现在着重看web service replacement 方面的东西。部分转载自玉泉老博的博客。(受玉泉老博博客的启示,也准备在这里记录所看的东西,一是整理,二是督促)

Yu Tao
个人主页: http://link.ece.uci.edu/tyu/index.html
本科就读于成都电子科技大学(1995), 硕士是北邮(1998), PhD在University of California, Irvine(2002), 博士论文的题目是"QoS (Quality of Service) in Web Services: Architecture, Model and Algorithms"

dblp上列出的发表的web service的相关论文(后来应该是转方向了):

T. Yu and K.J. Lin "Service Selection Algorithms for Web Services with End-to-end QoS Constraints", Journal of Information Systems and e-Business Management, Volume 3, Number 2, July 2005
T. Yu and K.J. Lin, "Service Selection Algorithms for Composing Complex Services with Multiple QoS Constraints", ICSOC2005
T. Yu and K.J. Lin, "Adaptive algorithms for Finding Replacement Services in Autonomic Distributed Business Processes." ISADS2005
T. Yu and K.J. Lin "A Broker-Based Framework for QoS-Aware Web Service Composition", EEE05
Tao Yu, Yue Zhang, Kwei-Jay Lin: Efficient algorithms for Web services selection with end-to-end QoS constraints. TWEB 1(1): (2007)

 解决问题:服务选择问题,在满足约束(constraint:response time)的条件下,最大效能问题,在保证全局Qos最优的情况下。


           (1)只讨论sequential下的情况   (在sequential; parallel; conditional; loop);


组合函数:Response time,cost,reliablity,availability,

每一个服务类(service class)里包含功能相同,Qos参数不同的服务,且都有一个service level

并根据上面的Qos参数给出benefit function.  效能函数(untility function) 根据以上并行定义。

以前的如BPEL4WS中用abstract processes 进处理,在Sheng QZ的论文中,采用service community来归类相应的service,此处用的是service class.



采用两种方式进行建模:1)combinatorial approach, graph approach

在combiantorial approach中,问题被建模为MCKP(多选择背包问题), 并使用了Exhausive search, dynamic programming(动态规划), Pisinger这3种算法来求解.
这种方式的缺陷是无法对transmision delay和cost进行建模. 由于同一个service class内的不同service可以由不同的provider提供, 而不同的provider可以处于不同的网络, 因此service之间的transmission delay/cost是存在差异的, 但是在combinatorial approach中只能假定两个service之间的transmission delay/cost是一样的.

graph approach:使用DAG进行建模(如果还有其他composition model ,比如parallel, 似乎很难用文中现有的建模方法), 经过转换, 将cost/benefit等参数映射到边上.
将问题建模成图论中的constrained shortest path问题.
使用了Constrained Bellman-Ford(CBF)和Constrained Shortest Path(CSP)算法来求解.


(1) dominate relationship (S5.2.3, 算法1中提到)
两条路径a, b, 如果(a.utility >= b.utility) && (a.delay <= b.delay ), 则称路径a dominate 路径b, 即路径a在每一个方面都优于路径b.
(2) topological order
Definition: A numbering of the vertices of a directed acyclic graph such that every edge from a vertex numbered i to a vertex numbered j satisfies i<j.







Sheng QZ, Benatallah B, Dumas M, Mak E (2002) SELF-SERV: A Platform for Rapid
Composition of Web services in a Peer-to-Peer Environment. Proc. of the 28th Very
Large DataBase Conference (VLDB’2002), Hong Kong, China

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