Windows 快速差分打补丁
Windows 快速差分打补丁
- 基础版本V0:具有重大变化的主要软件版本(Windows10-1809)
- (目标)修订版VN(VR):介于主要版本发布之间的次要版本(KB4464330)
- 无基础补丁存储文件PSF:包含完整二进制文件或文件的补丁存储的文件
端点 V0 + Δ0->N = VN VN + ΔN->0 = V0 V0 + Δ0->R = VR
正向差分 ΔRTM->N (在
文件夹下 forward) -
反向差分 ΔN->RTM (在
文件夹下 reverse)
,内容清单content manifests
文件,然后和适用性逻辑Applicability Logic
空差分 Null Differentials(空压缩文件在
文件夹下 )在服务期间,可能有新文件被添加到系统中的情况,这些文件将没有RTM基线,因此不能使用正向和反向差分,而使用空差分来处理服务;(即应用于空的缓冲区以创建一个新的文件)
回到更新RTM/基础版本:使用文件的当前版本(VN),文件的反向差分(VN --> RTM)
从更新RTM/基础版本到目标版本:使用正向差分(VRTM --> R)
Windows Update Binary Delta Compression file 文件格式:
4byte CRC32 50 41 33 30(PA30)
校验和,所以不能直接应用补丁而是需要剥离补丁文件的前4个byte,然后才能应用他,相关见 RITSEC CTF 2019: Patch 2sday
使用MSDELTA API对二进制文件应用deltas
目标版本:2022-07 和 2022-08 的ntoskrnl.exe
Windows Update会将二进制文件和差分放在
Get-ChildItem -Recurse C:\windows\WinSxS\ | ? {$_.Name -eq "ntoskrnl.exe"}
<# ____ ______ ______ ____ __ __ /\ _`\ /\ _ \ /\__ _\/\ _`\ /\ \/\ \ \ \ \L\ \\ \ \L\ \\/_/\ \/\ \ \/\_\\ \ \_\ \ \ \ ,__/ \ \ __ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/_/_\ \ _ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \L\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \ \____/ \ \_\ \_\ \/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/_/ \/___/ \/_/\/_/ ____ __ __ ______ ____ ______ ____ ______ /\ _`\ /\ \ /\ \ /\__ _\/\ _`\ /\ _ \ /\ _`\ /\__ _\ \ \ \L\_\\ `\`\/'/'\/_/\ \/\ \ \L\ \\ \ \L\ \\ \ \/\_\\/_/\ \/ \ \ _\L `\/ > < \ \ \ \ \ , / \ \ __ \\ \ \/_/_ \ \ \ \ \ \L\ \ \/'/\`\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \/\ \\ \ \L\ \ \ \ \ \ \____/ /\_\\ \_\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\\ \_\ \_\\ \____/ \ \_\ \/___/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/\/ / \/_/\/_/ \/___/ \/_/ __ __ _ __ /\ \/\ \ /' \ /'__`\ \ \ \ \ \ /\_, \ /\_\L\ \ \ \ \ \ \\/_/\ \ \/_/_\_<_ \ \ \_/ \ \ \ \ __ /\ \L\ \ \ `\___/ \ \_\/\_\\ \____/ `\/__/ \/_/\/_/ \/___/ ================ PATCHEXTRACT.PS1 ================= Version 1.3 Microsoft MSU Patch Extraction and Patch Organization Utility by Greg Linares (@Laughing_Mantis) This Powershell script will extract a Microsoft MSU update file and then organize the output of extracted files and folders. Organization of the output files is based on the patch's files and will organize them based on their archicture (x86, x64, or wow64) as well as their content-type, ie: resource and catalog files will be moved to a JUNK subfolder and patch binaries and index files will goto a PATCH folder. This script was developed in order to aid reverse engineers in quickly organizing patches so they can be binary diffed faster and easier. This was especially developed with the new bulk Microsoft Kernel patches in mind. Example output folder structure ouput would be similar to this: C:\PATCHES\MS15-XXX\PRE -x86 - x86 Binary patched files -x64 - x64 binary patched files -WOW64 - syswow64 binary patched files -JUNK - resource, catalog, mum, and other non-binary based patched files -PATCH - original patch, cabs and xml files from the extraction -MSIL - MSIL .NET binary patched files ***New in Version 1.1*** -NOSSU - Exclude the SSU CAB in the extraction process Directories will automagically be organized into filename-version to remove garbage filler folder names ============= REQUIREMENTS ============= 'expand.exe' to be present in %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32 (it is by default) - It will execute this file @ the current users permissions A valid Microsoft MSU patch file to extract (PATCH variable) Directory and File write/creation permissions to the PATH folder specified ======= USAGE ======= Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File PatchExtract.ps1 -Patch C:\Patches\Windows6.1-KB3088195-x64.msu -Path C:\Patches\MS15-XXX\POST\ This would extract the patch file C:\Patches\Windows6.1-KB3088195-x64.msu to the folder C:\Patches\MS15-XXX\POST\. It will then create all the sub organization folders within C:\Patches\MS15-XXX\POST\ folder. (Note: the optional Powershell parameters '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass' is necessary in some environments to overcome Powershell execution restrictions) ========== ARGUMENTS ========== -PATCH <STRING:Filename> [REQUIRED] [NO DEFAULT] Specifies the MSU file that will be extracted to the specified PATH folder and then organized into the x86, x64, WOW, JUNK, and BIN folders specified Extract command will be "expand -F:* <PATCH> <PATH>" Non MSU files have not been tested however if the extraction does not generate a CAB file of the same name (indicator of successful extraction of MSU files) the script assumes extraction failed. -PATH <STRING:FolderPath> [REQUIRED] [NO DEFAULT] Specified the folder that the PATCH file will be extracted and organized into If the specified folders does not exist yet, the user will be prompted if they want to create it. Relative paths '.\POST' can be used but it has not extensively been tested. ***New in Version 1.1*** The -PATH variable may be now omitted to expand to current directory -x86 <STRING:Foldername> [OPTIONAL] [DEFAULT='x86'] Specifies the folder name within $PATH to store x86 patch binaries example: -x86 32bit -x64 <STRING:Foldername> [OPTIONAL] [DEFAULT='x64'] Specifies the folder name within $PATH to store x64 patch binaries example: -x64 64bit -WOW <STRING:Foldername> [OPTIONAL] [DEFAULT='WOW64'] Specifies the folder name within $PATH to store wow64 type patch binaries example: -WOW sysWOW64 -MSIL <STRING:Foldername> [OPTIONAL] [DEFAULT='MSIL'] *** New in Version 1.1*** Specifies the folder name within $PATH to store .NET type patch binaries example: -MSIL DOTNET -JUNK <STRING:Foldername> [OPTIONAL] [DEFAULT='JUNK'] Specifies the folder name within $PATH to store resource, catalog, and other generally useless for diffing patch binaries example: -JUNK res -BIN <STRING:Foldername> [OPTIONAL] [DEFAULT='PATCH'] Specifies the folder name within $PATH to store extraction xml and original patch msu and cab files example: -BIN bin - NOSSU <SWITCH> [OPTIONAL] [DEFAULT=$false] Excludes the servicing stack CAB from extraction (if present) ================ VERSION HISTORY ================ I originally wrote this as an ugly batch file sometime between 2014 and 2015 as a way to organize folders but it was incomplete and buggy Oct 15, 2015 - Initial Public Release 1.0 Oct 20, 2016 - Version 1.1 Released * Bug fixes handling new naming format for patch .cab files * Added the ability to auto-extract to the same directory as current PATCH * filtered output directory name format to aid in bindiffing Oct 20, 2016 - Version 1.2 Released * Bug fixes handling MSIL renaming issues and collisions in renameing patch folders Nov 7, 2016 - Version 1.25 Released * Added hack to handle subsequent CAB files Microsoft Added in Windows 10 Cumulative Patches - will make a better way to handle this in 1.3 March 15, 2017 - Version 1.3 Released * Color Change to sweet vaporwave retro 80s colors * Cleaned up some awful code that I must have been on some amazing substances when I wrote * Spent several hours making a rad ASCII Logo * Most importantly fixed the Sub-cab auto-extraction method that Microsoft introduced late 2016 August 23, 2020 - Version 1.31 - Unofficial update by wumb0 * Fixed extracting command (Start-Process -> iex). There's a bug in powershell that breaks Start-Process with arg lists that have literal quotes * Supressed output of expand.exe commands to cut down on script runtimes March 24, 2021 - Version 1.32 - Unofficial update by wumb0 * Update script to handle this month's update to the patch packaging format * Simplify recursive CAB extraction into a loop * Add option to skip the SSU CAB * Silenced a lot of output ========== LICENSING ========== This script is provided free as beer. It probably has some bugs and coding issues, however if you like it or find it useful please give me a shout out on twitter @Laughing_Mantis. Feedback is encouraged and I will be likely releasing new scripts and tools and training in the future if it is welcome. -GLin #> Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$PATCH = "", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string]$PATH = "", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string]$x86 = "x86", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string]$x64 = "x64", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string]$WOW = "WOW64", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string]$MSIL = "MSIL", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string]$JUNK = "JUNK", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string]$BIN = "PATCH", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [switch]$NOSSU = $false ) Clear-Host $ASCIIART = @" ____ ______ ______ ____ __ __ /\ _`\ /\ _ \ /\__ _\/\ _`\ /\ \/\ \ \ \ \L\ \\ \ \L\ \\/_/\ \/\ \ \/\_\\ \ \_\ \ \ \ ,__/ \ \ __ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/_/_\ \ _ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \L\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \ \____/ \ \_\ \_\ \/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/_/ \/___/ \/_/\/_/ ____ __ __ ______ ____ ______ ____ ______ /\ _`\ /\ \ /\ \ /\__ _\/\ _`\ /\ _ \ /\ _`\ /\__ _\ \ \ \L\_\\ `\`\/'/'\/_/\ \/\ \ \L\ \\ \ \L\ \\ \ \/\_\\/_/\ \/ \ \ _\L `\/ > < \ \ \ \ \ , / \ \ __ \\ \ \/_/_ \ \ \ \ \ \L\ \ \/'/\`\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \/\ \\ \ \L\ \ \ \ \ \ \____/ /\_\\ \_\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\\ \_\ \_\\ \____/ \ \_\ \/___/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/\/ / \/_/\/_/ \/___/ \/_/ __ __ _ __ /\ \/\ \ /' \ /'__`\ \ \ \ \ \ /\_, \ /\_\L\ \ \ \ \ \ \\/_/\ \ \/_/_\_<_ \ \ \_/ \ \ \ \ __ /\ \L\ \ \ `\___/ \ \_\/\_\\ \____/ `\/__/ \/_/\/_/ \/___/ "@ Write-Host $ASCIIART -ForegroundColor Magenta Start-Sleep -s 3 if ($PATCH -eq "") { Throw ("Error: No PATCH file specified. Specify a valid Microsoft MSU Patch with the -PATCH argument") } if ((Split-Path $PATCH -Parent) -eq "") { # First look in current working directory for the relative filename $CurrentDir = $(get-location).Path; $PATCH = $CurrentDir + "\" + $PATCH # if that doesnt work we look in the current script directory (less likely) # but hey we tried if (!(Test-Path $PATCH)) { $scriptDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent $PATCH = $scriptDir + "\" + $PATCH } } if (!(Test-Path $PATCH)) { Throw ("Error: Specified PATCH file ($PATCH) does not exist. Specify a valid Microsoft MSU Patch file with the -PATCH argument.") } if ($PATH -eq "") { $PATH = Split-Path $PATCH -Parent write-Host ("PATH = $PATH") -ForegroundColor White Write-Host ("No PATH folder specified. Will extract to $PATH folder.") -ForegroundColor White } #Bug Fix (Resolve-Path Error if invalid path was specified before the path was created) if (!($PATCH.ToUpper().EndsWith(".MSU"))) { Do { $Attempt = Read-Host ("Warning: Specified PATCH file ($PATCH) is not a MSU file type. Do you still want to attempt extraction? [Y] or [N]") } Until ('Y', 'y', 'n', 'N' -ccontains $Attempt) if ($Attempt.ToUpper() -eq 'N') { Write-Host ("Exiting...") -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta Exit } } if (!(Test-Path $PATH)) { Do { $Attempt = Read-Host ("Warning: Specified PATH folder ($PATH) does not exist. Do you want to create it? [Y] or [N]") } Until ('Y', 'y', 'n', 'N' -ccontains $Attempt) if ($Attempt.ToUpper() -eq 'N') { Write-Host ("Exiting...") -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta Exit } else { New-Item $PATH -Force -ItemType Directory Write-Host "Created $PATH Folder" -ForegroundColor Cyan } } $PATCH = Resolve-Path $PATCH $PATH = Resolve-Path $PATH Write-Host "Patch to Extract: $PATCH" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "Extraction Path: $PATH" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "x86 File Storage Folder Name: $x86" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "x64 File Storage Folder Name: $x64" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "WOW64 File Storage Folder Name: $WOW" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "MSIL File Storage Folder Name: $MSIL" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "Junk File Storage Folder Name: $JUNK" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "Orignal Patch File Storage Folder Name: $BIN" -ForegroundColor Magenta $PATCHx86 = Join-Path -path $PATH -ChildPath $x86 $PATCHx64 = Join-Path -path $PATH -ChildPath $x64 $PATCHWOW = Join-Path -path $PATH -ChildPath $WOW $PATCHMSIL = Join-Path -path $PATH -ChildPath $MSIL $PATCHJUNK = Join-Path -path $PATH -ChildPath $JUNK $PATCHCAB = Join-Path -path $PATH -ChildPath $BIN if (!(Test-Path $PATCHx86 -pathType Container)) { New-Item $PATCHx86 -Force -ItemType Directory Write-Host "Making $PATCHx86 Folder" -ForegroundColor Cyan } if (!(Test-Path $PATCHx64 -pathType Container)) { New-Item $PATCHx64 -Force -ItemType Directory Write-Host "Making $PATCHx64 Folder" -ForegroundColor Cyan } if (!(Test-Path $PATCHWOW -pathType Container)) { New-Item $PATCHWOW -Force -ItemType Directory Write-Host "Making $PATCHWOW Folder" -ForegroundColor Cyan } if (!(Test-Path $PATCHMSIL -pathType Container)) { New-Item $PATCHMSIL -Force -ItemType Directory Write-Host "Making $PATCHMSIL Folder" -ForegroundColor Cyan } if (!(Test-Path $PATCHJUNK -pathType Container)) { New-Item $PATCHJUNK -Force -ItemType Directory Write-Host "Making $PATCHJUNK Folder" -ForegroundColor Cyan } if (!(Test-Path $PATCHCAB -pathType Container)) { New-Item $PATCHCAB -Force -ItemType Directory Write-Host "Making $PATCHCAB Folder" -ForegroundColor Cyan } $SYSPATH = Join-Path -path (get-item env:\windir).Value -ChildPath "system32" $EXPAND = Join-Path -path $SYSPATH -ChildPath "expand.exe" if (!(Test-Path $EXPAND)) { Throw ("Error: Cannot find 'Expand.exe' in the $SYSPATH folder.") } $ARG = '-F:* ' + '"' + $PATCH + '" ' + '"' + $PATH + '"' Write-Host "Executing the following command: $EXPAND $ARG" -ForegroundColor Cyan # iex("$EXPAND $ARG | Out-Null") | Out-Null $CABS = Get-Childitem -Path $PATH -Filter *.cab while ($null -ne $CABS) { foreach ($CAB in $CABS) { Write-Host "CAB File: $CAB" -ForegroundColor White if (!($CAB.Name -eq "" -or ($NOSSU -and $CAB.Name -like "SSU-*"))) { $CAB = Join-Path -path $PATH -ChildPath $CAB Write-Host "Main-Cab: $CAB" -ForegroundColor Magenta if (Test-Path $CAB) { # add unique characters to the filename to prevent name collisions $hash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 $CAB $NEWCAB = $CAB.SubString(0, $CAB.LastIndexOf(".")) + "-" + $HASH.Hash.SubString(0, 5) + ".cab" Move-Item $CAB $NEWCAB -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $CAB = $NEWCAB $ARG = '-F:* ' + '"' + $CAB + '" ' + '"' + $PATH + '"' Write-Host "Executing the following command: $EXPAND $ARG" -ForegroundColor Cyan iex("$EXPAND $ARG | Out-Null") | Out-Null Write-Host "Moving $CAB to $PATCHCAB" -ForegroundColor Magenta Move-Item $CAB $PATCHCAB -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { Throw "Error: Patch .CAB File [$CAB] could not be located. Patch Extraction failed - please send notification of this error to @Laughing_Mantis." } } else { Write-Host "Moving $CAB to $PATCHCAB" -ForegroundColor Magenta Move-Item $CAB $PATCHCAB -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } $CABS = Get-Childitem -Path $NEW -Filter *.cab } $PATCHFolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $PATH -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {$_.Attributes -eq 'Directory'} Write-Host "Sorting patch files into the correct folders" foreach ($folder in $PATCHFolders) { if ($folder.Name.Contains(".resources_")) { Move-Item $folder.FullName $PATCHJUNK -Force #Write-Host "Moving $folder to $PATCHJUNK" -ForegroundColor Cyan Continue } else { if ($folder.Name.StartsWith("x86_")) { Move-Item $folder.FullName $PATCHx86 -Force #Write-Host "Moving $folder to $PATCHx86" -ForegroundColor Cyan Continue } if ($folder.Name.StartsWith("amd64_")) { Move-Item $folder.FullName $PATCHx64 -Force #Write-Host "Moving $folder to $PATCHx64" -ForegroundColor Cyan Continue } if ($folder.Name.StartsWith("wow64_")) { Move-Item $folder.FullName $PATCHWOW -Force #Write-Host "Moving $folder to $PATCHWOW" -ForegroundColor Cyan Continue } if ($folder.Name.StartsWith("msil_")) { Move-Item $folder.FullName $PATCHMSIL -Force #Write-Host "Moving $folder to $PATCHMSIL" -ForegroundColor Cyan Continue } } } <# PRETTY BINDIFF OUTPUT - changes folder names from x86-microsoft-windows-filename-hash-version-garbage to filename-version #> $PATCHFolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $PATCHx86 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {$_.Attributes -eq 'Directory'} foreach ($folder in $PATCHFolders) { if ($folder -like "x86_microsoft-windows-*") { $newfolder = $folder.Name.Replace("x86_microsoft-windows-", "") $newname = $newfolder.Split("_")[0] $version = $newfolder.Split("_")[2] $newname = $newname + "_" + $version #Write-Host ("Renaming $folder to $newname") -ForegroundColor Magenta Rename-Item -path $folder.FullName -newName ($newname) } elseif ($folder -like "x86_*") { $newfolder = $folder.Name.Replace("x86_", "") $newname = $newfolder.Split("_")[0] $version = $newfolder.Split("_")[2] $newname = $newname + "_" + $version #Write-Host ("Renaming $folder to $newname") -ForegroundColor Cyan Rename-Item -path $folder.FullName -newName ($newname) } } $PATCHFolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $PATCHx64 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {$_.Attributes -eq 'Directory'} foreach ($folder in $PATCHFolders) { if ($folder -like "amd64_microsoft-windows-*") { $newfolder = $folder.Name.Replace("amd64_microsoft-windows-", "") $newname = $newfolder.Split("_")[0] $version = $newfolder.Split("_")[2] $newname = $newname + "_" + $version #Write-Host ("Renaming $folder to $newname") -ForegroundColor Magenta Rename-Item -path $folder.FullName -newName ($newname) } elseif ($folder -like "amd64_*") { $newfolder = $folder.Name.Replace("amd64_", "") $newname = $newfolder.Split("_")[0] $version = $newfolder.Split("_")[2] $newname = $newname + "_" + $version #Write-Host ("Renaming $folder to $newname") -ForegroundColor Cyan Rename-Item -path $folder.FullName -newName ($newname) } } $PATCHFolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $PATCHWOW -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {$_.Attributes -eq 'Directory'} foreach ($folder in $PATCHFolders) { if ($folder -like "wow64_microsoft-windows-*") { $newfolder = $folder.Name.Replace("wow64_microsoft-windows-", "") $newname = $newfolder.Split("_")[0] $version = $newfolder.Split("_")[2] $newname = $newname + "_" + $version #Write-Host ("Renaming $folder to $newname") -ForegroundColor Magenta Rename-Item -path $folder.FullName -newName ($newname) } elseif ($folder -like "wow64_*") { $newfolder = $folder.Name.Replace("wow64_", "") $newname = $newfolder.Split("_")[0] $version = $newfolder.Split("_")[2] $newname = $newname + "_" + $version #Write-Host ("Renaming $folder to $newname") -ForegroundColor Cyan Rename-Item -path $folder.FullName -newName ($newname) } } $PATCHFolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $PATCHMSIL -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {$_.Attributes -eq 'Directory'} foreach ($folder in $PATCHFolders) { if ($folder -like "msil_*") { $newfolder = $folder.Name.Replace("msil_", "") $newname = $newfolder.Split("_")[0] $version = $newfolder.Split("_")[2] $newname = $newname + "_" + $version #Write-Host ("Renaming $folder to $newname") -ForegroundColor Cyan Rename-Item -path $folder.FullName -newName ($newname) } } $Junkfiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $PATH -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue foreach ($JunkFile in $Junkfiles) { try { if (($JunkFile.Name.EndsWith(".manifest")) -or ($JunkFile.Name.EndsWith(".cat")) -or ($JunkFile.Name.EndsWith(".mum"))) { Move-Item $JunkFile.FullName $PATCHJUNK -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Write-Host "Moving $JunkFile to $PATCHJUNK" -ForegroundColor Magenta Continue } if (($JunkFile.Name.EndsWith(".cab")) -or ($JunkFile.Name.EndsWith(".xml")) -or ($JunkFile.Name.EndsWith(".msu")) -or ($JunkFile.Name.EndsWith("pkgProperties.txt")) -or ($JunkFile.Name.EndsWith("ini"))) { Move-Item $JunkFile.FullName $PATCHCAB -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Write-Host "Moving $JunkFile to $PATCHCAB" -ForegroundColor Cyan Continue } if ($JunkFile.Name -eq "patch") { Move-Item $JunkFile.FullName $PATCHCAB -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Write-Host "Moving $JunkFile to $PATCHCAB" -ForegroundColor Magenta Continue } } catch { Write-Host "Error Processing ($JunkFile.Fullname)" -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta } }
.\PatchExtract.ps1 .\windows.......msu
from ctypes import (windll, wintypes, c_uint64, cast, POINTER, Union, c_ubyte, LittleEndianStructure, byref, c_size_t) import zlib # types and flags DELTA_FLAG_TYPE = c_uint64 DELTA_FLAG_NONE = 0x00000000 DELTA_APPLY_FLAG_ALLOW_PA19 = 0x00000001 # structures class DELTA_INPUT(LittleEndianStructure): class U1(Union): _fields_ = [('lpcStart', wintypes.LPVOID), ('lpStart', wintypes.LPVOID)] _anonymous_ = ('u1',) _fields_ = [('u1', U1), ('uSize', c_size_t), ('Editable', wintypes.BOOL)] class DELTA_OUTPUT(LittleEndianStructure): _fields_ = [('lpStart', wintypes.LPVOID), ('uSize', c_size_t)] # functions ApplyDeltaB = windll.msdelta.ApplyDeltaB ApplyDeltaB.argtypes = [DELTA_FLAG_TYPE, DELTA_INPUT, DELTA_INPUT, POINTER(DELTA_OUTPUT)] ApplyDeltaB.rettype = wintypes.BOOL DeltaFree = windll.msdelta.DeltaFree DeltaFree.argtypes = [wintypes.LPVOID] DeltaFree.rettype = wintypes.BOOL gle = windll.kernel32.GetLastError def apply_patchfile_to_buffer(buf, buflen, patchpath, legacy): with open(patchpath, 'rb') as patch: patch_contents = # most (all?) patches (Windows Update MSU) come with a CRC32 prepended to the file # we don't really care if it is valid or not, we just need to remove it if it is there # we only need to calculate if the file starts with PA30 or PA19 and then has PA30 or PA19 after it magic = [b"PA30"] if legacy: magic.append(b"PA19") if patch_contents[:4] in magic and patch_contents[4:][:4] in magic: # we have to validate and strip the crc instead of just stripping it crc = int.from_bytes(patch_contents[:4], 'little') if zlib.crc32(patch_contents[4:]) == crc: # crc is valid, strip it, else don't patch_contents = patch_contents[4:] elif patch_contents[4:][:4] in magic: # validate the header strip the CRC, we don't care about it patch_contents = patch_contents[4:] # check if there is just no CRC at all elif patch_contents[:4] not in magic: # this just isn't valid raise Exception("Patch file is invalid") applyflags = DELTA_APPLY_FLAG_ALLOW_PA19 if legacy else DELTA_FLAG_NONE dd = DELTA_INPUT() ds = DELTA_INPUT() dout = DELTA_OUTPUT() ds.lpcStart = buf ds.uSize = buflen ds.Editable = False dd.lpcStart = cast(patch_contents, wintypes.LPVOID) dd.uSize = len(patch_contents) dd.Editable = False status = ApplyDeltaB(applyflags, ds, dd, byref(dout)) if status == 0: raise Exception("Patch {} failed with error {}".format(patchpath, gle())) return (dout.lpStart, dout.uSize) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import base64 import hashlib import argparse ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() mode = ap.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) output = ap.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) mode.add_argument("-i", "--input-file", help="File to patch (forward or reverse)") mode.add_argument("-n", "--null", action="store_true", default=False, help="Create the output file from a null diff " "(null diff must be the first one specified)") output.add_argument("-o", "--output-file", help="Destination to write patched file to") output.add_argument("-d", "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Don't write patch, just see if it would patch" "correctly and get the resulting hash") ap.add_argument("-l", "--legacy", action='store_true', default=False, help="Let the API use the PA19 legacy API (if required)") ap.add_argument("patches", nargs='+', help="Patches to apply") args = ap.parse_args() if not args.dry_run and not args.output_file: print("Either specify -d or -o", file=sys.stderr) ap.print_help() sys.exit(1) if args.null: inbuf = b"" else: with open(args.input_file, 'rb') as r: inbuf = buf = cast(inbuf, wintypes.LPVOID) n = len(inbuf) to_free = [] try: for patch in args.patches: buf, n = apply_patchfile_to_buffer(buf, n, patch, args.legacy) to_free.append(buf) outbuf = bytes((c_ubyte*n).from_address(buf)) if not args.dry_run: with open(args.output_file, 'wb') as w: w.write(outbuf) finally: for buf in to_free: DeltaFree(buf) finalhash = hashlib.sha256(outbuf) print("Applied {} patch{} successfully" .format(len(args.patches), "es" if len(args.patches) > 1 else "")) print("Final hash: {}" .format(base64.b64encode(finalhash.digest()).decode()))
python -h
python -i .\ntoskrnl.exe -o ntoskrnl.2022-08.exe .\r\ntoskrnl.exe E:\...\x64\ps-kernel...\f\ntoskrnl.exe
RITSEC CTF 2019: Patch 2sday [MISC]#
python -i .\win32k.patched.sys -o .\patched.sys .\patch-tuesday
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【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步
· 基于Microsoft.Extensions.AI核心库实现RAG应用
· Linux系列:如何用heaptrack跟踪.NET程序的非托管内存泄露
· 开发者必知的日志记录最佳实践
· SQL Server 2025 AI相关能力初探
· Linux系列:如何用 C#调用 C方法造成内存泄露
· 终于写完轮子一部分:tcp代理 了,记录一下
· 震惊!C++程序真的从main开始吗?99%的程序员都答错了
· 别再用vector<bool>了!Google高级工程师:这可能是STL最大的设计失误
· 单元测试从入门到精通
· 【硬核科普】Trae如何「偷看」你的代码?零基础破解AI编程运行原理