles_jni_EGLImpl(JNIEnv* env); 69 extern int register_com_google_android_gles_jni_GLImpl(JNIEnv* env); 70 extern int register_android_opengl_jni_GLES10(JNIEnv* env); 71 extern int register_android_opengl_jni_GLES10Ext(JNIEnv* env); 72 extern int register_android_opengl_jni_GLES11(JNIEnv* env); 73 extern int register_android_opengl_jni_GLES11Ext(JNIEnv* env); 74 75 extern int register_android_hardware_Camera(JNIEnv *env); 76 77 extern int register_android_hardware_SensorManager(JNIEnv *env); 78 79 extern int register_android_media_AudioRecord(JNIEnv *env); 80 extern int register_android_media_AudioSystem(JNIEnv *env); 81 extern int register_android_media_AudioTrack(JNIEnv *env); 82 extern int register_android_media_JetPlayer(JNIEnv *env); 83 extern int register_android_media_ToneGenerator(JNIEnv *env); 84 85 extern int register_android_message_digest_sha1(JNIEnv *env); 86 87 extern int register_android_util_FloatMath(JNIEnv* env); 88 89 // add by nfsnfs 90 extern int register_android_app_ActivityThread(JNIEnv* env); 91 extern int register_android_content_ContentResolver(JNIEnv* env); 92 // 93 94 namespace android { 95 96 /* 97 * JNI-based registration functions. Note these are properly contained in 98 * namespace android. 99 */ 100 extern int register_android_content_AssetManager(JNIEnv* env); 101 extern int register_android_util_EventLog(JNIEnv* env); 102 extern int register_android_util_Log(JNIEnv* env); 103 extern int register_android_content_StringBlock(JNIEnv* env); 104 extern int register_android_content_XmlBlock(JNIEnv* env); 105 extern int register_android_emoji_EmojiFactory(JNIEnv* env); 106 extern int register_android_graphics_Canvas(JNIEnv* env); 107 extern int register_android_graphics_ColorFilter(JNIEnv* env); 108 extern int register_android_graphics_DrawFilter(JNIEnv* env); 109 extern int register_android_graphics_Matrix(JNIEnv* env); 110 extern int register_android_graphics_Paint(JNIEnv* env); 111 extern int register_android_graphics_Path(JNIEnv* env); 112 extern int register_android_graphics_PathMeasure(JNIEnv* env); 113 extern int register_android_graphics_Picture(JNIEnv*); 114 extern int register_android_graphics_PorterDuff(JNIEnv* env); 115 extern int register_android_graphics_Rasterizer(JNIEnv* env); 116 extern int register_android_graphics_Xfermode(JNIEnv* env); 117 extern int register_android_graphics_PixelFormat(JNIEnv* env); 118 extern int register_com_android_internal_graphics_NativeUtils(JNIEnv *env); 119 extern int register_android_view_Display(JNIEnv* env); 120 extern int register_android_view_Surface(JNIEnv* env); 121 extern int register_android_view_ViewRoot(JNIEnv* env); 122 extern int register_android_database_CursorWindow(JNIEnv* env); 123 extern int register_android_database_SQLiteDatabase(JNIEnv* env); 124 extern int register_android_database_SQLiteDebug(JNIEnv* env); 125 extern int register_android_database_SQLiteProgram(JNIEnv* env); 126 extern int register_android_database_SQLiteQuery(JNIEnv* env); 127 extern int register_android_database_SQLiteStatement(JNIEnv* env); 128 extern int register_android_debug_JNITest(JNIEnv* env); 129 extern int register_android_nio_utils(JNIEnv* env); 130 extern int register_android_pim_EventRecurrence(JNIEnv* env); 131 extern int register_android_text_format_Time(JNIEnv* env); 132 extern int register_android_os_Debug(JNIEnv* env); 133 extern int register_android_os_ParcelFileDescriptor(JNIEnv *env); 134 extern int register_android_os_Power(JNIEnv *env); 135 extern int register_android_os_StatFs(JNIEnv *env); 136 extern int register_android_os_SystemProperties(JNIEnv *env); 137 extern int register_android_os_Hardware(JNIEnv* env); 138 extern int register_android_os_Exec(JNIEnv *env); 139 extern int register_android_os_SystemClock(JNIEnv* env); 140 extern int register_android_os_FileObserver(JNIEnv *env); 141 extern int register_android_os_FileUtils(JNIEnv *env); 142 extern int register_android_os_UEventObserver(JNIEnv* env); 143 extern int register_android_os_MemoryFile(JNIEnv* env); 144 extern int register_android_net_LocalSocketImpl(JNIEnv* env); 145 extern int register_android_net_NetworkUtils(JNIEnv* env); 146 extern int register_android_net_wifi_WifiManager(JNIEnv* env); 147 extern int register_android_security_Md5MessageDigest(JNIEnv *env); 148 extern int register_android_text_AndroidCharacter(JNIEnv *env); 149 extern int register_android_text_KeyCharacterMap(JNIEnv *env); 150 extern int register_android_opengl_classes(JNIEnv *env); 151 extern int register_android_bluetooth_Database(JNIEnv* env); 152 extern int register_android_bluetooth_HeadsetBase(JNIEnv* env); 153 extern int register_android_bluetooth_BluetoothAudioGateway(JNIEnv* env); 154 extern int register_android_bluetooth_RfcommSocket(JNIEnv *env); 155 extern int register_android_bluetooth_ScoSocket(JNIEnv *env); 156 extern int register_android_server_BluetoothDeviceService(JNIEnv* env); 157 extern int register_android_server_BluetoothEventLoop(JNIEnv *env); 158 extern int register_android_server_BluetoothA2dpService(JNIEnv* env); 159 extern int register_android_ddm_DdmHandleNativeHeap(JNIEnv *env); 160 extern int register_com_android_internal_os_ZygoteInit(JNIEnv* env); 161 extern int register_android_util_Base64(JNIEnv* env); 162 extern int register_android_location_GpsLocationProvider(JNIEnv* env); 163 extern int register_android_backup_BackupDataInput(JNIEnv *env); 164 extern int register_android_backup_BackupDataOutput(JNIEnv *env); 165 extern int register_android_backup_FileBackupHelperBase(JNIEnv *env); 166 extern int register_android_backup_BackupHelperDispatcher(JNIEnv *env); 167 168 static AndroidRuntime* gCurRuntime = NULL; 169 170 static void doThrow(JNIEnv* env, const char* exc, const char* msg = NULL) 171 { 172 if (jniThrowException(env, exc, msg) != 0) 173 assert(false); 174 } 175 176 /* 177 * Code written in the Java Programming Language calls here from main(). 178 */ 179 static void com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit_finishInit(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz) 180 { 181 gCurRuntime->onStarted(); 182 } 183 184 static void com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit_zygoteInit(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz) 185 { 186 gCurRuntime->onZygoteInit(); 187 } 188 189 static jint com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit_isComputerOn(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz) 190 { 191 return 1; 192 } 193 194 static void com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit_turnComputerOn(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz) 195 { 196 } 197 198 static jint com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit_getQwertyKeyboard(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz) 199 { 200 char* value = getenv("qwerty"); 201 if (value != NULL && strcmp(value, "true") == 0) { 202 return 1; 203 } 204 205 return 0; 206 } 207 208 /* 209 * JNI registration. 210 */ 211 static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = { 212 { "finishInit", "()V", 213 (void*) com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit_finishInit }, 214 { "zygoteInitNative", "()V", 215 (void*) com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit_zygoteInit }, 216 { "isComputerOn", "()I", 217 (void*) com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit_isComputerOn }, 218 { "turnComputerOn", "()V", 219 (void*) com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit_turnComputerOn }, 220 { "getQwertyKeyboard", "()I", 221 (void*) com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit_getQwertyKeyboard }, 222 }; 223 224 int register_com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit(JNIEnv* env) 225 { 226 return jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, "com/android/internal/os/RuntimeInit", 227 gMethods, NELEM(gMethods)); 228 } 229 230 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 231 232 /*static*/ JavaVM* AndroidRuntime::mJavaVM = NULL; 233 234 235 AndroidRuntime::AndroidRuntime() 236 { 237 SkGraphics::Init(); 238 // this sets our preference for 16bit images during decode 239 // in case the src is opaque and 24bit 240 SkImageDecoder::SetDeviceConfig(SkBitmap::kRGB_565_Config); 241 // This cache is shared between browser native images, and java "purgeable" 242 // bitmaps. This globalpool is for images that do not either use the java 243 // heap, or are not backed by ashmem. See BitmapFactory.cpp for the key 244 // java call site. 245 SkImageRef_GlobalPool::SetRAMBudget(512 * 1024); 246 // There is also a global font cache, but its budget is specified in code 247 // see SkFontHost_android.cpp 248 249 // Pre-allocate enough space to hold a fair number of options. 250 mOptions.setCapacity(20); 251 252 assert(gCurRuntime == NULL); // one per process 253 gCurRuntime = this; 254 } 255 256 AndroidRuntime::~AndroidRuntime() 257 { 258 SkGraphics::Term(); 259 } 260 261 /* 262 * Register native methods using JNI. 263 */ 264 /*static*/ int AndroidRuntime::registerNativeMethods(JNIEnv* env, 265 const char* className, const JNINativeMethod* gMethods, int numMethods) 266 { 267 return jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, className, gMethods, numMethods); 268 } 269 270 /* 271 * Call a static Java Programming Language function that takes no arguments and returns void. 272 */ 273 status_t AndroidRuntime::callStatic(const char* className, const char* methodName) 274 { 275 JNIEnv* env; 276 jclass clazz; 277 jmethodID methodId; 278 279 env = getJNIEnv(); 280 if (env == NULL) 281 return UNKNOWN_ERROR; 282 283 clazz = findClass(env, className); 284 if (clazz == NULL) { 285 LOGE("ERROR: could not find class '%s'\n", className); 286 return UNKNOWN_ERROR; 287 } 288 methodId = env->GetStaticMethodID(clazz, methodName, "()V"); 289 if (methodId == NULL) { 290 LOGE("ERROR: could not find method %s.%s\n", className, methodName); 291 return UNKNOWN_ERROR; 292 } 293 294 env->CallStaticVoidMethod(clazz, methodId); 295 296 return NO_ERROR; 297 } 298 299 status_t AndroidRuntime::callMain( 300 const char* className, int argc, const char* const argv[]) 301 { 302 JNIEnv* env; 303 jclass clazz; 304 jmethodID methodId; 305 306 env = getJNIEnv(); 307 if (env == NULL) 308 return UNKNOWN_ERROR; 309 310 clazz = findClass(env, className); 311 if (clazz == NULL) { 312 LOGE("ERROR: could not find class '%s'\n", className); 313 return UNKNOWN_ERROR; 314 } 315 316 methodId = env->GetStaticMethodID(clazz, "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V"); 317 if (methodId == NULL) { 318 LOGE("ERROR: could not find method %s.main(String[])\n", className); 319 return UNKNOWN_ERROR; 320 } 321 322 /* 323 * We want to call main() with a String array with our arguments in it. 324 * Create an array and populate it. 325 */ 326 jclass stringClass; 327 jobjectArray strArray; 328 329 stringClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/String"); 330 strArray = env->NewObjectArray(argc, stringClass, NULL); 331 332 for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { 333 jstring argStr = env->NewStringUTF(argv[i]); 334 env->SetObjectArrayElement(strArray, i, argStr); 335 } 336 337 env->CallStaticVoidMethod(clazz, methodId, strArray); 338 return NO_ERROR; 339 } 340 341 /* 342 * Find the named class. 343 */ 344 jclass AndroidRuntime::findClass(JNIEnv* env, const char* className) 345 { 346 char* convName = NULL; 347 348 if (env->ExceptionCheck()) { 349 LOGE("ERROR: exception pending on entry to findClass()\n"); 350 return NULL; 351 } 352 353 /* 354 * JNI FindClass uses class names with slashes, but ClassLoader.loadClass 355 * uses the dotted "binary name" format. We don't need to convert the 356 * name with the new approach. 357 */ 358 #if 0 359 /* (convName only created if necessary -- use className) */ 360 for (char* cp = const_cast<char*>(className); *cp != '\0'; cp++) { 361 if (*cp == '.') { 362 if (convName == NULL) { 363 convName = strdup(className); 364 cp = convName + (cp-className); 365 className = convName; 366 } 367 *cp = '/'; 368 } 369 } 370 #endif 371 372 /* 373 * This is a little awkward because the JNI FindClass call uses the 374 * class loader associated with the native method we're executing in. 375 * Because this native method is part of a "boot" class, JNI doesn't 376 * look for the class in CLASSPATH, which unfortunately is a likely 377 * location for it. (Had we issued the FindClass call before calling 378 * into the VM -- at which point there isn't a native method frame on 379 * the stack -- the VM would have checked CLASSPATH. We have to do 380 * this because we call into Java Programming Language code and 381 * bounce back out.) 382 * 383 * JNI lacks a "find class in a specific class loader" operation, so we 384 * have to do things the hard way. 385 */ 386 jclass cls = NULL; 387 //cls = env->FindClass(className); 388 389 jclass javaLangClassLoader; 390 jmethodID getSystemClassLoader, loadClass; 391 jobject systemClassLoader; 392 jstring strClassName; 393 394 /* find the "system" class loader; none of this is expected to fail */ 395 javaLangClassLoader = env->FindClass("java/lang/ClassLoader"); 396 assert(javaLangClassLoader != NULL); 397 getSystemClassLoader = env->GetStaticMethodID(javaLangClassLoader, 398 "getSystemClassLoader", "()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;"); 399 loadClass = env->GetMethodID(javaLangClassLoader, 400 "loadClass", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;"); 401 assert(getSystemClassLoader != NULL && loadClass != NULL); 402 systemClassLoader = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(javaLangClassLoader, 403 getSystemClassLoader); 404 assert(systemClassLoader != NULL); 405 406 /* create an object for the class name string; alloc could fail */ 407 strClassName = env->NewStringUTF(className); 408 if (env->ExceptionCheck()) { 409 LOGE("ERROR: unable to convert '%s' to string\n", className); 410 goto bail; 411 } 412 LOGV("system class loader is %p, loading %p (%s)\n", 413 systemClassLoader, strClassName, className); 414 415 /* try to find the named class */ 416 cls = (jclass) env->CallObjectMethod(systemClassLoader, loadClass, 417 strClassName); 418 if (env->ExceptionCheck()) { 419 LOGE("ERROR: unable to load class '%s' from %p\n", 420 className, systemClassLoader); 421 cls = NULL; 422 goto bail; 423 } 424 425 bail: 426 free(convName); 427 return cls; 428 } 429 430 /* 431 * The VM calls this through the "exit" hook. 432 */ 433 static void runtime_exit(int code) 434 { 435 gCurRuntime->onExit(code); 436 exit(code); 437 } 438 439 /* 440 * The VM calls this through the "vfprintf" hook. 441 * 442 * We ignore "fp" and just write the results to the log file. 443 */ 444 static void runtime_vfprintf(FILE* fp, const char* format, va_list ap) 445 { 446 LOG_PRI_VA(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "vm-printf", format, ap); 447 } 448 449 450 /** 451 * Add VM arguments to the to-be-executed VM 452 * Stops at first non '-' argument (also stops at an argument of '--') 453 * Returns the number of args consumed 454 */ 455 int AndroidRuntime::addVmArguments(int argc, const char* const argv[]) 456 { 457 int i; 458 459 for (i = 0; i<argc; i++) { 460 if (argv[i][0] != '-') { 461 return i; 462 } 463 if (argv[i][1] == '-' && argv[i][2] == 0) { 464 return i+1; 465 } 466 467 JavaVMOption opt; 468 memset(&opt, 0, sizeof(opt)); 469 opt.optionString = (char*)argv[i]; 470 mOptions.add(opt); 471 } 472 return i; 473 } 474 475 static int hasDir(const char* dir) 476 { 477 struct stat s; 478 int res = stat(dir, &s); 479 if (res == 0) { 480 return S_ISDIR(s.st_mode); 481 } 482 return 0; 483 } 484 485 /* 486 * We just want failed write() calls to just return with an error. 487 */ 488 static void blockSigpipe() 489 { 490 sigset_t mask; 491 492 sigemptyset(&mask); 493 sigaddset(&mask, SIGPIPE); 494 if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL) != 0) 495 LOGW("WARNING: SIGPIPE not blocked\n"); 496 } 497 498 /* 499 * Read the persistent locale. 500 */ 501 static void readLocale(char* language, char* region) 502 { 503 char propLang[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX], propRegn[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 504 505 property_get("persist.sys.language", propLang, ""); 506 property_get("", propRegn, ""); 507 if (*propLang == 0 && *propRegn == 0) { 508 /* Set to ro properties, default is en_US */ 509 property_get("ro.product.locale.language", propLang, "en"); 510 property_get("ro.product.locale.region", propRegn, "US"); 511 } 512 strncat(language, propLang, 2); 513 strncat(region, propRegn, 2); 514 //LOGD("language=%s region=%s\n", language, region); 515 } 516 517 void AndroidRuntime::start(const char* className, const bool startSystemServer) 518 { 519 LOGD("\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); 520 521 JNIEnv* env; 522 JavaVMInitArgs initArgs; 523 JavaVMOption opt; 524 char propBuf[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 525 char stackTraceFileBuf[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 526 char dexoptFlagsBuf[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 527 char enableAssertBuf[sizeof("-ea:")-1 + PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 528 char jniOptsBuf[sizeof("-Xjniopts:")-1 + PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 529 char* stackTraceFile = NULL; 530 char* slashClassName = NULL; 531 char* cp; 532 bool checkJni = false; 533 bool logStdio = false; 534 enum { kEMDefault, kEMIntPortable, kEMIntFast } executionMode = kEMDefault; 535 536 blockSigpipe(); 537 538 /* 539 * 'startSystemServer == true' means runtime is obslete and not run from 540 * init.rc anymore, so we print out the boot start event here. 541 */ 542 if (startSystemServer) { 543 /* track our progress through the boot sequence */ 544 const int LOG_BOOT_PROGRESS_START = 3000; 545 LOG_EVENT_LONG(LOG_BOOT_PROGRESS_START, 546 ns2ms(systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC))); 547 } 548 549 property_get("dalvik.vm.checkjni", propBuf, ""); 550 if (strcmp(propBuf, "true") == 0) { 551 checkJni = true; 552 } else if (strcmp(propBuf, "false") != 0) { 553 /* property is neither true nor false; fall back on kernel parameter */ 554 property_get("", propBuf, ""); 555 if (propBuf[0] == '1') { 556 checkJni = true; 557 } 558 } 559 560 property_get("dalvik.vm.execution-mode", propBuf, ""); 561 if (strcmp(propBuf, "int:portable") == 0) { 562 executionMode = kEMIntPortable; 563 } else if (strcmp(propBuf, "int:fast") == 0) { 564 executionMode = kEMIntFast; 565 } 566 567 property_get("dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file", stackTraceFileBuf, ""); 568 569 property_get("log.redirect-stdio", propBuf, ""); 570 if (strcmp(propBuf, "true") == 0) { 571 logStdio = true; 572 } 573 574 strcpy(enableAssertBuf, "-ea:"); 575 property_get("dalvik.vm.enableassertions", enableAssertBuf+4, ""); 576 577 strcpy(jniOptsBuf, "-Xjniopts:"); 578 property_get("dalvik.vm.jniopts", jniOptsBuf+10, ""); 579 580 const char* rootDir = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT"); 581 if (rootDir == NULL) { 582 rootDir = "/system"; 583 if (!hasDir("/system")) { 584 LOG_FATAL("No root directory specified, and /android does not exist."); 585 return; 586 } 587 setenv("ANDROID_ROOT", rootDir, 1); 588 } 589 590 const char* kernelHack = getenv("LD_ASSUME_KERNEL"); 591 //LOGD("Found LD_ASSUME_KERNEL='%s'\n", kernelHack); 592 593 /* route exit() to our handler */ 594 opt.extraInfo = (void*) runtime_exit; 595 opt.optionString = "exit"; 596 mOptions.add(opt); 597 598 /* route fprintf() to our handler */ 599 opt.extraInfo = (void*) runtime_vfprintf; 600 opt.optionString = "vfprintf"; 601 mOptions.add(opt); 602 603 opt.extraInfo = NULL; 604 605 /* enable verbose; standard options are { jni, gc, class } */ 606 //options[curOpt++].optionString = "-verbose:jni"; 607 opt.optionString = "-verbose:gc"; 608 mOptions.add(opt); 609 //options[curOpt++].optionString = "-verbose:class"; 610 611 #ifdef CUSTOM_RUNTIME_HEAP_MAX 612 #define __make_max_heap_opt(val) #val 613 #define _make_max_heap_opt(val) "-Xmx" __make_max_heap_opt(val) 614 opt.optionString = _make_max_heap_opt(CUSTOM_RUNTIME_HEAP_MAX); 615 #undef __make_max_heap_opt 616 #undef _make_max_heap_opt 617 #else 618 /* limit memory use to 16MB */ 619 opt.optionString = "-Xmx16m"; 620 #endif 621 mOptions.add(opt); 622 623 /* 624 * Enable or disable dexopt features, such as bytecode verification and 625 * calculation of register maps for precise GC. 626 */ 627 property_get("dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags", dexoptFlagsBuf, ""); 628 if (dexoptFlagsBuf[0] != '\0') { 629 const char* opc; 630 const char* val; 631 632 opc = strstr(dexoptFlagsBuf, "v="); /* verification */ 633 if (opc != NULL) { 634 switch (*(opc+2)) { 635 case 'n': val = "-Xverify:none"; break; 636 case 'r': val = "-Xverify:remote"; break; 637 case 'a': val = "-Xverify:all"; break; 638 default: val = NULL; break; 639 } 640 641 if (val != NULL) { 642 opt.optionString = val; 643 mOptions.add(opt); 644 } 645 } 646 647 opc = strstr(dexoptFlagsBuf, "o="); /* optimization */ 648 if (opc != NULL) { 649 switch (*(opc+2)) { 650 case 'n': val = "-Xdexopt:none"; break; 651 case 'v': val = "-Xdexopt:verified"; break; 652 case 'a': val = "-Xdexopt:all"; break; 653 default: val = NULL; break; 654 } 655 656 if (val != NULL) { 657 opt.optionString = val; 658 mOptions.add(opt); 659 } 660 } 661 662 opc = strstr(dexoptFlagsBuf, "m=y"); /* register map */ 663 if (opc != NULL) { 664 opt.optionString = "-Xgenregmap"; 665 mOptions.add(opt); 666 } 667 } 668 669 /* enable debugging; set suspend=y to pause during VM init */ 670 #ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_OS 671 /* use android ADB transport */ 672 opt.optionString = 673 "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_android_adb,suspend=n,server=y"; 674 #else 675 /* use TCP socket; address=0 means start at port 8000 and probe up */ 676 LOGI("Using TCP socket for JDWP\n"); 677 opt.optionString = 678 "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,suspend=n,server=y,address=0"; 679 #endif 680 mOptions.add(opt); 681 682 char enableDPBuf[sizeof("-Xdeadlockpredict:") + PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 683 property_get("dalvik.vm.deadlock-predict", propBuf, ""); 684 if (strlen(propBuf) > 0) { 685 strcpy(enableDPBuf, "-Xdeadlockpredict:"); 686 strcat(enableDPBuf, propBuf); 687 opt.optionString = enableDPBuf; 688 mOptions.add(opt); 689 } 690 691 LOGD("CheckJNI is %s\n", checkJni ? "ON" : "OFF"); 692 if (checkJni) { 693 /* extended JNI checking */ 694 opt.optionString = "-Xcheck:jni"; 695 mOptions.add(opt); 696 697 /* set a cap on JNI global references */ 698 opt.optionString = "-Xjnigreflimit:2000"; 699 mOptions.add(opt); 700 701 /* with -Xcheck:jni, this provides a JNI function call trace */ 702 //opt.optionString = "-verbose:jni"; 703 //mOptions.add(opt); 704 } 705 if (executionMode == kEMIntPortable) { 706 opt.optionString = "-Xint:portable"; 707 mOptions.add(opt); 708 } else if (executionMode == kEMIntFast) { 709 opt.optionString = "-Xint:fast"; 710 mOptions.add(opt); 711 } 712 if (logStdio) { 713 /* convert stdout/stderr to log messages */ 714 opt.optionString = "-Xlog-stdio"; 715 mOptions.add(opt); 716 } 717 718 if (enableAssertBuf[4] != '\0') { 719 /* accept "all" to mean "all classes and packages" */ 720 if (strcmp(enableAssertBuf+4, "all") == 0) 721 enableAssertBuf[3] = '\0'; 722 LOGI("Assertions enabled: '%s'\n", enableAssertBuf); 723 opt.optionString = enableAssertBuf; 724 mOptions.add(opt); 725 } else { 726 LOGV("Assertions disabled\n"); 727 } 728 729 if (jniOptsBuf[10] != '\0') { 730 LOGI("JNI options: '%s'\n", jniOptsBuf); 731 opt.optionString = jniOptsBuf; 732 mOptions.add(opt); 733 } 734 735 if (stackTraceFileBuf[0] != '\0') { 736 static const char* stfOptName = "-Xstacktracefile:"; 737 738 stackTraceFile = (char*) malloc(strlen(stfOptName) + 739 strlen(stackTraceFileBuf) +1); 740 strcpy(stackTraceFile, stfOptName); 741 strcat(stackTraceFile, stackTraceFileBuf); 742 opt.optionString = stackTraceFile; 743 mOptions.add(opt); 744 } 745 746 /* Set the properties for locale */ 747 { 748 char langOption[sizeof("-Duser.language=") + 3]; 749 char regionOption[sizeof("-Duser.region=") + 3]; 750 strcpy(langOption, "-Duser.language="); 751 strcpy(regionOption, "-Duser.region="); 752 readLocale(langOption, regionOption); 753 opt.extraInfo = NULL; 754 opt.optionString = langOption; 755 mOptions.add(opt); 756 opt.optionString = regionOption; 757 mOptions.add(opt); 758 } 759 760 /* 761 * We don't have /tmp on the device, but we often have an SD card. Apps 762 * shouldn't use this, but some test suites might want to exercise it. 763 */ 764 opt.optionString = ""; 765 mOptions.add(opt); 766 767 initArgs.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4; 768 initArgs.options = mOptions.editArray(); 769 initArgs.nOptions = mOptions.size(); 770 initArgs.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_FALSE; 771 772 /* 773 * Initialize the VM. 774 * 775 * The JavaVM* is essentially per-process, and the JNIEnv* is per-thread. 776 * If this call succeeds, the VM is ready, and we can start issuing 777 * JNI calls. 778 */ 779 if (JNI_CreateJavaVM(&mJavaVM, &env, &initArgs) < 0) { 780 LOGE("JNI_CreateJavaVM failed\n"); 781 goto bail; 782 } 783 784 /* 785 * Register android functions. 786 */ 787 if (startReg(env) < 0) { 788 LOGE("Unable to register all android natives\n"); 789 goto bail; 790 } 791 792 /* 793 * We want to call main() with a String array with arguments in it. 794 * At present we only have one argument, the class name. Create an 795 * array to hold it. 796 */ 797 jclass stringClass; 798 jobjectArray strArray; 799 jstring classNameStr; 800 jstring startSystemServerStr; 801 802 stringClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/String"); 803 assert(stringClass != NULL); 804 strArray = env->NewObjectArray(2, stringClass, NULL); 805 assert(strArray != NULL); 806 classNameStr = env->NewStringUTF(className); 807 assert(classNameStr != NULL); 808 env->SetObjectArrayElement(strArray, 0, classNameStr); 809 startSystemServerStr = env->NewStringUTF(startSystemServer ? 810 "true" : "false"); 811 env->SetObjectArrayElement(strArray, 1, startSystemServerStr); 812 813 /* 814 * Start VM. This thread becomes the main thread of the VM, and will 815 * not return until the VM exits. 816 */ 817 jclass startClass; 818 jmethodID startMeth; 819 820 slashClassName = strdup(className); 821 for (cp = slashClassName; *cp != '\0'; cp++) 822 if (*cp == '.') 823 *cp = '/'; 824 825 startClass = env->FindClass(slashClassName); 826 if (startClass == NULL) { 827 LOGE("JavaVM unable to locate class '%s'\n", slashClassName); 828 /* keep going */ 829 } else { 830 startMeth = env->GetStaticMethodID(startClass, "main", 831 "([Ljava/lang/String;)V"); 832 if (startMeth == NULL) { 833 LOGE("JavaVM unable to find main() in '%s'\n", className); 834 /* keep going */ 835 } else { 836 env->CallStaticVoidMethod(startClass, startMeth, strArray); 837 838 #if 0 839 if (env->ExceptionCheck()) 840 threadExitUncaughtException(env); 841 #endif 842 } 843 } 844 845 LOGD("Shutting down VM\n"); 846 if (mJavaVM->DetachCurrentThread() != JNI_OK) 847 LOGW("Warning: unable to detach main thread\n"); 848 if (mJavaVM->DestroyJavaVM() != 0) 849 LOGW("Warning: VM did not shut down cleanly\n"); 850 851 bail: 852 free(slashClassName); 853 free(stackTraceFile); 854 } 855 856 void AndroidRuntime::start() 857 { 858 start("", 859 false /* Don't start the system server */); 860 } 861 862 void AndroidRuntime::onExit(int code) 863 { 864 LOGI("AndroidRuntime onExit calling exit(%d)", code); 865 exit(code); 866 } 867 868 /* 869 * Get the JNIEnv pointer for this thread. 870 * 871 * Returns NULL if the slot wasn't allocated or populated. 872 */ 873 /*static*/ JNIEnv* AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv() 874 { 875 JNIEnv* env; 876 JavaVM* vm = AndroidRuntime::getJavaVM(); 877 assert(vm != NULL); 878 879 if (vm->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) 880 return NULL; 881 return env; 882 } 883 884 /* 885 * Makes the current thread visible to the VM. 886 * 887 * The JNIEnv pointer returned is only valid for the current thread, and 888 * thus must be tucked into thread-local storage. 889 */ 890 static int javaAttachThread(const char* threadName, JNIEnv** pEnv) 891 { 892 JavaVMAttachArgs args; 893 JavaVM* vm; 894 jint result; 895 896 vm = AndroidRuntime::getJavaVM(); 897 assert(vm != NULL); 898 899 args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4; 900 = (char*) threadName; 901 = NULL; 902 903 result = vm->AttachCurrentThread(pEnv, (void*) &args); 904 if (result != JNI_OK) 905 LOGE("ERROR: thread attach failed\n"); 906 907 return result; 908 } 909 910 /* 911 * Detach the current thread from the set visible to the VM. 912 */ 913 static int javaDetachThread(void) 914 { 915 JavaVM* vm; 916 jint result; 917 918 vm = AndroidRuntime::getJavaVM(); 919 assert(vm != NULL); 920 921 result = vm->DetachCurrentThread(); 922 if (result != JNI_OK) 923 LOGE("ERROR: thread detach failed\n"); 924 return result; 925 } 926 927 /* 928 * When starting a native thread that will be visible from the VM, we 929 * bounce through this to get the right attach/detach action. 930 * Note that this function calls free(args) 931 */ 932 /*static*/ int AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void* args) { 933 void* start = ((void**)args)[0]; 934 void* userData = ((void **)args)[1]; 935 char* name = (char*) ((void **)args)[2]; // we own this storage 936 free(args); 937 JNIEnv* env; 938 int result; 939 940 /* hook us into the VM */ 941 if (javaAttachThread(name, &env) != JNI_OK) 942 return -1; 943 944 /* start the thread running */ 945 result = (*(android_thread_func_t)start)(userData); 946 947 /* unhook us */ 948 javaDetachThread(); 949 free(name); 950 951 return result; 952 } 953 954 /* 955 * This is invoked from androidCreateThreadEtc() via the callback 956 * set with androidSetCreateThreadFunc(). 957 * 958 * We need to create the new thread in such a way that it gets hooked 959 * into the VM before it really starts executing. 960 */ 961 /*static*/ int AndroidRuntime::javaCreateThreadEtc( 962 android_thread_func_t entryFunction, 963 void* userData, 964 const char* threadName, 965 int32_t threadPriority, 966 size_t threadStackSize, 967 android_thread_id_t* threadId) 968 { 969 void** args = (void**) malloc(3 * sizeof(void*)); // javaThreadShell must free 970 int result; 971 972 assert(threadName != NULL); 973 974 args[0] = (void*) entryFunction; 975 args[1] = userData; 976 args[2] = (void*) strdup(threadName); // javaThreadShell must free 977 978 result = androidCreateRawThreadEtc(AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell, args, 979 threadName, threadPriority, threadStackSize, threadId); 980 return result; 981 } 982 983 /* 984 * Create a thread that is visible from the VM. 985 * 986 * This is called from elsewhere in the library. 987 */ 988 /*static*/ void AndroidRuntime::createJavaThread(const char* name, 989 void (*start)(void *), void* arg) 990 { 991 javaCreateThreadEtc((android_thread_func_t) start, arg, name, 992 ANDROID_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0, NULL); 993 } 994 995 #if 0 996 static void quickTest(void* arg) 997 { 998 const char* str = (const char*) arg; 999 1000 printf("In quickTest: %s\n", str); 1001 } 1002 #endif 1003 1004 #ifdef NDEBUG 1005 #define REG_JNI(name) { name } 1006 struct RegJNIRec { 1007 int (*mProc)(JNIEnv*); 1008 }; 1009 #else 1010 #define REG_JNI(name) { name, #name } 1011 struct RegJNIRec { 1012 int (*mProc)(JNIEnv*); 1013 const char* mName; 1014 }; 1015 #endif 1016 1017 typedef void (*RegJAMProc)(); 1018 1019 static int register_jni_procs(const RegJNIRec array[], size_t count, JNIEnv* env) 1020 { 1021 for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { 1022 if (array[i].mProc(env) < 0) { 1023 #ifndef NDEBUG 1024 LOGD("----------!!! %s failed to load\n", array[i].mName); 1025 #endif 1026 return -1; 1027 } 1028 } 1029 return 0; 1030 } 1031 1032 static void register_jam_procs(const RegJAMProc array[], size_t count) 1033 { 1034 for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { 1035 array[i](); 1036 } 1037 } 1038 1039 static const RegJNIRec gRegJNI[] = { 1040 REG_JNI(register_android_debug_JNITest), 1041 REG_JNI(register_com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit), 1042 REG_JNI(register_android_os_SystemClock), 1043 REG_JNI(register_android_util_EventLog), 1044 REG_JNI(register_android_util_Log), 1045 REG_JNI(register_android_util_FloatMath), 1046 REG_JNI(register_android_text_format_Time), 1047 REG_JNI(register_android_pim_EventRecurrence), 1048 REG_JNI(register_android_content_AssetManager), 1049 REG_JNI(register_android_content_StringBlock), 1050 REG_JNI(register_android_content_XmlBlock), 1051 REG_JNI(register_android_emoji_EmojiFactory), 1052 REG_JNI(register_android_security_Md5MessageDigest), 1053 REG_JNI(register_android_text_AndroidCharacter), 1054 REG_JNI(register_android_text_KeyCharacterMap), 1055 REG_JNI(register_android_os_Process), 1056 REG_JNI(register_android_os_Binder), 1057 REG_JNI(register_android_os_Hardware), 1058 REG_JNI(register_android_view_Display), 1059 REG_JNI(register_android_nio_utils), 1060 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_PixelFormat), 1061 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Graphics), 1062 REG_JNI(register_android_view_Surface), 1063 REG_JNI(register_android_view_ViewRoot), 1064 REG_JNI(register_com_google_android_gles_jni_EGLImpl), 1065 REG_JNI(register_com_google_android_gles_jni_GLImpl), 1066 REG_JNI(register_android_opengl_jni_GLES10), 1067 REG_JNI(register_android_opengl_jni_GLES10Ext), 1068 REG_JNI(register_android_opengl_jni_GLES11), 1069 REG_JNI(register_android_opengl_jni_GLES11Ext), 1070 1071 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Bitmap), 1072 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_BitmapFactory), 1073 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Camera), 1074 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Canvas), 1075 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_ColorFilter), 1076 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_DrawFilter), 1077 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Interpolator), 1078 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_LayerRasterizer), 1079 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_MaskFilter), 1080 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Matrix), 1081 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Movie), 1082 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_NinePatch), 1083 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Paint), 1084 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Path), 1085 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_PathMeasure), 1086 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_PathEffect), 1087 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Picture), 1088 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_PorterDuff), 1089 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Rasterizer), 1090 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Region), 1091 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Shader), 1092 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Typeface), 1093 REG_JNI(register_android_graphics_Xfermode), 1094 REG_JNI(register_com_android_internal_graphics_NativeUtils), 1095 1096 REG_JNI(register_android_database_CursorWindow), 1097 REG_JNI(register_android_database_SQLiteDatabase), 1098 REG_JNI(register_android_database_SQLiteDebug), 1099 REG_JNI(register_android_database_SQLiteProgram), 1100 REG_JNI(register_android_database_SQLiteQuery), 1101 REG_JNI(register_android_database_SQLiteStatement), 1102 REG_JNI(register_android_os_Debug), 1103 REG_JNI(register_android_os_Exec), 1104 REG_JNI(register_android_os_FileObserver), 1105 REG_JNI(register_android_os_FileUtils), 1106 REG_JNI(register_android_os_ParcelFileDescriptor), 1107 REG_JNI(register_android_os_Power), 1108 REG_JNI(register_android_os_StatFs), 1109 REG_JNI(register_android_os_SystemProperties), 1110 REG_JNI(register_android_os_UEventObserver), 1111 REG_JNI(register_android_net_LocalSocketImpl), 1112 REG_JNI(register_android_net_NetworkUtils), 1113 REG_JNI(register_android_net_wifi_WifiManager), 1114 REG_JNI(register_android_os_MemoryFile), 1115 REG_JNI(register_com_android_internal_os_ZygoteInit), 1116 REG_JNI(register_android_hardware_Camera), 1117 REG_JNI(register_android_hardware_SensorManager), 1118 REG_JNI(register_android_media_AudioRecord), 1119 REG_JNI(register_android_media_AudioSystem), 1120 REG_JNI(register_android_media_AudioTrack), 1121 REG_JNI(register_android_media_JetPlayer), 1122 REG_JNI(register_android_media_ToneGenerator), 1123 1124 REG_JNI(register_android_opengl_classes), 1125 REG_JNI(register_android_bluetooth_Database), 1126 REG_JNI(register_android_bluetooth_HeadsetBase), 1127 REG_JNI(register_android_bluetooth_BluetoothAudioGateway), 1128 REG_JNI(register_android_bluetooth_RfcommSocket), 1129 REG_JNI(register_android_bluetooth_ScoSocket), 1130 REG_JNI(register_android_server_BluetoothDeviceService), 1131 REG_JNI(register_android_server_BluetoothEventLoop), 1132 REG_JNI(register_android_server_BluetoothA2dpService), 1133 REG_JNI(register_android_message_digest_sha1), 1134 REG_JNI(register_android_ddm_DdmHandleNativeHeap), 1135 REG_JNI(register_android_util_Base64), 1136 REG_JNI(register_android_location_GpsLocationProvider), 1137 REG_JNI(register_android_backup_BackupDataInput), 1138 REG_JNI(register_android_backup_BackupDataOutput), 1139 REG_JNI(register_android_backup_FileBackupHelperBase), 1140 REG_JNI(register_android_backup_BackupHelperDispatcher), 1141 // add by nfsnfs 1142 REG_JNI(register_android_app_ActivityThread), 1143 REG_JNI(register_android_content_ContentResolver), 1144 // 1145 }; 1146 1147 /* 1148 * Register android native functions with the VM. 1149 */ 1150 /*static*/ int AndroidRuntime::startReg(JNIEnv* env) 1151 { 1152 /* 1153 * This hook causes all future threads created in this process to be 1154 * attached to the JavaVM. (This needs to go away in favor of JNI 1155 * Attach calls.) 1156 */ 1157 androidSetCreateThreadFunc((android_create_thread_fn) javaCreateThreadEtc); 1158 1159 LOGD("--- registering native functions ---\n"); 1160 1161 /* 1162 * Every "register" function calls one or more things that return 1163 * a local reference (e.g. FindClass). Because we haven't really 1164 * started the VM yet, they're all getting stored in the base frame 1165 * and never released. Use Push/Pop to manage the storage. 1166 */ 1167 env->PushLocalFrame(200); 1168 1169 if (register_jni_procs(gRegJNI, NELEM(gRegJNI), env) < 0) { 1170 env->PopLocalFrame(NULL); 1171 return -1; 1172 } 1173 env->PopLocalFrame(NULL); 1174 1175 //createJavaThread("fubar", quickTest, (void*) "hello"); 1176 1177 return 0; 1178 } 1179 1180 AndroidRuntime* AndroidRuntime::getRuntime() 1181 { 1182 return gCurRuntime; 1183 } 1184 1185 /** 1186 * Used by WithFramework to register native functions. 1187 */ 1188 extern "C" 1189 jint Java_com_android_internal_util_WithFramework_registerNatives( 1190 JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) { 1191 return register_jni_procs(gRegJNI, NELEM(gRegJNI), env); 1192 } 1193 1194 /** 1195 * Used by LoadClass to register native functions. 1196 */ 1197 extern "C" 1198 jint Java_LoadClass_registerNatives(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) { 1199 return register_jni_procs(gRegJNI, NELEM(gRegJNI), env); 1200 } 1201 1202 } // namespace android
- Constructor in AndroidRuntime
1 AndroidRuntime::AndroidRuntime() 2 { 3 SkGraphics::Init(); 4 SkImageDecoder::SetDeviceConfig(SkBitmap::kRGB_565_Config); 5 SkImageRef_GlobalPool::SetRAMBudget(512 * 1024); 6 mOptions.setCapacity(20); 7 assert(gCurRuntime == NULL); 8 gCurRuntime = this; 9 }
- start method in AndroidRuntime
1 void AndroidRuntime::start(const char* className, const bool startSystemServer) 2 { 3 JNIEnv* env; 4 JavaVMInitArgs initArgs; 5 JavaVMOption opt; 6 char propBuf[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 7 char stackTraceFileBuf[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 8 char dexoptFlagsBuf[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 9 char enableAssertBuf[sizeof("-ea:")-1 + PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 10 char jniOptsBuf[sizeof("-Xjniopts:")-1 + PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 11 char* stackTraceFile = NULL; 12 char* slashClassName = NULL; 13 char* cp; 14 bool checkJni = false; 15 bool logStdio = false; 16 enum { kEMDefault, kEMIntPortable, kEMIntFast } executionMode = kEMDefault; 17 blockSigpipe(); 18 if (startSystemServer) { 19 /* track our progress through the boot sequence */ 20 const int LOG_BOOT_PROGRESS_START = 3000; 21 LOG_EVENT_LONG(LOG_BOOT_PROGRESS_START,ns2ms(systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC))); 22 } 23 property_get("dalvik.vm.checkjni", propBuf, ""); 24 if (strcmp(propBuf, "true") == 0) { 25 checkJni = true; 26 } else if (strcmp(propBuf, "false") != 0) { 27 property_get("", propBuf, ""); 28 if (propBuf[0] == '1') { 29 checkJni = true; 30 } 31 } 32 property_get("dalvik.vm.execution-mode", propBuf, ""); 33 if (strcmp(propBuf, "int:portable") == 0) { 34 executionMode = kEMIntPortable; 35 } else if (strcmp(propBuf, "int:fast") == 0) { 36 executionMode = kEMIntFast; 37 } 38 property_get("dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file", stackTraceFileBuf, ""); 39 property_get("log.redirect-stdio", propBuf, ""); 40 if (strcmp(propBuf, "true") == 0) { 41 logStdio = true; 42 } 43 strcpy(enableAssertBuf, "-ea:"); 44 property_get("dalvik.vm.enableassertions", enableAssertBuf+4, ""); 45 strcpy(jniOptsBuf, "-Xjniopts:"); 46 property_get("dalvik.vm.jniopts", jniOptsBuf+10, ""); 47 const char* rootDir = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT"); 48 if (rootDir == NULL) { 49 rootDir = "/system"; 50 if (!hasDir("/system")) { 51 LOG_FATAL("No root directory specified, and /android does not exist."); 52 return; 53 } 54 setenv("ANDROID_ROOT", rootDir, 1); 55 } 56 const char* kernelHack = getenv("LD_ASSUME_KERNEL"); 57 opt.extraInfo = (void*) runtime_exit; 58 opt.optionString = "exit"; 59 mOptions.add(opt); 60 /* route fprintf() to our handler */ 61 opt.extraInfo = (void*) runtime_vfprintf; 62 opt.optionString = "vfprintf"; 63 mOptions.add(opt); 64 opt.extraInfo = NULL; 65 /* enable verbose; standard options are { jni, gc, class } */ 66 //options[curOpt++].optionString = "-verbose:jni"; 67 opt.optionString = "-verbose:gc"; 68 mOptions.add(opt); 69 //options[curOpt++].optionString = "-verbose:class"; 70 71 #ifdef CUSTOM_RUNTIME_HEAP_MAX 72 #define __make_max_heap_opt(val) #val 73 #define _make_max_heap_opt(val) "-Xmx" __make_max_heap_opt(val) 74 opt.optionString = _make_max_heap_opt(CUSTOM_RUNTIME_HEAP_MAX); 75 #undef __make_max_heap_opt 76 #undef _make_max_heap_opt 77 #else 78 /* limit memory use to 16MB */ 79 opt.optionString = "-Xmx16m"; 80 #endif 81 mOptions.add(opt); 82 83 /* 84 * Enable or disable dexopt features, such as bytecode verification and 85 * calculation of register maps for precise GC. 86 */ 87 property_get("dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags", dexoptFlagsBuf, ""); 88 if (dexoptFlagsBuf[0] != '\0') { 89 const char* opc; 90 const char* val; 91 92 opc = strstr(dexoptFlagsBuf, "v="); /* verification */ 93 if (opc != NULL) { 94 switch (*(opc+2)) { 95 case 'n': val = "-Xverify:none"; break; 96 case 'r': val = "-Xverify:remote"; break; 97 case 'a': val = "-Xverify:all"; break; 98 default: val = NULL; break; 99 } 100 101 if (val != NULL) { 102 opt.optionString = val; 103 mOptions.add(opt); 104 } 105 } 106 107 opc = strstr(dexoptFlagsBuf, "o="); /* optimization */ 108 if (opc != NULL) { 109 switch (*(opc+2)) { 110 case 'n': val = "-Xdexopt:none"; break; 111 case 'v': val = "-Xdexopt:verified"; break; 112 case 'a': val = "-Xdexopt:all"; break; 113 default: val = NULL; break; 114 } 115 116 if (val != NULL) { 117 opt.optionString = val; 118 mOptions.add(opt); 119 } 120 } 121 122 opc = strstr(dexoptFlagsBuf, "m=y"); /* register map */ 123 if (opc != NULL) { 124 opt.optionString = "-Xgenregmap"; 125 mOptions.add(opt); 126 } 127 } 128 129 /* enable debugging; set suspend=y to pause during VM init */ 130 #ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_OS 131 /* use android ADB transport */ 132 opt.optionString = 133 "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_android_adb,suspend=n,server=y"; 134 #else 135 /* use TCP socket; address=0 means start at port 8000 and probe up */ 136 LOGI("Using TCP socket for JDWP\n"); 137 opt.optionString = 138 "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,suspend=n,server=y,address=0"; 139 #endif 140 mOptions.add(opt); 141 142 char enableDPBuf[sizeof("-Xdeadlockpredict:") + PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 143 property_get("dalvik.vm.deadlock-predict", propBuf, ""); 144 if (strlen(propBuf) > 0) { 145 strcpy(enableDPBuf, "-Xdeadlockpredict:"); 146 strcat(enableDPBuf, propBuf); 147 opt.optionString = enableDPBuf; 148 mOptions.add(opt); 149 } 150 151 LOGD("CheckJNI is %s\n", checkJni ? "ON" : "OFF"); 152 if (checkJni) { 153 /* extended JNI checking */ 154 opt.optionString = "-Xcheck:jni"; 155 mOptions.add(opt); 156 157 /* set a cap on JNI global references */ 158 opt.optionString = "-Xjnigreflimit:2000"; 159 mOptions.add(opt); 160 161 /* with -Xcheck:jni, this provides a JNI function call trace */ 162 //opt.optionString = "-verbose:jni"; 163 //mOptions.add(opt); 164 } 165 if (executionMode == kEMIntPortable) { 166 opt.optionString = "-Xint:portable"; 167 mOptions.add(opt); 168 } else if (executionMode == kEMIntFast) { 169 opt.optionString = "-Xint:fast"; 170 mOptions.add(opt); 171 } 172 if (logStdio) { 173 /* convert stdout/stderr to log messages */ 174 opt.optionString = "-Xlog-stdio"; 175 mOptions.add(opt); 176 } 177 178 if (enableAssertBuf[4] != '\0') { 179 /* accept "all" to mean "all classes and packages" */ 180 if (strcmp(enableAssertBuf+4, "all") == 0) 181 enableAssertBuf[3] = '\0'; 182 LOGI("Assertions enabled: '%s'\n", enableAssertBuf); 183 opt.optionString = enableAssertBuf; 184 mOptions.add(opt); 185 } else { 186 LOGV("Assertions disabled\n"); 187 } 188 189 if (jniOptsBuf[10] != '\0') { 190 LOGI("JNI options: '%s'\n", jniOptsBuf); 191 opt.optionString = jniOptsBuf; 192 mOptions.add(opt); 193 } 194 195 if (stackTraceFileBuf[0] != '\0') { 196 static const char* stfOptName = "-Xstacktracefile:"; 197 198 stackTraceFile = (char*) malloc(strlen(stfOptName) + 199 strlen(stackTraceFileBuf) +1); 200 strcpy(stackTraceFile, stfOptName); 201 strcat(stackTraceFile, stackTraceFileBuf); 202 opt.optionString = stackTraceFile; 203 mOptions.add(opt); 204 } 205 206 /* Set the properties for locale */ 207 { 208 char langOption[sizeof("-Duser.language=") + 3]; 209 char regionOption[sizeof("-Duser.region=") + 3]; 210 strcpy(langOption, "-Duser.language="); 211 strcpy(regionOption, "-Duser.region="); 212 readLocale(langOption, regionOption); 213 opt.extraInfo = NULL; 214 opt.optionString = langOption; 215 mOptions.add(opt); 216 opt.optionString = regionOption; 217 mOptions.add(opt); 218 } 219 220 /* 221 * We don't have /tmp on the device, but we often have an SD card. Apps 222 * shouldn't use this, but some test suites might want to exercise it. 223 */ 224 opt.optionString = ""; 225 mOptions.add(opt); 226 227 initArgs.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4; 228 initArgs.options = mOptions.editArray(); 229 initArgs.nOptions = mOptions.size(); 230 initArgs.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_FALSE; 231 if (JNI_CreateJavaVM(&mJavaVM, &env, &initArgs) < 0) { 232 LOGE("JNI_CreateJavaVM failed\n"); 233 goto bail; 234 } 235 /* 236 * Register android functions. 237 */ 238 if (startReg(env) < 0) { 239 LOGE("Unable to register all android natives\n"); 240 goto bail; 241 } 242 243 /* 244 * We want to call main() with a String array with arguments in it. 245 * At present we only have one argument, the class name. Create an 246 * array to hold it. 247 */ 248 jclass stringClass; 249 jobjectArray strArray; 250 jstring classNameStr; 251 jstring startSystemServerStr; 252 253 stringClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/String"); 254 assert(stringClass != NULL); 255 strArray = env->NewObjectArray(2, stringClass, NULL); 256 assert(strArray != NULL); 257 classNameStr = env->NewStringUTF(className); 258 assert(classNameStr != NULL); 259 env->SetObjectArrayElement(strArray, 0, classNameStr); 260 startSystemServerStr = env->NewStringUTF(startSystemServer ? 261 "true" : "false"); 262 env->SetObjectArrayElement(strArray, 1, startSystemServerStr); 263 264 /* 265 * Start VM. This thread becomes the main thread of the VM, and will 266 * not return until the VM exits. 267 */ 268 jclass startClass; 269 jmethodID startMeth; 270 271 slashClassName = strdup(className); 272 for (cp = slashClassName; *cp != '\0'; cp++) 273 if (*cp == '.') 274 *cp = '/'; 275 276 startClass = env->FindClass(slashClassName); 277 if (startClass == NULL) { 278 LOGE("JavaVM unable to locate class '%s'\n", slashClassName); 279 /* keep going */ 280 } else { 281 startMeth = env->GetStaticMethodID(startClass, "main", 282 "([Ljava/lang/String;)V"); 283 if (startMeth == NULL) { 284 LOGE("JavaVM unable to find main() in '%s'\n", className); 285 /* keep going */ 286 } else { 287 env->CallStaticVoidMethod(startClass, startMeth, strArray); 288 289 #if 0 290 if (env->ExceptionCheck()) 291 threadExitUncaughtException(env); 292 #endif 293 } 294 } 295 296 LOGD("Shutting down VM\n"); 297 if (mJavaVM->DetachCurrentThread() != JNI_OK) 298 LOGW("Warning: unable to detach main thread\n"); 299 if (mJavaVM->DestroyJavaVM() != 0) 300 LOGW("Warning: VM did not shut down cleanly\n"); 301 302 bail: 303 free(slashClassName); 304 free(stackTraceFile); 305 } 306 307 void AndroidRuntime::start() 308 { 309 start("", 310 false /* Don't start the system server */); 311 }
- Zygote
1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project 3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 * limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 package dalvik.system; 18 19 /** 20 * Provides access to the Dalvik "zygote" feature, which allows a VM instance to 21 * be partially initialized and then fork()'d from the partially initialized 22 * state. 23 * 24 * @hide 25 */ 26 public class Zygote { 27 /* 28 * Bit values for "debugFlags" argument. The definitions are duplicated 29 * in the native code. 30 */ 31 /** enable debugging over JDWP */ 32 public static final int DEBUG_ENABLE_DEBUGGER = 1; 33 /** enable JNI checks */ 34 public static final int DEBUG_ENABLE_CHECKJNI = 1 << 1; 35 /** enable Java programming language "assert" statements */ 36 public static final int DEBUG_ENABLE_ASSERT = 1 << 2; 37 /** disable the JIT compiler */ 38 public static final int DEBUG_ENABLE_SAFEMODE = 1 << 3; 39 40 /** 41 * When set by the system server, all subsequent apps will be launched in 42 * VM safe mode. 43 * 44 * @hide 45 */ 46 public static boolean systemInSafeMode = false; 47 48 private Zygote() {} 49 50 /** 51 * Forks a new Zygote instance, but does not leave the zygote mode. 52 * The current VM must have been started with the -Xzygote flag. The 53 * new child is expected to eventually call forkAndSpecialize() 54 * 55 * @return 0 if this is the child, pid of the child 56 * if this is the parent, or -1 on error 57 */ 58 native public static int fork(); 59 60 /** 61 * Forks a new VM instance. The current VM must have been started 62 * with the -Xzygote flag. <b>NOTE: new instance keeps all 63 * root capabilities. The new process is expected to call capset()</b>. 64 * 65 * @param uid the UNIX uid that the new process should setuid() to after 66 * fork()ing and and before spawning any threads. 67 * @param gid the UNIX gid that the new process should setgid() to after 68 * fork()ing and and before spawning any threads. 69 * @param gids null-ok; a list of UNIX gids that the new process should 70 * setgroups() to after fork and before spawning any threads. 71 * @param debugFlags bit flags that enable debugging features. 72 * @param rlimits null-ok an array of rlimit tuples, with the second 73 * dimension having a length of 3 and representing 74 * (resource, rlim_cur, rlim_max). These are set via the posix 75 * setrlimit(2) call. 76 * 77 * @return 0 if this is the child, pid of the child 78 * if this is the parent, or -1 on error. 79 */ 80 native public static int forkAndSpecialize(int uid, int gid, int[] gids, 81 int debugFlags, int[][] rlimits); 82 83 /** 84 * Forks a new VM instance. 85 * @deprecated use {@link Zygote#forkAndSpecialize(int, int, int[], int, int[][])} 86 */ 87 @Deprecated 88 public static int forkAndSpecialize(int uid, int gid, int[] gids, 89 boolean enableDebugger, int[][] rlimits) { 90 int debugFlags = enableDebugger ? DEBUG_ENABLE_DEBUGGER : 0; 91 return forkAndSpecialize(uid, gid, gids, debugFlags, rlimits); 92 } 93 94 /** 95 * Special method to start the system server process. In addition to the 96 * common actions performed in forkAndSpecialize, the pid of the child 97 * process is recorded such that the death of the child process will cause 98 * zygote to exit. 99 * 100 * @param uid the UNIX uid that the new process should setuid() to after 101 * fork()ing and and before spawning any threads. 102 * @param gid the UNIX gid that the new process should setgid() to after 103 * fork()ing and and before spawning any threads. 104 * @param gids null-ok; a list of UNIX gids that the new process should 105 * setgroups() to after fork and before spawning any threads. 106 * @param debugFlags bit flags that enable debugging features. 107 * @param rlimits null-ok an array of rlimit tuples, with the second 108 * dimension having a length of 3 and representing 109 * (resource, rlim_cur, rlim_max). These are set via the posix 110 * setrlimit(2) call. 111 * @param permittedCapabilities argument for setcap() 112 * @param effectiveCapabilities argument for setcap() 113 * 114 * @return 0 if this is the child, pid of the child 115 * if this is the parent, or -1 on error. 116 */ 117 native public static int forkSystemServer(int uid, int gid, 118 int[] gids, int debugFlags, int[][] rlimits, 119 long permittedCapabilities, long effectiveCapabilities); 120 121 /** 122 * Special method to start the system server process. 123 * @deprecated use {@link Zygote#forkSystemServer(int, int, int[], int, int[][])} 124 */ 125 @Deprecated 126 public static int forkSystemServer(int uid, int gid, int[] gids, 127 boolean enableDebugger, int[][] rlimits) { 128 int debugFlags = enableDebugger ? DEBUG_ENABLE_DEBUGGER : 0; 129 return forkAndSpecialize(uid, gid, gids, debugFlags, rlimits); 130 } 131 }
- ZygoteInit
1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project 3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 * limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 package; 18 19 import; 20 import android.content.res.Resources; 21 import android.content.res.TypedArray; 22 import; 23 import; 24 import android.os.Debug; 25 import android.os.FileUtils; 26 import android.os.Process; 27 import android.os.SystemClock; 28 import android.os.SystemProperties; 29 import android.util.EventLog; 30 import android.util.Log; 31 32 import dalvik.system.VMRuntime; 33 import dalvik.system.Zygote; 34 35 import; 36 37 import; 38 import; 39 import; 40 import; 41 import; 42 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; 43 import java.lang.reflect.Method; 44 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; 45 import java.util.ArrayList; 46 47 /** 48 * Startup class for the zygote process. 49 * 50 * Pre-initializes some classes, and then waits for commands on a UNIX domain 51 * socket. Based on these commands, forks off child processes that inherit 52 * the initial state of the VM. 53 * 54 * Please see {@link ZygoteConnection.Arguments} for documentation on the 55 * client protocol. 56 * 57 * @hide 58 */ 59 public class ZygoteInit { 60 61 private static final String TAG = "Zygote"; 62 63 private static final String ANDROID_SOCKET_ENV = "ANDROID_SOCKET_zygote"; 64 65 private static final int LOG_BOOT_PROGRESS_PRELOAD_START = 3020; 66 private static final int LOG_BOOT_PROGRESS_PRELOAD_END = 3030; 67 68 /** when preloading, GC after allocating this many bytes */ 69 private static final int PRELOAD_GC_THRESHOLD = 50000; 70 71 public static final String USAGE_STRING = 72 " <\"start-system-server\"|\"\" for startSystemServer>"; 73 74 private static LocalServerSocket sServerSocket; 75 76 /** 77 * Used to pre-load resources. We hold a global reference on it so it 78 * never gets destroyed. 79 */ 80 private static Resources mResources; 81 82 /** 83 * The number of times that the main Zygote loop 84 * should run before calling gc() again. 85 */ 86 static final int GC_LOOP_COUNT = 10; 87 88 /** 89 * If true, zygote forks for each peer. If false, a select loop is used 90 * inside a single process. The latter is preferred. 91 */ 92 private static final boolean ZYGOTE_FORK_MODE = false; 93 94 /** 95 * The name of a resource file that contains classes to preload. 96 */ 97 private static final String PRELOADED_CLASSES = "preloaded-classes"; 98 99 /** Controls whether we should preload resources during zygote init. */ 100 private static final boolean PRELOAD_RESOURCES = true; 101 102 /** 103 * Invokes a static "main(argv[]) method on class "className". 104 * Converts various failing exceptions into RuntimeExceptions, with 105 * the assumption that they will then cause the VM instance to exit. 106 * 107 * @param loader class loader to use 108 * @param className Fully-qualified class name 109 * @param argv Argument vector for main() 110 */ 111 static void invokeStaticMain(ClassLoader loader, 112 String className, String[] argv) 113 throws ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller { 114 Class<?> cl; 115 116 try { 117 cl = loader.loadClass(className); 118 } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { 119 throw new RuntimeException( 120 "Missing class when invoking static main " + className, 121 ex); 122 } 123 124 Method m; 125 try { 126 m = cl.getMethod("main", new Class[] { String[].class }); 127 } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { 128 throw new RuntimeException( 129 "Missing static main on " + className, ex); 130 } catch (SecurityException ex) { 131 throw new RuntimeException( 132 "Problem getting static main on " + className, ex); 133 } 134 135 int modifiers = m.getModifiers(); 136 if (! (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))) { 137 throw new RuntimeException( 138 "Main method is not public and static on " + className); 139 } 140 141 /* 142 * This throw gets caught in ZygoteInit.main(), which responds 143 * by invoking the exception's run() method. This arrangement 144 * clears up all the stack frames that were required in setting 145 * up the process. 146 */ 147 throw new ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller(m, argv); 148 } 149 150 /** 151 * Registers a server socket for zygote command connections 152 * 153 * @throws RuntimeException when open fails 154 */ 155 private static void registerZygoteSocket() { 156 if (sServerSocket == null) { 157 int fileDesc; 158 try { 159 String env = System.getenv(ANDROID_SOCKET_ENV); 160 fileDesc = Integer.parseInt(env); 161 } catch (RuntimeException ex) { 162 throw new RuntimeException( 163 ANDROID_SOCKET_ENV + " unset or invalid", ex); 164 } 165 166 try { 167 sServerSocket = new LocalServerSocket( 168 createFileDescriptor(fileDesc)); 169 } catch (IOException ex) { 170 throw new RuntimeException( 171 "Error binding to local socket '" + fileDesc + "'", ex); 172 } 173 } 174 } 175 176 /** 177 * Waits for and accepts a single command connection. Throws 178 * RuntimeException on failure. 179 */ 180 private static ZygoteConnection acceptCommandPeer() { 181 try { 182 return new ZygoteConnection(sServerSocket.accept()); 183 } catch (IOException ex) { 184 throw new RuntimeException( 185 "IOException during accept()", ex); 186 } 187 } 188 189 /** 190 * Close and clean up zygote sockets. Called on shutdown and on the 191 * child's exit path. 192 */ 193 static void closeServerSocket() { 194 try { 195 if (sServerSocket != null) { 196 sServerSocket.close(); 197 } 198 } catch (IOException ex) { 199 Log.e(TAG, "Zygote: error closing sockets", ex); 200 } 201 202 sServerSocket = null; 203 } 204 205 private static final int UNPRIVILEGED_UID = 9999; 206 private static final int UNPRIVILEGED_GID = 9999; 207 208 private static final int ROOT_UID = 0; 209 private static final int ROOT_GID = 0; 210 211 /** 212 * Sets effective user ID. 213 */ 214 private static void setEffectiveUser(int uid) { 215 int errno = setreuid(ROOT_UID, uid); 216 if (errno != 0) { 217 Log.e(TAG, "setreuid() failed. errno: " + errno); 218 } 219 } 220 221 /** 222 * Sets effective group ID. 223 */ 224 private static void setEffectiveGroup(int gid) { 225 int errno = setregid(ROOT_GID, gid); 226 if (errno != 0) { 227 Log.e(TAG, "setregid() failed. errno: " + errno); 228 } 229 } 230 231 static void preload() { 232 preloadClasses(); 233 preloadResources(); 234 } 235 236 /** 237 * Performs Zygote process initialization. Loads and initializes 238 * commonly used classes. 239 * 240 * Most classes only cause a few hundred bytes to be allocated, but 241 * a few will allocate a dozen Kbytes (in one case, 500+K). 242 */ 243 private static void preloadClasses() { 244 final VMRuntime runtime = VMRuntime.getRuntime(); 245 246 InputStream is = ZygoteInit.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( 247 PRELOADED_CLASSES); 248 if (is == null) { 249 Log.e(TAG, "Couldn't find " + PRELOADED_CLASSES + "."); 250 } else { 251 Log.i(TAG, "Preloading classes..."); 252 long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 253 254 // Drop root perms while running static initializers. 255 setEffectiveGroup(UNPRIVILEGED_GID); 256 setEffectiveUser(UNPRIVILEGED_UID); 257 258 // Alter the target heap utilization. With explicit GCs this 259 // is not likely to have any effect. 260 float defaultUtilization = runtime.getTargetHeapUtilization(); 261 runtime.setTargetHeapUtilization(0.8f); 262 263 // Start with a clean slate. 264 System.gc(); 265 runtime.runFinalizationSync(); 266 Debug.startAllocCounting(); 267 268 try { 269 BufferedReader br 270 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is), 256); 271 272 int count = 0; 273 String line; 274 while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { 275 // Skip comments and blank lines. 276 line = line.trim(); 277 if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("")) { 278 continue; 279 } 280 281 try { 282 if (false) { 283 Log.v(TAG, "Preloading " + line + "..."); 284 } 285 Class.forName(line); 286 if (Debug.getGlobalAllocSize() > PRELOAD_GC_THRESHOLD) { 287 if (false) { 288 Log.v(TAG, 289 " GC at " + Debug.getGlobalAllocSize()); 290 } 291 System.gc(); 292 runtime.runFinalizationSync(); 293 Debug.resetGlobalAllocSize(); 294 } 295 count++; 296 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 297 Log.w(TAG, "Class not found for preloading: " + line); 298 } catch (Throwable t) { 299 Log.e(TAG, "Error preloading " + line + ".", t); 300 if (t instanceof Error) { 301 throw (Error) t; 302 } 303 if (t instanceof RuntimeException) { 304 throw (RuntimeException) t; 305 } 306 throw new RuntimeException(t); 307 } 308 } 309 310 Log.i(TAG, "...preloaded " + count + " classes in " 311 + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms."); 312 } catch (IOException e) { 313 Log.e(TAG, "Error reading " + PRELOADED_CLASSES + ".", e); 314 } finally { 315 IoUtils.closeQuietly(is); 316 // Restore default. 317 runtime.setTargetHeapUtilization(defaultUtilization); 318 319 Debug.stopAllocCounting(); 320 321 // Bring back root. We'll need it later. 322 setEffectiveUser(ROOT_UID); 323 setEffectiveGroup(ROOT_GID); 324 } 325 } 326 } 327 328 /** 329 * Load in commonly used resources, so they can be shared across 330 * processes. 331 * 332 * These tend to be a few Kbytes, but are frequently in the 20-40K 333 * range, and occasionally even larger. 334 */ 335 private static void preloadResources() { 336 final VMRuntime runtime = VMRuntime.getRuntime(); 337 338 Debug.startAllocCounting(); 339 try { 340 System.gc(); 341 runtime.runFinalizationSync(); 342 mResources = Resources.getSystem(); 343 mResources.startPreloading(); 344 if (PRELOAD_RESOURCES) { 345 Log.i(TAG, "Preloading resources..."); 346 347 long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 348 TypedArray ar = mResources.obtainTypedArray( 349; 350 int N = preloadDrawables(runtime, ar); 351 Log.i(TAG, "...preloaded " + N + " resources in " 352 + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms."); 353 354 startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 355 ar = mResources.obtainTypedArray( 356; 357 N = preloadColorStateLists(runtime, ar); 358 Log.i(TAG, "...preloaded " + N + " resources in " 359 + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms."); 360 } 361 mResources.finishPreloading(); 362 } catch (RuntimeException e) { 363 Log.w(TAG, "Failure preloading resources", e); 364 } finally { 365 Debug.stopAllocCounting(); 366 } 367 } 368 369 private static int preloadColorStateLists(VMRuntime runtime, TypedArray ar) { 370 int N = ar.length(); 371 for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { 372 if (Debug.getGlobalAllocSize() > PRELOAD_GC_THRESHOLD) { 373 if (false) { 374 Log.v(TAG, " GC at " + Debug.getGlobalAllocSize()); 375 } 376 System.gc(); 377 runtime.runFinalizationSync(); 378 Debug.resetGlobalAllocSize(); 379 } 380 int id = ar.getResourceId(i, 0); 381 if (false) { 382 Log.v(TAG, "Preloading resource #" + Integer.toHexString(id)); 383 } 384 if (id != 0) { 385 mResources.getColorStateList(id); 386 } 387 } 388 return N; 389 } 390 391 392 private static int preloadDrawables(VMRuntime runtime, TypedArray ar) { 393 int N = ar.length(); 394 for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { 395 if (Debug.getGlobalAllocSize() > PRELOAD_GC_THRESHOLD) { 396 if (false) { 397 Log.v(TAG, " GC at " + Debug.getGlobalAllocSize()); 398 } 399 System.gc(); 400 runtime.runFinalizationSync(); 401 Debug.resetGlobalAllocSize(); 402 } 403 int id = ar.getResourceId(i, 0); 404 if (false) { 405 Log.v(TAG, "Preloading resource #" + Integer.toHexString(id)); 406 } 407 if (id != 0) { 408 Drawable dr = mResources.getDrawable(id); 409 if ((dr.getChangingConfigurations()&~ActivityInfo.CONFIG_FONT_SCALE) != 0) { 410 Log.w(TAG, "Preloaded drawable resource #0x" 411 + Integer.toHexString(id) 412 + " (" + ar.getString(i) + ") that varies with configuration!!"); 413 } 414 } 415 } 416 return N; 417 } 418 419 /** 420 * Runs several special GCs to try to clean up a few generations of 421 * softly- and final-reachable objects, along with any other garbage. 422 * This is only useful just before a fork(). 423 */ 424 /*package*/ static void gc() { 425 final VMRuntime runtime = VMRuntime.getRuntime(); 426 427 /* runFinalizationSync() lets finalizers be called in Zygote, 428 * which doesn't have a HeapWorker thread. 429 */ 430 System.gc(); 431 runtime.runFinalizationSync(); 432 System.gc(); 433 runtime.runFinalizationSync(); 434 System.gc(); 435 runtime.runFinalizationSync(); 436 } 437 438 /** 439 * Finish remaining work for the newly forked system server process. 440 */ 441 private static void handleSystemServerProcess( 442 ZygoteConnection.Arguments parsedArgs) 443 throws ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller { 444 445 closeServerSocket(); 446 447 // set umask to 0077 so new files and directories will default to owner-only permissions. 448 FileUtils.setUMask(FileUtils.S_IRWXG | FileUtils.S_IRWXO); 449 450 if (parsedArgs.niceName != null) { 451 Process.setArgV0(parsedArgs.niceName); 452 } 453 454 if (parsedArgs.invokeWith != null) { 455 WrapperInit.execApplication(parsedArgs.invokeWith, 456 parsedArgs.niceName, parsedArgs.targetSdkVersion, 457 null, parsedArgs.remainingArgs); 458 } else { 459 /* 460 * Pass the remaining arguments to SystemServer. 461 */ 462 RuntimeInit.zygoteInit(parsedArgs.targetSdkVersion, parsedArgs.remainingArgs); 463 } 464 465 /* should never reach here */ 466 } 467 468 /** 469 * Prepare the arguments and fork for the system server process. 470 */ 471 private static boolean startSystemServer() 472 throws MethodAndArgsCaller, RuntimeException { 473 /* Hardcoded command line to start the system server */ 474 String args[] = { 475 "--setuid=1000", 476 "--setgid=1000", 477 "--setgroups=1001,1002,1003,1004,1005,1006,1007,1008,1009,1010,1018,3001,3002,3003,3006,3007", 478 "--capabilities=130104352,130104352", 479 "--runtime-init", 480 "--nice-name=system_server", 481 "", 482 }; 483 ZygoteConnection.Arguments parsedArgs = null; 484 485 int pid; 486 487 try { 488 parsedArgs = new ZygoteConnection.Arguments(args); 489 ZygoteConnection.applyDebuggerSystemProperty(parsedArgs); 490 ZygoteConnection.applyInvokeWithSystemProperty(parsedArgs); 491 492 /* Request to fork the system server process */ 493 pid = Zygote.forkSystemServer( 494 parsedArgs.uid, parsedArgs.gid, 495 parsedArgs.gids, 496 parsedArgs.debugFlags, 497 null, 498 parsedArgs.permittedCapabilities, 499 parsedArgs.effectiveCapabilities); 500 } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { 501 throw new RuntimeException(ex); 502 } 503 504 /* For child process */ 505 if (pid == 0) { 506 handleSystemServerProcess(parsedArgs); 507 } 508 509 return true; 510 } 511 512 public static void main(String argv[]) { 513 try { 514 // Start profiling the zygote initialization. 515 SamplingProfilerIntegration.start(); 516 517 registerZygoteSocket(); 518 EventLog.writeEvent(LOG_BOOT_PROGRESS_PRELOAD_START, 519 SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); 520 preload(); 521 EventLog.writeEvent(LOG_BOOT_PROGRESS_PRELOAD_END, 522 SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); 523 524 // Finish profiling the zygote initialization. 525 SamplingProfilerIntegration.writeZygoteSnapshot(); 526 527 // Do an initial gc to clean up after startup 528 gc(); 529 530 // If requested, start system server directly from Zygote 531 if (argv.length != 2) { 532 throw new RuntimeException(argv[0] + USAGE_STRING); 533 } 534 535 if (argv[1].equals("start-system-server")) { 536 startSystemServer(); 537 } else if (!argv[1].equals("")) { 538 throw new RuntimeException(argv[0] + USAGE_STRING); 539 } 540 541 Log.i(TAG, "Accepting command socket connections"); 542 543 if (ZYGOTE_FORK_MODE) { 544 runForkMode(); 545 } else { 546 runSelectLoopMode(); 547 } 548 549 closeServerSocket(); 550 } catch (MethodAndArgsCaller caller) { 551; 552 } catch (RuntimeException ex) { 553 Log.e(TAG, "Zygote died with exception", ex); 554 closeServerSocket(); 555 throw ex; 556 } 557 } 558 559 /** 560 * Runs the zygote in accept-and-fork mode. In this mode, each peer 561 * gets its own zygote spawner process. This code is retained for 562 * reference only. 563 * 564 * @throws MethodAndArgsCaller in a child process when a main() should 565 * be executed. 566 */ 567 private static void runForkMode() throws MethodAndArgsCaller { 568 while (true) { 569 ZygoteConnection peer = acceptCommandPeer(); 570 571 int pid; 572 573 pid = Zygote.fork(); 574 575 if (pid == 0) { 576 // The child process should handle the peer requests 577 578 // The child does not accept any more connections 579 try { 580 sServerSocket.close(); 581 } catch (IOException ex) { 582 Log.e(TAG, "Zygote Child: error closing sockets", ex); 583 } finally { 584 sServerSocket = null; 585 } 586 587; 588 break; 589 } else if (pid > 0) { 590 peer.closeSocket(); 591 } else { 592 throw new RuntimeException("Error invoking fork()"); 593 } 594 } 595 } 596 597 /** 598 * Runs the zygote process's select loop. Accepts new connections as 599 * they happen, and reads commands from connections one spawn-request's 600 * worth at a time. 601 * 602 * @throws MethodAndArgsCaller in a child process when a main() should 603 * be executed. 604 */ 605 private static void runSelectLoopMode() throws MethodAndArgsCaller { 606 ArrayList<FileDescriptor> fds = new ArrayList(); 607 ArrayList<ZygoteConnection> peers = new ArrayList(); 608 FileDescriptor[] fdArray = new FileDescriptor[4]; 609 610 fds.add(sServerSocket.getFileDescriptor()); 611 peers.add(null); 612 613 int loopCount = GC_LOOP_COUNT; 614 while (true) { 615 int index; 616 617 /* 618 * Call gc() before we block in select(). 619 * It's work that has to be done anyway, and it's better 620 * to avoid making every child do it. It will also 621 * madvise() any free memory as a side-effect. 622 * 623 * Don't call it every time, because walking the entire 624 * heap is a lot of overhead to free a few hundred bytes. 625 */ 626 if (loopCount <= 0) { 627 gc(); 628 loopCount = GC_LOOP_COUNT; 629 } else { 630 loopCount--; 631 } 632 633 634 try { 635 fdArray = fds.toArray(fdArray); 636 index = selectReadable(fdArray); 637 } catch (IOException ex) { 638 throw new RuntimeException("Error in select()", ex); 639 } 640 641 if (index < 0) { 642 throw new RuntimeException("Error in select()"); 643 } else if (index == 0) { 644 ZygoteConnection newPeer = acceptCommandPeer(); 645 peers.add(newPeer); 646 fds.add(newPeer.getFileDesciptor()); 647 } else { 648 boolean done; 649 done = peers.get(index).runOnce(); 650 651 if (done) { 652 peers.remove(index); 653 fds.remove(index); 654 } 655 } 656 } 657 } 658 659 /** 660 * The Linux syscall "setreuid()" 661 * @param ruid real uid 662 * @param euid effective uid 663 * @return 0 on success, non-zero errno on fail 664 */ 665 static native int setreuid(int ruid, int euid); 666 667 /** 668 * The Linux syscall "setregid()" 669 * @param rgid real gid 670 * @param egid effective gid 671 * @return 0 on success, non-zero errno on fail 672 */ 673 static native int setregid(int rgid, int egid); 674 675 /** 676 * Invokes the linux syscall "setpgid" 677 * 678 * @param pid pid to change 679 * @param pgid new process group of pid 680 * @return 0 on success or non-zero errno on fail 681 */ 682 static native int setpgid(int pid, int pgid); 683 684 /** 685 * Invokes the linux syscall "getpgid" 686 * 687 * @param pid pid to query 688 * @return pgid of pid in question 689 * @throws IOException on error 690 */ 691 static native int getpgid(int pid) throws IOException; 692 693 /** 694 * Invokes the syscall dup2() to copy the specified descriptors into 695 * stdin, stdout, and stderr. The existing stdio descriptors will be 696 * closed and errors during close will be ignored. The specified 697 * descriptors will also remain open at their original descriptor numbers, 698 * so the caller may want to close the original descriptors. 699 * 700 * @param in new stdin 701 * @param out new stdout 702 * @param err new stderr 703 * @throws IOException 704 */ 705 static native void reopenStdio(FileDescriptor in, 706 FileDescriptor out, FileDescriptor err) throws IOException; 707 708 /** 709 * Toggles the close-on-exec flag for the specified file descriptor. 710 * 711 * @param fd non-null; file descriptor 712 * @param flag desired close-on-exec flag state 713 * @throws IOException 714 */ 715 static native void setCloseOnExec(FileDescriptor fd, boolean flag) 716 throws IOException; 717 718 /** 719 * Retrieves the permitted capability set from another process. 720 * 721 * @param pid >=0 process ID or 0 for this process 722 * @throws IOException on error 723 */ 724 static native long capgetPermitted(int pid) 725 throws IOException; 726 727 /** 728 * Sets the permitted and effective capability sets of this process. 729 * 730 * @param permittedCapabilities permitted set 731 * @param effectiveCapabilities effective set 732 * @throws IOException on error 733 */ 734 static native void setCapabilities( 735 long permittedCapabilities, 736 long effectiveCapabilities) throws IOException; 737 738 /** 739 * Invokes select() on the provider array of file descriptors (selecting 740 * for readability only). Array elements of null are ignored. 741 * 742 * @param fds non-null; array of readable file descriptors 743 * @return index of descriptor that is now readable or -1 for empty array. 744 * @throws IOException if an error occurs 745 */ 746 static native int selectReadable(FileDescriptor[] fds) throws IOException; 747 748 /** 749 * Creates a file descriptor from an int fd. 750 * 751 * @param fd integer OS file descriptor 752 * @return non-null; FileDescriptor instance 753 * @throws IOException if fd is invalid 754 */ 755 static native FileDescriptor createFileDescriptor(int fd) 756 throws IOException; 757 758 /** 759 * Class not instantiable. 760 */ 761 private ZygoteInit() { 762 } 763 764 /** 765 * Helper exception class which holds a method and arguments and 766 * can call them. This is used as part of a trampoline to get rid of 767 * the initial process setup stack frames. 768 */ 769 public static class MethodAndArgsCaller extends Exception 770 implements Runnable { 771 /** method to call */ 772 private final Method mMethod; 773 774 /** argument array */ 775 private final String[] mArgs; 776 777 public MethodAndArgsCaller(Method method, String[] args) { 778 mMethod = method; 779 mArgs = args; 780 } 781 782 public void run() { 783 try { 784 mMethod.invoke(null, new Object[] { mArgs }); 785 } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { 786 throw new RuntimeException(ex); 787 } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { 788 Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); 789 if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) { 790 throw (RuntimeException) cause; 791 } else if (cause instanceof Error) { 792 throw (Error) cause; 793 } 794 throw new RuntimeException(ex); 795 } 796 } 797 } 798 }
1 public static void main(String argv[]) { 2 try { 3 // Start profiling the zygote initialization. 4 SamplingProfilerIntegration.start(); 5 registerZygoteSocket(); 6 EventLog.writeEvent(LOG_BOOT_PROGRESS_PRELOAD_START, 7 SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); 8 preload(); 9 EventLog.writeEvent(LOG_BOOT_PROGRESS_PRELOAD_END, 10 SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); 11 // Finish profiling the zygote initialization. 12 SamplingProfilerIntegration.writeZygoteSnapshot(); 13 // Do an initial gc to clean up after startup 14 gc(); 15 // If requested, start system server directly from Zygote 16 if (argv.length != 2) { 17 throw new RuntimeException(argv[0] + USAGE_STRING); 18 } 19 if (argv[1].equals("start-system-server")) { 20 startSystemServer(); 21 } else if (!argv[1].equals("")) { 22 throw new RuntimeException(argv[0] + USAGE_STRING); 23 } 24 Log.i(TAG, "Accepting command socket connections"); 25 if (ZYGOTE_FORK_MODE) { 26 runForkMode(); 27 } else { 28 runSelectLoopMode(); 29 } 30 closeServerSocket(); 31 } catch (MethodAndArgsCaller caller) { 32; 33 } catch (RuntimeException ex) { 34 Log.e(TAG, "Zygote died with exception", ex); 35 closeServerSocket(); 36 throw ex; 37 } 38 }
1 /** 2 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project 3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 * limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 package; 18 19 import android.accounts.AccountManagerService; 20 import; 21 import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; 22 import android.content.ComponentName; 23 import android.content.ContentResolver; 24 import android.content.ContentService; 25 import android.content.Context; 26 import android.content.Intent; 27 import; 28 import android.content.res.Configuration; 29 import; 30 import; 31 import android.os.Looper; 32 import android.os.RemoteException; 33 import android.os.ServiceManager; 34 import android.os.StrictMode; 35 import android.os.SystemClock; 36 import android.os.SystemProperties; 37 import android.provider.Settings; 38 import android.server.BluetoothA2dpService; 39 import android.server.BluetoothService; 40 import; 41 import android.util.DisplayMetrics; 42 import android.util.EventLog; 43 import android.util.Log; 44 import android.util.Slog; 45 import android.view.WindowManager; 46 47 import; 48 import; 49 import; 50 import; 51 import; 52 import; 53 import; 54 import; 55 import; 56 import; 57 58 import dalvik.system.VMRuntime; 59 import dalvik.system.Zygote; 60 61 import; 62 import java.util.Timer; 63 import java.util.TimerTask; 64 65 class ServerThread extends Thread { 66 private static final String TAG = "SystemServer"; 67 private static final String ENCRYPTING_STATE = "trigger_restart_min_framework"; 68 private static final String ENCRYPTED_STATE = "1"; 69 70 ContentResolver mContentResolver; 71 72 void reportWtf(String msg, Throwable e) { 73 Slog.w(TAG, "***********************************************"); 74, "BOOT FAILURE " + msg, e); 75 } 76 77 @Override 78 public void run() { 79 EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_SYSTEM_RUN, 80 SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); 81 82 Looper.prepare(); 83 84 android.os.Process.setThreadPriority( 85 android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND); 86 87 BinderInternal.disableBackgroundScheduling(true); 88 android.os.Process.setCanSelfBackground(false); 89 90 // Check whether we failed to shut down last time we tried. 91 { 92 final String shutdownAction = SystemProperties.get( 93 ShutdownThread.SHUTDOWN_ACTION_PROPERTY, ""); 94 if (shutdownAction != null && shutdownAction.length() > 0) { 95 boolean reboot = (shutdownAction.charAt(0) == '1'); 96 97 final String reason; 98 if (shutdownAction.length() > 1) { 99 reason = shutdownAction.substring(1, shutdownAction.length()); 100 } else { 101 reason = null; 102 } 103 104 ShutdownThread.rebootOrShutdown(reboot, reason); 105 } 106 } 107 108 String factoryTestStr = SystemProperties.get("ro.factorytest"); 109 int factoryTest = "".equals(factoryTestStr) ? SystemServer.FACTORY_TEST_OFF 110 : Integer.parseInt(factoryTestStr); 111 112 LightsService lights = null; 113 PowerManagerService power = null; 114 BatteryService battery = null; 115 AlarmManagerService alarm = null; 116 NetworkManagementService networkManagement = null; 117 NetworkStatsService networkStats = null; 118 NetworkPolicyManagerService networkPolicy = null; 119 ConnectivityService connectivity = null; 120 WifiP2pService wifiP2p = null; 121 WifiService wifi = null; 122 IPackageManager pm = null; 123 Context context = null; 124 WindowManagerService wm = null; 125 BluetoothService bluetooth = null; 126 BluetoothA2dpService bluetoothA2dp = null; 127 DockObserver dock = null; 128 UsbService usb = null; 129 UiModeManagerService uiMode = null; 130 RecognitionManagerService recognition = null; 131 ThrottleService throttle = null; 132 NetworkTimeUpdateService networkTimeUpdater = null; 133 134 // Critical services... 135 try { 136 Slog.i(TAG, "Entropy Service"); 137 ServiceManager.addService("entropy", new EntropyService()); 138 139 Slog.i(TAG, "Power Manager"); 140 power = new PowerManagerService(); 141 ServiceManager.addService(Context.POWER_SERVICE, power); 142 143 Slog.i(TAG, "Activity Manager"); 144 context = ActivityManagerService.main(factoryTest); 145 146 Slog.i(TAG, "Telephony Registry"); 147 ServiceManager.addService("telephony.registry", new TelephonyRegistry(context)); 148 149 AttributeCache.init(context); 150 151 Slog.i(TAG, "Package Manager"); 152 // Only run "core" apps if we're encrypting the device. 153 String cryptState = SystemProperties.get("vold.decrypt"); 154 boolean onlyCore = false; 155 if (ENCRYPTING_STATE.equals(cryptState)) { 156 Slog.w(TAG, "Detected encryption in progress - only parsing core apps"); 157 onlyCore = true; 158 } else if (ENCRYPTED_STATE.equals(cryptState)) { 159 Slog.w(TAG, "Device encrypted - only parsing core apps"); 160 onlyCore = true; 161 } 162 163 pm = PackageManagerService.main(context, 164 factoryTest != SystemServer.FACTORY_TEST_OFF, 165 onlyCore); 166 boolean firstBoot = false; 167 try { 168 firstBoot = pm.isFirstBoot(); 169 } catch (RemoteException e) { 170 } 171 172 ActivityManagerService.setSystemProcess(); 173 174 mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); 175 176 // The AccountManager must come before the ContentService 177 try { 178 Slog.i(TAG, "Account Manager"); 179 ServiceManager.addService(Context.ACCOUNT_SERVICE, 180 new AccountManagerService(context)); 181 } catch (Throwable e) { 182 Slog.e(TAG, "Failure starting Account Manager", e); 183 } 184 185 Slog.i(TAG, "Content Manager"); 186 ContentService.main(context, 187 factoryTest == SystemServer.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL); 188 189 Slog.i(TAG, "System Content Providers"); 190 ActivityManagerService.installSystemProviders(); 191 192 Slog.i(TAG, "Lights Service"); 193 lights = new LightsService(context); 194 195 Slog.i(TAG, "Battery Service"); 196 battery = new BatteryService(context, lights); 197 ServiceManager.addService("battery", battery); 198 199 Slog.i(TAG, "Vibrator Service"); 200 ServiceManager.addService("vibrator", new VibratorService(context)); 201 202 // only initialize the power service after we have started the 203 // lights service, content providers and the battery service. 204 power.init(context, lights, ActivityManagerService.self(), battery); 205 206 Slog.i(TAG, "Alarm Manager"); 207 alarm = new AlarmManagerService(context); 208 ServiceManager.addService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE, alarm); 209 210 Slog.i(TAG, "Init Watchdog"); 211 Watchdog.getInstance().init(context, battery, power, alarm, 212 ActivityManagerService.self()); 213 214 Slog.i(TAG, "Window Manager"); 215 wm = WindowManagerService.main(context, power, 216 factoryTest != SystemServer.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL, 217 !firstBoot); 218 ServiceManager.addService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE, wm); 219 220 ActivityManagerService.self().setWindowManager(wm); 221 222 // Skip Bluetooth if we have an emulator kernel 223 // TODO: Use a more reliable check to see if this product should 224 // support Bluetooth - see bug 988521 225 if (SystemProperties.get("ro.kernel.qemu").equals("1")) { 226 Slog.i(TAG, "No Bluetooh Service (emulator)"); 227 } else if (factoryTest == SystemServer.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) { 228 Slog.i(TAG, "No Bluetooth Service (factory test)"); 229 } else { 230 Slog.i(TAG, "Bluetooth Service"); 231 bluetooth = new BluetoothService(context); 232 ServiceManager.addService(BluetoothAdapter.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE, bluetooth); 233 bluetooth.initAfterRegistration(); 234 bluetoothA2dp = new BluetoothA2dpService(context, bluetooth); 235 ServiceManager.addService(BluetoothA2dpService.BLUETOOTH_A2DP_SERVICE, 236 bluetoothA2dp); 237 bluetooth.initAfterA2dpRegistration(); 238 239 int airplaneModeOn = Settings.System.getInt(mContentResolver, 240 Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, 0); 241 int bluetoothOn = Settings.Secure.getInt(mContentResolver, 242 Settings.Secure.BLUETOOTH_ON, 0); 243 if (airplaneModeOn == 0 && bluetoothOn != 0) { 244 bluetooth.enable(); 245 } 246 } 247 248 } catch (RuntimeException e) { 249 Slog.e("System", "******************************************"); 250 Slog.e("System", "************ Failure starting core service", e); 251 } 252 253 DevicePolicyManagerService devicePolicy = null; 254 StatusBarManagerService statusBar = null; 255 InputMethodManagerService imm = null; 256 AppWidgetService appWidget = null; 257 NotificationManagerService notification = null; 258 WallpaperManagerService wallpaper = null; 259 LocationManagerService location = null; 260 CountryDetectorService countryDetector = null; 261 TextServicesManagerService tsms = null; 262 263 // Bring up services needed for UI. 264 if (factoryTest != SystemServer.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) { 265 try { 266 Slog.i(TAG, "Input Method Service"); 267 imm = new InputMethodManagerService(context); 268 ServiceManager.addService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE, imm); 269 } catch (Throwable e) { 270 reportWtf("starting Input Manager Service", e); 271 } 272 273 try { 274 Slog.i(TAG, "Accessibility Manager"); 275 ServiceManager.addService(Context.ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE, 276 new AccessibilityManagerService(context)); 277 } catch (Throwable e) { 278 reportWtf("starting Accessibility Manager", e); 279 } 280 } 281 282 try { 283 wm.displayReady(); 284 } catch (Throwable e) { 285 reportWtf("making display ready", e); 286 } 287 288 try { 289 pm.performBootDexOpt(); 290 } catch (Throwable e) { 291 reportWtf("performing boot dexopt", e); 292 } 293 294 try { 295 ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().showBootMessage( 296 context.getResources().getText( 297, 298 false); 299 } catch (RemoteException e) { 300 } 301 302 if (factoryTest != SystemServer.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) { 303 try { 304 Slog.i(TAG, "Device Policy"); 305 devicePolicy = new DevicePolicyManagerService(context); 306 ServiceManager.addService(Context.DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE, devicePolicy); 307 } catch (Throwable e) { 308 reportWtf("starting DevicePolicyService", e); 309 } 310 311 try { 312 Slog.i(TAG, "Status Bar"); 313 statusBar = new StatusBarManagerService(context, wm); 314 ServiceManager.addService(Context.STATUS_BAR_SERVICE, statusBar); 315 } catch (Throwable e) { 316 reportWtf("starting StatusBarManagerService", e); 317 } 318 319 try { 320 Slog.i(TAG, "Clipboard Service"); 321 ServiceManager.addService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE, 322 new ClipboardService(context)); 323 } catch (Throwable e) { 324 reportWtf("starting Clipboard Service", e); 325 } 326 327 try { 328 Slog.i(TAG, "NetworkManagement Service"); 329 networkManagement = NetworkManagementService.create(context); 330 ServiceManager.addService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE, networkManagement); 331 } catch (Throwable e) { 332 reportWtf("starting NetworkManagement Service", e); 333 } 334 335 try { 336 Slog.i(TAG, "Text Service Manager Service"); 337 tsms = new TextServicesManagerService(context); 338 ServiceManager.addService(Context.TEXT_SERVICES_MANAGER_SERVICE, tsms); 339 } catch (Throwable e) { 340 reportWtf("starting Text Service Manager Service", e); 341 } 342 343 try { 344 Slog.i(TAG, "NetworkStats Service"); 345 networkStats = new NetworkStatsService(context, networkManagement, alarm); 346 ServiceManager.addService(Context.NETWORK_STATS_SERVICE, networkStats); 347 } catch (Throwable e) { 348 reportWtf("starting NetworkStats Service", e); 349 } 350 351 try { 352 Slog.i(TAG, "NetworkPolicy Service"); 353 networkPolicy = new NetworkPolicyManagerService( 354 context, ActivityManagerService.self(), power, 355 networkStats, networkManagement); 356 ServiceManager.addService(Context.NETWORK_POLICY_SERVICE, networkPolicy); 357 } catch (Throwable e) { 358 reportWtf("starting NetworkPolicy Service", e); 359 } 360 361 try { 362 Slog.i(TAG, "Wi-Fi P2pService"); 363 wifiP2p = new WifiP2pService(context); 364 ServiceManager.addService(Context.WIFI_P2P_SERVICE, wifiP2p); 365 } catch (Throwable e) { 366 reportWtf("starting Wi-Fi P2pService", e); 367 } 368 369 try { 370 Slog.i(TAG, "Wi-Fi Service"); 371 wifi = new WifiService(context); 372 ServiceManager.addService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE, wifi); 373 } catch (Throwable e) { 374 reportWtf("starting Wi-Fi Service", e); 375 } 376 377 try { 378 Slog.i(TAG, "Connectivity Service"); 379 connectivity = new ConnectivityService( 380 context, networkManagement, networkStats, networkPolicy); 381 ServiceManager.addService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE, connectivity); 382 networkStats.bindConnectivityManager(connectivity); 383 networkPolicy.bindConnectivityManager(connectivity); 384 wifi.checkAndStartWifi(); 385 wifiP2p.connectivityServiceReady(); 386 } catch (Throwable e) { 387 reportWtf("starting Connectivity Service", e); 388 } 389 390 try { 391 Slog.i(TAG, "Throttle Service"); 392 throttle = new ThrottleService(context); 393 ServiceManager.addService( 394 Context.THROTTLE_SERVICE, throttle); 395 } catch (Throwable e) { 396 reportWtf("starting ThrottleService", e); 397 } 398 399 try { 400 /** 401 * NotificationManagerService is dependant on MountService, 402 * (for media / usb notifications) so we must start MountService first. 403 */ 404 Slog.i(TAG, "Mount Service"); 405 ServiceManager.addService("mount", new MountService(context)); 406 } catch (Throwable e) { 407 reportWtf("starting Mount Service", e); 408 } 409 410 try { 411 Slog.i(TAG, "Notification Manager"); 412 notification = new NotificationManagerService(context, statusBar, lights); 413 ServiceManager.addService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE, notification); 414 networkPolicy.bindNotificationManager(notification); 415 } catch (Throwable e) { 416 reportWtf("starting Notification Manager", e); 417 } 418 419 try { 420 Slog.i(TAG, "Device Storage Monitor"); 421 ServiceManager.addService(DeviceStorageMonitorService.SERVICE, 422 new DeviceStorageMonitorService(context)); 423 } catch (Throwable e) { 424 reportWtf("starting DeviceStorageMonitor service", e); 425 } 426 427 try { 428 Slog.i(TAG, "Location Manager"); 429 location = new LocationManagerService(context); 430 ServiceManager.addService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE, location); 431 } catch (Throwable e) { 432 reportWtf("starting Location Manager", e); 433 } 434 435 try { 436 Slog.i(TAG, "Country Detector"); 437 countryDetector = new CountryDetectorService(context); 438 ServiceManager.addService(Context.COUNTRY_DETECTOR, countryDetector); 439 } catch (Throwable e) { 440 reportWtf("starting Country Detector", e); 441 } 442 443 try { 444 Slog.i(TAG, "Search Service"); 445 ServiceManager.addService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE, 446 new SearchManagerService(context)); 447 } catch (Throwable e) { 448 reportWtf("starting Search Service", e); 449 } 450 451 try { 452 Slog.i(TAG, "DropBox Service"); 453 ServiceManager.addService(Context.DROPBOX_SERVICE, 454 new DropBoxManagerService(context, new File("/data/system/dropbox"))); 455 } catch (Throwable e) { 456 reportWtf("starting DropBoxManagerService", e); 457 } 458 459 try { 460 Slog.i(TAG, "Wallpaper Service"); 461 wallpaper = new WallpaperManagerService(context); 462 ServiceManager.addService(Context.WALLPAPER_SERVICE, wallpaper); 463 } catch (Throwable e) { 464 reportWtf("starting Wallpaper Service", e); 465 } 466 467 try { 468 Slog.i(TAG, "Audio Service"); 469 ServiceManager.addService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE, new AudioService(context)); 470 } catch (Throwable e) { 471 reportWtf("starting Audio Service", e); 472 } 473 474 try { 475 Slog.i(TAG, "Dock Observer"); 476 // Listen for dock station changes 477 dock = new DockObserver(context, power); 478 } catch (Throwable e) { 479 reportWtf("starting DockObserver", e); 480 } 481 482 try { 483 Slog.i(TAG, "Wired Accessory Observer"); 484 // Listen for wired headset changes 485 new WiredAccessoryObserver(context); 486 } catch (Throwable e) { 487 reportWtf("starting WiredAccessoryObserver", e); 488 } 489 490 try { 491 Slog.i(TAG, "USB Service"); 492 // Manage USB host and device support 493 usb = new UsbService(context); 494 ServiceManager.addService(Context.USB_SERVICE, usb); 495 } catch (Throwable e) { 496 reportWtf("starting UsbService", e); 497 } 498 499 try { 500 Slog.i(TAG, "UI Mode Manager Service"); 501 // Listen for UI mode changes 502 uiMode = new UiModeManagerService(context); 503 } catch (Throwable e) { 504 reportWtf("starting UiModeManagerService", e); 505 } 506 507 try { 508 Slog.i(TAG, "Backup Service"); 509 ServiceManager.addService(Context.BACKUP_SERVICE, 510 new BackupManagerService(context)); 511 } catch (Throwable e) { 512 Slog.e(TAG, "Failure starting Backup Service", e); 513 } 514 515 try { 516 Slog.i(TAG, "AppWidget Service"); 517 appWidget = new AppWidgetService(context); 518 ServiceManager.addService(Context.APPWIDGET_SERVICE, appWidget); 519 } catch (Throwable e) { 520 reportWtf("starting AppWidget Service", e); 521 } 522 523 try { 524 Slog.i(TAG, "Recognition Service"); 525 recognition = new RecognitionManagerService(context); 526 } catch (Throwable e) { 527 reportWtf("starting Recognition Service", e); 528 } 529 530 try { 531 Slog.i(TAG, "DiskStats Service"); 532 ServiceManager.addService("diskstats", new DiskStatsService(context)); 533 } catch (Throwable e) { 534 reportWtf("starting DiskStats Service", e); 535 } 536 537 try { 538 // need to add this service even if SamplingProfilerIntegration.isEnabled() 539 // is false, because it is this service that detects system property change and 540 // turns on SamplingProfilerIntegration. Plus, when sampling profiler doesn't work, 541 // there is little overhead for running this service. 542 Slog.i(TAG, "SamplingProfiler Service"); 543 ServiceManager.addService("samplingprofiler", 544 new SamplingProfilerService(context)); 545 } catch (Throwable e) { 546 reportWtf("starting SamplingProfiler Service", e); 547 } 548 549 try { 550 Slog.i(TAG, "NetworkTimeUpdateService"); 551 networkTimeUpdater = new NetworkTimeUpdateService(context); 552 } catch (Throwable e) { 553 reportWtf("starting NetworkTimeUpdate service", e); 554 } 555 } 556 557 // Before things start rolling, be sure we have decided whether 558 // we are in safe mode. 559 final boolean safeMode = wm.detectSafeMode(); 560 if (safeMode) { 561 ActivityManagerService.self().enterSafeMode(); 562 // Post the safe mode state in the Zygote class 563 Zygote.systemInSafeMode = true; 564 // Disable the JIT for the system_server process 565 VMRuntime.getRuntime().disableJitCompilation(); 566 } else { 567 // Enable the JIT for the system_server process 568 VMRuntime.getRuntime().startJitCompilation(); 569 } 570 571 // It is now time to start up the app processes... 572 573 if (devicePolicy != null) { 574 try { 575 devicePolicy.systemReady(); 576 } catch (Throwable e) { 577 reportWtf("making Device Policy Service ready", e); 578 } 579 } 580 581 if (notification != null) { 582 try { 583 notification.systemReady(); 584 } catch (Throwable e) { 585 reportWtf("making Notification Service ready", e); 586 } 587 } 588 589 try { 590 wm.systemReady(); 591 } catch (Throwable e) { 592 reportWtf("making Window Manager Service ready", e); 593 } 594 595 if (safeMode) { 596 ActivityManagerService.self().showSafeModeOverlay(); 597 } 598 599 // Update the configuration for this context by hand, because we're going 600 // to start using it before the config change done in wm.systemReady() will 601 // propagate to it. 602 Configuration config = wm.computeNewConfiguration(); 603 DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); 604 WindowManager w = (WindowManager)context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); 605 w.getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(metrics); 606 context.getResources().updateConfiguration(config, metrics); 607 608 power.systemReady(); 609 try { 610 pm.systemReady(); 611 } catch (Throwable e) { 612 reportWtf("making Package Manager Service ready", e); 613 } 614 615 // These are needed to propagate to the runnable below. 616 final Context contextF = context; 617 final BatteryService batteryF = battery; 618 final NetworkManagementService networkManagementF = networkManagement; 619 final NetworkStatsService networkStatsF = networkStats; 620 final NetworkPolicyManagerService networkPolicyF = networkPolicy; 621 final ConnectivityService connectivityF = connectivity; 622 final DockObserver dockF = dock; 623 final UsbService usbF = usb; 624 final ThrottleService throttleF = throttle; 625 final UiModeManagerService uiModeF = uiMode; 626 final AppWidgetService appWidgetF = appWidget; 627 final WallpaperManagerService wallpaperF = wallpaper; 628 final InputMethodManagerService immF = imm; 629 final RecognitionManagerService recognitionF = recognition; 630 final LocationManagerService locationF = location; 631 final CountryDetectorService countryDetectorF = countryDetector; 632 final NetworkTimeUpdateService networkTimeUpdaterF = networkTimeUpdater; 633 final TextServicesManagerService textServiceManagerServiceF = tsms; 634 final StatusBarManagerService statusBarF = statusBar; 635 636 // We now tell the activity manager it is okay to run third party 637 // code. It will call back into us once it has gotten to the state 638 // where third party code can really run (but before it has actually 639 // started launching the initial applications), for us to complete our 640 // initialization. 641 ActivityManagerService.self().systemReady(new Runnable() { 642 public void run() { 643 Slog.i(TAG, "Making services ready"); 644 645 startSystemUi(contextF); 646 try { 647 if (batteryF != null) batteryF.systemReady(); 648 } catch (Throwable e) { 649 reportWtf("making Battery Service ready", e); 650 } 651 try { 652 if (networkManagementF != null) networkManagementF.systemReady(); 653 } catch (Throwable e) { 654 reportWtf("making Network Managment Service ready", e); 655 } 656 try { 657 if (networkStatsF != null) networkStatsF.systemReady(); 658 } catch (Throwable e) { 659 reportWtf("making Network Stats Service ready", e); 660 } 661 try { 662 if (networkPolicyF != null) networkPolicyF.systemReady(); 663 } catch (Throwable e) { 664 reportWtf("making Network Policy Service ready", e); 665 } 666 try { 667 if (connectivityF != null) connectivityF.systemReady(); 668 } catch (Throwable e) { 669 reportWtf("making Connectivity Service ready", e); 670 } 671 try { 672 if (dockF != null) dockF.systemReady(); 673 } catch (Throwable e) { 674 reportWtf("making Dock Service ready", e); 675 } 676 try { 677 if (usbF != null) usbF.systemReady(); 678 } catch (Throwable e) { 679 reportWtf("making USB Service ready", e); 680 } 681 try { 682 if (uiModeF != null) uiModeF.systemReady(); 683 } catch (Throwable e) { 684 reportWtf("making UI Mode Service ready", e); 685 } 686 try { 687 if (recognitionF != null) recognitionF.systemReady(); 688 } catch (Throwable e) { 689 reportWtf("making Recognition Service ready", e); 690 } 691 Watchdog.getInstance().start(); 692 693 // It is now okay to let the various system services start their 694 // third party code... 695 696 try { 697 if (appWidgetF != null) appWidgetF.systemReady(safeMode); 698 } catch (Throwable e) { 699 reportWtf("making App Widget Service ready", e); 700 } 701 try { 702 if (wallpaperF != null) wallpaperF.systemReady(); 703 } catch (Throwable e) { 704 reportWtf("making Wallpaper Service ready", e); 705 } 706 try { 707 if (immF != null) immF.systemReady(statusBarF); 708 } catch (Throwable e) { 709 reportWtf("making Input Method Service ready", e); 710 } 711 try { 712 if (locationF != null) locationF.systemReady(); 713 } catch (Throwable e) { 714 reportWtf("making Location Service ready", e); 715 } 716 try { 717 if (countryDetectorF != null) countryDetectorF.systemReady(); 718 } catch (Throwable e) { 719 reportWtf("making Country Detector Service ready", e); 720 } 721 try { 722 if (throttleF != null) throttleF.systemReady(); 723 } catch (Throwable e) { 724 reportWtf("making Throttle Service ready", e); 725 } 726 try { 727 if (networkTimeUpdaterF != null) networkTimeUpdaterF.systemReady(); 728 } catch (Throwable e) { 729 reportWtf("making Network Time Service ready", e); 730 } 731 try { 732 if (textServiceManagerServiceF != null) textServiceManagerServiceF.systemReady(); 733 } catch (Throwable e) { 734 reportWtf("making Text Services Manager Service ready", e); 735 } 736 } 737 }); 738 739 // For debug builds, log event loop stalls to dropbox for analysis. 740 if (StrictMode.conditionallyEnableDebugLogging()) { 741 Slog.i(TAG, "Enabled StrictMode for system server main thread."); 742 } 743 744 Looper.loop(); 745 Slog.d(TAG, "System ServerThread is exiting!"); 746 } 747 748 static final void startSystemUi(Context context) { 749 Intent intent = new Intent(); 750 intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("", 751 "")); 752 Slog.d(TAG, "Starting service: " + intent); 753 context.startService(intent); 754 } 755 } 756 757 public class SystemServer { 758 private static final String TAG = "SystemServer"; 759 760 public static final int FACTORY_TEST_OFF = 0; 761 public static final int FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL = 1; 762 public static final int FACTORY_TEST_HIGH_LEVEL = 2; 763 764 static Timer timer; 765 static final long SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL = 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1hr 766 767 // The earliest supported time. We pick one day into 1970, to 768 // give any timezone code room without going into negative time. 769 private static final long EARLIEST_SUPPORTED_TIME = 86400 * 1000; 770 771 /*** 772 * This method is called from Zygote to initialize the system. This will cause the native 773 * services (SurfaceFlinger, AudioFlinger, etc..) to be started. After that it will call back 774 * up into init2() to start the Android services. 775 */ 776 native public static void init1(String[] args); 777 778 public static void main(String[] args) { 779 if (System.currentTimeMillis() < EARLIEST_SUPPORTED_TIME) { 780 // If a device's clock is before 1970 (before 0), a lot of 781 // APIs crash dealing with negative numbers, notably 782 //, so instead we fake it and 783 // hope that time from cell towers or NTP fixes it 784 // shortly. 785 Slog.w(TAG, "System clock is before 1970; setting to 1970."); 786 SystemClock.setCurrentTimeMillis(EARLIEST_SUPPORTED_TIME); 787 } 788 789 if (SamplingProfilerIntegration.isEnabled()) { 790 SamplingProfilerIntegration.start(); 791 timer = new Timer(); 792 timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { 793 @Override 794 public void run() { 795 SamplingProfilerIntegration.writeSnapshot("system_server", null); 796 } 797 }, SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL, SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL); 798 } 799 800 // Mmmmmm... more memory! 801 dalvik.system.VMRuntime.getRuntime().clearGrowthLimit(); 802 803 // The system server has to run all of the time, so it needs to be 804 // as efficient as possible with its memory usage. 805 VMRuntime.getRuntime().setTargetHeapUtilization(0.8f); 806 807 System.loadLibrary("android_servers"); 808 init1(args); 809 } 810 public static final void init2() { 811 Slog.i(TAG, "Entered the Android system server!"); 812 Thread thr = new ServerThread(); 813 thr.setName("android.server.ServerThread"); 814 thr.start(); 815 } 816 }
- JNI of com/android/server/SystemServer: com_android_server_SystemServer.cpp
1 #include <utils/Log.h> 2 #include <utils/misc.h> 3 #include "jni.h" 4 #include "JNIHelp.h" 5 namespace android { 6 extern "C" int system_init(); 7 static void android_server_SystemServer_init1(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz) 8 { 9 system_init(); 10 } 11 static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = { 12 /** name, signature, funcPtr */ 13 { "init1", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", (void*) android_server_SystemServer_init1 }, 14 }; 15 int register_android_server_SystemServer(JNIEnv* env) 16 { 17 return jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, "com/android/server/SystemServer", 18 gMethods, NELEM(gMethods)); 19 } 20 };
- System_Init.cpp
1 /** 2 * System server main initialization. 3 * 4 * The system server is responsible for becoming the Binder 5 * context manager, supplying the root ServiceManager object 6 * through which other services can be found. 7 */ 8 9 #define LOG_TAG "sysproc" 10 11 #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h> 12 #include <binder/ProcessState.h> 13 #include <binder/IServiceManager.h> 14 #include <utils/TextOutput.h> 15 #include <utils/Log.h> 16 17 #include <SurfaceFlinger.h> 18 #include <AudioFlinger.h> 19 #include <CameraService.h> 20 #include <AudioPolicyService.h> 21 #include <MediaPlayerService.h> 22 #include <SensorService.h> 23 24 #include <android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.h> 25 26 #include <signal.h> 27 #include <stdlib.h> 28 #include <stdio.h> 29 #include <unistd.h> 30 #include <sys/time.h> 31 #include <cutils/properties.h> 32 33 using namespace android; 34 35 namespace android { 36 /*** 37 * This class is used to kill this process when the runtime dies. 38 */ 39 class GrimReaper : public IBinder::DeathRecipient { 40 public: 41 GrimReaper() { } 42 43 virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who) 44 { 45 LOGI("Grim Reaper killing system_server..."); 46 kill(getpid(), SIGKILL); 47 } 48 }; 49 50 } // namespace android 51 52 53 54 extern "C" status_t system_init() 55 { 56 LOGI("Entered system_init()"); 57 58 sp<ProcessState> proc(ProcessState::self()); 59 60 sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager(); 61 LOGI("ServiceManager: %p\n", sm.get()); 62 63 sp<GrimReaper> grim = new GrimReaper(); 64 sm->asBinder()->linkToDeath(grim, grim.get(), 0); 65 66 char propBuf[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 67 property_get("system_init.startsurfaceflinger", propBuf, "1"); 68 if (strcmp(propBuf, "1") == 0) { 69 // Start the SurfaceFlinger 70 SurfaceFlinger::instantiate(); 71 } 72 73 property_get("system_init.startsensorservice", propBuf, "1"); 74 if (strcmp(propBuf, "1") == 0) { 75 // Start the sensor service 76 SensorService::instantiate(); 77 } 78 79 // And now start the Android runtime. We have to do this bit 80 // of nastiness because the Android runtime initialization requires 81 // some of the core system services to already be started. 82 // All other servers should just start the Android runtime at 83 // the beginning of their processes's main(), before calling 84 // the init function. 85 LOGI("System server: starting Android runtime.\n"); 86 AndroidRuntime* runtime = AndroidRuntime::getRuntime(); 87 88 LOGI("System server: starting Android services.\n"); 89 JNIEnv* env = runtime->getJNIEnv(); 90 if (env == NULL) { 91 return UNKNOWN_ERROR; 92 } 93 jclass clazz = env->FindClass("com/android/server/SystemServer"); 94 if (clazz == NULL) { 95 return UNKNOWN_ERROR; 96 } 97 jmethodID methodId = env->GetStaticMethodID(clazz, "init2", "()V"); 98 if (methodId == NULL) { 99 return UNKNOWN_ERROR; 100 } 101 env->CallStaticVoidMethod(clazz, methodId); 102 103 LOGI("System server: entering thread pool.\n"); 104 ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); 105 IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool(); 106 LOGI("System server: exiting thread pool.\n"); 107 108 return NO_ERROR; 109 }
1 extern "C" status_t system_init()//all android services run in this process 2 { 3 LOGI("Entered system_init()"); 4 sp<ProcessState> proc(ProcessState::self()); 5 sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager(); 6 sp<GrimReaper> grim = new GrimReaper(); 7 sm->asBinder()->linkToDeath(grim, grim.get(), 0); 8 char propBuf[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; 9 property_get("system_init.startsurfaceflinger", propBuf, "1"); 10 if (strcmp(propBuf, "1") == 0) { 11 SurfaceFlinger::instantiate(); 12 } 13 property_get("system_init.startsensorservice", propBuf, "1"); 14 if (strcmp(propBuf, "1") == 0) { 15 SensorService::instantiate(); 16 } 17 AndroidRuntime* runtime = AndroidRuntime::getRuntime(); 18 LOGI("System server: starting Android services.\n"); 19 JNIEnv* env = runtime->getJNIEnv(); 20 if (env == NULL) { 21 return UNKNOWN_ERROR; 22 } 23 jclass clazz = env->FindClass("com/android/server/SystemServer"); 24 if (clazz == NULL) { 25 return UNKNOWN_ERROR; 26 } 27 jmethodID methodId = env->GetStaticMethodID(clazz, "init2", "()V");//let android runtime call java method 28 if (methodId == NULL) { 29 return UNKNOWN_ERROR; 30 } 31 env->CallStaticVoidMethod(clazz, methodId); 32 ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); 33 IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool(); 34 return NO_ERROR; 35 }