622.设计循环队列 javascript实现

设计你的循环队列实现。 循环队列是一种线性数据结构,其操作表现基于 FIFO(先进先出)原则并且队尾被连接在队首之后以形成一个循环。它也被称为“环形缓冲器”。



  • MyCircularQueue(k): 构造器,设置队列长度为 k 。
  • Front: 从队首获取元素。如果队列为空,返回 -1 。
  • Rear: 获取队尾元素。如果队列为空,返回 -1 。
  • enQueue(value): 向循环队列插入一个元素。如果成功插入则返回真。
  • deQueue(): 从循环队列中删除一个元素。如果成功删除则返回真。
  • isEmpty(): 检查循环队列是否为空。
  • isFull(): 检查循环队列是否已满。



MyCircularQueue circularQueue = new MycircularQueue(3); // 设置长度为 3

circularQueue.enQueue(1);  // 返回 true

circularQueue.enQueue(2);  // 返回 true

circularQueue.enQueue(3);  // 返回 true

circularQueue.enQueue(4);  // 返回 false,队列已满

circularQueue.Rear();  // 返回 3

circularQueue.isFull();  // 返回 true

circularQueue.deQueue();  // 返回 true

circularQueue.enQueue(4);  // 返回 true

circularQueue.Rear();  // 返回 4



  • 所有的值都在 0 至 1000 的范围内;
  • 操作数将在 1 至 1000 的范围内;
  • 请不要使用内置的队列库。



 * Initialize your data structure here. Set the size of the queue to be k.
 * @param {number} k
let MyCircularQueue = function (k) {
    this.length = k
    this.tail= -1
    this.head = -1
    this.queue= []

 * Insert an element into the circular queue. Return true if the operation is successful.
 * @param {number} value
 * @return {boolean}
MyCircularQueue.prototype.enQueue = function(value) {
    if(this.isFull())return false
    if(this.isEmpty())this.head = 0
    this.tail = (this.tail+1)%this.length
    this.queue[this.tail] = value
    return true

 * Delete an element from the circular queue. Return true if the operation is successful.
 * @return {boolean}
MyCircularQueue.prototype.deQueue = function() {
            this.head = -1
            this.tail = -1
            this.head = (this.head+1)%this.length
        return true
    return false

 * Get the front item from the queue.
 * @return {number}
MyCircularQueue.prototype.Front = function() {
    if(!this.isEmpty())return this.queue[this.head]
    return -1


 * Get the last item from the queue.
 * @return {number}
MyCircularQueue.prototype.Rear = function() {
    if(!this.isEmpty())return this.queue[this.tail]
    return -1


 * Checks whether the circular queue is empty or not.
 * @return {boolean}
MyCircularQueue.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
    return this.head===-1

 * Checks whether the circular queue is full or not.
 * @return {boolean}
MyCircularQueue.prototype.isFull = function() {
    return (this.tail+1)%this.length === this.head






let MyCircularQueue = function (k) {
    this.length = k
    this.tail= 0
    this.head = 0
    this.count = 0
    this.queue= []

 * Insert an element into the circular queue. Return true if the operation is successful.
 * @param {number} value
 * @return {boolean}
MyCircularQueue.prototype.enQueue = function(value) {
    if(this.isFull())return false
    if(!this.isEmpty())this.tail = (this.tail+1)%this.length
    this.queue[this.tail] = value
    return true

 * Delete an element from the circular queue. Return true if the operation is successful.
 * @return {boolean}
MyCircularQueue.prototype.deQueue = function() {
    if(this.isEmpty()) return false
    this.head = (this.head+1)%this.length
    this.count --
    return true

 * Get the front item from the queue.
 * @return {number}
MyCircularQueue.prototype.Front = function() {
    if(!this.isEmpty())return this.queue[this.head]
    return -1

 * Get the last item from the queue.
 * @return {number}
MyCircularQueue.prototype.Rear = function() {
    if(!this.isEmpty())return this.queue[this.tail]
    return -1

 * Checks whether the circular queue is empty or not.
 * @return {boolean}
MyCircularQueue.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
    return this.count === 0

 * Checks whether the circular queue is full or not.
 * @return {boolean}
MyCircularQueue.prototype.isFull = function() {
    return this.count === this.length





class MyCircularQueue {
  constructor(size) {
    this.size = size;
    this.queue = [];
  enQueue(value) {
    if (this.isFull()) return false;
    return true;
  deQueue() {
    if (this.isEmpty()) return false;
    return true;
  Front() {
    if (this.isEmpty()) return -1;
    return this.queue[0];
  Rear() {
    if (this.isEmpty()) return -1;
    return this.queue[this.queue.length - 1];  
  isEmpty() {
    return this.queue.length === 0;
  isFull() {
    return this.queue.length === this.size;



posted @ 2019-03-25 12:55  keiiha  阅读(1058)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报