1-Download and Build the APUE source codes

APUE, Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment, is the most famous book for learning Linux or Unix-like programming.

And I will study APUE in Linux/Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Suppose your current working directory is $HOME(on my machine, HOME=/home/rex),

Follow these steps,

1. The source codes on the book can be received from here or in the terminal type:

$ wget http://www.apuebook.com/src.tar.gz

2. Extract the source codes,  type:

$ tar -xvf src.tar.gz

now you get the apue.2e directory.

3. Change the name apue.2e to apue

$ mv apue.2e apue

now /home/rex/apue is  the APUE working directory, and also the top-level directory.

$ cd apue

you can see the files.

4. To build the source, edit the Make.defines.linux file. Type:

$ vi Make.defines.linux

and set WKDIR to the pathname of the tree containing the source code. On my machine, it's /home/rex/apue.

5. In the APUE working directory, run:

$ make

There are some errors, you can debug those according to the error messages.

posted @ 2012-10-07 23:31  &Flare  阅读(459)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报