五、扩展Orchard(九) Creating 1-n and n-n relations
存在于Lists的一部分表或Lists中选择一部分是很常见的内容。例如:地址能通过预定义列表来选择国家或地区,这是一个1-n的关系。 一个n-n关系可能 例如是客户获得收益的商业清单。Orchard当然支持这些方案,本主题贯穿这些内容。
Building a 1-N Relationship
在这里我们要建立的模型存在于Address part,能附加到 例如一个Customer 内容类型。Address part有street address,a zip code,a city name and a state. state 就是我们将建立的1-n关系模型的states表。
Modeling the Address Part
Address part的代码:
using Orchard.ContentManagement; namespace RelationSample.Models { public class AddressPart : ContentPart<AddressPartRecord> { public string Address { get { return Record.Address; } set { Record.Address = value; } } public string City { get { return Record.City; } set { Record.City = value; } } public StateRecord State { get { return Record.StateRecord; } set { Record.StateRecord = value; } } public string Zip { get { return Record.Zip; } set { Record.Zip = value; } } } }
using Orchard.ContentManagement.Records; namespace RelationSample.Models { public class AddressPartRecord : ContentPartRecord { public virtual string Address { get; set; } public virtual string City { get; set; } public virtual StateRecord StateRecord { get; set; } public virtual string Zip { get; set; } } }
namespace RelationSample.Models { public class StateRecord { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual string Code { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } } }
Creating the Database Tables and Part
public int Create() { SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("AddressPartRecord", table => table .ContentPartRecord() .Column<string>("Address") .Column<string>("City") .Column<int>("StateRecord_Id") .Column<string>("Zip") ); SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("StateRecord", table => table .Column<int>("Id", column => column.PrimaryKey().Identity()) .Column<string>("Code", column => column.WithLength(2)) .Column<string>("Name") ); ContentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition("AddressPart", builder => builder.Attachable()); return 1; }
这个migration创建一个AddressPartRecord 表,是content part record(给我们content part需要的默认field),添加address, city, zip列,会自动映射到我们的record’s properties。
这里有意思的列是StateRecord_Id,你我们看到的,它的类型是StateRecord类的Id列类型,因为系统会根据关系自动识别这个foreign key并映射这个inteter值到StateRecord属性。重要的是,这里将代表关系的列名是“1”关系结束的列名,后跟一个下划线和名称列的“N”的关系结束。
Populating the State Table
因为states列表相对来说是稳定的,我不创建他的content items(尽管这是个小工作),替代的,我在migration代码中用states list填充表,migration类有个state存储的引用:
private readonly IRepository<StateRecord> _stateRepository; [...] public RelationSampleDataMigration(IRepository<StateRecord> stateRepository) { _stateRepository = stateRepository; }
private readonly IEnumerable<StateRecord> _states = new List<StateRecord> { new StateRecord {Code = "AL", Name = "Alabama"}, new StateRecord {Code = "AK", Name = "Alaska"}, [...] new StateRecord {Code = "WS", Name = "Western Australia"}, };
public int UpdateFrom1() { if (_stateRepository == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Couldn't find state repository."); foreach (var state in _states) { _stateRepository.Create(state); } return 2; }
The Address Part Handler
Address part的handler相当无趣,仅是到存储的连接:
using Orchard.Data; using Orchard.ContentManagement.Handlers; using RelationSample.Models; namespace RelationSample.Handlers { public class AddressPartHandler : ContentHandler { public AddressPartHandler(IRepository<AddressPartRecord> repository) { Filters.Add(StorageFilter.For(repository)); } } }
The Address Part Driver
using JetBrains.Annotations; using Orchard.ContentManagement; using Orchard.ContentManagement.Drivers; using RelationSample.Models; using RelationSample.Services; using RelationSample.ViewModels; namespace RelationSample.Drivers { [UsedImplicitly] public class AddressPartDriver : ContentPartDriver<AddressPart> { private readonly IAddressService _addressService; private const string TemplateName = "Parts/Address"; public AddressPartDriver(IAddressService addressService) { _addressService = addressService; } protected override string Prefix { get { return "Address"; } } protected override DriverResult Display( AddressPart part, string displayType, dynamic shapeHelper) { return ContentShape("Parts_Address", () => shapeHelper.Parts_Address( ContentPart: part, Address: part.Address, City: part.City, Zip: part.Zip, StateCode: part.State.Code, StateName: part.State.Name)); } protected override DriverResult Editor( AddressPart part, dynamic shapeHelper) { return ContentShape("Parts_Address_Edit", () => shapeHelper.EditorTemplate( TemplateName: TemplateName, Model: BuildEditorViewModel(part), Prefix: Prefix)); } protected override DriverResult Editor( AddressPart part, IUpdateModel updater, dynamic shapeHelper) { var model = new EditAddressViewModel(); updater.TryUpdateModel(model, Prefix, null, null); if (part.ContentItem.Id != 0) { _addressService.UpdateAddressForContentItem( part.ContentItem, model); } return Editor(part, shapeHelper); } private EditAddressViewModel BuildEditorViewModel(AddressPart part) { var avm = new EditAddressViewModel { Address = part.Address, City = part.City, Zip = part.Zip, States = _addressService.GetStates() }; if (part.State != null) { avm.StateCode = part.State.Code; avm.StateName = part.State.Name; } return avm; } } }
当在管理面板中,我们使用静态类型的view model创建shapes,因为当使用form fields和mvc model binding时这些仍旧很容易使用。这个view model,就像这个在前端使用的shape,有一个我们需要显示的空view,但它也有一个可用states全部的列表,view呈现state drop-down list:
using System.Collections.Generic; using RelationSample.Models; namespace RelationSample.ViewModels { public class EditAddressViewModel { public string Address { get; set; } public string City { get; set; } public string StateCode { get; set; } public string StateName { get; set; } public string Zip { get; set; } public IEnumerable<StateRecord> States { get; set; } } }
最后要注意的是driver中editor重写了处理回传的handles,仅使用updater.TryUpdateModel(),足够使提交表单值加到view model上。
The Address Service Class
address service class依赖state存储以使能查询states的完整列表。它的其它方法,UpdateAddressForContentItem,复制EditAddressViewModel加入到一个content item的address content part。它也从model使用state code在state 存储查询state record。
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Orchard; using Orchard.ContentManagement; using Orchard.Data; using RelationSample.Models; using RelationSample.ViewModels; namespace RelationSample.Services { public interface IAddressService : IDependency { void UpdateAddressForContentItem( ContentItem item, EditAddressViewModel model); IEnumerable<StateRecord> GetStates(); } public class AddressService : IAddressService { private readonly IRepository<StateRecord> _stateRepository; public AddressService(IRepository<StateRecord> stateRepository) { _stateRepository = stateRepository; } public void UpdateAddressForContentItem( ContentItem item, EditAddressViewModel model) { var addressPart = item.As<AddressPart>(); addressPart.Address = model.Address; addressPart.City = model.City; addressPart.Zip = model.Zip; addressPart.State = _stateRepository.Get( s => s.Code == model.StateCode); } public IEnumerable<StateRecord> GetStates() { return _stateRepository.Table.ToList(); } } }
Building the Views
The Front-End View
<p class="adr"> <div class="street-address">@Model.Address</div> <span class="locality">@Model.City</span>, <span class="region">@Model.StateCode</span> <span class="postal-code">@Model.Zip</span> </p>
The Editor View
@model RelationSample.ViewModels.EditAddressViewModel <fieldset> <legend>Address</legend> <div class="editor-label"> @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Address, T("Street Address")) </div> <div class="editor-field"> @Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Address) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Address) </div> <div class="editor-label"> @Html.LabelFor(model => model.City, T("City")) </div> <div class="editor-field"> @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.City) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.City) </div> <div class="editor-label"> @Html.LabelFor(model => model.StateCode, T("State")) </div> <div class="editor-field"> @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.StateCode, Model.States.Select(s => new SelectListItem { Selected = s.Code == Model.StateCode, Text = s.Code + " " + s.Name, Value = s.Code }), "Choose a state...") @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.StateCode) </div> <div class="editor-label"> @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Zip, T("Zip")) </div> <div class="editor-field"> @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Zip) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Zip) </div> </fieldset>
DropDownListFor 方法为展示属性用一个表达式,SelectListItems 的列表建立在完整的states列表之上并且我们知道当前地些的state(注意selected的表达式)
The Placement File
最终,我们需要placement 文件决定我们part的位置
<Placement> <Place Parts_Address_Edit="Content:10"/> <Place Parts_Address="Content:10"/> </Placement>
Using the Address Part
现在我们能在features管理面板启用 RelationSample功能,然后到content types创建一个新Customer内容类型,添加Common和Address parts,
Building an N-N Relationship
建立n-n关系与建立1-n关系的原理是一样的,主要的不同是在part record上有一个外键,我们有一个关于关系的中间对象到records有两个外键。这当然是接近关系数据库的完成方式。