
have a ball=have fun,enjoy a good time   e.g. Let's have a ball!

splurge=spend lots of money  e.g.  I'll spurge.

broke=having no money  e.g.  He was broke after meeting his girl friend.

pick up the tab=pay the bill  e.g  Don't worry,I'll pick up the tab for you.

loaded=very rich  e.g  I'm loaded today ,so I'll pick up the tab.

treat=pay for the others  e.g  Let's go to Hargen Daz,I'll treat you!

go Dutch=each pay oneself  e.g  Hey! Why do you take Yan Chenlu here? So we can't go Dutch now!

freeload=get things from the others  e.g  Yan likes to freeload. 


pull someone's leg=trick someone  e.g Yan likes pulling his leg.

work one's fingers to the bone=work very hard  e.g  He works his fingers to the bone inorder to win her heart.

give someone a break=give someone a chance  e.g  Please give me a break, I can't miss it.

look up=get better  e.g  My impression on her is looking up.

take on=begin to handle,accept  She began to take on her couse.

get in the swing of things=get adapt to something  e.g  You must get in the swing of things in Canada.

learn the ropes=to know well about the job  e.g  He should learn the ropes well after the promotion.

a breeze=little case  e.g  To sleep late to 6:00 pm is a breeze to me.

cut out=be talent to  He's cut out for computer.


eager beaver=hard worker  e.g  He was promoted as a eager beaver.

goof off=be lazy  e.g  She will never be promoted since she goofs off.

get ahead=be success  e.g He works hard inorder to get ahead.

count on=relay on,trust  e.g  You can count on him in emergency.

crop up=happen unexpectly  e.g  The accident cropper up,took 3 lives.

pitch in=help  e.g  He will pitch in when in trouble.

clockwatcher=someone who have work in a hurry  e.g  He is a typical clockwatcher who can't wait to work before 5.


pep talk=a talk to arouse enthusiasm  e.g After the pep talk,they were all energetical.

shape up=begin to act  e.g  You'd better shape up or you'll be fired.

pink slip=a warn of dismissal  Work harder or you'll get a pink slip.

get around to=find a time to do something finally  e.g  I'm not hurry,you can get around to it.

in someone's shoes=in someone's situation  e.g  If you were in my shoes you would do as this too.

let it ride=do not change the situation  e.g  She knows it but still let it ride.

off the record=privately  e.g  What I'll tell you is off the record.

gung ho=enthusiastic  e.g  Everyone is gung ho.

clamp down=become stricker  e.g  She should clamp down on them earlier.

posted on 2006-10-16 00:30  hyouhaku  阅读(332)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
