自定义 exporter with java client


需要自定义 时间戳,目前查阅,只能通过 底层的操作才支持 带 自定义的时间戳。


下载安装 prometheus,见


<!-- The client -->
        <!-- Hotspot JVM metrics-->
        <!-- Exposition HTTPServer-->

        <!-- Pushgateway exposition-->


2、自定义 collecotr

public class GuageCollector2  extends Collector {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GuageCollector2.class);

        public static List<SendData> datas = new ArrayList<>();

        public List<MetricFamilySamples> collect() {
          //这里就是 暴露指标

            if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(datas)) {
                return new ArrayList<>();

            LOGGER.info(">>>>>>>>> load data");
            List<MetricFamilySamples> mfs = new ArrayList<MetricFamilySamples>();
            List<String> labels = Arrays.asList("timestamp", "snmp_id", "index", "ip", "flow_type", "flow_id");
            List<MetricFamilySamples.Sample> samples = new ArrayList<>();
            for (SendData data : datas) {
                List<String> labelValues = Arrays.asList(data.getTimestamp() + "", data.getSnmpId() + "", data.getIndex() + "", data.getIp() + "" , data.getFlowType() + "", data.getFlowId() + "");
                samples.add(new MetricFamilySamples.Sample("test_bmc_bandwith_in1", labels, labelValues, data.getIn().doubleValue(), data.getTimestamp()));
                samples.add(new MetricFamilySamples.Sample("test_bmc_bandwith_out1", labels, labelValues, data.getOut().doubleValue(), data.getTimestamp()));

            // With no labels.
            mfs.add(new MetricFamilySamples("test_bmc_bandwitdh",  Type.GAUGE, "help", samples));

            return mfs;


3、定义/ metrics endpoint

    public void metricsTrue(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {

        LOGGER.info("<<<<<<< load metrics");
        response.setContentType("text/plain; version=0.0.4; charset=utf-8");
        List<String> metricsNames = new ArrayList<>();
        TextFormat.write004(response.getWriter(), ExportServer.INSTANCE.collect());

4、配置 prometheus.yml

  # 采集间隔
  scrape_interval:     15s # By default, scrape targets every 15 seconds.
  # 计算报警和预聚合 间隔
  evaluation_interval: 10s

  # 采集超时 时间
  scrape_timeout: 10s


  - job_name: "myexportor"
    # honor_labels: true
    # honor_timestamps: false
      - targets: ['']
          instance: exportor
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