最近逆向一个软件,无奈类名、方法名混淆的太厉害,class-dump后,很难猜出大致是哪个方法在起作用。用reveal 和 cycript 找到了viewcontrol 类,但类方法太多,还是不能确定是哪个方法被调用了。尝试为方法下断点,结果下了好几个都没有断下来。因此想到了用logify为指定类的每个函数写hook 方法,用theos生成tweak。
export THEOS=/opt/theos
export PATH=/opt/theos/bin/:$PATH
但这样比较麻烦,可以#vi /etc/profile,在这个文件中加上以上命令,重新打开终端,环境变量就生效了。这样就无需每次要去终端里export环境变量了。
1 tong:Applications xxxxxxx$ nic.pl 2 NIC 2.0 - New Instance Creator 3 ------------------------------ 4 [1.] iphone/activator_event 5 [2.] iphone/application_modern 6 [3.] iphone/cydget 7 [4.] iphone/flipswitch_switch 8 [5.] iphone/framework 9 [6.] iphone/ios7_notification_center_widget 10 [7.] iphone/library 11 [8.] iphone/notification_center_widget 12 [9.] iphone/preference_bundle_modern 13 [10.] iphone/tool 14 [11.] iphone/tweak 15 [12.] iphone/xpc_service 16 Choose a Template (required): 11 17 Project Name (required): mytweak 18 Package Name [com.yourcompany.mytweak]: com.mycompany.mytweak 19 Author/Maintainer Name [xxx]: wu 20 [iphone/tweak] MobileSubstrate Bundle filter [com.apple.springboard]: com.apple.Security 21 [iphone/tweak] List of applications to terminate upon installation (space-separated, '-' for none) [SpringBoard]: -
这其中,MobileSubstrate Bundle filter 是指本插件需要作用的app 的id,在plist 中可以找到。如果需要作用于所有app,那么需要
“Insert your tweak into all processes
Leaving the filter plist file empty and simply deleting the file no longer work. The new solution would be modifying the filter plist to: { Filter = { Bundles = ( "com.apple.Security", ); }; } Since all processes will import Security.framework implicitly, your tweak can now hook into all processes[:wink:]”
3、将 logify生成的tweak.xm文件替换nic.pl生成的tweak.xm文件。
执行命令make,如果make后 要重新make,只需要先执行make clean即可。
4、打包,执行make package。