POJ 1579(备忘录算法)

Function Run Fun
Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K
Total Submissions: 13491   Accepted: 7023


We all love recursion! Don't we?

Consider a three-parameter recursive function w(a, b, c):

if a <= 0 or b <= 0 or c <= 0, then w(a, b, c) returns:

if a > 20 or b > 20 or c > 20, then w(a, b, c) returns:
w(20, 20, 20)

if a < b and b < c, then w(a, b, c) returns:
w(a, b, c-1) + w(a, b-1, c-1) - w(a, b-1, c)

otherwise it returns:
w(a-1, b, c) + w(a-1, b-1, c) + w(a-1, b, c-1) - w(a-1, b-1, c-1)

This is an easy function to implement. The problem is, if implemented directly, for moderate values of a, b and c (for example, a = 15, b = 15, c = 15), the program takes hours to run because of the massive recursion.


The input for your program will be a series of integer triples, one per line, until the end-of-file flag of -1 -1 -1. Using the above technique, you are to calculate w(a, b, c) efficiently and print the result.


Print the value for w(a,b,c) for each triple.

Sample Input

1 1 1
2 2 2
10 4 6
50 50 50
-1 7 18
-1 -1 -1

Sample Output

w(1, 1, 1) = 2
w(2, 2, 2) = 4
w(10, 4, 6) = 523
w(50, 50, 50) = 1048576
w(-1, 7, 18) = 1
 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <cstring>
 3 #include <cstdio>
 4 using namespace std;
 6 const int N = 100;
 7 int d[N][N][N];
 8 bool vis[N][N][N];
10 //a,b,c可能是负值,而数组下标无负值,需特殊处理 
11 int fun(int a,int b,int c)//必须带参数,因为中间需要转存且参数变了 
12 {
13    // if(((a<=0||b<=0||c<=0)||(a>20||b>20||c>20)||(a<b&&b<c))&&!vis[a][b][c])//这个条件不对因为若abc其一为负数便执行了else if,需要把第一个条件单独搞出来 
14     if((a<=0||b<=0||c<=0)||(((a>20||b>20||c>20)||(a<b&&b<c))&&!vis[a][b][c]))
15     {
16         if(a<=0||b<=0||c<=0)
17             return 1;
18         if(a>20||b>20||c>20&&!vis[a][b][c])
19         {
20             d[a][b][c] = fun(20,20,20);
21             //d[20][20][20] = fun(20,20,20);
22             d[20][20][20] = d[a][b][c];
23             vis[a][b][c] = 1;
24             vis[20][20][20] = 1;
25         }
26         if(a<b&&b<c&&!vis[a][b][c])
27         {
28             d[a][b][c-1] = fun(a,b,c-1);
29             vis[a][b][c-1] = 1;
30             d[a][b-1][c-1] = fun(a,b-1,c-1);
31             vis[a][b-1][c-1] = 1;
32             d[a][b-1][c] = fun(a,b-1,c);
33             vis[a][b-1][c] = 1;
34             d[a][b][c] =d[a][b][c-1] + d[a][b-1][c-1] - d[a][b-1][c]; 
35             vis[a][b][c] = 1;
36         }
37     }
38     else if(!vis[a][b][c])//加上了if后效率大增 
39     {
40         d[a-1][b][c] = fun(a-1, b, c);
41         vis[a-1][b][c] = 1;
42         d[a-1][b-1][c] = fun(a-1, b-1, c);
43         vis[a-1][b-1][c] = 1;
44         d[a-1][b][c-1] = fun(a-1, b, c-1);
45         vis[a-1][b][c-1] = 1;
46         d[a-1][b-1][c-1] = fun(a-1, b-1, c-1);
47         vis[a-1][b-1][c-1] = 1;
48         d[a][b][c] = d[a-1][b][c] + d[a-1][b-1][c] + d[a-1][b][c-1] - d[a-1][b-1][c-1];
49         vis[a][b][c] = 1;
50     }
51     return d[a][b][c]; 
52 } 
54 int main()
55 {
56     int i,j,k;
57     int a, b, c;
58     while(cin>>a>>b>>c&&!(a==-1&&b==-1&&c==-1))
59     {
60         memset(d,-1,sizeof(d));
61         memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));
62         vis[0][0][0] = 1;
63         d[0][0][0] = 1;
64         int ans = fun(a,b,c);
65         //cout<<"w("<<a<<","<<b","<<c<<") = "<<ans<<endl;
66         printf("w(%d, %d, %d) = %d\n",a,b,c,ans);//注意有4个空格,原来只注意到了等号两侧的空格吃了一个PE 
67     }
68     return 0;
69 }


posted @ 2012-11-17 20:34  加拿大小哥哥  阅读(560)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报