English conversation in real life


What do you feel? 你感觉如何
Do you think you can make it sit down? Yes, I should make it to the bench.你认为你能走到那里坐下来吗? 是的,我应该能走到长椅那里。

What do you fancy? 你想做什么?

What are you thinking? 你有什么想法?

I've got an idea; how about we go to an escape room or adult mini-golf?:我有个主意;我们去逃脱房或者成人迷你高尔夫怎么样?


l feel sick and dizzy like l might fall over at any moment:我感到恶心,头晕,好像随时都会晕倒,而且头痛得厉害

You should drink plenty of water, especially in hot weather:你应该多喝水,特别是在炎热的天气里。

The weather here hasn't been too bad, so we could get out for lots of lovely walks.这里的天气还不错,所以我们可以出去散很多次步。get out for:出去。

Don’t get me wrong:别误会

we're bound to bump into other friends:我们肯定会碰到其他的朋友。

That's definitely an option:那也是个不错的选择

that's very similar to watching TV:那和看电影很相似

l want to go out and laugh and have fun:我想出去玩玩,笑笑,开心开心。

We should definitely book ourselves in:我们应该要预订好

English conversation in real life


book into:预定

grab some food:吃点东西

watch the music:看音乐演出

I’ve always thought that: 我一直觉得…

bump into:偶尔遇见,意外碰到


live music: 现场音乐


it could be great fun:可能会很有趣

at all:(用于否定句、疑问句)全然,根本
make it to somewhere:走到某个地方

lean on someone for support:依靠某人的支持;eg:Lean on me for support,倚靠在我身上

feel like this:感觉像这样。eg:Have you felt like this for long? 你感觉这样有多久了?

on and off:时好时坏。eg:on and off for the last few days. 最近几天时好时坏

do nothing:什么都做不了





complex:adj:复杂的,n: 住宅小区、商业中心或学校等。如 going into the complex指“进入小区”。


going forward:从现在开始,今后,向前看




own up:坦白










All l want to do ...:我只想做…





A:How are you feeling now? 你现在感觉怎么样?

B:Now I'm having trouble breathing. My chest hurts too. 现在我呼吸困难。我的胸口也很痛。固定搭配:have trouble breathing:呼吸困难,chest hurts

A:l think the best thing is for me to call an ambulance, and they can check you over properly. 我认为最好的办法是叫救护车,他们可以对你进行全面的检查。固定搭配:call an ambulance:叫救护车,check someone over:对某人进行全面检查

A:ls there anybody l can call? A family member who can be with you when the ambulance arrives. 有没有人可以联系?有没有家人可以在救护车到达时陪伴你?

B:l'd very much appreciate you calling my daughter for me. She only lives a few minutes from here. 我非常希望你能帮我打电话给我的女儿。她离这里只有几分钟的路程。

B:Here's my phone;she's saved under Lily-Anne. 这是我的手机;她的名字是Lily-Anne。

A:No problem, I'll call the ambulance and your daughter right away. 没问题,我会立即打电话给救护车和你的女儿。


A:911, what's your emergency?911,你有什么紧急情况吗?

B:Hello, there's a man in Burnham Park who is not feeling well.He is dizzy and has a headache.你好,Burnham公园有个男人感觉不舒服。他头晕,头痛。not feeling well:感觉不舒服

A:Can you tell me your location?你能告诉我你的位置吗?

B:Yes, we're on a bench near the playground, next to the fountain.是的,我们在游乐场旁边的长椅上,靠近喷泉。

B:Please hurry, he looks really sick.请快点,他看起来真的很不舒服。

A:Okay, I'm sending an ambulance to your location. Can you tell me more about his condition? 好的,我会派一辆救护车到你的位置。你能告诉我更多关于他的情况吗?

B:He's sweating and has trouble breathing. He says his chest hurts too.他在出汗,呼吸困难。他说他的胸口也很痛。

A:Alright, try to keep him calm and comfortable. The ambulance should arrive soon.好的,尽量让他保持镇静和舒适。救护车应该很快就会到了。

B:Okay, thank you. I'll do that.好的,谢谢。我会这样做的。

A:Thank you for calling 911.Remember, if you or someone else is in danger or needs medical attention, don't hesitate to call us.感谢您拨打911。请记住,如果您或其他人处于危险之中或需要医疗救助,请不要犹豫拨打我们。medical attention:医疗救助


Mom:Sophia, can we talk about your major choice? Sophia,我们能谈谈你的专业选择吗?

Mom:l know the application deadline is looming, so l wanted to check if you knew which direction you wanted to go in. 我知道申请截止日期即将到来,所以我想确认一下你是否知道自己想要走哪个方向。 application deadline:申请截止日期

Sophia:l think so, mom. l've thought long and hard,but I'm not sure you'll agree with my choice.我想是的,妈妈。我已经认真考虑过了,但我不确定你会同意我的选择。think long and hard:认真考虑

Mom:Okay, what did you decide? 好的,你决定(选择)了什么?

Sophia:l want to major in history.我想主修历史。major in something:主修某个专业

Mom:Oh, Sophia, I know you love history, but where is the future in it? How will you turn it into a career? 哦,Sophia,我知道你喜欢历史,但它的未来在哪里?你怎么把它变成职业呢? turn something into a career:把某事变成职业

Sophia:l knew this was what you'd say.That's why l didn't want to tell you.我就知道你会这么说。这就是为什么我不想告诉你的原因。

Mom:Why not do something like health, and become a doctor or psychologist? There's a lot you could do with psychology. 你为什么不考虑学习健康相关的专业,比如成为医生或心理学家呢?心理学有很多可以做的事情。

Sophia:The reason,mom, is because l'm not interested in those subjects.妈妈,原因是我对这些学科不感兴趣。

Sophia:l love history. l want to be a historian.我喜欢历史。我想成为一名历史学家。

Mom:Oh, Sophia, I worry for you. 哦,Sophia,我为你担心。

Sophia:Mom, I have two choices, choose a major l don't like, purely to earn money, but be miserable in my future career. 妈妈,我有两个选择,要么选择一个我不喜欢的专业,纯粹为了赚钱,但在未来的职业生涯中会很痛苦。

Sophia:Alternatively, l can follow my passion and love what l do. 或者,我可以追随自己的激情,热爱自己所做的事情。

Sophia:l could work in a museum or as a teacher, but most importantly, I'll be happy.我可以在博物馆或作为教师工作,但最重要的是,我会感到快乐。

Mom:l see. Well, if that's how you feel, I see there's not much l can do to change your mind. 我明白了. 好吧,如果你真的这么想,我看我没有什么办法能改变你的想法。

Mom:At the end of the day, I want you to be successful, but l also want you to be happy, and if history does that for you, you have my blessing.归根结底,我希望你成功, 但我也希望你快乐,如果历史能让你快乐,那么你有我的祝福。 have someone’s blessing:得到某人的祝福

Sophia:Thanks, mom.That means a lot.谢谢,妈妈。这意味着很多。


爸爸:Hey, Oliver. ls everything ok? 嗨,奥利弗。一切都好吗?

儿子:Um, kind of, but not really.嗯,有点,但不完全是。

爸爸:What do you mean? What's up? 你什么意思?怎么了?

儿子:l've done something terrible, Dad, and I'm so sorry.我做了一件可怕的事,爸爸,我很抱歉。

爸爸:Please don't tell me you took my car. You didn't take my car.请别告诉我你开走了我的车。你没有开走我的车吧。

儿子:Dad, l just needed to get some groceries.l took your car. 爸爸,我只是需要去买些杂货。我开走了你的车。

爸爸:Oliver, we've spoken about this. When you asked, l specifically said no.奥利弗,我们已经谈过这个问题了。当你问我时,我明确地说不。

爸爸:You are not on that car's insurance, so you should not be behind the wheel. 你没有在那辆车的保险上,所以你不应该坐在驾驶座上。 behind the wheel(坐在驾驶座上)

爸爸:We'd be in a bad place if you'd had an accident or damaged the vehicle.如果你出了事故或者损坏了车辆,我们会陷入困境的。 in a bad place(陷入困境)

儿子:l'm sorry, Dad.l know l messed up.对不起,爸爸。我知道我搞砸了。

爸爸:Don't tell me you crashed it.别告诉我你撞车了。

儿子:l didn't crash it, but l got too close to the railings going into the complex and may have caused damage along the driver's side door.我没有撞车,但是我在进入小区时离栏杆太近了, 可能在驾驶员侧门造成了一些损坏。 got too close to(离…太近)

爸爸:l cannot express how disappointed l am right now, and not to say angry.我现在无法表达我有多失望,更不用说生气了。

爸爸:How could you disobey me like this? 你怎么能这样违背我呢?

爸爸:lf this is how you will behave,we have a problem, and l hate to say I'll have trouble trusting you going forward. 如果你会这样行事,我们就有问题了,我不得不说我以后会很难再信任你。have trouble trusting(很难再信任)

儿子:l just wanted to help.I wanted to get the groceries and cook dinner so you guys didn't have to.我只是想帮忙。我想去买杂货,做晚餐,这样你们就不用忙了。

儿子:You're both so busy. 你们都很忙。

爸爸:Yes, Oliver, we are, but how could you see beyond the fact you were an uninsured driver? 是的,奥利弗,我们很忙,但你怎么就看不出你是一个没有保险的驾驶员呢? see beyond,意为“看到…之外”,但为了方便理解,可以理解为“忽视”

爸爸:You'd be in serious trouble if you caused an accident with another car.如果你撞了别的车,你会有大麻烦的。

儿子:Dad,I really am so sorry.l hope you can forgive me.爸爸,我真的很抱歉。我希望你能原谅我。

爸爸:Oliver, I need some space right now.奥利弗,我现在需要一些空间。

爸爸:l need to assess the damage and how much it will cost to fix it.我需要评估损坤和修理的费用。

爸爸:Look, I'm not happy about this, but l appreciate you owning up to your mistake.看,我对此并不高兴,但我感谢你承认了你的错误。 owning up to your mistake(承认错误)

儿子:Thank you, Dad.l promise I'll think twice before l do anything like this again.谢谢你,爸爸。我保证以后在做这种事情之前我会三思而后行。


妈妈:How was your trip? 你的旅行怎么样?

女儿:lt started on a bit of a downer because of the flight delay, which l mentioned before, but it wasn't too long, and we still managed to get into the resort for the evening buffet. 开始的时候有点不顺利,因为我之前提到过的飞机延误, 但是延误的时间并不长,我们还是成功地在晚上赶到了度假村吃自助餐。

妈妈:Oh, that's good.I was a bit concerned when you messaged,especially with all the trouble at the airports these days. 哦,那还好。你发消息的时候我有点担心,尤其是现在机场的情况这么混乱。

女儿:l know! 我知道!

妈妈:So, how was the food? 那么,食物怎么样?

女儿:Oh, it was divine.The selection was phenomenal; there was something for everyone.哦,简直是神仙美味。选择丰富多样,应有尽有。

女儿:Even the children didn't complain, although that might have been because ice cream was available each day. 即使是孩子们也没有抱怨,尽管这可能是因为每天都有冰淇淋。

妈妈:Wonderful, it's always a relief when the food is good. 太好了,食物好吃总是让人松一口气。

妈妈:When me and your dad went to Europe on our all-inclusive trip, we planned our entire day around the food! 当我和你爸爸去欧洲全包旅行的时候,我们整个日程都是围绕着食物来安排的!


妈妈:Did you leave the resort at all? 你有离开度假村吗?

女儿:Yes, we spent the first couple of days by the pool because they had water slides and a wave machine, but on the third day, we ventured into the local town. 是的,我们在泳池边度过了最初的几天,因为那里有水滑梯和人造波浪机, 但到了第三天,我们冒险去了当地的小镇。 spent the first couple of days:度过了最初的几天,water slides:水滑梯,wave machine:人造波浪机,ventured into:冒险去

女儿:There was a walled, old town, which was great for soaking up culture and atmosphere,and then the new town was full of exciting stops too. 那里有一个有墙的老城区,非常适合浸入文化和氛围,新城区也充满了令人兴奋的停靠点。 soaking up:浸入

妈妈:Well, it sounds like you had a wonderful time. I'm so happy for you. 嗯,听起来你们玩得很开心。我为你感到高兴。

女儿:Thanks,mom. When can we pop around? The kids chose a souvenir for you. 谢谢妈. 我们什么时候可以过来?孩子们为你挑选了一个纪念品。pop around:过来,过去。

妈妈:Oh, bless them.I'm here all day tomorrow and Friday. 哦,真是太好了。我明天和周五一整天都在家。 bless them:真是太好了,这是一个表示对某事物感到高兴的表达方式。

女儿:Friday for coffee it is. See you then, mom. 那就定在周五来喝咖啡吧。到时候见,妈妈。


我:l would like to make a complaint. I think there has been some kind of mix-up? 我想投诉。我觉得可能发生了一些混乱? make a complaint :投诉

前台:Oh, l am so sorry. Please tell me more. 哦,我很抱歉。请告诉我更多的情况。

我:Well, I booked a family room for me, my wife and two children. 好的,我为我、我的妻子和两个孩子预订了一个家庭房。

我:Our room has a double bed but nothing for children. 我们的房间有一张双人床,但是没有给孩子们的床。

我:l also requested a bath, and ours only has a shower. 我还要求有浴缸,但我们的房间只有淋浴。

我:l can also detect the smell of cigarette smoke, and l booked a non-smoking room,especially as my wife is also pregnant. 我还能闻到烟味,而我预订的是无烟房,尤其是我的妻子还怀孕了。 detect the smell of :闻到…的味道

前台:Oh goodness, it does sound as though there has been a mix-up.I am very sorry. 哦天哪,看起来确实发生了混乱。我非常抱歉。 as though:好像、仿佛

前台:Please let me look at our system and work out what has happened. 请让我查看一下我们的系统,看看发生了什么。

前台:Could you please tell me your room number? 你能告诉我你的房间号码吗?

我:lt's 502. l understand these things happen, but l would really appreciate having the room we booked. 是502。我知道这些事情会发生,但我真的希望能住到我们预订的房间。

我:My wife is exhausted after travelling and would like to put her feet up before dinner. 我的妻子旅途劳累,希望在晚餐前能休息一下。

前台:Of course, l understand,and again, l am truly sorry for your inconvenience.当然,我理解,再次为你的不便表示真诚的歉意。

我:Thank you.谢谢你。

前台:Ok, we have a family room available, on the ground floor, which is more suitable for you and your family. 好的,我们有一个适合你和你家人的家庭房间,位于一楼。

我:That sounds fantastic. 那听起来太好了。

前台:And as a warm gesture, we have upgraded your room to include a king-sized bed due to our mistake. 作为热情的表示,由于我们的错误,我们已经将您的房间升级为包括一张特大号床的房间。 as a warm gesture :作为热情的表示

前台:We will also throw in a complimentary spa treatment. 我们还将提供一次免费的水疗护理。 throw in:提供

我:Thank you so much for your help. You have been fantastic. 非常感谢你的帮助。你做得太好了。

我:Please tell me your name so l can mention you to the manager. 请告诉我你的名字,这样我可以向经理提到你。

前台:lt's Hazel.You're very welcome, and thank you very much. 我叫海zel。不客气,非常感谢你。


A:Hey, man.Are you okay? 嘿,伙计。你还好吗?

B:Yeah, not bad, you? 嗯,还不错,你呢?

A:Yep,all good here. 是的,我这边一切都好。

A:l need some help moving a wardrobe, and l wondered if you're free to give me a hand over the weekend? 我需要搬一个衣柜,我想知道你周末有空帮我一起搬吗?

B:Sorry, man, l didn't quite catch that. I heard the words wardrobe and weekend, and that's it. 对不起,伙计,我没有听清楚。我听到了衣柜和周末这几个词,就这些。catch that:听清楚

A:Oh, sorry, my reception is terrible. 哦,对不起,我的接收效果很差。 reception is terrible:接收效果很差

B:No worries.I think you can hear me. but l can't hear you. 没关系。我想你可以听到我说话。但是我听不到你说话。

A:l wanted to know if you could help me move a wardrobe on the weekend. 我想知道你周末能不能帮我搬一下衣柜。

B:Oh no, the line is terrible, it's cutting out every few seconds, so l miss great chunks of what you're saying. 哦不,线路很差,每隔几秒就断一次,所以我错过了你说的大部分内容。 miss great chunks of:错过了大部分

A:I'm so sorry. 我很抱歉。

B:can you speak louder? 你能说大声点吗?

A:I'll give it a go.Can you help me move my wardrobe on the weekend? lt's too heavy for just me. 我试试看。你能在周末帮我搬一下我的衣柜吗?对我一个人来说太重了。

B:Nope, I still didn't catch it. 不,我还是没听清楚。

A:You, me, wardrobe, move, weekend. 你,我,衣柜,搬,周末。 哈哈,

B:Haha, got it..l think. 明白了…我想。

B:lt's still hard to hear, though. 虽然还是很难听清楚。

B:Could you call me back when your signal is better, and we can schedule a time? 当你的信号好一些的时候,你能回拨给我,我们可以安排一下时间吗? lt'd be great to catch up, too, though.我们也可以顺便聊聊天,这样很好。

A:Sounds good.Speak later. 听起来不错。稍后再说。

B:Will do, man. 好的,伙计。

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