Kongfu Panda



  1. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, but today is gift.有一句谚语:昨天已成为历史,明天变幻莫测的秘密,而今天是一份礼物
  2. There are no accidents. 一切都并非纯属偶然
  3. Nothing is impossible.  一切皆有可能
  4. Inner peace.           内心平静
  5. I had have a vision. TaiLang will return. 我有个预兆,太狼会重出江湖。
  6. Master, Master!Your vision is right! TaiLang has broken out of prison and on his way.
  7. Double the guards, double the weapons, double everything. 增加双倍的防卫,增加双倍的武器,增加双倍的任何东西
  8. You eat when you are upset.     你吃由于你心里不舒服
  9.  You are too concerned with what was and what will be. 你过于担心你的过去和你的未来
  10. I have a crazy noodle dream. 我有一个疯狂的面条梦
  11. The battle will be legendary. 那场战斗将会是一个奇迹。

8. How long are you planning to stay in China?  你打算在中国呆多久?

9. The universe has brought Dragon Warier to us.  宇宙已经把武功大侠送到我们身边了

10.  Universe juice.            

11. How can I do that? You just need to believe and nurture it.

12. You really look sharp.          

13. This is the worst day of my life.   这是我人生中最糟糕的一天

14. You can fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant. 你可以掌管这餐店并且完成你的使命。

15. I will bring me back the souvenir. 我会为自己带一份纪念品的。

16. What are you doing out there?  All that noise. 你在那里干什么?噪声一片

17. it’s very impressive.      这的确很雄伟壮观!

18. One way in, One way out. One prisoner and One thousand guards.只有一个入口,只有一个出口。一个犯人,一千个守卫

19. Nothing to worry about. It is perfectly safe.  没有什么是值得担心的。这是绝对地安全。

20. Hey, tough gay! 嘿,顽固不化的家伙!

21. Take us down!  带我们下去

22. Don’t get him mad.  不要把他弄生气了

23. I have heard enough. 我已经不想听了

24. Limitless power.     无穷的能量

25. Someone broke that.  有人把它打烂了

26. Awesome!          很牛啊!

27. Master!             大师!

28. There is no secret ingredient.   没有什么秘密的配方

29. Want something to eat?       想吃东西吗?

30. Should I stop talking?          我应该停止谈话了吧?

32. You, idiot!                   你,无知的家伙!

33. You should get rid of illusion of control.  你摆脱幻象的控制

34. I hope my mouth could be bigger.       我希望我的口能大一点

35. I have done well!                     我做的很好!

36. A true hero should be humble.

37.I think I could stop him. He could kill you. He must be stronger than before.

38. I can’t make it blossom to enjoy myself.

39. I could control where it will be planted.

49. you couldn’t change what it is.

50. You have brought peace to the valley.

51. Have you finished your sightseeing?

52. My patience is wearing thin.  我已经没耐心了

53. I guess so.

54. Your mind is like the water. The answer will be clear.

55. I figure it out.               我把它悟出来了

56. You should continue your journey without me. 在没有我的陪伴下,你们要继续你们的人生旅程

57. I should pay for my mistakes.  我要为我所犯的错误付出代价

58. I don’t want your apologize.    我不想要你的道歉

59. Obeying master is not weakness. 遵从大师不是懦弱

60. Promise me you will believe.     向我保证你会相信

61. Everyone has a place in this world.  每个人在这个世界上都有自己的角色

62. Do you want to do something else?

63. Can you imagine me making tofu?   你能想象我是做豆腐的吗?

64. it’s a stupid dream.

65. This place is no longer your home. I am no longer your master.

66. The battle will be legendary.

67. What are you dreaming about?

68. I’m dreaming about noodles.

You are really dreaming about noodles?

Yeah! What else am I dreaming about?

That’s a sign, Popo.

A sign of What?

Big fan! 大粉丝!

posted @ 2012-02-16 17:54  苍术厚朴  阅读(593)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报