1:使用project-->Add to Project-->Components and Controls, 然后选择要加入的ocx或者dll,系统会自动生成.cpp和.h文件.并自动加入AfxEnableControlContainer(),这样就可以使用了.
2:由于activeX一般都有界面,所以可以在dialog里面插入控件的方式来使用,该方式是最简单的一种。创建一个dialog,然后点击右键选择Insert ActiveX Control,在控件库里面找到刚才注册的控件,这时在Controls(按钮栏)里面会出现一个ocx的按钮,可以直接拖进去使用。这时MFC会自动产生一个类,就是包含该控件的类(CActiveXTest),同时在InitInstance()方法里面添加控件初始化函数AfxEnableControlContainer();这样就可以直接在dialog使用控件的方法了。譬如定义ocx按钮的名字为actx,则直接调用
CAcitveXText* actx = new CAcitveXText;
if(!actx->Create("NN", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, CRect(0,0,0,0), this, IDC_ACITVEXTEXTCTRL, NULL, FALSE, NULL))
TRACE0("Failed to create the FPWT Control\n");
return; // fail to create
if(!actx->Create("NN", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, CRect(0,0,0,0), this, IDC_ACITVEXTEXTCTRL, NULL, FALSE, NULL))
TRACE0("Failed to create the FPWT Control\n");
return; // fail to create
4:利用class wizard添加该控件时,相对比较麻烦一些。这时要在InitInstance()里面添加初始化函数AfxOleInit();
wchar_t progid[] = L"ACITVEXTEXT.AcitveXTextCtrl.1";
CLSID clsid;
CLSIDFromProgID(progid, &clsid);
COleException *e = new COleException;
_DAcitveXText dac; //产生的类名是_DAcitveXText
if(dac.CreateDispatch(clsid), e)
throw e;
但是由于这时是将控件当作normal automation server来使用,必需要重载一下IsInvokeAllowed(),让它直接返回true,否则将不成功,被告之是灾难性失败,错误是编号是:8000ffff。该函数在生成ActiveX的时候重载。(不是在测试程序中)In order to use an OLE control only as an automation server, you need to override COleControl::IsInvokeAllowed()and return TRUE.If any of the control's properties and methods should not be accessed when invoked as a normal automation server, then that automation function could be bypassed and/or an error code can be returned when COleControl::m_bInitialized is FALSE.
CLSID clsid;
CLSIDFromProgID(progid, &clsid);
COleException *e = new COleException;
_DAcitveXText dac; //产生的类名是_DAcitveXText
if(dac.CreateDispatch(clsid), e)
throw e;
但是由于这时是将控件当作normal automation server来使用,必需要重载一下IsInvokeAllowed(),让它直接返回true,否则将不成功,被告之是灾难性失败,错误是编号是:8000ffff。该函数在生成ActiveX的时候重载。(不是在测试程序中)In order to use an OLE control only as an automation server, you need to override COleControl::IsInvokeAllowed()and return TRUE.If any of the control's properties and methods should not be accessed when invoked as a normal automation server, then that automation function could be bypassed and/or an error code can be returned when COleControl::m_bInitialized is FALSE.
BOOL IsInvokeAllowed (DISPID)
// You can check to see if COleControl::m_bInitialized is FALSE
// in your automation functions to limit access.
return TRUE;
// You can check to see if COleControl::m_bInitialized is FALSE
// in your automation functions to limit access.
return TRUE;
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