真正的危机不是机器人像人一样思考,而是人像机器一样思考。 ——凉宫春日的忧郁




打了道256行的SpalySplay,然后在COGS上过了道4星半的[NOI2005]维护数列,然后——我发现!@#在内网上竟然E了(喵喵喵?),然后,喵的COGS上是3s 256MB,其他OJ上全是1s 64MB= =

莫名尴尬= =


颓了一天= =

SpalySplay板子刷到死= =,然后只能颓某黄学长的2048以示敬意= =

然后就颓成了这个鬼样子= =

不过SpalySplay真的难打= =,随手一打就是这个鬼样子= =

  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<cstring>
  3 #include<cstdio>
  4 using namespace std;
  5 inline int read(){
  6     int sum(0),f(1);
  7     char ch(getchar());
  8     for(;ch<'0'||ch>'9';ch=getchar())
  9         if(ch=='-')
 10             f=-1;
 11     for(;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';sum=sum*10+(ch^48),ch=getchar());
 12     return sum*f;
 13 }
 14 int ch[4000001][2],f[4000001],key[4000001],size[4000001];
 15 int sum[4000001],maxl[4000001],maxr[4000001],maxn[4000001];
 16 int root,sz;
 17 bool lazy[4000001],rev[4000001];
 18 inline void clear(int x){
 19     f[x]=ch[x][0]=ch[x][1]=size[x]=key[x]=sum[x]=0;
 20     lazy[x]=rev[x]=maxl[x]=maxr[x]=0;
 21     maxn[x]=-1000000000;
 22 }
 23 inline int get(int x){
 24     return ch[f[x]][1]==x;
 25 }
 26 inline int my_max(int a,int b){
 27     return a>b?a:b;
 28 }
 29 inline void swp(int &a,int &b){
 30     a^=b;
 31     b^=a;
 32     a^=b;
 33 }
 34 inline void update(int x){
 35     int l(ch[x][0]),r(ch[x][1]);
 36     sum[x]=sum[l]+sum[r]+key[x];
 37     size[x]=size[l]+size[r]+1;
 38     maxn[x]=maxl[r]+key[x]+maxr[l];
 39     if(l)
 40         maxn[x]=my_max(maxn[x],maxn[l]);
 41     if(r)
 42         maxn[x]=my_max(maxn[x],maxn[r]);
 43     maxl[x]=my_max(maxl[l],sum[l]+key[x]+maxl[r]);
 44     maxr[x]=my_max(maxr[r],sum[r]+key[x]+maxr[l]);
 45 }
 46 inline void pushdown(int x){
 47     int l(ch[x][0]),r(ch[x][1]);
 48     if(lazy[x]){
 49         rev[x]=lazy[x]=0;
 50         if(l){
 51             lazy[l]=1;
 52             key[l]=key[x];
 53             sum[l]=key[l]*size[l];
 54         }
 55         if(r){
 56             lazy[r]=1;
 57             key[r]=key[x];
 58             sum[r]=key[r]*size[r];
 59         }
 60         if(key[x]>=0){
 61             if(l)
 62                 maxl[l]=maxr[l]=maxn[l]=sum[l];
 63             if(r)
 64                 maxl[r]=maxr[r]=maxn[r]=sum[r];
 65         }
 66         else{
 67             if(l){
 68                 maxl[l]=maxr[l]=0;
 69                 maxn[l]=key[l];
 70             }
 71             if(r){
 72                 maxl[r]=maxr[r]=0;
 73                 maxn[r]=key[r];
 74             }
 75         }
 76     }
 77     if(rev[x]){
 78         rev[x]=0;
 79         rev[l]^=1;
 80         rev[r]^=1;
 81         swp(maxl[l],maxr[l]);
 82         swp(maxl[r],maxr[r]);
 83         swp(ch[l][0],ch[l][1]);
 84         swp(ch[r][0],ch[r][1]);
 85     }
 86 }
 87 inline void rotate(int x){
 88     int p(f[x]),g(f[p]),which(get(x));
 89     pushdown(p);
 90     pushdown(x);
 91     ch[p][which]=ch[x][which^1];
 92     f[ch[p][which]]=p;
 93     ch[x][which^1]=p;
 94     f[p]=x;
 95     f[x]=g;
 96     if(g)
 97         ch[g][ch[g][1]==p]=x;
 98     update(p);
 99     update(x);
100 }
101 inline void splay(int x,int y){
102     pushdown(x);
103     for(int fa=f[x];fa!=y;rotate(x),fa=f[x])
104         if(f[fa]!=y)
105             rotate(get(fa)==get(x)?fa:x);
106     if(!y)
107         root=x;
108 }
109 inline int find(int x){
110     int now(root);
111     while(1){
112         pushdown(now);
113         if(x<=size[ch[now][0]])
114             now=ch[now][0];
115         else{
116             int tmp(size[ch[now][0]]+1);
117             if(x<=tmp)
118                 return now;
119             x-=tmp;
120             now=ch[now][1];
121         }
122     }
123 }
124 inline void build(int l,int r,int fa){
125     if(l>r)
126         return ;
127     if(l==r){
128         f[l]=fa;
129         size[l]=1;
130         sum[l]=key[l];
131         if(key[l]>=0)
132             maxl[l]=maxr[l]=maxn[l]=key[l];
133         else{
134             maxl[l]=maxr[l]=0;
135             maxn[l]=key[l];
136         }
137         if(fa){
138             if(l<fa)
139                 ch[fa][0]=l;
140             else
141                 ch[fa][1]=l;
142         }
143         return;
144     }
145     int mid((l+r)>>1);
146     build(l,mid-1,mid);
147     build(mid+1,r,mid);
148     f[mid]=fa;
149     update(mid);
150     if(fa){
151         if(mid<fa)
152             ch[fa][0]=mid;
153         else
154             ch[fa][1]=mid;
155     }
156 }
157 inline void erase(int x){
158     if(!x)
159         return;
160     erase(ch[x][0]);
161     erase(ch[x][1]);
162     clear(x);
163 }
164 char op[10];
165 inline int gg(){
166     freopen("seq2005.in","r",stdin);
167     freopen("seq2005.out","w",stdout);
168     int n(read()),m(read());
169     key[++sz]=-1000000000;
170     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
171         key[++sz]=read();
172     key[++sz]=-1000000000;
173     build(1,n+2,0);
174     root=(n+3)>>1;
175     int all(n+2);
176     while(m--){//cout<<'*'<<m<<endl;
177         scanf("%s",op);
178         if(op[0]=='I'){
179             int pos(read()+1),tot(read()),old(sz+1);
180             int x(find(pos)),y(find(pos+1));
181             splay(x,0);
182             splay(y,x);
183             for(int i=1;i<=tot;i++)
184                 key[++sz]=read();
185             build(old,sz,0);
186             int rt((old+sz)>>1);
187             f[rt]=y;
188             ch[y][0]=rt;
189             update(y);
190             update(x);
191             all+=tot;
192             continue;
193         }
194         if(op[0]=='D'){
195             int pos(read()),tot(read());
196             int x(find(pos)),y(find(pos+tot+1));
197             splay(x,0);
198             splay(y,x);
199             erase(ch[y][0]);
200             update(y);
201             update(x);
202             all-=tot;
203             continue;
204         }
205         if(op[0]=='R'){
206             int pos(read()),tot(read());
207             int x(find(pos)),y(find(pos+tot+1));
208             splay(x,0);
209             splay(y,x);
210             int z(ch[y][0]);
211             if(!lazy[z]){
212                 rev[z]^=1;
213                 swp(ch[z][0],ch[z][1]);
214                 swp(maxl[z],maxr[z]);
215                 update(y);
216                 update(x);
217             }
218             continue;
219         }
220         if(op[0]=='G'){
221             int pos(read()),tot(read());
222             int x(find(pos)),y(find(pos+tot+1));
223             splay(x,0);
224             splay(y,x);
225             printf("%d\n",sum[ch[y][0]]);
226             continue;
227         }
228         if(op[2]=='K'){
229             int pos(read()),tot(read()),c(read());
230             int x(find(pos)),y(find(pos+tot+1));
231             splay(x,0);
232             splay(y,x);
233             int z(ch[y][0]);
234             lazy[z]=1;
235             key[z]=c;
236             sum[z]=size[z]*c;
237             if(c>=0)
238                 maxl[z]=maxr[z]=maxn[z]=sum[z];
239             else{
240                 maxl[z]=maxr[z]=0;
241                 maxn[z]=c;
242             }
243             update(y);
244             update(x);
245         }
246         if(op[2]=='X'){
247             int x(find(1)),y(find(all));
248             splay(x,0);
249             splay(y,x);
250             printf("%d\n",maxn[ch[y][0]]);
251         }
252     }
253     return 0;
254 }
255 int K(gg());
256 int main(){;}
View Code



《Not Afraid》——Eminem

I'm not afraid

To take a stand

Everybody come take my hand 

We'll walk to the route together

Through the storm

Whatever weather,cold or warm

Just lettin' you know that

You're not alone 

Holla if you fell like you've been down on the same road


And I just cannot keep livin' in this way

So starting today

We'll break out of this cage

I'm standing up

I'ma face my demons 

I'm manning up

I'ma hold my ground

I've had enough

Now I'm fed up

It's time to get my life back right now

I just cannot keep livin' in this way

posted @ 2017-08-03 20:49  Hzoi_Mafia  阅读(191)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
我们都在命运之湖上荡舟划桨,波浪起伏着而我们无法逃脱孤航。但是假使我们迷失了方向,波浪将指引我们穿越另一天的曙光。 ——死神