Mybatis 碰到的一些问题

1. SQL语句参数无法获取nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: There is no getter for property named 'order_ids' in 'class java.lang.String'


1  <select id="getTransferOrderListByOrderIds" parameterType="String" resultType="HashMap">
2         select *
3         from   wp_transfer_order
4         WHERE  ORDER_SN IN (${order_ids})
5   </select>
解决方法: 将parameterType="String"参数改为传一个自定义实体对象或者HashMap来封装这个id参数,就可以在自定义实体对象或者HashMap中找到这个id属性

2. SQL语句参数错误:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException:
nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.builder.IncompleteElementException:  
not find parameter map com.paycloud.interfaces.dao.AdminUserDao.AdminUserResultMap
(1) XML配置部分:
 1   <resultMap id="AdminUserResultMap" type="com.paycloud.interfaces.dto.AdminUserDto">
 2       <id column="MUID"           jdbcType="INTEGER"   property="muId" />
 3       <result column="ROLEID"     jdbcType="INTEGER"   property="roleId" />
 4       <result column="USERNAME"   jdbcType="VARCHAR"   property="userName" />
 5       <result column="PASSWORD"   jdbcType="VARCHAR"   property="passWord" />
 6       <result column="BINDIP"     jdbcType="VARCHAR"   property="bindIp" />
 7       <result column="LASTIP"     jdbcType="VARCHAR"   property="lastIp" />
 8       <result column="LASTLOGIN"  jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="lastLogin" />
 9       <result column="SALTS"      jdbcType="CHAR"      property="salts" />
10       <result column="STATUS"     jdbcType="INTEGER"   property="status" />
11       <result column="GOOGLECODE" jdbcType="VARCHAR"   property="googleCode" />
12  </resultMap>

  (2) SQL语句部分


1  <!-- 添加用户 -->
2   <insert id="addAdminUser"  parameterMap="AdminUserResultMap" >
3       insert into sys_admin_user
5       values
6           (#{roleId},#{userName},#{passWord},#{salts},#{status},#{lastLogin}, #{googleCode})
7   </insert>


1  <!-- 添加用户 -->
2   <insert id="addAdminUser"  parameterType="com.paycloud.interfaces.dto.AdminUserDto" >
3       insert into sys_admin_user
5       values
6           (#{roleId},#{userName},#{passWord},#{salts},#{status},#{lastLogin}, #{googleCode})
7   </insert>


3. 注释搞的鬼:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException:
Could not set parameters for mapping: ParameterMapping{property='pageIndex', mode=IN, javaType=class java.lang.Integer, jdbcType=null, numericScale=null, resultMapId='null', jdbcTypeName='null', expression='null'}.
Cause: org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException: Error setting non null for parameter #4 with JdbcType null . Try setting a different JdbcType for this parameter or a different configuration property.
Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Parameter index out of range (4 > number of parameters, which is 3).

 1 <!-- 交易统计报表 -->
 2  <select id="getTradeDayStatistics" resultType="Hashmap">
 3     SELECT SUM(t.ORDER_AMOUNT) as order_amount
 4     FROM wp_trade_order t
 6           <if test="tranType != null and tranType != ''">         and t.TRAN_TYPE    = #{tranType}        </if>
 7           <if test="channelCode != null and channelCode != ''">   and t.CHANNEL_CODE = #{channelCode}     </if>
 8           <if test="startTime != null and startTime != ''">       and t.FINISH_TIME  >= #{startTime}    </if>
 9           <if test="endTime != null and endTime != ''">           and t.FINISH_TIME  <= #{endTime}      </if>
10           <if test="minPayMoney != null and minPayMoney != ''">   and t.ORDER_AMOUNT >= #{minPayMoney} </if>
11           <if test="maxPayMoney != null and maxPayMoney != ''">   and t.ORDER_AMOUNT <= #{maxPayMoney} </if>
12    /*limit #{pageIndex}, #{pageSize}*/
13  </select>



  4.插入时间出现的问题 : Error querying database.  Cause: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid comparison: java.util.Date and java.lang.String  

 1  <!-- 生成财务流水 -->
 2  <insert id="insertBillings" parameterType="com.paycloud.interfaces.dto.BillingsDto">
 3    INSERT INTO wp_billings
 4    <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" prefixOverrides=",">
 5       <if test="partnerId != null and partnerId != ''">,   PARTNER_ID         </if>
 6       <if test="tradeTime != null and tradeTime != ''">, TRADE_TIME         </if>
 7    </trim>
 8    <trim prefix="VALUES (" suffix=")" prefixOverrides=",">
 9       <if test="partnerId != null and partnerId != ''">,    #{partnerId}      </if>
10       <if test="tradeTime != null and tradeTime != '' ">, #{tradeTime}      </if>
11    </trim>
12 </insert>

   这是mybatis 3.3.0中对于时间参数进行比较时的一个bug. 如果拿传入的时间类型参数与空字符串''进行对比判断则会引发异常.

  所以  and tradeTime != ' ' 删除,只保留非空判断就正常了


posted @ 2017-06-29 10:10  王者级青铜  阅读(12134)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报