【Leetcode】【Medium】Search a 2D Matrix
Write an efficient algorithm that searches for a value in an m x n matrix. This matrix has the following properties:
- Integers in each row are sorted from left to right.
- The first integer of each row is greater than the last integer of the previous row.
For example,
Consider the following matrix:
[ [1, 3, 5, 7], [10, 11, 16, 20], [23, 30, 34, 50] ]
Given target = 3
, return true
可以有两种思路:(1)使用两次二分搜索,先二分搜索列,确定列之后再二分搜索行;(2)将所有元素看成一列有序数列,每个元素的下标是 row*n + col,这样只需使用一次二分搜索;
1 class Solution { 2 public: 3 bool searchMatrix(vector<vector<int>>& matrix, int target) { 4 int first = 0; 5 int last = matrix.size() - 1; 6 while (first < last) { 7 int mid = (first + last) / 2 + 1; 8 if (matrix[mid][0] > target) 9 last = mid - 1; 10 else 11 first = mid; 12 } 13 14 if (matrix[first][0] > target) 15 return false; 16 17 int row = first; 18 first = 0; 19 last = matrix[row].size() - 1; 20 while (first < last) { 21 int mid = (first + last) / 2; 22 if (matrix[row][mid] > target) 23 last = mid; 24 else if (matrix[row][mid] == target) 25 return true; 26 else 27 first = mid + 1; 28 } 29 30 return (matrix[row][first] == target); 31 } 32 };