MongoDB Linux 安装配置 后台运行
mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongod.log
The MongoDB daemon (mongod) has a command-line option to run the server in the background...
This command-line option requires that you also specify a file to log messages to (since it can not use the current console). An example of this command looks like:
mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongod.log
You could put this into an /etc/init.d/mongod bash script file. And then to have the service run at startup, create the standard symbolic links (S## & K##) inside of /etc/rc#.d/. Here is a tutorial that explains this process in more detail. Scroll down to the section titled "Init Script Activation". This also has the added benefit of being able to execute commands like...
service mongod status
service mongod start
service mongos stop
2.执行mongod —fork —logpath /var/log/mongod.log 出错
about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections. forked process: 10293 child process started successfully, parent exiting
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