def train(self):
        """Train StarGAN within a single dataset."""
        # Set data loader.
        data_loader = self.celeba_loader
        data_iter = iter(data_loader)
        # Learning rate cache for decaying.
        g_lr = self.g_lr
        d_lr = self.d_lr

        # Start training from scratch or resume training.
        start_iters = 0 
        self.resume_iters = start_iters
        if self.resume_iters: #参数resume_iters 设置为none 
            start_iters = self.resume_iters #可以不连续训练,从之前训练好后的结果处开始
            self.restore_model(self.resume_iters, 'both')
        # Start training.
        print('Start training...')
        start_time = time.time()
        for i in range(start_iters, self.num_iters):

            # =================================================================================== #
            #                             1. Preprocess input data                                #
            # =================================================================================== #

            # Fetch real images and labels.
                x_fixed, x_illumination,label_org = next(data_iter)
                data_iter = iter(data_loader)
                x_fixed, x_illumination,label_org = next(data_iter)
            x_fixed = x_fixed.to(self.device)          
            x_illumination = x_illumination.to(self.device) 
            label_org = label_org.to(self.device)

            # =================================================================================== #
            #                        #加上gluon中的网络,normalizaion                               #
            # =================================================================================== #
            fake_out = self.netG1(x_illumination)
            # update D
            self.set_requires_grad(self.netD1, True)
            # update G
            self.set_requires_grad(self.netD1, False)
            # =================================================================================== #
            #                             2. Train the discriminator                              #
            # =================================================================================== #

            # Compute loss with real images.
            out_src, out_cls = self.D(x_illumination) #D接受的就只是一幅图像,真实的具有光照的图像
            #判别器以一个batch(16张)的真实图片为输入,输出out_src[16, 1, 2, 2],用来判断图片真假。
            #out_cls[16, 5],得到图片的标签估计。 
            d_loss_real = - torch.mean(out_src) # d_loss_real最小,那么 out_src 最大==1 (针对图像)
            d_loss_cls = self.classification_loss(out_cls, label_org, self.dataset) #针对标签 
            #d_loss_cls = -self.classification_loss(out_cls, label_org, dataset = 'RaFD')
            x_fake = self.G(x_fixed, label_org) #x_fake 生成一个图像数据
            out_src, out_cls = self.D(x_fake.detach())#在这里表示不用求上面一行中的G的梯度
            d_loss_fake = torch.mean(out_src) #假图像为0 
            #d_loss_cls = self.classification_loss(out_cls, label_org, self.dataset)
            # Compute loss for gradient penalty.
            alpha = torch.rand(x_fixed.size(0), 1, 1, 1).to(self.device) 
            # alpha是一个随机数 tensor([[[[ 0.7610]]]])
            x_hat = (alpha * x_fixed.data + (1 - alpha) * x_fake.data).requires_grad_(True)
            # x_hat是一个图像大小的张量数据,随着alpha的改变而变化
            out_src, _ = self.D(x_hat) #x_hat 表示梯度惩罚因子
            d_loss_gp = self.gradient_penalty(out_src, x_hat)
            d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake + self.lambda_cls * d_loss_cls + self.lambda_gp * d_loss_gp
            #(1.00000e-04 *1.1113) (1.00000e-05 * -3.0589) (13.8667) (0.9953)

            # Logging.
            loss = {}
            loss['D/loss_real'] = d_loss_real.item()
            loss['D/loss_fake'] = d_loss_fake.item()
            loss['D/loss_cls'] = (self.lambda_cls *d_loss_cls).item()
            loss['D/loss_gp'] = (self.lambda_gp * d_loss_gp).item()
            # =================================================================================== #
            #                               3. Train the generator                                #
            # =================================================================================== #
            if (i+1) % self.n_critic == 0: #每更新5次判别器再更新一次生成器
                # Original-to-target domain.
                x_fake = self.G(x_fixed, label_org)
                out_src, out_cls = self.D(x_fake)
                g_loss_fake = - torch.mean(out_src) #这里是对抗损失,希望生成的假图像为1
                g_loss_cls = self.classification_loss(out_cls, label_org, self.dataset)#向目标标签进行转化
                #g_loss_cls = -self.classification_loss(out_cls, label_org, dataset = 'RaFD')
                # Target-to-original domain.
                # 这里结合另一个GAN 进行重建
                #x_reconst = self.G(x_fake, c_org)
                #g_loss_rec = torch.mean(torch.abs(x_fixed - x_reconst))
                g_ground_truth = torch.mean(torch.abs(x_illumination - x_fake))
                g_loss_rec = torch.mean(torch.abs(self.G(self.netG1(x_illumination),label_org) - x_illumination))
                # Backward and optimize.
                g_loss = g_loss_fake + 100 * g_ground_truth + self.lambda_cls * g_loss_cls +\
                self.lambda_rec  * g_loss_rec
                #tensor(-0.4776) tensor(0.4306) tensor(5.2388) tensor(0.4283)

                # Logging.
                loss['G/loss_fake'] = g_loss_fake.item()
                loss['G/loss_gt'] = (self.lambda_rec *g_ground_truth).item()
                loss['G/loss_rec'] = (self.lambda_rec *g_loss_rec).item()
                loss['G/loss_cls'] = g_loss_cls.item()

            # =================================================================================== #
            #                                 4. Miscellaneous                                    #
            # =================================================================================== #

            # Print out training information.
            if (i+1) % self.log_step == 0:
                et = time.time() - start_time
                et = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=et))[:-7]
                log = "Elapsed [{}], Iteration [{}/{}]".format(et, i+1, self.num_iters)
                for tag, value in loss.items():
                    log += ", {}: {:.4f}".format(tag, value)

                if self.use_tensorboard:
                    for tag, value in loss.items():
                        self.logger.scalar_summary(tag, value, i+1)

            # Translate fixed images for debugging. 每100轮保存一次图像
            if (i+1) % self.sample_step == 0:
                with torch.no_grad():
                    x_fake_list = [x_fixed]
                    x_fake_list.append(self.G(x_fixed, label_org))
                    x_concat = torch.cat(x_fake_list, dim=3)
                    sample_path = os.path.join(self.sample_dir, '{}-images.jpg'.format(i+1))
                    save_image(self.denorm(x_concat.data.cpu()), sample_path, nrow=1, padding=0)
                    print('Saved real and fake images into {}...'.format(sample_path))

            # Save model checkpoints. 每100轮保存一下模型
            if (i+1) % self.model_save_step == 0:
                G_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, '{}-G.ckpt'.format(i+1))
                D_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, '{}-D.ckpt'.format(i+1))
                torch.save(self.G.state_dict(), G_path)
                torch.save(self.D.state_dict(), D_path)
                G1_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, '{}-G1.ckpt'.format(i+1))
                D1_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, '{}-D1.ckpt'.format(i+1))
                torch.save(self.netG1.state_dict(), G1_path)
                torch.save(self.netD1.state_dict(), D1_path)
                print('Saved model checkpoints into {}...'.format(self.model_save_dir))

            # Decay learning rates. 降低学习率
            if (i+1) % self.lr_update_step == 0 and (i+1) > (self.num_iters - self.num_iters_decay):
                g_lr -= (self.g_lr / float(self.num_iters_decay))
                d_lr -= (self.d_lr / float(self.num_iters_decay))
                self.update_lr(g_lr, d_lr)
                print ('Decayed learning rates, g_lr: {}, d_lr: {}.'.format(g_lr, d_lr))


posted @ 2018-11-26 09:53  白菜hxj  阅读(356)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报