#习题38 区分列表和字符串,用到了split(字符串专用函数),join、append、pop(这些是list操作函数)
1 ten_things = "Apples Oranges Crows Telephone Liht Sugar" 2 3 print "Wait there is not 10 things in that list, let's fix that." 4 5 stuff=ten_things.split(' ') 6 7 more_stuff = ["Day","Night","Song","Frisbee","Corn","Banana","Girl","Boy"] 8 9 while len(stuff)!=10: 10 next_one = more_stuff.pop() 11 print "Adding:",next_one 12 stuff.append(next_one) 13 print "There's %d items now." % len(stuff) 14 15 print "There we go:",stuff 16 print "Let's do some things with stuff." 17 18 print "stuff[1]" 19 print stuff[1] 20 21 print "stuff[-1]" 22 print stuff[-1] 23 24 print "stuff.pop()" 25 print stuff.pop() 26 27 print "' '.join(stuff)" 28 print ' '.join(stuff) 29 30 print "'#'.join(stuff[3:5]" 31 print '#'.join(stuff[3:5] 32 33 )
#习题38 区分列表和字符串,同时学者使用split函数
ten_things = "Apples Oranges Crows Telephone Liht Sugar"
print "Wait there is not 10 things in that list, let's fix that."
stuff=ten_things.split(' ')
more_stuff = ["Day","Night","Song","Frisbee","Corn","Banana","Girl","Boy"]
while len(stuff)!=10:
next_one = more_stuff.pop()
print "Adding:",next_one
print "There's %d items now." % len(stuff)
print "There we go:",stuff
print "Let's do some things with stuff."
print "stuff[1]"
print stuff[1]
print "stuff[-1]"
print stuff[-1]
print "stuff.pop()"
print stuff.pop()
print "' '.join(stuff)"
print ' '.join(stuff)
print "'#'.join(stuff[3:5]"
print '#'.join(stuff[3:5]
1 cities = {'CA':'San Francisco','MI':'Detroit','FL':'Jacksonville'} 2 cities['NY']='New York' 3 cities['OR']='Portland' 4 5 def find_city(themap,state): 6 if state in themap: 7 return themap[state] 8 else: 9 return "Not found." 10 11 cities['_find'] = find_city 12 13 while True: 14 print "State?(ENTER to quit)", 15 state = raw_input("> ") 16 17 if not state:break 18 city_found = cities['_find'](cities,state) 19 print city_found
字典应用:1. 数字电话/地址簿;2. 存储文件修改次数,用文件名作为键;3. 表征游戏键盘的状态,每个键都是由坐标值组成的元组;
>>>d=dict(name='GG', age=32)
1 people = {'Alice':{'phone':'2341','addr':'Foo drive 23'},'Beth':{'phone':'9102','addr':'Bar steet 42'},'Cecil':{'phone':'3158','addr':'Baz avenue 90'}} 2 labels = {'phone':'phone number','addr':'address'} 3 name = raw_input('Name: ') 4 request=raw_input('phone number(p) or address(a)?') 5 if request=='p': 6 key = 'phone' 7 if request == 'a': 8 key = 'addr' 9 if name in people: 10 print "%s's %s is %s." % (name,labels[key],people[name][key])