A cool music player. Powered by Bass and BassVis.
支持背景图片(征集图片 1辑 2辑 3辑 4辑),Metro风格就绪。界面部分开源。
新版下载:Latest Version(12.30 -2012.2.27) | 简版 Lite
快捷键 全局 本地 添加 A 删除 Del 清空 Home 队列 Q 下一列表 Ctrl + Alt + N N 播放/暂停 Ctrl + Alt + F5 F5 播放/停止 Ctrl + Alt + F6 F6 快退/快进 Ctrl + Alt + F7 F7 /F8 上/下一个 Ctrl + Alt + Right Right /Left 音量-/+ Ctrl + Alt + Down Ctrl+Down /Up 迷你模式 Ctrl + Alt + M M 最小化 Ctrl + Alt + W W 均衡器 E 透明 Ins 置顶 T 选项 F1 音频格式APE、FLAC、WavPack、MP3、OGG、TTA、TAK、Musepack、AAC、AC3、WMA、Wav、CD、ALAC、OptimFROG、Aiff、MOD、CUE 支持视频及MIDI格式应网友要求,加入了自动切换列表、播放队列、任务栏显歌词、任务栏显/隐图标、均衡器、双倍界面、自动关机等功能。
感谢:@lightory、小帆、QuickFlash、@sogook、@pairsdoll、@smartyeye、无幻 以及小众软件、软件盒子。
声音:小众软件 | 爱体验 | pairsdoll | 软件盒子 | 不着调软件 | 酷软 | Softoxi | 九网软件
分流:Softonic | 霏凡软件 | 多特软件 | 下载吧 | A5 | PC6 | Softpedia
扩展包:Winamp Milkdrop2 视觉效果 | 从随风飞音里面提取出来的音量控制软件:飞音控制
部分源码 PartialSource (2011.11.23) | TntUnicode+TntIniFiles+ShellTreeView | 简繁转换 | Bass | BassVis
A review from Softpedia:
This player is amazing as it brings simplicity to the extreme having almost no interface but yet it is rather powerful as it provides support for almost any thinkable audio format (it can play the rarely used True Audio- TTA and even Cue sheets), while being truly portable makes it an ideal companion for any external flash drive for easy playing of almost any audio file (there's no support for only extremely uncommon lossless audio formats like Lossless Audio- LA, OptimFROG- OFR, Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor- TAK, and Shorten- SHN). It does not offer many options and customizations since it aims at being a 'bare bones' player entirely relying on a few hot keys (not extremely customizable). All it has to offer is some built-in colour themes (available at left-click just below the playlist, which feature is not documented in the Readme file), the simplest possible progress bar (no time elapsed/remaining), transparency, stay on top, equalizer and associations but its portability, stability and its huge number of supported formats make it a nice player for those, who (like me) enjoy minimalism. -by smaragdus