cloud foundry 中 url map/unmap
cloud foundry 中遇到url较多的应用进程,真是令人头疼的一件事,只能抽时间写个自动map和unmap的小脚本。
#!/bin/bash # ********* USEAGE ************* # Time:2017/5/17 # version:V 1.0.0 # auth: songfucai # content:user to map or unmap app's url # note: # 1.only suitable for china zuul # ***************************** ####map-route function function mapRoute() { echo -n "Please type in the name of the application need to map-route....." read mapapp if [[ $mapapp == "exit" ]];then exit 1 fi if read -t 30 -p "Whether to confirm to map-route ${mapapp} ?[y|n]:" yn then if [[ $yn == [Yy] ]];then cf map-route $mapapp domain -n host cf a|grep appname elif [[ $yn == [Nn] ]];then exit 0 elif [[ $yn == "exit" ]];then exit 1 else [[ $yn != [YyNn] ]] unmapRoute; fi else echo " " echo -e "\e[0;33;1mTimeOut ...\e[0m" exit 1 fi } ####unmap-route function function unmapRoute() { echo -n "Please type in the name of the application need to unmap-route....." read unmapapp if [[ $unmapapp == "exit" ]];then exit 1 fi if read -t 30 -p "Whether to confirm to unmap-route ${unmapapp} ?[y|n]:" yn then if [[ $yn == [Yy] ]];then cf unmap-route $unmapapp domain -n host cf a|grep appname elif [[ $yn == [Nn] ]];then exit 0 elif [[ $yn == "exit" ]];then exit 1 else [[ $yn != [YyNn] ]] mapRoute; fi else echo " " echo -e "\e[0;33;1mTimeOut ...\e[0m" exit 1 fi } echo "only suitable for china zone appname....." mapRoute; unmapRoute;