
  1. 当你在业务中有需要通过传过来的条件来进行sql查询的时候,之前的手动拼接既麻烦又容易出错,动态sql就可以根据场景动态的构建查询。

  2. 常用的动态sql标签

  3. if标签

    <select id="selectAllBlog" parameterType= "map" resultType="Blog">  
        select id,title,text from blog 
        where 1=1    
       <if test="title != null">        
           AND title like #{title}   
       <if test="text!= null">        
           AND text like #{text}    
  4. where+if标签: “where”标签会知道如果它包含的标签中有返回值的话,它就插入一个‘where’。此外,如果标签返回的内容是以AND 或OR 开头的,则它会剔除掉。

    <select id="selectAllBlog" parameterType= "map" resultType="blog">
        select * from blog
            <if test="title != null">
                title like concat('%' #{title} '%')
            <if test="text != null">
                AND text like concat('%' #{text} '%')
  5. set标签

    <update id="updateBlog" parameterType= "map" >
        update blog
            <if test="title != null">title=#{title},</if>
            <if test="text != null">text=#{text}</if>
        where id=#{id}
  6. choose标签

    <select id="selectBlogByChoose" resultType="blog" parameterType="map">
          select * from blog
                  <when test="id !='' and id != null">
                  <when test="title !='' and title != null">
                      and title=#{title}
                      and text=#{text}
  7. sql片段:把某一段简单的sql语句抽取出来,方便之后的代码复用

    <sql id="selectall">
        select  *  from  blog
    <select id="find" resultType="Student">
        <include refid="selectall"/>
  8. foreach标签

    <select id="findBlog" resultType="blog" parameterType="map">
        <include refid="selectall"/> where id in
        <foreach item="ids" collection="array"  open="(" separator="," close=")">
posted @ 2024-05-11 15:33  Hanyta  阅读(3)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报