Load$$ execution region symbols

6.3.3 Load$$ execution region symbols

The linker generates Load$$ symbols for every execution region present in the image.


Load$$region_name symbols apply only to execution regions. Load$$LR$$load_region_name symbols apply only to load regions.
The following table shows the symbols that the linker generates for every Load$$ execution region present in the image. All the symbols refer to load addresses after the C library is initialized.

Table 6-2 Load$$ execution region symbols

Load$$region_name$$Base Load address of the region.
Load$$region_name$$Length Region length in bytes.
Load$$region_name$$Limit Address of the byte beyond the end of the execution region.
Load$$region_name$$RO$$Base Address of the RO output section in this execution region.
Load$$region_name$$RO$$Length Length of the RO output section in bytes.
Load$$region_name$$RO$$Limit Address of the byte beyond the end of the RO output section in the execution region.
Load$$region_name$$RW$$Base Address of the RW output section in this execution region.
Load$$region_name$$RW$$Length Length of the RW output section in bytes.
Load$$region_name$$RW$$Limit Address of the byte beyond the end of the RW output section in the execution region.
Load$$region_name$$XO$$Base Address of the XO output section in this execution region.
Load$$region_name$$XO$$Length Length of the XO output section in bytes.
Load$$region_name$$XO$$Limit Address of the byte beyond the end of the XO output section in the execution region.
Load$$region_name$$ZI$$Base Load address of the ZI output section in this execution region.
Load length of the ZI output section in bytes.
The Load Length of ZI is zero unless region_name has the ZEROPADscatter-loading keyword set. If ZEROPAD is set then:
Load Length = Image$$region_name$$ZI$$Length
Load$$region_name$$ZI$$Limit Load address of the byte beyond the end of the ZI output section in the execution region.
All symbols in this table refer to load addresses before the C library is initialized. Be aware of the following:
  • The symbols are absolute because section-relative symbols can only have execution addresses.
  • The symbols take into account RW compression.
  • References to linker-defined symbols from RW compressed execution regions must be to symbols that are resolvable before RW compression is applied.
  • If the linker detects a relocation from an RW-compressed region to a linker-defined symbol that depends on RW compression, then the linker disables compression for that region.
  • Any zero-initialized data that is written to the file is taken into account by the Limit and Length values. Zero-initialized data is written into the file when the ZEROPAD scatter-loading keyword is used


    原文: http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/armlink/armlink_pge1362065953229.htm

posted on 2016-03-04 17:19  creepz  阅读(481)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
