Home Life


How long have l got? 我还有多长时间?
Do they know what kind of environment they’re in? 他们知道自己身处什么样的环境里吗


l don't know where to start.我真的不知道该从哪里开始。

home life

fretting about:烦恼
turn out:v:结果是,结果证明
aced it:得了满分
hard work:努力
pay off:有收益和回报的意思,具体根据实际场景,有些场景指代工资
result back:有“最终成绩”、“最终结果”的意思
entire process:全过程,整个过程
from beginning to end:从头到尾

pour:倒, 倾倒
clothes pegs:衣夹
right side: 正面
vacuum cleaner:吸尘器



it’s up to you:"由你决定"或者"看你的"


makeover:n:翻新; (外观的)改进


trash:n:垃圾 v:丢弃



group:n:组,集团 ;v:把...分组



light the BBQ:点燃烧烤



Could I have a word?:我能和你说句话吗?

dog poop:狗屎









妈妈:Hey, kids!I'm so glad you're back home! 嘿,孩子们!我很高兴你们回家了!

妈妈:How was your day at school? 你们在学校的一天过得怎么样?

女儿:lt was good. l had the result back from my history assignment. 还不错。我拿到了我的历史作业的成绩。

女儿:You know,the one l was fretting about. 你知道的,那个我一直在烦恼的。

妈妈:Oh yes,l know, the one about the voyages of Columbus? 哦,是的,我知道,是关于哥伦布的航海之旅的那个吗?

女儿:Yup, that's the one. Well, it turns out l know more about it than I thought. 对,就是那个。结果证明我对它的了解比我想象的要多。

女儿:l aced it! 我得了满分!

妈妈:That's fantastic, sweetheart; well done you! See, hard work and perseverance really do pay off. 太棒了,亲爱的;你做得很好!看,努力和坚持真的会有回报。

儿子:lt sounds like your day was better than mine, then! 听起来你的一天比我的要好!

妈妈:Why, what's up? Did something happen? 怎么了,发生什么事了吗?

儿子:lt wasn't too bad,really. 其实也没那么糟。

儿子:It's just the day l have double science with Mr Todd, and I find him hard to work with sometimes. 只是今天我有两节托德先生的科学课,我有时候觉得和他一起工作很难。 hard to work with

儿子:Science isn't my best subject, and l feel like l am bottom of the class. 科学不是我最擅长的科目,我觉得我好像是班里最差的。

儿子:Art was great, though! 但是美术课很棒!

儿子:We were adding the final adjustments to our plans before we begin sculpting next week. 我们在对我们的计划做最后的调整,下周我们就开始雕塑了。

儿子:I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in and seeing my drawings come to life. 我真的很期待投入进去,看到我的画变成现实。 get stuck in:投入进去,come to life:变成现实

妈妈:Oh, that's hard with science. 哦,科学课真的很难。

妈妈:We all have subjects we're not suited to, but it sounds like art is your thing. 我们都有不适合的科目,但听起来艺术是你的专长。 “not suited to”:不适合, thing在这里表“专长,擅长”

妈妈:lt's great you can work on long-term projects and complete the entire process from beginning to end. 你能从头到尾完成长期的项目,这很棒。

儿子:Definitely! I think my future is full of art. 绝对的!我觉得我的未来充满了艺术。

妈妈:That's great! 那太好了!

儿子:lt is too.l was allowed to go into the art department, and it really is something to shout about. 是的。我被允许进入艺术部门,这真的值得大声宣告。 something to shout about:值得大声宣告

妈妈:I'm so proud of both of you.School can be tough sometimes, but you two are great at picking yourselves back up and carrying on. 我为你们两个感到骄傲。学校有时候会很艰难,但你们两个都很擅长振作起来并继续前进。pick oneselves back up:振作起来,carry on:继续前进,勇往直前,be great at...:擅长...


妈妈:Hey, sweetheart, can you come and do the laundry with me? 嘿,亲爱的,你能来和我一起洗衣服吗? “do the laundry”:洗衣服

女儿:Of course. Why? 当然可以。(但)为什么呢?

妈妈:Well, now you're getting older, it's time you learned, so you can do your own from now on and help me out. 嗯,现在你长大了,是时候你学习了,这样你以后可以自己洗衣服,也可以帮我。

女儿:Okay. 好的。

妈妈:The first thing you need to do, is sort the dirty laundry. 你需要做的第一件事就是分类脏衣服。

妈妈:lt's so important to keep white laundry separate from colours because the dye can leak and turn them into different colours. 把白色的衣服和有颜色的衣服分开是非常重要的,因为染料可能会渗出来,把它们变成不同的颜色。 keep A separate from B:把A和B分开

女儿:Oh! That would be a nightmare! l didn't know that. 哦!那会是一场噩梦!我不知道这个。

妈妈:Definitely! Okay, let's get started. 绝对的!好的,我们开始吧。

妈妈:Great! Now that we've sorted it,let's load the washer. 太好了!现在我们已经分类好了,让我们装载洗衣机。 load the washer:装载洗衣机(通常指把衣服放到洗衣机里)

女儿:The washer is loaded,mom. 洗衣机已经装好了,妈妈。

妈妈:Great! Now, shut the door and add the detergent. 太好了!现在,关上门,加入洗衣液。

女儿:How much detergent should we use? 我们应该用多少洗衣液呢?

妈妈:lf it's full, like this load, fill the lid and pour it all around. Here, you do it. 如果是满的,像这次装的这么满,就把盖子装满,然后倒在各处。你来做吧。 pour it all around:表示把 盖子的洗衣液 均匀的倒进的洗衣机里的各个部门(周围)

妈妈:Then, to get it started, press the on button,and for a normal load, use this setting. 然后,要启动它,按开机按钮,对于普通的装载量,使用这个设置。 get it started:启动它

妈妈:Now we're going to wait for the cycle to finish. 现在我们要等待洗涣周期结束。

女儿:Great! How long does it take? 太好了!需要多长时间?

妈妈:Around an hour.Then, we'll come back and hang the clothes on the line. 大约一个小时。然后,我们会回来把衣服挂在晾衣绳上。

女儿:cool. 很酷。

妈妈:Look! lt's finished! Let's take the clothes out and put them into the basket. 看!洗完了!让我们把衣服拿出来,放进篮子里。

女儿:All the clothes are clean now!And they smell good too! Mmmm, what a nice smell! 所有的衣服现在都干净了!而且还闻起来很好!嗯,真是一种好闻的味道!

妈妈:lt's time to hang them on the clothes line,then fasten them on with the clothes pegs. 现在是把它们挂在晾衣线上,然后用衣夹固定住的时候了。 “hang the clothes on the line”:把衣服挂在晾衣绳上

女儿:Mom, all the clothes are dry now.Shall we take them off the line? 妈妈,所有的衣服现在都干了。我们要把它们从晾衣线上取下来吗?

妈妈:Yes,let's gather them into the basket. 是的,让我们把它们收集到篮子里。 gather A into B:把A收集到B里

女儿:OK 好的。

妈妈:Turn them right side out and fold them to be ready for ironing. 把它们翻到正面,然后折叠好,准备熨烫。 Turn them right side out:把衣服的正面翻到外面(朝外翻)

女儿:Oh wow, ironing! That's a new skill entirely! 哇哦,熨烫!这是一个全新的技能!

妈妈:Now, the ironing is finished so you can help me put the clothes away in the wardrobe. 现在,熨烫已经完成了,所以你可以帮我把衣服收进衣柜。 put the clothes away”:把衣服收起来

妈妈:Let's match the socks so we don't lose any! 让我们把袜子配对,这样我们就不会丢失任何一只!

妈妈:And if we do happen to find one without a partner, we have an odd sock bag! 如果我们碰巧找到一只没有配对的袜子,我们有一个单只袜子的袋子!

女儿:Really? I never knew that! 真的吗?我从来不知道这个!

女儿:Doing the laundry is fun.l love sorting socks.Thanks for showing me, mom! 做洗衣工作很有趣。我喜欢整理袜子。谢谢你告诉我,妈妈!


妈妈:Wakey, wakey, sleepy head! 快醒醒,睡过头了! “Wakey, wakey”:快醒醒

妈妈:l know it's the weekend, but it's almost lunchtime, and your room is in a state. 我知道现在是周末,但是快到午餐时间了,你的房间乱得一团糟。 “in a state”:乱得一团糟

妈妈:We haven't got too long before we're off to Auntie Nicky's this afternoon for a BBQ. 我们今天下午要去尼基阿姨家烧烤,时间不多了。

妈妈:l need you to get up and start sorting it. 我需要你起床开始整理。

我:Ok, Mom. How long have l got? 好的,妈妈。我还有多长时间?

妈妈:About 2 hours, but if you get started right away, that'll be plenty of time. 大约2个小时,但是如果你现在就开始,那时间绰绰有余。

我:Sure. Honestly, Mom, l don't know where to start. 好的,妈妈,我真的不知道该从哪里开始。

妈妈:I'm not surprised! There's stuff in every corner,and l haven't seen carpet for at least a week! 我并不感到惊讶!每个角落都堆满了东西,我已经有一周没看到地毯了!at least a week:至少一周

妈妈:The best plan would be to start by putting away the clothes. 最好的计划是先收拾衣服。

妈妈:Sort the dirty from the clean and put them wherever they need to go. 将脏的和干净的分开,然后放到它们应该去的地方。

我:Okey. 好的

妈妈:Then you need to pick up all the litter and packets lying around and bring them down to the bin along with the used plates, bowls and mugs. 然后你需要捡起所有散落的垃圾和包装袋,连同用过的盘子、碗和杯子一起带下楼扔掉。 lying around: 这里有"到处的"意思。along with:随着、连同,

妈妈:Once you've done that and have put everything back where it should be, empty the bins and dust the shelves. 做完这些并把所有东西放回原位后,清空垃圾桶,擦拭书架。put A back:把A放回去

我:Okay, where is the duster? 好吧,抹布在哪里?

妈妈:Down in the utility room with all the other cleaning products. 在杂物间,和其他的清洁用品放在一起。cleaning products:清洁用品 ,“Down in the …”:表示在某个位置的下方或内部。

我:Cool. 太好了。

妈妈:Then, lastly, bring the vacuum cleaner up, and get the last of the crumbs and dust off the floor. 最后,把吸尘器拿上来,把地板上剩下的碎屑和灰尘吸掉。 “get … off”:清理…

我:l hate tidying up, mom, it's so boring. It's so tiring. 我讨厌收拾房间,妈妈,太无聊了。太累了。 tidying up:收拾,整理.

妈妈:l know, but if you let your room get in this state, you've got to be responsible for sorting it back out again. 我知道,但是如果你让你的房间变成这个样子,你就得负责把它重新整理好。 “if you let …, you’ve got to …”:如果你让…,你就必须…,“sorting it back out again”:再次整理它

我:l guess you're right. 我想你说得对。

妈妈:Anyway, you love it when everything is nice and clean afterwards. 不管怎样,你喜欢事后一切都干净整洁的感觉。“you love it when …”:你喜欢在…时候,afterwards:事后,之后

我:That's right. l don't like living in a room cluttered with objects. 没错。我不喜欢住在一个东西乱糟糟的房间里。 cluttered with objects:东西乱糟糟的

妈妈:Go to the bathroom first and then you can start tidying and cleaning. 先去洗手间,然后你就可以开始收拾和打扫了。

妈妈:I'll be downstairs if you need me. 如果你需要我,我会在楼下。


爸爸:Kids, your Mom and l have been talking, and it's time to sort this house out. 孩子们,你们的妈妈和我谈过了,我们需要整理一下这个房子。

爸爸:We have stuff piled so high it's getting hard to move around, and the thing is, I bet most of it is stuff we don't even want or need any more. 我们的东西堆得太高了,以至于我们很难在房子里移动,而且我敢打赌,大部分东西我们甚至都不再需要或者想要。pile so high:这是一个形容词短语,用来形容东西堆得很高。

妈妈:Yes, we were looking through the playroom, and most of it is too young for you, or you just don't play with it. 是的,我们看了一下游戏室,大部分东西对你们来说都太幼稚了,或者你们根本就不玩。 look through:浏览,翻阅

我:Definitely. We hardly go in there anymore because the space feels babyish. 确实如此。我们几乎不再去那里了,因为那个空间感觉像是给婴儿的。

姐姐:Maybe, if we clear it, we could update it and transform it into somewhere we both want to be. 也许,如果我们清理一下,我们可以更新它,并把它变成我们都想去的地方。

爸爸:That's a great idea! 那真是个好主意!

妈妈:We'd be happy to redecorate it for you and turn it back into a usable space. 我们很乐意为你们重新装修它,把它变回一个可用的空间。

我:Amazing! 太棒了!

爸爸:Okay, but it's up to you guys to do the clearing and sorting. 好的,但是清理和整理的工作就交给你们了。

爸爸:Then, the plan is to do a garage sale. We can use the dollars we make to fund the makeover. 然后,我们计划做一个车库销售。我们可以用我们赚到的钱来资助这次改造。

妈妈:Exactly! So, we need you to go in and start sorting evervthing into three piles; 没错!所以,我们需要你们进去,开始把所有的东西分成三堆;

妈妈:one for the things you'd like to keep, one for items to sell, and the other that won't sell or recycle can go in the trash. 一堆是你们想留下的东西,一堆是要卖的物品, 另一堆是那些卖不出去或者不能回收的,可以扔进垃圾桶。 keep:保持,留下

我:No worries. 没问题。

爸爸:lt's likely to take you the best part of the day, but we want to hold the garage sale this weekend before the good weather changes, so you must work quickly. 这可能会占用你们一整天的时间,但是我们希望在天气变差之前的这个周末举行车库销售,所以你们必须快点工作。 take you the best part of the day:占用你一整天的时间

我:Okay, we'll start as soon as we finish our lunch. 好的,我们吃完午饭就开始。

我:Dad,these are the items we chose for sale. 爸爸,这些是我们选择出来要卖的东西。

爸爸:Well done kids, you've done a terrific job! 做得好,孩子们,你们做得非常棒! do a terrific job:意思是"做得非常好"。

爸爸:We still need to price the items we want to sell. 我们还需要给我们想卖的东西标价。

爸爸:We should get up early in the morning and do a little setting up. 我们应该早点起床,做一些准备工作。 do a little setting up: 做一些准备

爸爸:We must group items on separate tables. 我们必须把物品分组放在不同的桌子上。

爸爸:We should put kitchen items on one table and toys on another table. 我们应该把厨房用品放在一张桌子上,玩具放在另一张桌子上。


爸爸:Everything looks good.Let the garage sale begin! 一切看起来都很好。让车库销售开始吧!

爸爸:Hopefully, lots of people will stop by, and we can make some extra cash and have a clear garage at the end of the day. 希望会有很多人来,我们可以赚一些额外的现金,而且在一天结束时,我们可以有一个清爽的车库。

我:Definitely! 当然!

姐姐:Don't worry, we'll do our best. 别担心,我们会尽力的。

爸爸:l know you will.You sorted your playroom out, and we did some sorting from around the house too. 我知道你们会的。你们整理了你们的游戏室,我们也从房子里整理了一些东西。

我:Oo, look, here comes Mrs Maize and her granddaughter from down the road. 哦,看,路上来了玉米太太和她的孙女。 down the road:“沿着这条路”,含有"向下"或"向南"之意

我:There must be something they would like.There's something for everyone here. 他们一定会喜欢这里的东西。这里有适合每个人的东西。 “There’s something for everyone here”:这是一个常用的口语表达方式,意思是"这里有适合每个人的东西"。

我:Hi,Mrs Maize; welcome to our garage sale. 玛丽斯太太,你好;欢迎来到我们的车库销售。

Maize女士:Thank you.This is my granddaughter Holly, and we thought we'd pop over and see if she'd like anything. 谢谢。这是我的孙女霍莉,我们想过来看看她是否喜欢这里的任何东西。“pop over”:这是一个动词短语,表示快速地去某个地方并很快返回。

Maize女士:However, l can see there are lots of things for adults to look at too. 然而,我看到这里也有很多成人可以看的东西。

我:Definitely, there's something for everyone. 当然,这里有适合每个人的东西。

我:Holly, here are some toys you might be interested in. 霍莉,这里有一些你可能感兴趣的玩具。

我:There are lots of books and games, and things you might like in your bedroom. 这里有很多书和游戏,还有一些你可能会喜欢放在你卧室的东西。

Holly:Thank you. l love anything to do with nature. 谢谢。我喜欢任何与自然有关的东西。

我:Oh, well, how about this bug hunt set? 哦,那么,这个昆虫狩猎套装怎么样?

我:You can search around your grandma's garden and record your findings in this notebook. 你可以在你奶奶的花园里寻找,然后在这个笔记本里记录你的发现。

Holly:Wow! l love it.Grandma, can l have it? 哇!我喜欢它。奶奶,我可以拿走吗?

Maize女士:How much would you like for it? 你想要多少钱?

我:Just $1.lt's good to see it going to a new home. 只要1美元。看到它有了新主人,我很高兴。

Maize女士:Wonderful! Here you go! 太好了!给你!

我:Thank you! Enjoy your new bug-hunting set, Holly. 谢谢!霍莉,享受你的新昆虫狩猎套装吧。


妈妈:Hello,Mrs. Maize! How can we help you? 玛丽斯太太,你好!我们能帮你什么?

Maize女士:That's such a beautiful vase.That would look beautiful on my shelves. 那是一个如此美丽的花瓶。它放在我的架子上会很漂亮。

Maize女士:How much would you like for it? 你希望卖多少钱?

妈妈:lt's yours for just $2. 只要2美元,它就是你的了。

Maize女士:Bargain! Thank you so much; l hope you do well today. 真便宜!非常感谢;我希望你们今天能做得很好。


我:What time is everyone arriving, Mom? 妈妈,大家什么时候到?

妈妈:I've said that they can arrive anytime time from 3 pm, so we've got an hour to finish preparing the food and setting everything up. 我已经说过他们可以在下午3点以后的任何时间到, 所以我们还有一个小时来准备食物和设置一切。 “arrive anytime”:意思是"随时到达"。

我:No worries. What can l do next to help? 没问题。我接下来可以做什么来帮忙?

妈妈:Let me see.I've made the blueberry pie. 让我想想。我已经做了蓝莓派。

妈妈:That's in the fridge, and I'm just about to make the vegetable salad. 那个在冰箱里,我正准备做蔬菜沙拉。

妈妈:Your dad is in charge of the BBQ and preparing the meat. 你爸爸负责烧烤和准备肉。in charge of:负责....

妈妈:Sweetheart, could you lay the table in the backyard? 亲爱的,你能在后院摆桌子吗? “lay the table”:意思是"摆桌子"。

我:Of course; how many guests are coming in total? 当然,总共有多少位客人要来?

妈妈:There's the four of us, the Brandings from down the road and Mr and Mrs Gomez.That's 10 in total. 我们四个人,还有住在路上的布兰丁一家和戈麦斯夫妇。总共是10个人。

我:No worries. I'll do that now. 没问题。我现在就去做。


我:What can l do. Mom? 我能做什么,妈妈?

妈妈:Can you start making the lemonade? 你能开始做柠檬水吗?

妈妈:You made it for the school festival, so l know you're a genius at making it just right. 你在学校节日上做过,所以我知道你做柠檬水的手艺非常好。

我:No worries. l love making lemonade. 没问题。我喜欢做柠檬水。

我:I'm also going to make orange juice.I love its bright color and refreshing taste! 我也打算做橙汁。我喜欢它鲜艳的颜色和清新的味道!

妈妈:That's a great plan! 那是个好主意!

妈妈:Ok, what else needs doing? Brad. have you prepared the hot dogs and hamburgers? 好的,还需要做什么?布拉德,你准备好热狗和汉堡了吗?

爸爸:Yep! They're all ready to go.I need to light the BBQ in the next ten minutes so it's hot enough to start cooking. 是的!都准备好了。我需要在接下来的十分钟内点燃烧烤,这样就足够热来开始烹饪了。

妈妈:Great! And have you remembered the corn on the cob? 太好了!你记得玉米棒吗?corn:玉米;corn on the cob:玉米棒

爸爸:Oh no! I haven't. Thank you for reminding me! Where is it stored? 哦,不!我忘了。谢谢你提醒我!它存放在哪里?

妈妈:The back fridge.I'm just heading that way to get the vegetables for the salad; 在后面的冰箱里。我正要去那边拿沙拉的蔬菜;

妈妈:I'll bring them out at the same time. 我会一起把它们拿出来。

爸爸:Thanks, love.This is going to be a great BBQ! 谢谢,亲爱的。这将是一个很棒的烧烤!


爸爸:Love, come on to the lawn. 亲爱的,到草坪上来。

妈妈:Oh no. is there poop again? 哦,不是吧。又有粪便吗?

爸爸:Yes. I already scooped two last night,and there is another one this morning. 是的。我昨晚已经清理了两次,今天早上又有一次。

妈妈:You're joking with me? 你在开玩笑吗?

爸爸:l wish l was! 我希望我是在开玩笑!

妈妈:l think it's time we get to the bottom of this. 我想我们需要查清楚这件事。“get to the bottom of this”:这是一个常用的口语表达方式,意思是"查清楚这件事"。

妈妈:The kids keep stepping in it, and it's not our job to tidy up after somebody else's dog. 孩子们一直在踩到它,而清理别人的狗的粪便不是我们的工作。这里的after表示责任或义务的"负责…,应该…"。例如:“The children have to learn to tidy up after themselves (= after they have made things untidy).”(孩子们必须意识到,自己弄乱了东西,就得自己收拾整齐。)

妈妈:lt's irresponsible of the dog owner and just a bit unfair. 狗主人这样做很不负责任,也有点不公平。

妈妈:Did you set the video up to try and capture the act? 你设置了视频试图捕捉行为吗?

爸爸:Yes, let's have a look. Here it is. 是的,让我们看看。就在这里。

妈妈:Let's start with last night. 我们从昨晚开始看。

爸爸:Ah ha! l think we have our perpetrator. 啊哈!我想我们找到了肇事者。

妈妈:ls that Fluffy from over the road? 那是来自街对面的Fluffy吗?

爸爸:l believe it is.l think l need a chat with Mr Coldhill. 我相信是的。我想我需要和Coldhill先生聊聊。


爸爸:Hi there,Mr Coldhill. Could I have a word? Coldhill 先生,你好。我能和你说句话吗?

Coldhill先生:Sure.what's up? 当然,有什么事?

爸爸:Recently, we've been finding lots of dog poop on our lawn. 最近,我们在草坪上发现了很多狗粪。

爸爸:We set up a video last night,and it turns out it's Fluffy. 我们昨晚设置了一个视频,结果发现是Fluffy。

Coldhill先生:Ohhhh!l am SO sorry! 哦!我真的很抱歉!

Coldhill先生:He keeps escaping through the fence and... must head over to your lawn before returning. 他一直从围栏中逃出来,然后…一定是先去了你们的草坪,然后再回来。

Coldhill先生:My first job today is fixing the fence, so he cannot get out. 我今天的第一项工作就是修理围栏,这样他就不能出去了。

爸爸:Ahh, a little Houdini, is he? 啊,他是个小胡迪尼,是吗?

Coldhill先生:Yes, he's lovely, but a little difficult. He's only a pup, so hopefully, he'll calm down soon. 是的,他很可爱,但有点难以应对。他还只是一只小狗,所以希望他会很快变得平静下来。

Coldhill先生:I'll make sure he doesn't escape again, though. 不过,我会确保他不再逃跑。

Coldhill先生:l really am very sorry. 我真的很抱歉。

Coldhill先生:lf you find any more, please knock,and I'll come over and scoop it. 如果你们再发现有什么,请敲门,我会过来清理的。 scoop:捡起,拿起

爸爸:Thank you so much. 非常感谢你。


我:Lily, let's make plans for this summer vacation.Where would you like to go? 莉莉,让我们为这个暑假制定计划。你想去哪里?

Lily:Unfortunately, I think mom and dad have already made reservations for Pine Acres. 不幸的是,我想妈妈和爸爸已经为Pine Acres预订了房间。

我:Are you serious? But we've already been there twice and l'd like to try somewhere new. 你是认真的吗?但是我们已经去过那里两次了,我想尝试一些新的地方。

我:I'd like something more adventurous. 我想要一些更具冒险性的东西。

Lily:Yeah, I'd like that too. 是的,我也想要那样。

我:They surely can cancel the reservation. We'd better go camping. 他们肯定可以取消预订。我们最好去露营。

Lily:lt's too risky. It's been raining so much lately.so going camping is not a good idea either. 这太冒险了。最近一直在下雨,所以去露营也不是一个好主意。

我:So what do you suggest? 那么你有什么建议?

Lily:We could take a houseboat cruise.Traveling in a houseboat can be a unique experience. 我们可以去乘坐船屋游轮。在船屋中旅行可以是一种独特的体验。

我:What a wonderful idea! Mom and dad will love it. 多么好的主意!妈妈和爸爸会喜欢的。

爸爸:A houseboat cruise? Er...yeah, it sounds very interesting, but maybe next summer. 船屋游轮?额…是的,听起来很有趣,但可能要等到明年夏天。

爸爸:This summer we're going to PineAcres. It's already booked.Sorry. 今年夏天我们要去PineAcres。已经预订好了。对不起。

我:But you can cancel it, right? 但你可以取消预订,对吧?

爸爸:No. it's too late to cancel. 不,现在取消已经太晚了。

妈妈:Hey,Brad, why don't we ask our parents? They loved their vacation to Pine Acres a few years ago. 嘿,布拉德,我们为什么不问问我们的父母?他们几年前去Pine Acres度假很开心。

妈妈:l'm sure they'll be delighted to be able to go there again. Maybe they can go together. 我相信他们会很高兴能再次去那里。也许他们可以一起去。

爸爸:Yeah. we could try to talk them into it. 是的,我们可以试着说服他们。“try to talk someone into it”:"试图说服某人"。

爸爸:Anyway, don't get your hopes up about this.They might have other plans for this summer. 无论如何,对此别抱太大希望。 他们可能对这个夏天有其他的计划。 “don’t get your hopes up”:意思是"别抱太大希望"。

妈妈:Yes, sure, but it's worth trying. 是的,当然,但是试一试总是值得的。

妈妈:Lily? Rob? Please come downstairs! l've got news for you. 莉莉?罗布?请下楼来!我有消息要告诉你们。

妈妈:Listen. I've spoken to your grandparents. 听着。我已经和你们的祖父母谈过了。

妈妈:They agreed to go on vacation together to Pine Acres! 他们同意一起去Pine Acres度假!

我:Seriously? That's awesome! 真的吗?那太棒了!

妈妈:And l have another surprise for you.Your dad and l have booked a houseboat for the 15th of July. 而且我还有另一个惊喜要告诉你们。你爸爸和我已经预订了7月15日的船屋。

我:Wow! We're going to have the best vacation ever! 哇!我们将会度过最棒的假期!

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