R&M the meaning of the life -- Right here, right now
because the knowledge that nothing matters,while accurate,gets you nowhere.
The planet is dying,the sun is exploding,the universe is cooling,nothing's goona matter
The further back you pull,the more that turth will endure.
你越能抽身 就有更多的事实你将要承受
But when you zoom in on Earth,when you zoom into a family,When you zoom into a human brain and a childhood and an experience,you see all these things that matter
We have this fleeting chance to participate in an illusion,called I love my girlfriend,I love my dog,how is that not better.
Konwing the truth which is that nothing matters can actually save you in those moments
Once you get through that terrifying factual and accepting that,then every place is the center of the universe,and every moment is the most important moment and everything is the meaning of life