全球土地利用数据ESRI 10m Annual Land Use Land Cover (2017-2021)介绍及下载

ESRI Land Cover 10 m(2017-2021)土地利用数据介绍及下载


  • 参考链接:
    Esri | Sentinel-2 Land Cover Explorer
    This layer displays a global map of land use/land cover (LULC) derived from ESA Sentinel-2 imagery at 10m resolution. Each year is generated with Impact Observatory’s deep learning AI land classification model, trained using billions of human-labeled image pixels from the National Geographic Society. The global maps are produced by applying this model to the Sentinel-2 Level-2A image collection on Microsoft’s Planetary Computer, processing over 400,000 Earth observations per year.
    显示了从欧空局Sentinel-2图像中以10米分辨率获取的的全球土地利用/土地覆盖图(LULC)。每年都使用Impact Observatory的深度学习AI土地分类模型生成,该模型使用国家地理学会的数十亿人类标记图像像素进行训练。全球地图是通过将该模型应用于微软行星计算机上的哨兵-2 2A级图像采集而生成的,每年处理超过400000次地球观测


基础的深度学习模型使用6个波段的Sentinel-2 L2A表面反射率数据:可见蓝色、绿色、红色、近红外和两个短波红外波段。为了创建最终地图,该模型在全年的多个图像日期上运行,并将输出合成每年的最终代表性地图。

  • Variable mapped: Land use/land cover in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
  • Source Data Coordinate System: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) WGS84
  • Service Coordinate System: Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere WGS84 (EPSG:3857)
  • Extent: Global
  • Source imagery: Sentinel-2 L2A
  • Cell Size: 10-meters
  • Type: Thematic
  • Attribution: Esri, Impact Observatory, and Microsoft

数据引用:Karra, Kontgis, et al. “Global land use/land cover with Sentinel-2 and deep learning.”
IGARSS 2021-2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 2021.


The output provides a 9-class map of the surface, including vegetation types, bare surface, water, cropland and built areas.
Category Land Cover Class Hex Code
1 No Data #FFFFFF
2 Water #1A5BAB
3 Trees #358221
4 Grass #A7D282
5 Flooded Vegetation #87D19E
6 Crops #FFDB5C
7 Scrub/Shrub #EECFA8
8 Built Area #ED022A
9 Bare Ground #EDE9E4
10 Snow/Ice #F2FAFF
11 Clouds #C8C8C8

Areas where water was predominantly present throughout the year; may not cover areas with sporadic or ephemeral water; contains little to no sparse vegetation, no rock outcrop nor built up features like docks; examples: rivers, ponds, lakes, oceans, flooded salt plains.

Any significant clustering of tall (~15 feet or higher) dense vegetation, typically with a closed or dense canopy; examples: wooded vegetation, clusters of dense tall vegetation within savannas, plantations, swamp or mangroves (dense/tall vegetation with ephemeral water or canopy too thick to detect water underneath).

Flooded vegetation
Areas of any type of vegetation with obvious intermixing of water throughout a majority of the year; seasonally flooded area that is a mix of grass/shrub/trees/bare ground; examples: flooded mangroves, emergent vegetation, rice paddies and other heavily irrigated and inundated agriculture.

Human planted/plotted cereals, grasses, and crops not at tree height; examples: corn, wheat, soy, fallow plots of structured land.

Built Area
Human made structures; major road and rail networks; large homogenous impervious surfaces including parking structures, office buildings and residential housing; examples: houses, dense villages / towns / cities, paved roads, asphalt.

Bare ground
Areas of rock or soil with very sparse to no vegetation for the entire year; large areas of sand and deserts with no to little vegetation; examples: exposed rock or soil, desert and sand dunes, dry salt flats/pans, dried lake beds, mines.

Large homogenous areas of permanent snow or ice, typically only in mountain areas or highest latitudes; examples: glaciers, permanent snowpack, snow fields.

No land cover information due to persistent cloud cover.

Open areas covered in homogenous grasses with little to no taller vegetation; wild cereals and grasses with no obvious human plotting (i.e., not a plotted field); examples: natural meadows and fields with sparse to no tree cover, open savanna with few to no trees, parks/golf courses/lawns, pastures. Mix of small clusters of plants or single plants dispersed on a landscape that shows exposed soil or rock; scrub-filled clearings within dense forests that are clearly not taller than trees; examples: moderate to sparse cover of bushes, shrubs and tufts of grass, savannas with very sparse grasses, trees or other plants.

  • 全年主要有水的地区;不得覆盖有零星或短暂水的区域;几乎没有稀疏的植被,没有岩石露头,也没有码头这样的建筑;例如:河流、池塘、湖泊、海洋、泛滥的盐原。

  • 高大(约15英尺或更高)密集植被的任何明显集群,通常具有封闭或密集的树冠;例如:树木繁茂的植被,稀树草原、种植园、沼泽或红树林中密集的高大植被(密集/高大的植被,有短暂的水或树冠太厚,无法探测到下面的水)。
  • 洪水淹没的植被
  • 作物
  • 建筑面积
  • 裸露的地面
  • 雪/冰

  • 由于持续的云层覆盖,没有土地覆盖信息。
  • 牧场


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posted @ 2023-03-01 23:09  icydengyw  阅读(3096)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报