英语 - 词法

考点:名称的数 △△△



   1).一般直接在名词后 + s

            tree – trees       girl – girls

    2).特殊结尾的单词,以s, sh, ch, x 结尾 + es

            inch – inches      dish – dishes      box – boxes

    3).以y结尾的   辅音 + y    y变i + es

            baby – babies      country - countries

                   元音 + y    直接 + s

            toy - toys      boy – boys


    1).以o结尾的词,多数在词尾 +s

        常考6个 +es: Negro 黑人   hero英雄   tomato 西红柿

                      potato 土豆  volcano 火山    echo 回声

    2).以f、fe结尾的,需要去f,fe变v +es

        记忆:  thief 贼    loaf 面包棒     wife 妻子

                leaf 树叶   knife 刀        shelf 架子

                wolf 狼     life 生命       half 一半


    第一类人:  man – men      woman – women

    第二类部位:foot – feet    tooth – teeth

    第三类动物:goose – gesse

整体变化 – 单复数同形

    sheep – sheep 绵羊     deer – deer 鹿


    trousers 裤子       glasses 眼镜        scissor 剪刀


    child – children       ox – oxen      criterion – criteria

    mouse – mice       phenomenon – phenomena        advice (不可数)




    time 时间 – times 时代         work 工作 – works 著作工厂

    spirit 精神 – spirics 情绪,烈酒


    a piece of advice   一条建议

    a bottle of water   一瓶水

    some pieces of advice   很多条建议

    three bottles of water  三瓶水


  1. 单数可数名词永远不可以单独存在


There is an apple on the desk.

There are apples on the desk.

There is apple on the desk.     ×


①  单数变复数

②  在单数名词前加冠词 a/ an/ the


    num(数词)-n-adj 结构名词永远单数

    three-meter-long = three meters long    三米长



考点:名称的所有格 △△△




eg: the teacher’s book     老师的书

    passers-by’s words     路人的话

    the workshops of the plant 工厂的车间


  1. 宇宙        the sun’s rays
  2. 国家城市    Shanghai’s population
  3. 店铺、某人家

at the tailor’s    在裁缝铺

at the barber’s    在理发店   

  1. 买菜的过程体现三大元素


a mile’s distance      一英里的距离

today’s newspaper      今天的报纸

three year’s time      三年的时间



    the + adj表示一类人的时候,才可以使用

eg: the need of the poor    穷人们的需要


    双重属格    of短语 + 所有格

eg:     a friend of Jone’s     琼的一位朋友

    =   one of Jone’s friends




  1. 1.  人称代词


I like it in the autumn when the weather is clean and bright.


It is our belief that the improvement inhealth care will lead to stronger, more prosperous economy.


As the busiest woman in Norton,she made it her duty to look after other people’s affairs in that town.

4).it用于强调句型       It is/was …that

It is what you do rather than what you say matters.



  1. 2.  指示代词

1).通常 that/those 指代上文提及的事物

        this/these 指代下文提及的事物

eg: He was nearly drowned once.

    When was that?


eg: The population in Shanghai is larger than that in Guangzhou.


  1. 3.  代词


eg: May I help you with some shoes sir?

    Yes,I’d like to try on those blank ones.


  1. 4.  不定代词

no, no one, nothing, none

no   没有            no one 只指人,不能接of

nothing 指物       none    即指人又指物,后面可以接of

eg:They were all very tired,but none of them would stop to take a rest.


   both, either, neither       常用结构:

    both    两者都             both … and … (谓语动词复数)

    either  两者中任何一个     either … or … (谓语动词就近)

    neither 两者都不           neither … or … (谓语动词就近)

eg: Both you and I were wrong.

    Neither of then knew what to do.

    There is coffee or tea you can have either.


  1. 5.  few, a few, little, a little

可数复数                            不可数

few     很少,几乎没有             litte       很少,几乎没有

a few   有几个,一些               a litte     有几个,一些




   award    reward

1.award      授予奖品

    award sb. sth.  =  award sth. to sb.

2.reward     回报/报答    re --再,回

   in reward for …     “作为对…的回报”

    reward sb for …     “因…而报答某人”


out   短语

pick out      挑选

leave out     省略,删去

take out      拿出,取出;拔(牙),把…带出去,邀请(某人)外出

figure out    计算,估计;弄清楚,理解

find out      找出,查明

look out      注意,当心

speak out     大胆地说;大声地说

run out       完成,耗尽,结束

sell out      卖光


break 短语

1.break down      出故障,抛锚

    His car broke down on the highway.

    Peace talks have broken down in the Middle Ease.

2.break up        解散,结束,分手

    The police broke up the crowd.

    Their marriage is breaking up.

3.break in        破门而入,打断

    Last night a thief broke in and stole away his camera.

4.break through   出现,突破,克服

    It was a cloudy day, but the sun at last broke through.

    Break through difficulties.


1.attribute to    把…归咎于    把…归功于    (原因)

    He attributed his good health to exertise.

2.contribute to   (褒)促成,有助于     (贬)造成,导致    (结果)


put up with          忍受,容忍

come up with         提供,提出

keep up with         跟上,不落在…后面;保持联系,和…来往

    She still kept up with her classmates after graduation.

keep in touch with

go on doing sth = go on with sth   继续做某事


put off       推迟

put out       扑灭

put up        举起,抬起,张贴,留宿

put away      收起来,放好

put aside     撇开,放置一边,储存

put across    讲清楚,表达传达


turn down     关小,调低,拒绝

turn up       调高

turn on       打开电器

turn off      关掉电器

turn out      结果是…结果证明

turn over     翻过来,翻到

turn in       上交,交还


hand out      散发,分发

hand it       提交,呈送

hand down     把…传下去,世代相传

hand over     移交,转送


set aside     放在一边,搁置,存蓄,留下

set up        建立,成交

set in        (不好的事情)产生,开始,到来,流行

be set in     以…背景





   美丑好坏    身高大小    年龄新旧    颜色 国籍 材料 用途



   方式 > 地点 > 时间

The student did well(方式) here(地点) yesterday(时间).

She sang beantifully(方式) in the hall(地点) last night(时间).



  1. 1.  adv > adj (一般情况下adv在adj之前)

very good       deeply moved

但 enough 特殊

The boy is old enough to look after himself.


  1. 2.  adj > n (一般情况下adj在n之前)


第一种:以 a 开头的 adj

    alone   asleep  alike  alive

The happiest man alive.

第二种:some- any- every- no- 等和body, one, thing等组成的复合不定代词。

Something hot to drink.

第三种: 表示长,宽,高深及年龄的形容词

89 years old.   200 meters long.




1.结构:as + adj./adv. 原级 + as   和…一样…

    Song is as hadsome as G.

  结构:…not as…as…

      …not so…as…

    Song is not as hadsome as G.


当 as…as… 中有名词时

    “…as + adj. + a + 单数名词 + as …”

   “…as + many/much + 名词复数/不可数名词 + as…”

    S is as handsome an actor as G.

    S has as may fans as G.




    规则变化+er;   规则变化+est;

不规则:far – farther – farthest   远

-    further – furthest 抽象

old – older – oldest      表年龄大小

-    elder – eldest     表长幼关系



比较级 more + beautiful

最高级 the most + beautiful

常考词:boring          无聊的          slowly          慢的

        Horrible        可怕的          excited         兴奋的

        Delicious       美味的          interesting     有趣的

        Important       重要的          dangerous       危险的

        Famous          著名的          beautiful       漂亮的


  1. 1.  常见介词: in on at about of off to towards 等
  2. 2.  英语介词后的动词 + ing

I put off doing my homework.




  1. 1.  简单句

He often reads English in the morning.

Tom and Mike are American boys.

  1. 2.  并列句

由并列连词(and, but, or等)或分号(;)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起构成

You help him and he helps you.

  1. 3.  复合句

The boy is my brother.

The boy (who is wearing a hat) is my brother.

复合句 = 连词 + 从句



考点:冠词 a/an/the 的用法

  1. 1.  第一次提到用“a或者an”,以后再次提到用“the”

I bought a book yesterday and the book is ten yuan.

  1. 2.  非特指用a/an,特指用the.

Do you know the older of the two boys?




  1. 1.  序数词前加the

the first

  1. 2.  确切数字不加 s    不确切数字加 s

    two hundred     200百          hundreds of     成百的

  1. 3.  分数的表达    子基母序,分子大于1,分母加s

    1/3     one third           2/3     two thirds


    in 1930s    20世纪30年代          in one’s forties       40多岁


“mun(数词) - n - adj”结构内的名词永远单数


posted @ 2019-08-05 23:50  知识航海家布尔  阅读(1294)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报