World Of ιζσεα.

The Dark Time Will Pass



Drools.NET v3.0

摘要: Drools.NET v3.0 Copyright 2007 Sahi Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ( Contacts: Ritu Jain (, Chinmay Nagarkar ( The Drools.NET-3.0 is a .NET version of Jboss-Rules 3.0, which is a Rules Engine implementation based on Charles Forgy's Rete algorithm tailored for the Java language. Drools.NET enables .NET developers/Users to exploit a powerful Rule Engine like Jboss-Rules through a completely managed .NET code base. 阅读全文

posted @ 2007-07-04 20:23 Ψιζσεα. 阅读(2343) 评论(4) 推荐(0) 编辑

CCNet 1.3 release

摘要: CCNet 1.3 release Integration Queues The biggest feature change to CCNet 1.3 is the addition of Integration Queues to control and manage integration concurrency. Integration queues allow you to control which projects are permitted to build concurrently and to set their relative priorities. Please read the documentation for more information. .NET 2.0 Migration CCNet has now been ported to the .NET 2.0 platform. This means that the .NET 2.0 Redistributable package will need to 阅读全文

posted @ 2007-07-04 10:12 Ψιζσεα. 阅读(937) 评论(2) 推荐(0) 编辑
