Struts2中查看Action配置的插件 -- Config Browser Plugin
2011-05-12 12:25 会被淹死的鱼 阅读(1266) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报(摘自官方介绍:
(中文部分是我自己翻译的, 本身的英文也很简单, 我的翻译由于水平所限, 只能做简单的参考)
The Config Browser Plugin is a simple tool to help view an application's configuration at runtime. It is very useful when debugging problems that could be related to configuration issues.
Config Browser插件是一个可以在运行时查看应用配置的简单工具. 在调试一些和配置相关的问题时, 非常有用.
Features 功能
- Browsable view of loaded configuration 浏览已加载的配置
- Shows all accessible action URLs 查看所有可以访问的URL
Usage 使用方法
To use the plugin, simply copy the jar into your application. Once installed, you can access the tool by opening to the action named index in the config-browser namespace.
使用这个插件, 只需要将jar包拷贝到你的应用中. 一旦安装完成, 打开config-browser命名空间下的index.action, 你就可以使用本工具.
(注释: 我在struts2.0中, 访问的是actionNames.action, 也可以访问index.action)
In most cases (if you are using the default ActionMapper), the URL is something like http://localhost:8080/starter/config-browser/index.action.
Settings 设置
This plugin provides no customizable settings.
Installation 安装
This plugin can be installed by copying the plugin jar into your application's /WEB-INF/lib directory. No other files need to be copied or created.
拷贝struts2安装文件的lib下的struts2-config-browser-plugin-2.X.X.jar到你应用程序的/WEB-INF/lib目录下, 无需依赖其他任何文件.