(eden)Student Manager
Student Manager
已知main.c文件代码,请完成StudentManager.h文件中的结构体的定义(已给出),以及相关5个函数的实现。要求,最终能够按照一定的顺序输出每个学生的学号(小于等于8位的正整数)及分数(介于1与100之间的整数)(其中学生的人数n, 1 <= n <= 20),其中按照分数从高到低输出,如果分数相同,则根据学号的大小(假定学号可以重复),学号越大的排在学号小的前面输出。每个记录输出后都有一个换行。
// strcuture's definition here...
// id用于保存学号,score用于保存分数。
typedef struct struct_one {
int id;
int score;
} Student;
// num用于记录student的个数,data用于保存student这个结构体信息.
typedef struct struct_two {
int num;
Student * data;
} StudentManager;
// init the student manager.
void initStudentManager(StudentManager* studentManager);
// deal with the input.
void dealWithInput(StudentManager* studentManager);
// sort the student in some order given.
void sortStudent(StudentManager* studentManager);
// output the result after processing.
void dealWithOutput(StudentManager* studentManager);
// recycle the memory.
void recyleStudentManager(StudentManager* studentManager);
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my code
1 //StudentManager.h 2 #include<stdio.h> 3 #include<stdlib.h> 4 // strcuture's definition here... 5 // id用于保存学号,score用于保存分数。 6 typedef struct struct_one { 7 int id; 8 int score; 9 } Student; 10 // num用于记录student的个数,data用于保存student这个结构体信息. 11 typedef struct struct_two { 12 int num; 13 Student * data; 14 } StudentManager; 15 // init the student manager. 16 void initStudentManager(StudentManager* studentManager) { 17 Student i; 18 Student* j = malloc(sizeof(i) * studentManager->num); 19 studentManager -> data = j; 20 } 21 // 这个函数用于初始化内存,为data开辟空间。 22 // deal with the input. 23 void dealWithInput(StudentManager* studentManager); 24 // 这个函数用于对输入的处理,将数据保存到结构体中。在mian.c中已给出,不用写。 25 // sort the student in some order given. 26 void sortStudent(StudentManager* studentManager) { 27 int i, j, t; 28 for (i = 0; i <= studentManager -> num - 2; i++) { 29 for (j = i + 1; j <= studentManager -> num - 1; j++) { 30 if (studentManager->data[i].score < studentManager->data[j].score) { 31 t = studentManager->data[i].score; 32 studentManager->data[i].score = studentManager->data[j].score; 33 studentManager->data[j].score = t; 34 t = studentManager->data[i].id; 35 studentManager->data[i].id = studentManager->data[j].id; 36 studentManager->data[j].id = t; 37 } 38 if (studentManager->data[i].score == 39 studentManager->data[j].score) { 40 if (studentManager->data[i].id < studentManager->data[j].id) { 41 t = studentManager->data[i].id; 42 studentManager->data[i].id = studentManager->data[j].id; 43 studentManager->data[j].id = t; 44 } 45 } 46 } 47 } 48 } 49 // 这个函数对student进行排序。 50 // output the result after processing. 51 void dealWithOutput(StudentManager* studentManager) { 52 int i; 53 for (i = 0; i < studentManager->num; i++) { 54 printf("%d: %d\n", studentManager->data[i].id, 55 studentManager->data[i].score); 56 } 57 } 58 // 这个函数用于输出结果。 59 // recycle the memory. 60 void recyleStudentManager(StudentManager* studentManager) { 61 free(studentManager->data); 62 }
//main.c 1.// from younglee 2.#include "StudentManager.h" 3. 4.// deal with the input. 5.void dealWithInput(StudentManager* studentManager) { 6. int i; 7. for (i = 0; i < studentManager->num; i++) { 8. scanf("%d%d", &(studentManager->data[i].id), \ 9. &(studentManager->data[i].score)); 10. } 11.} 12. 13.int main(void) { 14. // get a studentManager object. 15. StudentManager studentManager; 16. // set the student's num. 17. scanf("%d", &studentManager.num); 18. // initialize the memory for storing the students' information. 19. initStudentManager(&studentManager); 20. // get input. 21. dealWithInput(&studentManager); 22. // sort the student in specific order. 23. sortStudent(&studentManager); 24. // output the resut after sorting. 25. dealWithOutput(&studentManager); 26. // recycle the memory we used before. 27. recyleStudentManager(&studentManager); 28. return 0; 29.}
1.#include<stdio.h> 2.#include<stdlib.h> 3. 4.// strcuture's definition here... 5.typedef struct struct_one { 6. int id; 7. int score; 8.} Student; 9. 10.typedef struct struct_two { 11. int num; 12. Student * data; 13.} StudentManager; 14. 15.// compare function defined here, which was used latter in quick sort. 16./*int cmp(const void *a, const void * b) { 17. if (((Student *)a)->score < ((Student *)b)->score) return 1; 18. if (((Student *)a)->score > ((Student *)b)->score) return -1; 19. return (((Student *)a)->id < ((Student *)b)->id ? 1 : -1); 20.}*/ 21. 22.// init the student manager. 23.void initStudentManager(StudentManager* studentManager) { 24. studentManager->data = malloc((studentManager->num)*sizeof(Student)); 25.} 26. 27.void swap(Student *a, Student *b) { 28. Student temp = *a; 29. *a = *b; 30. *b = temp; 31.} 32. 33.// sort the student in some order given. 34.void sortStudent(StudentManager* studentManager) { 35. // qsort(studentManager->data, studentManager->num, sizeof(Student), cmp); 36. // the second method is to use buble sort. 37. int num = studentManager->num, i, j; 38. for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { 39. for (j = num - 1; j > i; j--) { 40. Student * data = studentManager->data; 41. if (data[j - 1].score < data[j].score) { 42. swap(&data[j - 1], &data[j]); 43. } 44. if (data[j - 1].score == data[j].score) { 45. if (data[j - 1].id < data[j].id) { 46. swap(&data[j - 1], &data[j]); 47. } 48. } 49. } 50. } 51.} 52. 53.// output the result after processing. 54.void dealWithOutput(StudentManager* studentManager) { 55. int i; 56. for (i = 0; i < studentManager->num; i++) { 57. printf("%d: %d\n", studentManager->data[i].id, \ 58. studentManager->data[i].score); 59. } 60.} 61. 62.// recycle the memory. 63.void recyleStudentManager(StudentManager* studentManager) { 64. free(studentManager->data); 65.} 66.