
*号表示字典查不出, 有点非正式. 仅限于口语


get roped to do / into : 总被拉去做什么

  How did we get roped into this chaperone thing?


PTA:  abbr.

  Parent-Teacher Asociation 家庭教师协会


hound: vt, 追赶;(不停地)烦扰

  keeps hounding us to volunteer for things.

  The reporters wouldn't stop hounding her.记者们不停地烦扰她。


run out of:

  we finally ran out of execues.


much as: 虽然,尽管; dingbat: 笨蛋, 傻瓜

  much as I'd love to meet this dingbat


kewpie: 丘比特娃娃; scorpion: n.蝎子;  pop up: 突然出现


have a fling: 有短暂的私情

  She's been having a fling with her boss. 


*have a hang with: 和某人出去玩玩

  might be nice to have a hang with my boy jay


have a blast: 尽情狂欢

  we will have a blast


lag time 延迟时间,滞后时间  hit the road: 上路, 出发, 滚吧

  a five-minute lag time before you hit the road.


in the air: 半空中, 有点悬而未决, 仍然蠢蠢欲动.

  dancing is still so much in the air.


push: 推动, 推销

  push the cheese


setlist 歌单


end up with <非正>以…结束

  That's what you'll end up withyou mark my words.


practically: 几乎;实际上;事实上

  He'd known the old man practically all his lif


prank: 恶整

  Called "Fool's Day jokeprank you will be forgiven


all worked out 已经计划好的

  the football team has something all worked out


poncho: n 斗篷 finery:华丽、优雅的服装或装饰


big top: 大帐篷,马戏篷


keep our eyes peeled (for)

  You will be able to pick up on future trends if you keep your eyes peeled for unique ideas.


make it through: 熬过, 度过

   know that we can make it through.


have something ready to go: 你已经准备好某样东西, 你已经想说什么东西很久了

  you have that one ready to go.


confiscate: vt 充公, 没收

  They confiscated weaponsammunition and propaganda material.


count on 拜托

  Can I count on you two?


uptight : <口>紧张的;愤怒的;经济状况不佳的;<美>极端保守的

  Penny never got uptight about exams 


fix them up: 撮合

  should have never insisted we fix them up


get off our backs : 少管我们的事情

  Then went to the capital for only one reason-to try to get the government off our backs


pecs: 胸肌; pores: 大毛孔, pants: 短裤, twerking:电臀舞


gratuitous: 免费的,无偿的;无必要的;无故的,无理由的

  There's too much crime and gratuitous violence on TV.


mudslide : 泥石流

torrential: adj 猛烈的

a stream of mud:一条泥石流

Rescuers are racing against the clock: 拯救工作正在和时间赛跑。

lots of deforestation:更多的砍伐森林。

dense populations:人口密集

put residents at risk:让居民受到危险。

 vending machines:自动售卖机

We're touring the country now to show the impacts this has on Japan's economy and its way of life.:加粗字体,是我读起来比较没有想到的

line side streets:排列在街道

You could almost go an entire day fueled on stuff from them:应该是一整天都可以i靠售卖机来进行补充事物。

premium banana:优质香蕉

Low sugar banana.:低塘香蕉

ordinary cup of noodle:普通的杯面

oden:关东煮  a savory stew.

beef tendon:牛筋

work around the clock:日以继夜的工作

 cash register:收银机


manufacturers association: 设备制造协会

collection components :装钱的部分

all the while:一直,始终



With a price point of between $1,500 and $1,900:在多少价格的点上

smoke-filled room:充满烟雾

Conventional thermal imaging system:传统的热成像系统

in-mask display:面罩内的显示


posted @ 2017-04-16 16:43  WenYao.Huang  阅读(448)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报