Error -27778: SSL protocol error when attempting to read with host "×××.*****" 阅读全文
我们知道https通信在开始时会发送一个METHOD为CONNECT的请求,让服务器将证书以及相关的信息返回给浏览器,在没有得到这些信息之前,浏览器是不会信任服务器发来的任何数据的。So现在我们要让Fiddler帮我一起骗过浏览器,让他心甘情愿把数据交出来。 打开Fiddler,在右侧的选项卡中找到 阅读全文
To create alerts for specific sessions, add rules using FiddlerScript. For example: Play a sound when a file is missing. (in OnBeforeResponse) Show HT 阅读全文
To pause specific sessions, add rules using FiddlerScript to the OnBeforeRequest function (except where noted). For example: Pause all HTTP POSTs to a 阅读全文
To customize Fiddler's Web Sessions List, add rules using FiddlerScript to the OnBeforeRequest function (except where noted). For example: Display in 阅读全文
To test application performance, add rules using FiddlerScript to the OnBeforeResponse function (except where noted). For example: Simulate modem uplo 阅读全文
To make custom changes to web requests and responses, use FiddlerScript to add rules to Fiddler's OnBeforeRequest or OnBeforeResponse function. Which 阅读全文
Add Rules to Fiddler to create a new menu item as follows: List the new import at the top of your rules script as follows: Note: This example relies u 阅读全文
The Web Sessions list contains the list of HTTP Requests that are sent by your computer. You can resize and reorder the columns in this list for your 阅读全文
Fiddler's QuickExec box allows you to launch script-commands quickly. Keyboard Shortcuts Hit ALT+Q to quickly set focus to the QuickExec box. If Fiddl 阅读全文