Path Assessment Decider

path optimizer根据boundaries生成了很多条空间上的path



  1. Remove invalid path.
  2. Analyze and add important info for speed decider to use
  3. Pick the optimal path.
  4. Update necessary info for lane-borrow decider's future uses.

1.Remove invalid path

Is valid fallback path


  • 轨迹点不为空
  • 距离参考线不是特别远(20m)
  • 距离左右车道线不是特别远(10m)
  // Basic sanity checks.
  if (path_data.Empty()) {
    ADEBUG << "Fallback Path: path data is empty.";
    return false;
  // Check if the path is greatly off the reference line.
  if (IsGreatlyOffReferenceLine(path_data)) {
    ADEBUG << "Fallback Path: ADC is greatly off reference line.";
    return false;
  // Check if the path is greatly off the road.
  if (IsGreatlyOffRoad(reference_line_info, path_data)) {
    ADEBUG << "Fallback Path: ADC is greatly off road.";
    return false;
  return true;

Is valid regular path


  • 轨迹点不为空
  • 距离参考线不是特别远(20m)
  • 距离左右车道线不是特别远(10m)
  • 与静态障碍物没有发生碰撞:path不应当与静态障碍物发生碰撞
  • 不会停在反向道路上:检查终点不在目标车道上
  // Basic sanity checks.
  if (path_data.Empty()) {
    ADEBUG << path_data.path_label() << ": path data is empty.";
    return false;
  // Check if the path is greatly off the reference line.
  if (IsGreatlyOffReferenceLine(path_data)) {
    ADEBUG << path_data.path_label() << ": ADC is greatly off reference line.";
    return false;
  // Check if the path is greatly off the road.
  if (IsGreatlyOffRoad(reference_line_info, path_data)) {
    ADEBUG << path_data.path_label() << ": ADC is greatly off road.";
    return false;
  // Check if there is any collision.
  if (IsCollidingWithStaticObstacles(reference_line_info, path_data)) {
    ADEBUG << path_data.path_label() << ": ADC has collision.";
    return false;

  if (IsStopOnReverseNeighborLane(reference_line_info, path_data)) {
    ADEBUG << path_data.path_label() << ": stop at reverse neighbor lane";
    return false;

2.Analyze and add important info for speed decider to use

添加一些信息供speed decider使用

对于涉及换道的path,需要标记出换道点的位置(in lane 、 out lane)


3. Pick the optimal path.


  std::sort(valid_path_data.begin(), valid_path_data.end(),
            std::bind(ComparePathData, std::placeholders::_1,
                      std::placeholders::_2, blocking_obstacle_on_selflane));


  1. fallback的path放在最后:
  // Regular path goes before fallback path.
  bool lhs_is_regular = lhs.path_label().find("regular") != std::string::npos;
  bool rhs_is_regular = rhs.path_label().find("regular") != std::string::npos;
  if (lhs_is_regular != rhs_is_regular) {
    return lhs_is_regular;
  1. 挑选更长的path: 例如在借道避让场景下,向左避让一般比向右避让优先级更高;但是当右避让的path比左避让的path更长时(tolerance = 15m),优先选择右避让的path;对于换道的path,可以设置更高的tolerance(25m )
  // Select longer path.
  // If roughly same length, then select self-lane path.
  bool lhs_on_selflane = lhs.path_label().find("self") != std::string::npos;
  bool rhs_on_selflane = rhs.path_label().find("self") != std::string::npos;
  static constexpr double kSelfPathLengthComparisonTolerance = 15.0;
  static constexpr double kNeighborPathLengthComparisonTolerance = 25.0;
  double lhs_path_length = lhs.frenet_frame_path().back().s();
  double rhs_path_length = rhs.frenet_frame_path().back().s();
  if (lhs_on_selflane || rhs_on_selflane) {
    if (std::fabs(lhs_path_length - rhs_path_length) >
        kSelfPathLengthComparisonTolerance) {
      return lhs_path_length > rhs_path_length;
    } else {
      return lhs_on_selflane;
  } else {
    if (std::fabs(lhs_path_length - rhs_path_length) >
        kNeighborPathLengthComparisonTolerance) {
      return lhs_path_length > rhs_path_length;
  1. 第二步留了一种换道的场景:自车必须要进行换道避障,左右避障的path长度又差不多,该怎么选?首先排除有一侧(一般左侧)有逆行的道路的情况
// If roughly same length, and must borrow neighbor lane,
  // then prefer to borrow forward lane rather than reverse lane.
  int lhs_on_reverse =
  int rhs_on_reverse =
  // TODO(jiacheng): make this a flag.
  if (std::abs(lhs_on_reverse - rhs_on_reverse) > 6) {
    return lhs_on_reverse < rhs_on_reverse;

剩下的情况就是两边都可以避,path也差不多的情况。这种情况下尽量选择一条更为方便的路径(convenient path),如果当前的path有blocking Obstacle,那就看Obstacle的位置,Obstacle靠左就右避让,靠右的左避让;如果没有Obstacle,就选择较近的path进行避让(l值更小)。

/ For two lane-borrow directions, based on ADC's position,
  // select the more convenient one.
  if ((lhs.path_label().find("left") != std::string::npos &&
       rhs.path_label().find("right") != std::string::npos) ||
      (lhs.path_label().find("right") != std::string::npos &&
       rhs.path_label().find("left") != std::string::npos)) {
    if (blocking_obstacle) {
      // select left/right path based on blocking_obstacle's position
      const double obstacle_l =
          (blocking_obstacle->PerceptionSLBoundary().start_l() +
           blocking_obstacle->PerceptionSLBoundary().end_l()) /
      ADEBUG << "obstacle[" << blocking_obstacle->Id() << "] l[" << obstacle_l
             << "]";
      return (obstacle_l > 0.0
                  ? (lhs.path_label().find("right") != std::string::npos)
                  : (lhs.path_label().find("left") != std::string::npos));
    } else {
      // select left/right path based on ADC's position
      double adc_l = lhs.frenet_frame_path().front().l();
      if (adc_l < -1.0) {
        return lhs.path_label().find("right") != std::string::npos;
      } else if (adc_l > 1.0) {
        return lhs.path_label().find("left") != std::string::npos;
  // If same length, both neighbor lane are forward,
  // then select the one that returns to in-lane earlier.
  static constexpr double kBackToSelfLaneComparisonTolerance = 20.0;
  int lhs_back_idx = GetBackToInLaneIndex(lhs.path_point_decision_guide());
  int rhs_back_idx = GetBackToInLaneIndex(rhs.path_point_decision_guide());
  double lhs_back_s = lhs.frenet_frame_path()[lhs_back_idx].s();
  double rhs_back_s = rhs.frenet_frame_path()[rhs_back_idx].s();
  if (std::fabs(lhs_back_s - rhs_back_s) > kBackToSelfLaneComparisonTolerance) {
    return lhs_back_idx < rhs_back_idx;
  // If same length, both forward, back to inlane at same time,
  // select the left one to side-pass.
  bool lhs_on_leftlane = lhs.path_label().find("left") != std::string::npos;
  bool rhs_on_leftlane = rhs.path_label().find("left") != std::string::npos;
  if (lhs_on_leftlane != rhs_on_leftlane) {
    ADEBUG << "Select " << (lhs_on_leftlane ? "left" : "right") << " lane over "
           << (!lhs_on_leftlane ? "left" : "right") << " lane.";
    return lhs_on_leftlane;
  1. Update necessary info for lane-borrow decider's future uses.
  • 前方障碍物的counter
  • 当前车道可用的counter
  • 当前的借道方向

这里只是添加对应的status,具体如何使用还需要看后续的speed decider

posted @ 2021-02-16 22:11  IcathianRain  阅读(1605)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报