

            var teacher = new EvolutionaryLearning(
                network,    //神经网络
                100,        //初始种群的数量
                fitnessFunction    //适应度函数

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                var error=teacher.RunEpoch( );
                var fitness = 1 / error;
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public EvolutionaryLearning( ActivationNetwork activationNetwork, int populationSize,IFitnessFunction fitnessFunction)
            // Check of assumptions during debugging only
            Debug.Assert( activationNetwork != null );
            Debug.Assert( populationSize > 0 );

            // networks's parameters
            this.network = activationNetwork;
            this.numberOfNetworksWeights = CalculateNetworkSize( activationNetwork );

            // population parameters
            this.populationSize = populationSize;
            this.chromosomeGenerator = new UniformGenerator( new Range( -1, 1 ) );
            this.mutationMultiplierGenerator = new ExponentialGenerator( 1 );
            this.mutationAdditionGenerator = new UniformGenerator( new Range( -0.5f, 0.5f ) );
            //this.selectionMethod = new EliteSelection( );
            this.selectionMethod=new RouletteWheelSelection();
            this.crossOverRate = 0.75;
            this.mutationRate = 0.25;
            this.randomSelectionRate = 0.2;
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public double RunEpoch( double[][] input, double[][] output )
            //Debug.Assert( input.Length > 0 );
            //Debug.Assert( output.Length > 0 );
            //Debug.Assert( input.Length == output.Length );
            //Debug.Assert( network.InputsCount == input.Length );

            // check if it is a first run and create population if so
            if ( population == null )
                // sample chromosome
                DoubleArrayChromosome chromosomeExample = new DoubleArrayChromosome(
                    chromosomeGenerator, mutationMultiplierGenerator, mutationAdditionGenerator,
                    numberOfNetworksWeights );

                // create population ...
                population = new Population( populationSize, chromosomeExample,
                    this.fitnessFunction, selectionMethod );
                // ... and configure it
                population.CrossoverRate = crossOverRate;
                population.MutationRate = mutationRate;
                population.RandomSelectionPortion = randomSelectionRate;

            // run genetic epoch
            population.RunEpoch( );

            // get best chromosome of the population
            DoubleArrayChromosome chromosome = (DoubleArrayChromosome) population.BestChromosome;
            double[] chromosomeGenes = chromosome.Value;

            // put best chromosome's value into neural network's weights
            int v = 0;

            for ( int i = 0; i < network.Layers.Length; i++ )
                Layer layer = network.Layers[i];

                for ( int j = 0; j < layer.Neurons.Length; j++ )
                    ActivationNeuron neuron = layer.Neurons[j] as ActivationNeuron;

                    for ( int k = 0; k < neuron.Weights.Length; k++ )
                        neuron.Weights[k] = chromosomeGenes[v++];
                    neuron.Threshold = chromosomeGenes[v++];

            Debug.Assert( v == numberOfNetworksWeights );

            return 1.0 / chromosome.Fitness;
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        public DoubleArrayChromosome(
            IRandomNumberGenerator chromosomeGenerator,
            IRandomNumberGenerator mutationMultiplierGenerator,
            IRandomNumberGenerator mutationAdditionGenerator,
            int length )

            // save parameters
            this.chromosomeGenerator = chromosomeGenerator;
            this.mutationMultiplierGenerator = mutationMultiplierGenerator;
            this.mutationAdditionGenerator = mutationAdditionGenerator;
            this.length = Math.Max( 2, Math.Min( MaxLength, length ) ); ;

            // allocate array
            val = new double[length];

            // generate random chromosome
            Generate( );
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        public Population( int size,
                           IChromosome ancestor,
                           IFitnessFunction fitnessFunction,
                           ISelectionMethod selectionMethod )
            if ( size < 2 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "Too small population's size was specified." );

            this.fitnessFunction = fitnessFunction;
            this.selectionMethod = selectionMethod;
            this.size = size;

            // add ancestor to the population
            ancestor.Evaluate( fitnessFunction );
            population.Add( ancestor.Clone( ) );
            // add more chromosomes to the population
            for ( int i = 1; i < size; i++ )
                // create new chromosome
                IChromosome c = ancestor.CreateNew( );
                // calculate it's fitness
                c.Evaluate( fitnessFunction );
                // add it to population
                population.Add( c );
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        public void RunEpoch( )
            Crossover( );
            Mutate( );
            Selection( );

            if ( autoShuffling )
                Shuffle( );
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posted @ 2021-03-16 20:42  顺其自然,道法自然  阅读(267)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报