03-1 docker镜像管理之镜像的搜索、查看、获取

03-1 docker镜像管理之镜像的搜索、查看、获取

  1. 搜索镜像:

    docker search [镜像名称]

    #作用:搜索Docker Hub(镜像仓库)上的镜像
    	docker search [镜像名称]
    qwe@ubuntu:~$ docker search hyperledger
    NAME                                       DESCRIPTION                                     STARS               OFFICIAL            AUTOMATED
    hyperledger/fabric-peer                    Fabric Peer docker image for Hyperledger Pro…   171                                     
    hyperledger/fabric-ca                      Fabric CA                                       54                                      
    hyperledger/fabric-baseimage                                                               52                                      
    hyperledger/fabric-orderer                                                                 49                                      
    hyperledger/fabric-couchdb                 Fabric Couchdb docker image for Hyperledger …   38                                      
    hyperledger/fabric-tools                                                                   33                                      
    hyperledger/fabric-membersrvc              Fabric Member Service docker image for Hyper…   31                                      
    hyperledger/fabric-ccenv                   Fabric chaincode environment                    25                                      
    hyperledger/fabric-kafka                   Fabric Kafka docker image for Hyperledger Pr…   20                                      
    hyperledger/fabric-baseos                  Fabric base OS                                  19                                      
    hyperledger/fabric-zookeeper               Fabric Zookeeper docker image for Hyperledge…   15                                      
    yeasy/hyperledger                          Docker image for hyperledger                    13                                      [OK]
    yeasy/hyperledger-fabric                   Docker image for Hyperledger Fabric.            12                                      [OK]
    hyperledger/sawtooth-validator             An image with the Sawtooth Lake Validator an…   10                                      
    hyperledger/explorer                       Hyperledger Explorer is a blockchain module …   8                                       
    hyperledger/iroha                          Hyperledger Iroha is an efficient and easy-t…   8                                       
    yeasy/hyperledger-fabric-peer              Docker image for Hyperledger Fabric Peer        7                                       [OK]
    yeasy/hyperledger-fabric-base              Docker image for hyperledger fabric base.       6                                       [OK]
    hyperledger/sawtooth-settings-tp           Sawtooth Settings Transaction Processor         4                                       
    hyperledger/sawtooth-rest-api              Sawtooth REST API                               3                                       
    hyperledger/besu                           Hyperledger Besu                                3                                       
    yeasy/hyperledger-fabric-orderer           Docker image for Hyperledger Fabric Orderer     3                                       [OK]
    hyperledger/burrow                         Hyperledger Burrow                              3                                       
    yeasy/hyperledger-fabric-ca                Docker image for Hyperledger fabric-ca.         2                                       [OK]
    hyperledger/sawtooth-devmode-engine-rust   Sawtooth dev mode: Simple consensus engine f…   0                                       


  2. 获取镜像

    docker pull [镜像名称]

    #作用:下载远程仓库(如Docker Hub)中的镜像
    docker pull [镜像名称]
    qwe@ubuntu:~$ docker search caliper
    NAME                           DESCRIPTION                                     STARS               OFFICIAL            AUTOMATED
    hyperledger/caliper            Caliper image for benchmarking blockchain pl…   1                                       
    akoita/caliper                                                                 0                                       
    danielporto/caliper                                                            0                                       
    pfgray/caliper                                                                 0                                       [OK]
    blubber/caliper-docs           Caliper documentation                           0                                       [OK]
    klenik/caliper-fabric-1.4.4                                                    0                                       
    mickem/caliper                 A docker file for caliper                       0                                       
    pfgray/caliper-with-db         A caliper server with a built in couch datab…   0                                       [OK]
    glbranimir/caliper-fabric      Hyperledger Caliper optimized for testing Fa…   0                                       
    klenik/caliper-fabric-1.4.7                                                    0                                       
    beelanl/caliper_demo           Caliper compiler for BEE interface testing/d…   0                                       
    robertdiebels/caliper                                                          0                                       
    odowdaibm/caliper                                                              0                                       
    klenik/caliper-fabric-2.1.0                                                    0                                       
    levanthanh3005/caliper                                                         0                                       
    advanca/caliper                                                                0                                       
    marcomazzoni/caliper-quorum    This is a Caliper image (https://github.com/…   0                                       
    dockzhangxj/caliper                                                            0                                       
    jorgego/caliper-manager-1017   caliper 3.0.2 image using node v10.17           0                                       
    mrihn/caliper                                                                  0                                       
    russanto/bc-orch-caliper       Hyperledger Caliper image containing a devel…   0                                       
    mickem/caliper-docker          Docker image for running my version of Calip…   0                                       [OK]
    # 开始拉取
    qwe@ubuntu:~$ docker pull hyperledger/caliper:0.4.0
    0.4.0: Pulling from hyperledger/caliper
    e7c96db7181b: Pull complete 
    50958466d97a: Downloading [========>                                          ]  3.668MB/21.85MB
    56174ae7ed1d: Download complete 
    284842a36c0d: Pulling fs layer 
    8fe16129c41a: Waiting 
    6d9fe8e0cc47: Waiting                5050958466d97a: Downloading  6.646MB/21.85MB            50958466d97a: Pull complete 
    56174ae7ed1d: Pull complete 
    284842a36c0d: Pull complete 
    8fe16129c41a: Pull complete 
    6d9fe8e0cc47: Pull complete 
    e8065a6f29b6: Pull complete 
    Digest: sha256:7e353e250455385891c07c67de62077d9056b75fae2023602cc39eab00907eb5
    Status: Downloaded newer image for hyperledger/caliper:0.4.0

    注:获取的镜像在/var/lib/docker 目录下,若想查看,由于权限的原因我们需要切换root用户

    :~$ vim /var/lib/docker/image/overlay2/repositories.json
  3. 查看镜像

    docker images [镜像名称]
    docker image ls [镜像名称]

    # docker images为docker image ls的简写,可以跟镜像名称,比如可以搜出Ubuntu的不同版本,命令格式如下
    docker images [镜像名称] 
    docker image ls [镜像名称]
    qwe@ubuntu:~$ docker image ls
    REPOSITORY            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    ubuntu                latest              d70eaf7277ea        10 days ago         72.9MB
    hyperledger/caliper   0.4.0               6491b4ec891d        4 weeks ago         356MB
    hello-world           latest              bf756fb1ae65        10 months ago       13.3kB
    # dockers images和docker image ls效果相同
    qwe@ubuntu:~$ docker images
    REPOSITORY            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    ubuntu                latest              d70eaf7277ea        10 days ago         72.9MB
    hyperledger/caliper   0.4.0               6491b4ec891d        4 weeks ago         356MB
    hello-world           latest              bf756fb1ae65        10 months ago       13.3kB
    #docker images -a 列出所有的本地的images(包括已删除的镜像记录)
    qwe@ubuntu:~$ docker image ls -a
    REPOSITORY            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    ubuntu                latest              d70eaf7277ea        10 days ago         72.9MB
    hyperledger/caliper   0.4.0               6491b4ec891d        4 weeks ago         356MB
    hello-world           latest              bf756fb1ae65        10 months ago       13.3kB


    1. REPOSITORY:镜像的名称
    2. TAG:镜像的版本标签,用来区分不同发行版本,如果不指定具体标记,默认使用latest标记信息
    3. IMAGE ID:镜像的ID,唯一标识了镜像,如果ID相同,说明是同一镜像。
    4. CREATED:镜像是什么时候创建的
    5. SIZE:大小
posted @ 2020-11-03 13:38  TR_Goldfish  阅读(900)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报