Introduce 简介
Explain code 代码解释
Explain a complicated piece of code.
setting 设置
Max tokens
Top p
Frequency penalty
Presence penalty
Stop sequence
设置定义了你要使用的模型,例如 text-davinci-003 是一个文本生成模型。这种模型可以根据输入的文本,生成新的、相关的文本。
1、Max tokens
是指在请求中最多允许返回的 token 数目,比如你可以指定 chatGPT 返回最多 64个 token。这可以帮助你控制输出的内容大小,以便更好地控制响应速度和结果。一般1个token约4个字符或者0.75个单词
是一个参数,用于控制 chatGPT 的输出。它决定了 chatGPT 在生成文本时会多么“随意”。值越高,chatGPT 生成的文本就越不可预测;值越低,chatGPT 生成的文本就越可预测。它在0.0到2.0之间,Temperature设置为0意味着ChatGPT将会生成更加保守的回复,即更少的随机性和更多的准确性,这可以帮助你在聊天中更好地控制语义,并且可以防止ChatGPT产生不相关的内容。通常建议更改此值或Top P
3、Top p
4、Frequency penalty
是指在训练时,模型会根据词频来调整每个单词的重要性。它可以帮助模型更好地理解文本,并减少过拟合。介于-2.0和2.0之间的数字。正值会根据新标记在文本中的现有频率惩罚新标记,从而降低模型逐字重复同一行的可能性。Frequency penalty设置为0意味着模型不会对重复的词进行惩罚。它可以帮助模型生成更多的新词,而不是重复使用已有的词。
5、Presence penalty
是指在ChatGPT中,一些预先定义的条件或者状态可能会影响机器人回答的质量,介于-2.0和2.0之间的数字。正值会根据新标记到目前为止是否出现在文本中来惩罚它们,从而增加模型谈论新主题的可能性。如果将 Presence penalty 设置为 0,则表示不会有任何惩罚。
6、Stop sequence
是一种设置,通过它可以确定你的聊天会话的结束标志。当你在 ChatGPT中设置 Stop sequence为 """ 时,表示你的聊天会话结束标志是注释符(""")。
Prompt 提示
class Log:
def __init__(self, path): dirname = os.path.dirname(path) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) f = open(path, "a+") # Check that the file is newline-terminated size = os.path.getsize(path) if size > 0: f.seek(size - 1) end = f.read(1) if end != "\n": f.write("\n") self.f = f self.path = path def log(self, event): event["_event_id"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) json.dump(event, self.f) self.f.write("\n") def state(self): state = {"complete": set(), "last": None} for line in open(self.path): event = json.loads(line) if event["type"] == "submit" and event["success"]: state["complete"].add(event["id"]) state["last"] = event return state """ Here's what the above class is doing, explained in a concise way: 下面是上面的类正在做的事情,以简洁的方式解释: 1.
Sample response 回复样本
The init method creates a new file at the given path if it doesn't already exist, and ensures that the file is newline-terminated.
2.The log method adds a new event to the log file, with a unique ID.
3.The state method reads the log file and returns a dictionary containing the set of completed tasks and the last successful event.
2. log方法向日志文件中添加一个新事件,该事件具有唯一的ID。
API request 接口请求
import os
import openai
openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
response = openai.Completion.create(
prompt="class Log:\n def __init__(self, path):\n dirname = os.path.dirname(path)\n os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)\n f = open(path, \"a+\")\n\n # Check that the file is newline-terminated\n size = os.path.getsize(path)\n if size > 0:\n f.seek(size - 1)\n end = f.read(1)\n if end != \"\\n\":\n f.write(\"\\n\")\n self.f = f\n self.path = path\n\n def log(self, event):\n event[\"_event_id\"] = str(uuid.uuid4())\n json.dump(event, self.f)\n self.f.write(\"\\n\")\n\n def state(self):\n state = {\"complete\": set(), \"last\": None}\n for line in open(self.path):\n event = json.loads(line)\n if event[\"type\"] == \"submit\" and event[\"success\"]:\n state[\"complete\"].add(event[\"id\"])\n state[\"last\"] = event\n return state\n\n\"\"\"\nHere's what the above class is doing, explained in a concise way:\n1.",
const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai");
const configuration = new Configuration({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration);
const response = await openai.createCompletion({
model: "text-davinci-003",
prompt: "class Log:\n def __init__(self, path):\n dirname = os.path.dirname(path)\n os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)\n f = open(path, \"a+\")\n\n # Check that the file is newline-terminated\n size = os.path.getsize(path)\n if size > 0:\n f.seek(size - 1)\n end = f.read(1)\n if end != \"\\n\":\n f.write(\"\\n\")\n self.f = f\n self.path = path\n\n def log(self, event):\n event[\"_event_id\"] = str(uuid.uuid4())\n json.dump(event, self.f)\n self.f.write(\"\\n\")\n\n def state(self):\n state = {\"complete\": set(), \"last\": None}\n for line in open(self.path):\n event = json.loads(line)\n if event[\"type\"] == \"submit\" and event[\"success\"]:\n state[\"complete\"].add(event[\"id\"])\n state[\"last\"] = event\n return state\n\n\"\"\"\nHere's what the above class is doing, explained in a concise way:\n1.",
temperature: 0,
max_tokens: 150,
top_p: 1.0,
frequency_penalty: 0.0,
presence_penalty: 0.0,
stop: ["\"\"\""],
curl https://api.openai.com/v1/completions \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
-d '{
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"prompt": "class Log:\n def __init__(self, path):\n dirname = os.path.dirname(path)\n os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)\n f = open(path, \"a+\")\n\n # Check that the file is newline-terminated\n size = os.path.getsize(path)\n if size > 0:\n f.seek(size - 1)\n end = f.read(1)\n if end != \"\\n\":\n f.write(\"\\n\")\n self.f = f\n self.path = path\n\n def log(self, event):\n event[\"_event_id\"] = str(uuid.uuid4())\n json.dump(event, self.f)\n self.f.write(\"\\n\")\n\n def state(self):\n state = {\"complete\": set(), \"last\": None}\n for line in open(self.path):\n event = json.loads(line)\n if event[\"type\"] == \"submit\" and event[\"success\"]:\n state[\"complete\"].add(event[\"id\"])\n state[\"last\"] = event\n return state\n\n\"\"\"\nHere's what the above class is doing, explained in a concise way:\n1.",
"temperature": 0,
"max_tokens": 150,
"top_p": 1.0,
"frequency_penalty": 0.0,
"presence_penalty": 0.0,
"stop": ["\"\"\""]
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"prompt": "class Log:\n def __init__(self, path):\n dirname = os.path.dirname(path)\n os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)\n f = open(path, \"a+\")\n\n # Check that the file is newline-terminated\n size = os.path.getsize(path)\n if size > 0:\n f.seek(size - 1)\n end = f.read(1)\n if end != \"\\n\":\n f.write(\"\\n\")\n self.f = f\n self.path = path\n\n def log(self, event):\n event[\"_event_id\"] = str(uuid.uuid4())\n json.dump(event, self.f)\n self.f.write(\"\\n\")\n\n def state(self):\n state = {\"complete\": set(), \"last\": None}\n for line in open(self.path):\n event = json.loads(line)\n if event[\"type\"] == \"submit\" and event[\"success\"]:\n state[\"complete\"].add(event[\"id\"])\n state[\"last\"] = event\n return state\n\n\"\"\"\nHere's what the above class is doing, explained in a concise way:\n1.",
"temperature": 0,
"max_tokens": 150,
"top_p": 1.0,
"frequency_penalty": 0.0,
"presence_penalty": 0.0,
"stop": ["\"\"\""]
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