本文地址: http://blog.csdn.net/wzq9706/article/details/7429611
为了获得双重积分,必须应用信号。这份文档描述了 一个简单的算法用于实现一个基于使用8字节微控制系统传感器获得信号的双重积分。为了获得双重积分,一个简单的积分必须处理两次,这可以很好地获得速率(velocity)信息。




第一个区域是前一个采样的值/高(一个矩形),第二个区域是一个三角形,它的取当前的样本(样本 n)高减前一个样本(样本 n-1)高然后除以2

对加速度计进行校准时,有没有运动条件。低于参考值代表负值(减速),更大于参考值代表正值(加速)。加速度计输出范围从0V到VDD,它通常由模拟信号向数字信号(A/D转换)。零值是靠近VDD / 2。每个轴的校准值都将受到水平方向的力和静态加速度(地球引力)的影响。如果模块是完全平行于地球表面,校准值应该非常接近VDD / 2。下图显示的校准例程的结果。



2.实际上以前的过滤一些数据可能因为“机械”噪音而产生错误,所以还得实现一个过滤器。窗口"real acceleration"可以根据过滤的样品的数量进行选择(通常为16个左右样本的平均值)
void Calibrate(void) { unsigned int count1; count1 = 0; do{ ADC_GetAllAxis(); sstatex = sstatex + Sample_X; // Accumulate Samples sstatey = sstatey + Sample_Y; count1++; }while(count1!=0x0400); // 1024 times sstatex=sstatex>>10; // division between 1024 sstatey=sstatey>>10; }
do{ ADC_GetAllAxis(); accelerationx[1]=accelerationx[1] + Sample_X; //filtering routine for noise attenuation accelerationy[1]=accelerationy[1] + Sample_Y; //64 samples are averaged. The resulting  //average represents the acceleration of //an instant count2++; }while (count2!=0x40); // 64 sums of the acceleration sample accelerationx[1]= accelerationx[1]>>6; // division by 64 accelerationy[1]= accelerationy[1]>>6;
if ((accelerationx[1] <=3)&&(accelerationx[1] >= -3)) //Discrimination window applied to {accelerationx[1] = 0;} // the X axis acceleration variable

//first integration velocityx[1] = velocityx[0] + accelerationx[0] + ((accelerationx[1] - accelerationx[0])>>1) //second integration positionX[1] = positionX[0] + velocityx[0] + ((velocityx[1] - velocityx[0])>>1);
if (positionX[1]>=0) { //This line compares the sign of the X direction data direction= (direction | 0x10); // if its positive the most significant byte posx_seg[0]= positionX[1] & 0x000000FF; // is set to 1 else it is set to 8 posx_seg[1]= (positionX[1]>>8) & 0x000000FF; // the data is also managed in the // subsequent lines in order to be sent. posx_seg[2]= (positionX[1]>>16) & 0x000000FF;// The 32 bit variable must be split into posx_seg[3]= (positionX[1]>>24) & 0x000000FF;// 4 different 8 bit variables in order to // be sent via the 8 bit SCI frame } else { direction=(direction | 0x80); positionXbkp=positionX[1]-1; positionXbkp=positionXbkp^0xFFFFFFFF; posx_seg[0]= positionXbkp & 0x000000FF; posx_seg[1]= (positionXbkp>>8) & 0x000000FF; posx_seg[2]= (positionXbkp>>16) & 0x000000FF; posx_seg[3]= (positionXbkp>>24) & 0x000000FF; }

在真实世界中,其中正曲线以下部分不会与负曲线以上的部分相同,积分的结果不会达到0速度,因此将是一个倾斜的定位(很稳定)。正因为如此,"迫使"速率下降到0至关重要.这是将不断读到的加速度和0进行比较。如果在样本中存在这种状况(sample == 0), 速率只是简单的返回0。
if (accelerationx[1]==0) //we count the number of acceleration samples that equals cero { countx++;} else { countx =0;} if (countx>=25) //if this number exceeds 25, we can assume that velocity is cero { velocityx[1]=0; velocityx[0]=0; }
#include <hidef.h> #include "derivative.h" #include "adc.h" #include "buzzer.h" #include "SCItx.h" #pragma DATA_SEG MY_ZEROPAGE unsigned char near Sample_X; unsigned char near Sample_Y; unsigned char near Sample_Z; unsigned char near Sensor_Data[8]; unsigned char near countx,county ; signed int near accelerationx[2], accelerationy[2]; signed long near velocityx[2], velocityy[2]; signed long near positionX[2]; signed long near positionY[2]; signed long near positionZ[2]; unsigned char near direction; unsigned long near sstatex,sstatey; #pragma DATA_SEG DEFAULT void init(void); void Calibrate(void); void data_transfer(void); void concatenate_data(void); void movement_end_check(void); void position(void); void main (void) { init(); get_threshold(); do { position(); }while(1); } /******************************************************************************* The purpose of the calibration routine is to obtain the value of the reference threshold. It consists on a 1024 samples average in no-movement condition. ********************************************************************************/ void Calibrate(void) { unsigned int count1; count1 = 0; do{ ADC_GetAllAxis(); sstatex = sstatex + Sample_X; // Accumulate Samples sstatey = sstatey + Sample_Y; count1++; }while(count1!=0x0400); // 1024 times sstatex=sstatex>>10; // division between 1024 sstatey=sstatey>>10; } /*****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************** This function obtains magnitude and direction In this particular protocol direction and magnitude are sent in separate variables. Management can be done in many other different ways. *****************************************************************************************/ void data_transfer(void) { signed long positionXbkp; signed long positionYbkp; unsigned int delay; unsigned char posx_seg[4], posy_seg[4]; if (positionX[1]>=0) { //This line compares the sign of the X direction data direction= (direction | 0x10); //if its positive the most significant byte posx_seg[0]= positionX[1] & 0x000000FF; // is set to 1 else it is set to 8 posx_seg[1]= (positionX[1]>>8) & 0x000000FF; // the data is also managed in the subsequent lines in order to posx_seg[2]= (positionX[1]>>16) & 0x000000FF; // be sent. The 32 bit variable must be posx_seg[3]= (positionX[1]>>24) & 0x000000FF; // split into 4 different 8 bit // variables in order to be sent via // the 8 bit SCI frame } else {direction=(direction | 0x80); positionXbkp=positionX[1]-1; positionXbkp=positionXbkp^0xFFFFFFFF; posx_seg[0]= positionXbkp & 0x000000FF; posx_seg[1]= (positionXbkp>>8) & 0x000000FF; posx_seg[2]= (positionXbkp>>16) & 0x000000FF; posx_seg[3]= (positionXbkp>>24) & 0x000000FF; } if (positionY[1]>=0) { // Same management than in the previous case direction= (direction | 0x08); // but with the Y data. posy_seg[0]= positionY[1] & 0x000000FF; posy_seg[1]= (positionY[1]>>8) & 0x000000FF; posy_seg[2]= (positionY[1]>>16) & 0x000000FF; posy_seg[3]= (positionY[1]>>24) & 0x000000FF; } else {direction= (direction | 0x01); positionYbkp=positionY[1]-1; positionYbkp=positionYbkp^0xFFFFFFFF; posy_seg[0]= positionYbkp & 0x000000FF; posy_seg[1]= (positionYbkp>>8) & 0x000000FF; posy_seg[2]= (positionYbkp>>16) & 0x000000FF; posy_seg[3]= (positionYbkp>>24) & 0x000000FF; } delay = 0x0100; Sensor_Data[0] = 0x03; Sensor_Data[1] = direction; Sensor_Data[2] = posx_seg[3]; Sensor_Data[3] = posy_seg[3]; Sensor_Data[4] = 0x01; Sensor_Data[5] = 0x01; Sensor_Data[6] = END_OF_FRAME; while (--delay); SCITxMsg(Sensor_Data); // Data transferring function while (SCIC2 & 0x08); } /*****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************** This function returns data format to its original state. When obtaining the magnitude and direction of the position, an inverse two's complement is made. This function makes the two's complement in order to return the data to it original state. It is important to notice that the sensibility adjustment is greatly impacted here, the amount of "ones" inserted in the mask must be equivalent to the "ones" lost in the shifting made in the previous function upon the sensibility modification. ******************************************************************************************/ void data_reintegration(void) { if (direction >=10)  {positionX[1]= positionX[1]|0xFFFFC000;} // 18 "ones" inserted. Same size as the amount of shifts direction = direction & 0x01; if (direction ==1) {positionY[1]= positionY[1]|0xFFFFC000;} } /****************************************************************************************** This function allows movement end detection. If a certain number of acceleration samples are equal to zero we can assume movement has stopped. Accumulated Error generated in the velocity calculations is eliminated by resetting the velocity variables. This stops position increment and greatly eliminates position error. ******************************************************************************************/ void movement_end_check(void) { if (accelerationx[1]==0) //we count the number of acceleration samples that equals cero { countx++;} else { countx =0;} if (countx>=25) //if this number exceeds 25, we can assume that velocity is cero { velocityx[1]=0; velocityx[0]=0; } if (accelerationy[1]==0) //we do the same for the Y axis { county++;} else { county =0;} if (county>=25) { velocityy[1]=0; velocityy[0]=0; } } /*****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************** This function transforms acceleration to a proportional position by integrating the acceleration data twice. It also adjusts sensibility by multiplying the "positionX" and "positionY" variables. This integration algorithm carries error, which is compensated in the "movenemt_end_check" subroutine. Faster sampling frequency implies less error but requires more memory. Keep in mind that the same process is applied to the X and Y axis. *****************************************************************************************/ void position(void) { unsigned char count2 ; count2=0; do{ ADC_GetAllAxis(); accelerationx[1]=accelerationx[1] + Sample_X; //filtering routine for noise attenuation accelerationy[1]=accelerationy[1] + Sample_Y; //64 samples are averaged. The resulting  //average represents the acceleration of //an instant count2++; }while (count2!=0x40); // 64 sums of the acceleration sample accelerationx[1]= accelerationx[1]>>6; // division by 64 accelerationy[1]= accelerationy[1]>>6; accelerationx[1] = accelerationx[1] - (int)sstatex; //eliminating zero reference offset of the acceleration data accelerationy[1] = accelerationy[1] - (int)sstatey; // to obtain positive and negative acceleration if ((accelerationx[1] <=3)&&(accelerationx[1] >= -3)) //Discrimination window applied {accelerationx[1] = 0;} // to the X axis acceleration variable if ((accelerationy[1] <=3)&&(accelerationy[1] >= -3)) {accelerationy[1] = 0;} //first X integration: velocityx[1]= velocityx[0]+ accelerationx[0]+ ((accelerationx[1] -accelerationx[0])>>1); //second X integration: positionX[1]= positionX[0] + velocityx[0] + ((velocityx[1] - velocityx[0])>>1); //first Y integration: velocityy[1] = velocityy[0] + accelerationy[0] + ((accelerationy[1] -accelerationy[0])>>1); //second Y integration: positionY[1] = positionY[0] + velocityy[0] + ((velocityy[1] - velocityy[0])>>1); accelerationx[0] = accelerationx[1]; //The current acceleration value must be sent to the previous acceleration accelerationy[0] = accelerationy[1]; //variable in order to introduce the new acceleration value. velocityx[0] = velocityx[1]; //Same done for the velocity variable velocityy[0] = velocityy[1]; positionX[1] = positionX[1]<<18; //The idea behind this shifting (multiplication) is a sensibility adjustment. positionY[1] = positionY[1]<<18; //Some applications require adjustments to a particular situation //i.e. mouse application data_transfer(); positionX[1] = positionX[1]>>18; //once the variables are sent them must return to positionY[1] = positionY[1]>>18; //their original state movement_end_check(); positionX[0] = positionX[1]; //actual position data must be sent to the positionY[0] = positionY[1]; //previous position direction = 0; // data variable to direction variable reset } /*****************************************************************************************/
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