keil软件_WDWORD _RDWORD函数说明



unsigned long _RDWORD ( unsigned long address); /* address to read */

 作用描述 :

_WDWORD( unsigned
long address , /* 要写入的地址 */
unsigned long value);/* 要写入的值 */

 作用描述 :



_WDWORD(   ,   )是keil软件中自带的一个指令,他的用法是,把某个地址处写如相应的值,相当于把某个地址的寄存器初始化。



我们任举一例,_WDWORD(0x53000000, 0x00000000);  这个是从所有2410的工程中用到的sdram.ini中copy的一句话,我们查看2410的手册发现,0x53000000这个地址就是看门狗的控制寄存器,写入0x00000000就是关闭看门狗。想必现在大家都懂了吧。下面是sdram.ini这个文件的_word()指令简单注释。希望对大家有帮助。


/* SDRAM.INI: External RAM (SDRAM) Initialization File                      */
// <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>                           //
/* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools.                    */
/* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Keil Software. All rights reserved.                */
/* This software may only be used under the terms of a valid, current,        */
/* end user licence from KEIL for a compatible version of KEIL software       */
/* development tools. Nothing else gives you the right to use this software.  */

FUNC void Setup (void) {

  _WDWORD(0x53000000, 0x00000000);  //关闭看门狗   

  _WDWORD(0x4A000008, 0xFFFFFFFF);   // 关闭相应中断  
  _WDWORD(0x4A00001C, 0x000007FF);         // 关闭相应中断
  _WDWORD(0x4C000014, 0x00000003);
  _WDWORD(0x4C000004, 0x0005c042);          // 时钟分频
  _WDWORD(0x56000070, 0x00280000);           //
  _WDWORD(0x56000078, 0x00000000);
  _WDWORD(0x48000000, 0x22111110);            //SARAM 初始化
  _WDWORD(0x48000004, 0x00000700);  
  _WDWORD(0x48000008, 0x00000700);
  _WDWORD(0x4800000C, 0x00000700);
  _WDWORD(0x48000010, 0x00000700);
  _WDWORD(0x48000014, 0x00000700);
  _WDWORD(0x48000018, 0x00000700);
  _WDWORD(0x4800001c, 0x00018005);
  _WDWORD(0x48000020, 0x00000700);
  _WDWORD(0x48000024, 0x008e0459);
  _WDWORD(0x48000028, 0x000000B2);
  _WDWORD(0x4800002c, 0x00000030);
  _WDWORD(0x48000030, 0x00000030);
  _WDWORD(0x56000014, 0x00000001);
  _WDWORD(0x56000020, 0xAAAA55AA);          //lcd管脚初始化
  _WDWORD(0x56000028, 0x0000FFFF);
  _WDWORD(0x56000024, 0x00000000);


Setup();                                                // Setup for Init

LOAD SDRAM\StepMotor_Test.axf INCREMENTAL            // Download
PC = 0x30000000;                                                                // <o> Program Entry Point

g, main                                                                                         // Run to main function


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