Engl Speaking Practice
How shall we go forwards? 我们接下来该怎么办?
Engl Speaking Practice
conference room:会议室
all manner of:各种各样的
creep in:潜入,悄悄混进
Going forwards:今后
wing mirror:车翼镜
side panel:侧面板
rip off:v:撕去
stationary:静止的; 不动的;
pull out:拨出,离开
wider:广泛的; 宽的
go through:通过,经受
go up:v:价格上涨,上升
work through:解决
on good terms:关系融洽;友好相处
go on:持续,进行
black pepper:黑胡椒
affordable:负担得起的; 经济实惠的;
enlighten:启发; 开导
lamb:羔羊; 小羊
lamb shank:羊腿
specials board:特殊菜单;board有“伙食”的意思
minted:铸造的; 薄荷味的
exchange rate:n:汇率
overall amount:总金额
other than:除了...之外
杰森:Hi, everyone; my name is Jenson.I'm new today. 大家好,我叫詹森。我今天是新来的。
劳拉:Hi, Jenson; welcome aboard. How are you feeling? 嗨,詹森,欢迎加入。你感觉如何?
杰森:l'm good.There's just so much to take in! 我很好。只是有太多东西要接受! “take in”:意思是“理解”或“接受”
劳拉:l remember it well.My name is Larry,and l've been here for seven years. 我记得那种感觉。我叫拉里,我在这里已经七年了。
劳拉:Would you like a tour? 你想参观一下吗?
杰森:Absolutely.I'd love to look around. 当然,我很想四处看看。“look around”:这个短语的意思是“四处看看”或“参观”
劳拉:Great. First, let me show you to your desk. That's an important place to start. 好的,首先,让我带你去你的办公桌。这是一个重要的开始。
杰森:That's right. l can put my bag down then too. 对,我可以把我的包放下。
劳拉:Here you go, Jenson.This is your desk. 这就是你的办公桌,詹森。
劳拉:We'll get you set up with your technology and make sure you're trained on everything by the end of the week. 我们会帮你设置好你的技术设备,并确保你在本周结束前接受所有的培训。 set up with...:设置(安排)好....,by the end of the week:本周结束前
杰森:Oh, wow, that's quick! l hope l can keep up! 哇,这太快了!我希望我能跟上! “keep up”:意思是“跟上”。
劳拉:I'm sure you'll do great. 我相信你会做得很好的。
劳拉:Okay, so this is the main office area.We all have individual desks to work from. 好的,这就是主要的办公区域。我们都有各自的办公桌。
杰森:It looks like there's a friendly atmosphere here. l like it 看起来这里的气氛很友好。我喜欢。
劳拉:Yes, we all get along well and help each other whenever needed. 是的,我们都相处得很好,需要的时候会互相帮助。 “get along well”:意思是“相处得很好”。“help each other”:意思是“互相帮助”。
劳拉:Now, through here is what we call the 'admin room' 现在,通过这里是我们所说的’行政室’
劳拉:lt's where you'll find any stock or provisions you need, the photocopier and printers too. 这是你会找到任何你需要的库存或供应品,还有复印机和打印机。
劳拉:Here's the break room. Microwave,fridge, sink, all the normal stuff. 这是休息室。微波炉,冰箱,水槽,所有正常的东西。
劳拉:You should label your food if you keep it in the fridge or cupboard. 如果你把食物放在冰箱或橱柜里,你应该标记你的食物。
劳拉:There's free coffee but you can bring your own, or there's a cafe across the street that has really good breakfast sandwiches. 有免费的咖啡,但你可以自己带,或者街对面有一个咖啡馆,他们的早餐三明治非常好。
杰森:Sounds perfect! 听起来很完美!
劳拉:The restroom is through those double doors, out there, and here's Mr Barrows's private room. 洗手间就在那边的双扇门后面,这是巴罗斯先生的私人房间。through:通过...,这里表示"通过门后面就是洗手间"
劳拉:He's not here right now, but he usually arrives at around 9.30 and then stays later in the evening. 他现在不在,但他通常在早上9点半左右到达,然后在晚上待得比较晚。
劳拉:He's very approachable if you ever need help. 如果你需要帮助,他非常容易接触。
杰森:That's good to hear. 听起来不错。
劳拉:And here's the conference room. 这是会议室。
劳拉:This is where we meet once a week as a team, and where we hold big client meetings. 这是我们每周作为一个团队开会的地方,也是我们举行大型客户会议的地方。
劳拉:And that concludes the tour. 这就结束了参观。
杰森:Thank you for everything, l think I'll love it here. 谢谢你的一切,我想我会喜欢这里的。
前台:Hi! What can l get for you today? 你好!今天有什么可以为你服务的吗?
我:l'd like an iced vanilla latte with whipped cream, please. 我想要一杯加了奶油的冰香草拿铁,请。
前台:Certainly. We do latte in small, medium or large. What size would you like? 当然。我们的拿铁有小杯、中杯和大杯。你想要什么尺寸的?
我:Medium, please. 中杯的,请。
前台:To drink here or to take out? 是在店里喝还是带走?
我:To drink here. 在店里喝。
前台:Here you go. Would you like anything else? 给你。还需要别的吗?
我:Yes, can l have two cupcakes, please? 是的,我可以要两个纸杯蛋糕吗?
前台:Sure, no problem. 当然,没问题。
前台:ls that everything? 这就是全部了吗?
我:Those sandwiches look nice. I'll have one of those. 那些三明治看起来很好吃。我要一个。
前台:What would you like in the sandwich? 你想在三明治里放什么?
我:Mayonnaise, lettuce, bacon and tomatoes. 蛋黄酱,生菜,培根和西红柿。
前台:How about butter? 黄油怎么样?
我:Yes, butter too. 是的,也加黄油。
前台:Is that all? 就这些了吗?
我:Yes, that's all. 是的,就这些了。
前台:That's $ 8 altogether then, please. 那么总共是8美元,请。
口腔医生:Hi Lorraine, come and take a seat and let's have a look in your mouth. 你好,洛林,过来坐下,让我们看看你的口腔。
我:Hi Melanie, thanks. 你好,梅兰妮,谢谢。
口腔医生:So, what seems to be the problem today? 那么,今天似乎有什么问题呢?
我:Well, I've been having on and off shooting pain in my gums at the back lately. 嗯,我最*一直在后牙龈上有一种断断续续的射击疼痛。 on and off:时有时无,断断续续的;shooting pain:射击痛感
我:l am also very sensitive to cold or hot drinks. 我对冷饮或热饮也非常敏感。
口腔医生:Okay, let me take a look.Lie back and relax and open your mouth. 好的,让我看看。躺下放松并张开你的嘴。
口腔医生:That's great. 做得很好。
口腔医生:Yes, it looks like the back tooth has a tiny crack. That's why it's feeling painful sometimes. 是的,看起来后面的牙齿有一个小裂缝。这就是为什么有时会感到疼痛。
口腔医生:When this happens, all manner of food and bacteria creep in, and it's not uncommon for infection or an abscess to develop. 当这种情况发生时,各种食物和细菌都会潜入,发生感染或脓肿并不少见。
我:l see.Can this crack be repaired? 我明白了。这个裂缝可以修复吗?
口腔医生:Luckily it hasn't gotten this far, and we can do something about it before it worsens. 幸运的是,它还没有恶化到这个地步,我们可以在它恶化之前做些什么。 far在这里表“进展进度”的意思,
我:That's good to hear. 听到这个消息真好。
口腔医生:Going forwards,you will need a crown to stop the tooth from breaking further. 从现在开始,你需要一个牙冠来阻止牙齿进一步破裂。
我:a crown? Why not a filling? 牙冠?为什么不是填充物?
口腔医生:A filling cannot fix the crack, a crown protects the tooth better. 填充物不能修复裂缝,牙冠能更好地保护牙齿。
我:Okay. 好的。
口腔医生:Please make an appointment with the administration team for as soon as possible. 请尽快和行政团队预约。
口腔医生:In the meantime, avoid eating with that tooth, particularly hard foods that could cause more damage and sugary snacks which will attract more bacteria. 同时,避免用那颗牙齿吃东西, 特别是可能造成更多损害的硬食物和会吸引更多细菌的含糖零食。
口腔医生:Then hopefully, I'll see you again soon. 然后希望我能尽快再见到你。
我:Fab, thank you so much. 太好了,非常感谢你。
思迪:Oh my goodness, I can't believe that just happened! 天哪,我简直不敢相信这刚刚发生了!
荣钊:Oh man, this is not good.What's the damage? 哦,伙计,这可不妙。损失怎么样?
思迪:It looks like your wing mirror has damaged the side panel of my car. 看起来你的车翼镜已经损坏了我的车的侧面板。
荣钊:Okay, nothing too major, but frustrating. 好吧,没什么太大的问题,但是令人沮丧。
荣钊:Ah, yes, my wing mirror has been ripped off, too, along with the electrics. 啊,是的,我的车翼镜也被撞掉了,连同电线一起。
思迪:Look, pal, l will put my hands up and say that wasn't my fault. 看着办吧,伙计,我会承认这不是我的错。 put my hands up:意思是“承认”。
思迪:l was stationary and in full view when the accident happened. 事故发生时,我是静止的,并且一直在视线内。 in full view:意思是“在视线内/在大庭广众下”。
思迪:There are plenty of witnesses to my story. 有很多人可以证明我的说法。
荣钊:No, you're absolutely right.l pulled out from the intersection wider than usual to avoid hitting a cat. 不,你说得完全对。我从交叉口开出来的时候,为了避开一只猫,比*时开得更宽。
思迪:How shall we go forwards? 我们接下来该怎么办?
荣钊:l think both our vehicles need some work. 我觉得我们两辆车都需要修理。
思迪:Do you want me to send you the quotel get from the garage, or would you prefer to go through our insurance company? 你想让我把我从修车厂得到的报价单发给你,还是你更愿意通过我们的保险公司处理?
荣钊:Yeah, I think insurance might be best here. 是的,我认为这里可能最好走保险。
荣钊:The work needed for us both will be too much for me to cover. 我们两辆车需要的维修工作对我来说太多了,我无法承担。
荣钊:I'lI just have to take the hit when my premium goes up. 我只能接受我的保费上涨了。 “take the hit”:意思是“接受损失”。
思迪:I'm so sorry, pal. 我真的很抱歉,伙计。
荣钊:No, don't be.These things happen.l'd rather this than have hit the poor cat. 不,别这样。这些事情都会发生。我宁愿这样也不愿撞到那只可怜的猫。
思迪:Okay, here are my insurance details, and if you pass me yours, we'll get this logged with our insurance company and go from there. 好的,这是我的保险信息,如果你能给我你的,我们就可以把这个记录在我们的保险公司,然后再看下一步怎么办。 “go from there”:意思是“然后再看下一步怎么办”。
荣钊:No worries at all.Can l take your number too, and we can work through this on good terms? 完全没问题。我能拿到你的电话号码吗,我们可以友好地解决这个问题?
思迪:Absolutely. 当然可以。
玛丽:Oh wow! Look at this place; l think we've stumbled upon a food festival. 哇哦!看看这个地方;我想我们偶然发现了一个美食节。 stumble upon:,意思是“偶然发现”。food festival:美食节
丽莎:l think you're right! 我觉得你说得对!
玛丽:The smells are incredible, and the stalls go on for miles. 那些香味简直太棒了,摊位一直延伸好几英里。 “go on for miles”:意思是“一直延伸好几英里”。
玛丽:How will we ever choose? 我们该如何选择呢? ever在这表强调,没什么意思
丽莎:l have no idea! Maybe we could get some tasters and see. 我也不知道!也许我们可以尝试一些食物看看。 get some tasters:意思是“尝试一些食物”。
丽莎:However, if my stomach was big enough, I'd try food from each and every one. 然而,如果我的胃足够大,我会尝试每一个摊位的食物。
玛丽:Ha! True.Let's start with what kind of food we fancy: Caribbean, European, Asian? 哈哈!没错。让我们从我们喜欢的食物类型开始:加勒比海、欧洲、亚洲?
丽莎:Oh wow! l think European and ltalian, to be more specific.l go mad for pasta and pizza! 哇哦!我觉得应该更具体一点,欧洲和意大利。我对意大利面和披萨疯狂痴迷! go mad for:为...疯狂
丽莎:This one looks amazing. 这个看起来很棒。
店员:Hi there! What can l get for you today? 你好!今天有什么可以为你服务的?
丽莎:Can l please have a 9" stone-cooked Margherita pizza and a Coke? 我能要一份9英寸的石烤玛格丽特披萨和一杯可乐吗?
店员:Of course, thin or thick crust? 当然,薄皮还是厚皮?
丽莎:Thin,please. 薄皮的,请。
店员:No problem at all, and for you, miss? 没问题,那你呢,小姐?
玛丽:Can l have a spaghetti carbonara, please? 我能要一份意大利培根奶油面吗?
店员:Of course. Would you like it with parmesan cheese and cracked black pepper? 当然。你想要加帕尔马干酪和黑胡椒吗?
玛丽:Just parmesan, please. 只要帕尔马干酪,请。
店员:No problem at all; that'll be $12, please. 没问题;那就是12美元,请。
玛丽:Great, I'll get this.You can buy the coffee later. 好的,我来付这个。你稍后可以买咖啡。
丽莎:Deal. 成交。
玛丽:Would you like a slice of pizza? 你想要一片披萨吗?
丽莎:Yeah, sure, thanks. 好的,谢谢。
丽莎:Wow! It's delicious! 哇!这真好吃!
玛丽:Yes,they have nailed the crust. It's thin, crunchy and kind of crackery too.That's very satisfying. 是的,他们把饼皮做得很好。它既薄又脆,还有点像饼干。这真的很满足。 nail:在这里表示“做得非常好”或“成功地完成了某事”;crackery:在美国通常指薄和脆的饼干
丽莎:Would you like to try some spaghetti too? 你想尝尝意大利面吗?
玛丽:I'd love to. 我很愿意。
玛丽:Mmm...it's so creamy and soft... 嗯…它如此奶油和柔软…
玛丽:This is very affordable, tasty and it's a lot of food! 这个价格非常实惠,味道美味,而且食物很多!
托尼:What can l do for you today? Same as usual, short back and sides?今天有什么可以为你服务的?像往常一样,两侧和后面剪短?
我:Kind of, but l was going to mix it up a bit today. 有点像,但我今天想换个样子。 “mix it up a bit”:意思是“换个样子”。
托尼:Okay, enlighten me. 好的,告诉我吧。
我:I'd like to take a little off the length on top, maybe so it's around 2 inches, then have it shaved up the sides and around the back. 我想在顶部稍微剪短一点,可能到大约2英寸, 然后两侧和后面剃光。 “take…off” 是一个短语搭配,通常用于描述从某物上移除或减少一部分。shave up:剃光
托尼:No worries. 没问题。
我:But then l wondered if you could shave in a pattern? 但我在想你能不能剃个图案?“shave in a pattern”:意思是“剃个图案”。
托尼:Oh, going fancy today, are we? 哦,今天想要个花样发型,是吗?
我:Ha, yeah. Most of the soccer team have it now, and I like it. 哈哈,是的。现在我们足球队的大部分人都这样,我很喜欢。
托尼:Absolutely. You need to be very clear about the pattern, though, so l get it right. 当然可以。不过你需要对图案非常清楚,这样我才能做对。
托尼:Do you have one in mind? 你有什么想法吗? in mind:在心里
我:Yes, I've got a photo on my phone. 是的,我手机上有一张照片。
我:Here it is. 就是这个。
托尼:Perfect. That's no problem. 完美。这没问题。
托尼:l have quite a few customers asking for patterns nowadays, so lucky for you; 现在有很多客户要求剃图案,所以你很幸运;
托尼:my skills are getting much better and more refined. 我的技术正在变得越来越好,越来越精细。
我:Oh, great.Although to be honest, if it goes wrong, I can just shave it out! 哦,太好了。虽然说实话,如果弄错了,我可以直接把它剃掉! shave it out”:意思是“把它剃掉”。
托尼:That's true. 那倒是。
托尼:Ok, l will start with taking the length off the top, and then we'll move on to the shaving and shaping. 好的,我会先从顶部剪短长度开始,然后我们再进行剃刀和塑形。 start with...:从...开始.move on to:转到,切换到
我:Sounds good! 听起来不错!
服务员:Good evening, and welcome to Rushmore's Bistro. 晚上好,欢迎来到Rushmore’s Bistro。
男士:Good evening!Thank you. 晚上好!谢谢。
服务员:Are you ready for me to take your order?Can l start with what you'd like to drink? 你们准备好点菜了吗?我可以先为你们点饮料吗?
男士:Yes, thank you. To start we'd like to order a bottle of your house Merlot. 是的,谢谢。我们先点一瓶你们的店酒美乐。
服务员:Of course.And are you planning to have starters tonight? 当然。你们今晚打算点前菜吗?
男士:Oh no, we'd like to go straight to the main course, please. 哦,不,我们想直接点主菜。
服务员:Of course; what can l get for you? 当然,我能为你们点什么?
女士:Well, we're ready to order, although l just had a question about the lamb shank on the specials board. 我们准备好点菜了,不过我对特色菜单上的羊腿有个问题。
女士:Could you tell me what it comes with? 你能告诉我它是配什么的吗?
服务员:Absolutely. 当然可以。
服务员:The slow-cooked lamb shank is served with minted peas, sauteed spring vegetables and hand-cut chips. 慢炖羊腿配有薄荷豌豆、炒春季蔬菜和手切薯条。 be served with:被提供,被供应
女士:Great, thank you. lt sounds delicious. I'll have that. 太好了,谢谢你。听起来很美味。我就要这个。
服务员:Fantastic, and for you, sir? 太棒了,那么先生,您呢?
男士:Could I have the T-Bone steak with chips, onion rings and a green salad? 我能点一份T骨牛排,配薯条、洋葱圈和绿色沙拉吗?
服务员:T-Bone steak,absolutely. How would you like that cooked? T骨牛排,没问题。您想要几分熟的呢?
男士:Rare, please, but not blue. 请做成三分熟,但不要全生。blue在这里表“全生”的意思
服务员:Of course, that's no problem at all. ls there anything else l can get for you? 当然,这完全没问题。还有其他我能帮你的吗?
男士:No, that's all; thank you very much. 没有了,非常感谢你。
服务员:No problem at all.I'll be over with your Merlot shortly, and the wait time for food is currently around 15 minutes. 完全没问题。我马上会给你们送来美乐,食物的等待时间大约是15分钟。“I’ll be over with…” :意思是 “我将带着…过来”。
我:Hi there, l was wondering if you could help me.你好,我想知道你能不能帮我。
店员:Of course, what do you need? 当然,你需要什么?
我:I'm travelling to Thailand next month, and l need to know the exchange rate and how much it will cost to buy some currency. 我下个月要去泰国旅行,我需要知道汇率是多少,以及购买一些货币会花费多少。
店员:Of course. Let me take a look for you. 当然。让我帮你查一下。
我:Thank you. 谢谢你。
店员:Ok, so the currency of Thailand is the Thai Baht, and at the moment, the exchange rate is 1 Thai Baht to 0.029 US Dollars. 好的,所以泰国的货币是泰铢,目前的汇率是1泰铢兑换0.029美元。
我:Ok, great, and how much does it cost for me to buy Thai Baht from here? 好的,那么从这里购买泰铢需要多少钱呢?
店员:We add a 1% fee to the overall amount you buy from us. 我们会在你从我们这里购买的总金额上加收1%的手续费。
我:Ok, and am l given the Thai Baht today,or do I have to come back to collect it? 好的,我今天就能拿到泰铢吗,还是我需要回来取?given在这里是表被动,表被"提供,交给"
店员:It depends on how much you'd like to purchase and whether we have enough in stock. 这取决于你想购买多少以及我们是否有足够的库存。
店员:lf we don't, you can either come back and collect it or request it is sent to you. 如果我们没有,你可以选择回来取货或者要求我们寄给你。
我:Ok, that's great. How long will it take to arrive if l order today? 好的,那太好了。如果我今天下单,需要多久才能到货?
店员:lt's not usually longer than a week. 通常不会超过一周。
我:Fab, thank you so much for your help. 太棒了,非常感谢你的帮助。
我:l need to work out how much l need, and then I'll probably be back to purchase some. 我需要计算一下我需要多少,然后我可能会回来购买一些。
店员:You're welcome. We're open every day other than Sundays. 不客气。我们除了周日每天都营业。
我:No problem at all.完全没问题。
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