Android - SQLite

一 、数据库的创建

一个是 用create table语句创建出来的那张(些)表 ,里边存着我们需要的数据(先不管它到底是怎样存储数据的),另一个就是 封装了对这张(些)表进行添加(Create)、查询(Retrieve)、更新(Update)和删除(Delete)(这些操作简称为CRUD)等操作的方法的SQLiteDatabase类 因为创建表的语句也是由SQLiteDatabase类的实例来执行的,所以我们先来关注SQLiteDatabase类及其实例的创建.
 * Exposes methods to manage a SQLite database.
 * SQLiteDatabase has methods to create, delete, execute SQL commands, and
 * perform other common database management tasks.
 * See the Notepad sample application in the SDK for an example of creating
 * and managing a database.
 * Database names must be unique within an application, not across all applications.
//提供管理一个SQLite database的方法,包括创建、删除、执行SQL语句和其他的任务
public final class SQLiteDatabase extends SQLiteClosable { }
private SQLiteDatabase(String path, int openFlags, CursorFactory cursorFactory,
        DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler) {
    mCursorFactory = cursorFactory;
    mErrorHandler = errorHandler != null ? errorHandler : new DefaultDatabaseErrorHandler();
    mConfigurationLocked = new SQLiteDatabaseConfiguration(path, openFlags);
public static SQLiteDatabase openDatabase(String path, ... ...)
 * Open the database according to the flags {@link #OPEN_READWRITE}
public static SQLiteDatabase openDatabase(String path, CursorFactory factory, int flags,
        DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler) {
    SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(path, flags, factory, errorHandler);;
    return db;
在该方法中通过new SQLiteDatabase获得一个SQLiteDatabase对象并返回,并且在SQLiteDatabase.java中我们可以看到,
public static SQLiteDatabase openOrCreateDatabase(String path, CursorFactory factory)
public static SQLiteDatabase openOrCreateDatabase(String path, CursorFactory factory,DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler)
public static SQLiteDatabase create(CursorFactory factory)
public static SQLiteDatabase openDatabase(String path, CursorFactory factory, int flags)
public static SQLiteDatabase openDatabase(String path, CursorFactory factory, int flags,DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler)方法来创建SQLiteDatabase实例.

public class MySQLiteHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper{
	... ...
	public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
	db.execSQL("create table... ...}

	public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
		... ...	
... ...
public class myActivity extends Activity {
	... ...
	myHelper = new MySQLiteHelper(this, "my.db", null, 1);
	SQLiteDatabase db = myHelper.getWritableDatabase();
	db.execSQL("insert ... ...
于是问题就来了,既然我们最终会通过调用openDatabase()方法来获得一个SQLiteDatabase 实例,那么,

public SQLiteDatabase getWritableDatabase() {
    synchronized (this) {
        return getDatabaseLocked(true);

public SQLiteDatabase getReadableDatabase() {
    synchronized (this) {
        return getDatabaseLocked(false);
private SQLiteDatabase getDatabaseLocked(boolean writable) {
	//mDatabase是SQLiteOpenHelper的成员变量private SQLiteDatabase mDatabase
    if (mDatabase != null) {
    	//在mDatabase != null的情况下,先判断mDatabase是否为open状态
        if (!mDatabase.isOpen()) {
            // Darn!  The user closed the database by calling mDatabase.close().
        	//如果处于关闭状态,将mDatabase 置为null
            mDatabase = null;
        } else if (!writable || !mDatabase.isReadOnly()) {
            // The database is already open for business.
            return mDatabase;

    //在mDatabase != null但是mDatabase处于关闭状态 和 mDatabase == null这两种情况下,
    if (mIsInitializing) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("getDatabase called recursively");
  	//先将mDatabase赋给一个临时定义的SQLiteDatabase db
    SQLiteDatabase db = mDatabase;
    try {
    	//更改db的初始化操作对应的标示mIsInitializing 的值为true
        mIsInitializing = true;
        if (db != null) {
        	//如果db != null并且db处于关闭状态,那么
            if (writable && db.isReadOnly()) {
        } else if (mName == null) {
        	//mName 是SQLiteOpenHelper的成员变量 private final String mName;
    		//在我们执行myHelper = new MySQLiteHelper()时,在SQLiteOpenHelper的
    		//构造函数中完成赋值,如果db == null并且mName == null 则
        	//Create a memory backed SQLite database
            db = SQLiteDatabase.create(null);
        } else {
        	//如果db == null但是mName != null 则执行下边的逻辑:
            try {
                if (DEBUG_STRICT_READONLY && !writable) {
        			//并最终执行SQLiteDatabase 中的openDatabase()方法
                    final String path = mContext.getDatabasePath(mName).getPath();
                    db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(path, mFactory,
                            SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY, mErrorHandler);
                } else {
        			//并最终执行SQLiteDatabase 中的openDatabase()方法
                    db = mContext.openOrCreateDatabase(mName, mEnableWriteAheadLogging ?
                            Context.MODE_ENABLE_WRITE_AHEAD_LOGGING : 0,
                            mFactory, mErrorHandler);
            } catch (SQLiteException ex) {
                if (writable) {
                    throw ex;
                Log.e(TAG, "Couldn't open " + mName
                        + " for writing (will try read-only):", ex);
                final String path = mContext.getDatabasePath(mName).getPath();
                db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(path, mFactory,
                        SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY, mErrorHandler);
        final int version = db.getVersion();
        if (version != mNewVersion) {
        	//如果version != mNewVersion,则执行这里的逻辑
    		//mNewVersion是SQLiteOpenHelper的成员变量private final int mNewVersion;在我们
    		//执行myHelper = new MySQLiteHelper()时,在SQLiteOpenHelper的构造函数中完成赋值
            if (db.isReadOnly()) {
                throw new SQLiteException("Can't upgrade read-only database from version " +
                        db.getVersion() + " to " + mNewVersion + ": " + mName);

            try {
                if (version == 0) {
        			//如果version == 0的话就执行onCreate(db)方法:
                    //于是我们自定义的MySQLiteHelper 类中复写的onCreate()方法就被调用了,
                } else {
                	//如果version != 0,则执行下边的逻辑:
                    if (version > mNewVersion) {
                    	//如果version > mNewVersion(其值为new MySQLiteHelper()时传入),则:
                        onDowngrade(db, version, mNewVersion);
                    } else {
                    	//如果version < mNewVersion(其值为new MySQLiteHelper()时传入),则:
                        onUpgrade(db, version, mNewVersion);
            } finally {

        if (db.isReadOnly()) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Opened " + mName + " in read-only mode");
        //然后将db赋值给SQLiteOpenHelper的成员变量private SQLiteDatabase mDatabase
	    //以便下次调用getDatabaseLocked()方法时,通过判断mDatabase 是否为null以及是否isOpen等
        mDatabase = db;
        return db;
    } finally {
    	//最后将mIsInitializing 的值设为false,表示SQLiteDatabase实例的初始化已经完成
        mIsInitializing = false;
        if (db != null && db != mDatabase) {
上边第 91 行代码onCreate()方法的定义及注释:
 * Called when the database is created for the first time. This is where the
 * creation of tables and the initial population of the tables should happen.
 * @param db The database.
public abstract void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db);



 * Create and/or open a database that will be used for reading and writing.
 * The first time this is called, the database will be opened and
 * {@link #onCreate}, {@link #onUpgrade} and/or {@link #onOpen} will be
 * called.
 * <p>Once opened successfully, the database is cached, so you can
 * call this method every time you need to write to the database.
 * (Make sure to call {@link #close} when you no longer need the database.)
 * Errors such as bad permissions or a full disk may cause this method
 * to fail, but future attempts may succeed if the problem is fixed.</p>
 * <p class="caution">Database upgrade may take a long time, you
 * should not call this method from the application main thread, including
 * from {@link android.content.ContentProvider#onCreate ContentProvider.onCreate()}.
 * @throws SQLiteException if the database cannot be opened for writing
 * @return a read/write database object valid until {@link #close} is called
//创建或打开一个可读写的database,第一次调用这个方法,database 将被打开和创建
public SQLiteDatabase getWritableDatabase() {
    synchronized (this) {
        return getDatabaseLocked(true);
 * Create and/or open a database.  This will be the same object returned by
 * {@link #getWritableDatabase} unless some problem, such as a full disk,
 * requires the database to be opened read-only.  In that case, a read-only
 * database object will be returned.  If the problem is fixed, a future call
 * to {@link #getWritableDatabase} may succeed, in which case the read-only
 * database object will be closed and the read/write object will be returned
 * in the future.
 * <p class="caution">Like {@link #getWritableDatabase}, this method may
 * take a long time to return, so you should not call it from the
 * application main thread, including from
 * {@link android.content.ContentProvider#onCreate ContentProvider.onCreate()}.
 * @throws SQLiteException if the database cannot be opened
 * @return a database object valid until {@link #getWritableDatabase}
 *     or {@link #close} is called.
public SQLiteDatabase getReadableDatabase() {
    synchronized (this) {
        return getDatabaseLocked(false);


 * A helper class to manage database creation and version management.
 * <p>You create a subclass implementing {@link #onCreate}, {@link #onUpgrade} and
 * optionally {@link #onOpen}, and this class takes care of opening the database
 * if it exists, creating it if it does not, and upgrading it as necessary.
 * Transactions are used to make sure the database is always in a sensible state.
//方法此类负责打开一个数据库(如果存在)或者创建一个数据库(如果不存在),并在需要时进行更新... ...
public abstract class SQLiteOpenHelper { }
到此为止,SQLiteOpenHelper类的注释中的 "A helper class to manage database creation and version management."这句话也就好理解了

 * Create a helper object to create, open, and/or manage a database.
 * This method always returns very quickly.  The database is not actually
 * created or opened until one of {@link #getWritableDatabase} or
 * {@link #getReadableDatabase} is called.
 * @param context to use to open or create the database
 * @param name of the database file, or null for an in-memory database
 * @param factory to use for creating cursor objects, or null for the default
 * @param version number of the database (starting at 1); if the database is older,
 *     {@link #onUpgrade} will be used to upgrade the database; if the database is
 *     newer, {@link #onDowngrade} will be used to downgrade the database
//context  上下文
//name     数据库的名称,或者为null for an in-memory database
//factory  一个用于创建游标的工厂,默认是null
//version  数据库版本号,从1开始,这将是调用onUpgrade更新或是调用onDowngrade降级数据库的根据
public SQLiteOpenHelper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory, int version) {
    this(context, name, factory, version, null);
 * @param errorHandler the {@link DatabaseErrorHandler} to be used when sqlite reports database
 * corruption, or null to use the default error handler.
//和上边的构造函数不同的是多了一个DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler,当sqlite报告了错误,
public SQLiteOpenHelper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory, int version,
        DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler) {
    if (version < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Version must be >= 1, was " + version);

    mContext = context;
    mName = name;
    mFactory = factory;
    mNewVersion = version;
    mErrorHandler = errorHandler;

以上我们对 SQLiteOpenHelper在 SQLiteDatabase的实例创建上的优化 和 对数据库表的升级和降级功能的封装 两方面做了详细的分析,下边我们来看SQLiteDatabase类定义的方法的使用,即数据库的操作.



 * This class is used to store a set of values that the {@link ContentResolver}
 * can process.
public final class ContentValues implements Parcelable { }
查看ContentValues.java文件,可以发现,该类就一个主要的成员变量:private HashMap<String, Object> mValues;在ContentValues的各个构造函数中,主要的操作就是根据不同的需求对mValues进行初始化,并且在该类中定义了诸如put(String key, String value)和getAsString(String key)等方法:
put类方法,以put(String key, String value)为例:
 * Adds a value to the set.
 * @param key the name of the value to put
 * @param value the data for the value to put
public void put(String key, String value) {
    mValues.put(key, value);
get类方法,以getAsString(String key)为例:
 * Gets a value and converts it to a String.
 * @param key the value to get
 * @return the String for the value
public String getAsString(String key) {
    Object value = mValues.get(key);
    return value != null ? value.toString() : null;
另外,还有public int size()、public boolean containsKey(String key)、public void clear()、public Set<String> keySet()等,可以认为ContentValues类就是对HashMap的一个封装。


未完待续 ... ...

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