The Basics


1. class

  class contain contants(常量) variables(变量or属性) and function(方法)

class SimpleClass
    // property declaration
    public $var = 'a default value';

    // method declaration
    public function displayVar() {
        echo $this->var;

  pseudo-variable(伪变量) $this is a reference to the calling object


2. $this example

class A
    function foo()
        if (isset($this)) {
            echo '$this is defined (';
            echo get_class($this);
            echo ")\n";
        } else {
            echo "\$this is not defined.\n";

class B
    function bar()
        // Note: the next line will issue a warning if E_STRICT is enabled.

$a = new A();

// Note: the next line will issue a warning if E_STRICT is enabled.
$b = new B();

// Note: the next line will issue a warning if E_STRICT is enabled.

  the above example will output

$this is defined (A)
$this is not defined.
$this is defined (B)
$this is not defined.


3. new

  create an instance of a class


4. extends

   It is not possible to extend multiple classes

   It is possible to access the overridden methods or static properties by referencing them with parent::.

class ExtendClass extends SimpleClass
    // Redefine the parent method
    function displayVar()
        echo "Extending class\n";

$extended = new ExtendClass();


5. ::class

  used for class name resolution(类名解析)

  You can get a string containing the fully qualified name of the ClassName class by using ClassName::class.

namespace NS {
    class ClassName {
    echo ClassName::class;






posted @ 2015-05-04 12:42  Mirrorhanman  阅读(174)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报