freeswitch 会议创建命令
conference <conf name> list [delim <string>]|[count]
conference <conf name> xml_list
bgapi originate user/1003 &conference(test@default)
呼叫分机1003,分机应答后加入会议test.会议名字字母数字都可以。FreeSWITCH会自动创建会议。 -
conference <confname> bgdial <dial-string> [<callerid_number> [<callerid_name>]]
。 例子:conference 8000@default bgdial user/1003 8000 conference
- mute (静音)Enter conference muted
- deaf (不听会议声音)Enter conference deafed (can not hear conference); will also mute the mic
- mute-detect (成员静音时说话播放提示)Play the mute_detect_sound when talking detected by this conferee while *muted
- dist-dtmf Send any DTMF from this member to all participants
- moderator (主席)Flag member as a moderator
- nomoh (只有一个成员时不播放背景音乐)Disable music on hold when this member is the only member in the conference
- endconf Ends conference when all members with this flag leave the conference after profile param endconf-grace-time has expired
- mintwo End conference when it drops below 2 participants after a member enters with this flag
- ghost Do not count member in conference tally
- join-only (只允许加入已经存在的会议)Only allow joining a conference that already exists
- positional Process this member for positional audio on stereo outputs 1.4
- no-positional Do not process this member for positional audio on stereo outputs 1.4
- join-vid-floor Locks member as the video floor holder 1.6
- no-minimize-encoding Bypass the video transcode minimizer and encode the video individually for this member 1.6
- vmute Enter conference video muted 1.6
- second-screen Open a 'view only' connection to the conference, without impacting the conference count or data. 1.6
kick 和 hup 区别,hup不播放提示音。
conference <confname> kick <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator conference <confname> hup <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator
- 呼出的通话加入会议,默认不需要密码。如果要禁用这个特性,需要设置通道变量
为true。 - 会议密码(pin),可以在配置文件中设置,也可以在APP参数中指定密码,也可以通过API来设置密码,APP参数中指定的密码具有最高优先级。
<action application="conference" data="confname@profilename+pin">
conference <confname> pin <pin-number>
conference <confname> pin mod <pin-number>
conference <confname> nopin
<profile name="default">
<param name="pin" value="12345"/>
<param name="moderator-pin" value="54321"/>
对应recording start
对应recording stop
对应recording check
对应recording pause
对应recording resume
conference <confname> record <file-path>
conference <confname> norecord <file-path>|all
conference <confname> resume <file-path>
conference <confname> chkrecord
conference <confname> pause <file-path>
conference <confname> recording start <file-path>
conference <confname> recording check
conference <confname> recording stop <file-path>|all
conference <confname> recording pause <file-path>
conference <confname> recording resume <file-path>
<param name="auto-record" value="$${recordings_dir}/${conference_name}_${strftime(%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)}.wav"/>
例子 conference 8000 play test.wav
conference <confname> play [{vol=<volume>,full-screen=true,png_ms=100}]<file-path> [async|<member_id> [nomux]]
conference <confname> play_status [<member_id>]
conference <confname> pause_play [<member_id>]
conference <confname> stop [current|all|async|last]> [<member_id>]
conference <confname> file_seek [+|-]<val>
conference <confname> file-vol <val> [async]
conference <confname> enter_sound on|off|none|file <filename>
conference <confname> exit_sound on|off|none|file <filename>
<!-- <param name="sound-prefix" value="$${sounds_dir}/en/us/callie"/> -->
<param name="muted-sound" value="conference/conf-muted.wav"/>
<param name="unmuted-sound" value="conference/conf-unmuted.wav"/>
<param name="alone-sound" value="conference/conf-alone.wav"/>
<param name="moh-sound" value="$${hold_music}"/>
<param name="enter-sound" value="tone_stream://%(200,0,500,600,700)"/>
<param name="exit-sound" value="tone_stream://%(500,0,300,200,100,50,25)"/>
<param name="kicked-sound" value="conference/conf-kicked.wav"/>
<param name="locked-sound" value="conference/conf-locked.wav"/>
<param name="is-locked-sound" value="conference/conf-is-locked.wav"/>
<param name="is-unlocked-sound" value="conference/conf-is-unlocked.wav"/>
<param name="pin-sound" value="conference/conf-pin.wav"/>
<param name="bad-pin-sound" value="conference/conf-bad-pin.wav"/>
conference <confname> lock
conference <confname> unlock
conference <confname> mute <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator [quiet]
conference <confname> tmute <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator [quiet]
conference <confname> unmute <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator [quiet]
conference <confname> deaf <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator
conference <confname> undeaf <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator
<action application="conference" data="bridge:confname[@profile]:none|endpoint[+flags{mute|deaf|...}]">
You can subscribe to the following to receive conference events:
The "suppress-events" parameter can be added to the conference profile to prevent events from firing. e.g. if you're not interested in start or stop talking events:
<profile name="default">
<param name="suppress-events" value="start-talking,stop-talking"/>
The events that can be suppressed are:
add-member, del-member, energy-level, volume-level, gain-level, dtmf, stop-talking, start-talking, mute-member, unmute-member, kick-member, dtmf-member, energy-level-member, volume-in-member, volume-out-member, play-file, play-file-member, speak-text, speak-text-member, lock, unlock, transfer, bgdial-result and floor-change.
- energy-level Conference default energy level changed
- gain-level Conference default gain level changed
- volume-level Conference default volume level changed
- floor-change Conference floor changed
- lock Conference locked, no one else can enter
- record Conference recording started or stopped
- unlock Conference unlocked
- play-file-done Conference–level play file ended
- play-file Conference–level play file started
- mute-detect Detected member speaking (as detected by energy level) while muted
- dtmf-member Key bound to DTMF is hit by member
- dtmf Key bound to transfer, event, or execute_application is hit by member
- add-member Member added to a conference
- mute-member Member became muted
- unmute-member Member became unmuted
- energy-level-member Member energy level changed
- volume-in-member Member gain level changed
- kick-member Member kicked
- del-member
- Member removed from a conference
- start-talking Member started talking (as detected by energy level)
- stop-talking Member stopped talking (as detected by energy level)
- transfer Member transferred to another conference
- volume-out-member Member volume level changed
- play-file-member Member–level play file started
- bgdial-result Result from bgdial API command
配置会议控制按键,profile通过<param name="caller-controls" value="none"/>
Caller controls are used to modify the state of the conference, such as lowering the volume, mute a participant, and such. Below are the commands that can be assigned to digits and executed during a conference. The "moderator-controls" group provides additional controls for participants who enter the conference with the moderator flag set. See below.
Reserved Control Group Names
Name | Description |
none | Use this name to prevent installing caller-controls for callers to a conference. |
default | This group of settings will be assigned if no "caller-controls" is specified. You can also assign it explicitly. This group is defined in vanilla config, thus removing it from the configurations will make no caller controls at all. |
<group name="default">
<control action="mute" digits="0"/>
<control action="deaf mute" digits="*"/>
<control action="energy up" digits="9"/>
<control action="energy equ" digits="8"/>
<control action="energy dn" digits="7"/>
<control action="vol talk up" digits="3"/>
<control action="vol talk zero" digits="2"/>
<control action="vol talk dn" digits="1"/>
<control action="vol listen up" digits="6"/>
<control action="vol listen zero" digits="5"/>
<control action="vol listen dn" digits="4"/>
<control action="hangup" digits="#"/>
Action | Description | Min. Version |
mute | Toggle audio from this member into the conference.麦克静音切换,按一下静音,再按一下取消静音。 | |
mute on | Disable audio from this member into the conference.静音麦克。 | |
mute off | Enable audio from this member into the conference.取消静音麦克。 | |
deaf mute | Block audio from conference to this member as well as mute, in one action. 麦克和喇叭都静音。再按一下取消。 | |
energy up | Increase minimum energy threshold by 1 unit above which sound will be admitted into conference (noise gate).按一下噪音阈值加200,最大1800,声音只有大于这个阈值才会送到会议其他成员。 | |
energy equ | Reset minimum energy threshold to default. 噪音阈值恢复默认值。 | |
energy dn | Decrease minimum energy threshold by 1 unit.按一下噪音阈值减少200,最小0 | |
vol talk up | Increase member talk (mic) volume into conference by 1 unit,按一下把说话声音放大1个等级,最大可以放大4个等级,对应 {1.3, 2.3, 3.3, 4.3} 这些倍数。 | |
vol talk zero | Reset talk volume to default setting. 取消说话声音增溢 | |
vol talk dn | Decrease talk volume by 1 unit.,按一下把说话声音降低1个等级,最大可以降低4个等级,对应 {.80, .60, .40, .20}这些倍数。 | |
vol listen up | Increase member receive (earpiece) volume by 1 unit.同vol talk up一样,只是修改是听到的声音 | |
vol listen zero | Reset member receive volume to default setting | |
vol listen dn | Decrease member receive volume by 1 unit | |
hangup | Leave the conference.离开会议 | |
event | Send the DTMF event via CUSTOM conference::maintenance subclass to the event system (even to event socket).触发esl事件 | |
lock | Toggle the conference lock state (no new members can enter when locked).切换会议锁定状态,锁定时会议不能加入新成员 | |
transfer | Transfer member to a given extension in a dialplan context.例子: <control action="transfer" digits="5" data="100 XML default"/> ,离开会议并转到指定上下文。 |
execute_application | Execute a dialplan application.例子:<control action="execute_application" digits="0" data="playback conf_help.wav"/> ,执行一个APP,APP执行完成后会返回到会议 。 |
floor | Toggle yourself on and off of talking floor, as long as no one else has floor status. floor标记的意思是会议当前的说话人,一个会议只有一个成员拥有floor标记,会议会自动设置。我看代码的逻辑是,按钮的用处是如果一个成员拥有floor标记,执行按键后,会取消floor标记。如果会议中没有成员有floor标记,就给按键的成员设置floor标记, 不会实际测试时并不想预期的这样,系统会自动修改floor标记的。 | |
vid-floor | Video floor. If video floor is currently locked, it will revert to auto; if there is no current holder, you become video floor holder | 1.6 |
vid-floor-force | Video floor. If video floor is currently locked, it will revert to auto, otherwise you become the **locked video floor holder | 1.6 |
vmute | Video mute. Toggle video from this member into the conference | 1.6 |
vmute on | Disable video from this member into the conference | 1.6 |
vmute off | Enable video from this member into the conference | 1.6 |
vmute snap | Take a video snapshot for this user to be used when in vmute | 1.6 |
vmute snapoff | Discard the vmute video snapshot | 1.6 |